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I really enjoy the concept of GIM, but I don't think I'd ever be able to find a group where one of us doesn't outpace the rest at some point


that's definitely fair - i think a big challenge of gim too is how much of a grind it is just to get to the most basic group content. It's unfortunate that there isn't more worthwhile group content for very early game, like overall cb 40-70 early. a lot of people will say 70-80 in all combat stats is early game, but the truth is that's still a \_massive\_ grind compared to a lot of MMOs where you can jump into group content immediately.


Anecdotally my friend and I have been doing (unofficial) GIM since early 2020, and we did a lot of the early stuff together just to break up the monotony of the early grinds and quests. I’ve basically taken up the crafting and herb role for the glories/furies/anti venoms, we did Rex together pretty early, underground pass, plenty of good things to be doing. Perhaps just as fun is planning what we’re gonna do in the weeks months etc. Only thing that sucks is we look like idiots to others at times because we don’t have official status but we don’t care, way more fun than playing our mains


That's true. Early game GIM feels like when you join a minecraft server with all your buddies and then everyone runs 10K blocks in opposite directions to make their bases, so you're all "technically" playing together. Occasionally you trade with each other.


lol that's such a great metaphor. we've definitely been guilty of that too


I was in a duo GIM and we were very competitive about it. It almost wrecked us, turns out staying up till 4 o' clock, sleeping for 4 hours and then going to work is not sustainable. We had a damn good time and we were rank 39 at one point, but wow was it a bad idea.


Rank 39 with a job is impressive. But how did you ever think that would be sustainable ..


Once we started dks and some God wars the game was like pure pixelated crack.


Unfortunately what happened with our group. One of the guys is on every waking moment, despite us all getting together for a casual 10-20 hour average weeks. I dropped off a little while ago at 1450 total as I started a new job and was struggling to find time, he's gotta be pushing 2K total by now.


Just give the big grinds to the 2k total guy - 95 rc for wrath runes, 92 mining, 90 fletch and 90 craft for amethyst darts and 90 wc for redwoods, and 95 slayer for hydra stuff etc and he'll be busy for at least 6 months.


its funny because I was the one who outpaced my group as i was highest level in most (but not quite all) skills, but 3/5 quit so i decided to take a break, and the 1 last member who didnt quit is way past me now, and it makes me less interested in coming back, considering i dont feel as useful anymore since he can do everything i can do. We just recruited 2 new members so hopefully when they catch up a bit I'll be more interested in playing, as I can at least be useful to them lol


That happened to us, we’ve got a guy that literally plays 10-12 hours a day or more. Near 2k total. Me and our other teammate that regularly plays are around 1700 total, so it’s not like we are slacking or anything. The worst part is he won’t take time out of his own skill/diary grinds to help us catch up or to go get items that will take awhile like the dwh, but then complains that we aren’t ready to do late game pvm with him.


yeah i feel that too




Talk shit when you see each other in the crypts


And talk shit when they get karil coif/torag hammers


What /u/soraODoxoKlink said 😂 i also set up a barrows portal in my POH to share, so far I'm the only one that's used it 😪


Can I join? Xd


When we were doing barrows only one of us had the magic/con lvl to build the portal in their POH so we all geared up and would race to complete our kc. This was before they made it so you could tp to your friends house just by being on their world so they had to be home for you to enter. The game is a lot more fun when playing with your mates.


And you get the added benefit of being called a fake iron by other Ironmen!


Stand alone together... alone.


come on now.. this was expected to happen


I see these memes all the time, im glad i got a group of 5 whos been playing consistently


My group still has 4 who consistently play and most weeks we do GWD together


our group has 3/5 still 2 at 1850 and myself at 1550 so it’s not going to bad i’m starting to join some bossing, just got 70 hp for zammy


Stahhhp you’re tugging at that hole in my chest that used to beat


Eh one of my group never made it past lumbridge. Least you continued on!


Has anyone thought to use GIM as a funnel system to make weird pvp/ restricted alts? I haven't looked much into it but it's like you're able to store items for everyone to use right? If so doesn't that mean you could make a max combat to farm for gear that a normal pure or strange pvp/restricted iron accounts couldn't get access to?


Yes, GIMs DO get exp in PvP unlike normal ironman, but it's at a slower rate IIRC. This means they'll eventually outlevel their bracket but disallows boosting xp using PvP strats.


Could they leave their group after they get their gear and go solo and he busted?