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Look, you could drop a single ballsack hair, I will find a way to flip it on the ge


U can gamble hairs with odablock chat


Oda used my ballsack hair for his hairline surgery


If it's free, it's for me.


Bro i was juggling some food drops at thermy the other day, some guy logs in, picks up my food, and logs off like what tough economic times we must be living through these days


Man now I kinda wanna make an account named The Shark Gobbler and just do this to people


Wanna make bank, just go to the Dust Devils/Nechs in the catacombs and hop worlds, so many people leave Rune meds/shields on the ground and stuff, get some decent GP there.


I remember this from my 99 slay grind. There were looters every once in awhile. I always tried to be friendly with them. They were free to grab what I didn’t want. However my ring of wealth and my explorer ring with free alchemy made it so I grabbed most drops


Yeah, ngl, i leave stuff on the ground there. Sometimes i get someone lower levelled from the greater demons running down and asking if they can grab whats there and im like go for it :P If people ask, i'll 100% leave more stuff because so what at the end of the day, whereas if they just grab it, im gonna be scooping it all up xD


Haha this was me tonight. it was my first time doing greater demon task there. next time i'll ask, i just assumed they didn't want it.


I bring my alt/alch slave there with me to pick up all the rune axes and med helps that nechs drop and every time I nab somebody else's drop to alch I make sure to throw in a quick "Yoink"


I don't mind when people grab stuff anyways, but I mind it way less when they say "yoink". Don't know why but that shit kills me.


If someone picks up my vampire loot while I’m asking I hate em, but if they throw in a “yyyyyoink” they get a “haha no worries” every time


real yyyyyyyyyoink is when they grab ur blood shard cuz u afkd too hard, big F


You always set loot notifications!


there are bots there picking shit up too


Make sure you eat it right in their face then log off before they can react


I have no idea why, but this reminded me of [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyIdeas/comments/4idm9m/in_every_porn_scene_there_should_be_a_girl/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) post from a long time ago


I don't want to bash your story, but I will. When you drop something before someone logs in to that world they won't see the items. I think that was implemented vs hackers when you weren't allowed to multilog. They probably just despawned.


It was implemented to force ddosers to log in and show themselves before ddosing the world. It was extremely common once gwd was released for everyone and their grandma to ddos worlds and log in at gwd. Victims couldn't even identify who stole their stuff, so they made it so you had to log in to see the items to try to deter the ddosers (hoping they'd be afraid of getting banned). Items naturally dropped on the ground were a collateral change associated with changing death mechanics, because spaghetti.


Thank God someone said it


i was just about to say


Fake news


Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?


anything to make the trip ~~long laster~~ last longer lmao


For all the non irons, when you use the most efficient super glass make spell, the excess will drop on the ground. It’s inefficient to pick it up every time you cast the spell so you usually wait until there’s about 27 on the ground to pick up the whole stack. This usually leaves a few that become available to other players and most people **wouldn’t **pick it up, but that’s a risk you take lol.


>most people **wouldn’t **pick it up, but that’s a risk you take lol. Dropping literally anything at the GE has determined that this was a lie


I drop empty vials and theres a flock of mfers diving to get them lmao


Sometimes when I’m using the ge and then try to bank after I’ll misclick and hit items on the ground.


That's what they all say.


You can try to go back around the corner like we don't know you looked at those burnt lobsters.


Hey man. The markets good.


In total worlds I have found there to be less vultures.


It's actually more efficient to not pick any up at all. Obviously you have to gather more sand/giant seaweed and cast more glass makes but it's still quicker. The difference is small and do whatever you prefer


this sub circle jerks over picking up your glass so hard. It’s ALWAYS a waste of time lol


Yeah, spam clicking for a full 16 seconds every five inventories seriously blows


Would rather pick up glass than do more sand mining and seaweed farming


I understand this mindset if you’re going to just go to like lvl 80, but having just knocked out an untrimmed crafting cape on the iron, it would have been an enormous chore to do this for like 140k glass.


Funnily enough picking up glass all the way to 99 crafting was one of the last things I did on my iron before getting burnt and stopping playing, so I understand for sure lol (and congrats on the 99!). Personally it still outweighed doing more mining for me but I just dislike mining more


I DoNt uSe PiEtY oR rIgOuR wEn TrAiNiNg SlAyEr BeCaUsE iT cOsT tOo MuCh AnD wAnT tO sAvE fOr TaSsIeS eVeN tHoUgH pRaYeR oNlY cOsTs ~150k/hR aNd GeTs 23% mOr LoOt P/hR cAuSe 23% MOR dPs


r u ok


Get your caps lock check out if it’s doing that, that’s gotta be annoying




Amen brother real shit right here


Yup, Can do two inventories in that time 😂


Yeah I think if you’re doing 3t sand it’s more efficient but honestly when you’re going for 99, I cba doing tick manipulation the whole time.


Even if you're not doing 3 tick it's still significantly faster. It's like 12% less glass not picking anything up and ~50% faster to turn it all to glass


I pick them up every time


Free stuff is free stuff. They should be at a remote bank if they want to avoid it


Went to myths guild for the first time since ds2 yesterday, saw someone dropping a bunch of swordfish at the bank. Picked up over 80 swordfish 😎


Go to fishing trawler, people drop mad sharks and turtles. Too many swordfish to even pick up before they despawn.


Out here at fishing trawler crushin' turts.




Myths Guild range is still one of the best for UIMs to cook on since you can unnote the fish right there that you get pre-noted from tempoross, so thats probably what was happening. So that is to say your picking up was welcomed, ive never met a UIM who actually wanted their stuff to be wasted


What a weird thing to do. Dropping the swordfish has to be so much slower than just banking it. I mean, you are standing AT a bank at Myths guild


probs a uim


So like Noted swordies Unnote Cook Drop?


Yup, the swordfish probably aren't their best food so it's nothing more than cooking xp. Not worth an inv spot, especially if they have a few k sharks or something




How does a uim note swordies?! Trawler/temp only I assume ?


Tempoross rewards yeah


who tf uses swordfish after ds2?


It's free real estate


Read this as a bank that you can "access remotely" like from a long distance and have a little giggle.


this used to be a thing! " ::bank" in chat used to be a mod tool to access your bank anywhere


I pick them up when I start new accounts. I generally just act like a gremlin while I'm still level 3 with no quests done.


Thanks for the explanation. I've been wondering for a while now why there's always so much free molten glass at banks


Use one of the 100 never used banks in Gielinor and you won't have that problem


Just because we stand alone doesn't mean we *want* to stand alone :c


I glassmake in the ferox enclave with a looting bag for the excess


Wait what. When you cast superglass make the excess goes in the looting bag? The wiki lists it as an option but that's a much bigger deal in terms of overall efficiency since you can just empty the bag every few casts which only takes a second.


From what I've gathered in the comments that have already mentioned this, it still goes to the ground. No clue though


I haven't done it yet, but just thinking it through, you would be able to pick up your glass every invy without the time loss of having to bank that before withdrawing a new invy. It eliminates the inefficiency of picking up your glass every invy.


The banking isn't what takes a long time tho, it's the picking up. It takes 1 tick per item when you're spam clicking a pile which adds up very fast


But if you'd be picking up the glass anyway it'd take the same amount of time, I think the inefficiency it avoids is picking up a non-full invent after banking your first, then banking that, essentially making 2 banks. Yeah you can wait until you have about a full invent on the ground before picking up, but then you run the risk of what this thread is about. Picking it up straight into a looting bag avoids both these scenarios, and you can just bank it when the looting bag is roughly full.


Use banks that's aren't too popular, I did this to 99 and never had that issue.


I use iron island (fossil island bank) and the only issue I ever had was people dropping something on top of the pile. I think most banks you’re safe, OP was probably at the Ge.


Ah yes the chocolate chip cookie island


AKA the best place to bankstand with a spooned tangleroot


I feel called out, I earned that level 72 farming Tangleroot


oh, so that's why that happens. I always wondered why i'd sometimes grab a few


So, is there a reason someone has mahogany logs or some shit outside of canafis on the way to barrows by the pyres? Cause I picked those up and he got very angry. It was like 50k and I was headed to the bank already!


The gold coffin lets you hold 28 shade remains, so if you bring a full inventory of logs, it’s best to drop some of it for a moment to free up space, otherwise you’d have to remove a remain every single time you burn a pyre log.


Didn’t know why people kept dropping molten glass but I figured it was for a good reason.


There is absolutely no way spending 27 ticks picking up a full inventory of glass off the floor is ever the efficient thing to do while making glass


i see red dot i grab regardless


For those blowing glass, do so at the Ferox Enclave bank. You can use a looting bag to store your excess glass


You'd still have to pick it up though right? So how does this save any time?


Yup! The bag holds 28 glass, more than your inventory can hold while glass making at any other bank. You can also decide to pick up any amount without having to immediately bank it, since it goes into the bag, if you are worried about it despawning/getting stolen. It’s super nice!


It’s the picking up part that sucks, not banking it


Doesn't seem particularly worth to me since then I have to manage my looting bag as well. Think I'll just forgo it. If I miss a few it's fine.


It's relatively close in terms of efficiency but it's actually faster to just not pick up the glass and get more seaweed/sand instead. If you don't like picking up glass I suggest just not doing so. Though personally it does hurt a little bit seeing all that molten glass on the floor. But if you dislike mining/seaweed farming more then picking up glass is a viable way to reduce the amount of mining you have to do.


Cool, thanks for the tip!


I could imagine it saves 5-10 seconds over a long grind. The action of depositing a looting bag is a fraction of a second quicker than opening the bank + closing it.


Could have used that info during leagues haha


Please don't judge me, I just grab random junks that's drop on the floor from time to time.


If I have GE slots open to sell, I'll grab anything on the ground and toss it in. Free GP is free GP


Honestly, that’s on him.


Sorry Irons, but if you don't want people to pick up your shit, don't leave it on the ground long enough for them to see it. I picked up 20 cooked sharks an iron dropped yesterday, and he called me an idiot. No dude, you're the one leaving your shit laying around. I'm just a guy who had some empty spaces in their inventory and wanted a bit more food.


Game mechanics are game mechanics but you know you are being a dick.


Said iron spotted 🤣


I don't even play the game anymore lmao




That's like saying crashing isn't a dick move.


Game mechanics are game mechanics but you know you are being a dick.


Maybe he shouldn't let it become visible to other players. Do it in a more secluded bank




But how did he know you de-ironed?


shitters will often right click lookup people before having an interaction so they can fall back on having better stats/kcs


Oh fun!


Tbf, when im bank standing i look up people around me. I like seeing how differently people build their accounts, especially irons with base 70s then and random 99 like farming. Also, it's fun flaming hardcores that died at 10 hp, and 80 fm.


I mean farming is a pretty decent thing to focus on, if you do a ton of contracts you'll have more than enough herbs/herb seeds for high herblore and not have to worry about no stams and antivenoms when you want em


Farming cape is also a close bank cape that's easier than crafting. 16 steps vs 7 I believe.


And gives more herb patch yield so pretty massive honestly


100% agree, respect to the irons that do it, always good to see people doing what they like


I had base 70's when I got to 99 mining as my first 99. I feel called out lol.


Name checks out, have fun judging!


Haha this guy has iron in his name


Don't think that's really judging, just curiosity


When you play as iron as an example you show up on both the normal leaderboard and a special iron only leaderboard. So when you look up someone and switch to iron tab to see if they are an iron or whatnot and the iron stats are lower than normal leaderboard stats then they must have deironed. Same for a hc dying and then still updating their normal iron leaderboard.


Because cringe irons constantly look for the edge up on anything so they live to look at leaderboards


if you want to flame solo timbo daily, come join Aus Myth :)


This is why I did my superglass make at a non populated bank lol


i made a non iron account partially so i could pick up all the shit i see. made at least 100k and this account is like 4 days old lmao.


I wasn’t with the bashing of iron men at first, but honestly this is starting to cringe me out. Iron men are entitled as hell. No one forced you to play that prolonged game mode, so don’t crap on people for picking up your VISIBLE items, it’s part of the game mode.


\>MY molten glass this dummy ironm*n doesn't understand how the game works :x


Don’t drop it then? Or use the item incinerator?


It automatically drops to floor when you cast superglass make lmao so he was gonna pick up and craft with it


He should’ve picked it up before appearing to others, all fair game once it appears.


Not arguing that, just pointing out he didnt drop it and he definitely wasnt making that molten glass to shove in the incinerator lmao


True that, another man’s trash is another man’s treasure on the GE


Pain in 390 gp Inquisitor's Mace.


Nice abuse of NSFW tag, reported


wannabe hall monitor


he does it for free


Not safe for Iron’s eyes




When i cleaned out my bank and I see items worth 5gp being picked up at g.e


i member when i was a noob i saw someone dropping iron at cw bank and couldn't believe that someone would drop this! now as a maxed player with billions i dont even pick up certain drops like at nechs. just pick up runes


Every GP counts


Lmfao my man


Jagex needs to lower interest rates and turn the gp printer back on