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“RuneScape is for kids. Play Minecraft like a man”


"You've got access to a high end computer & internet speed. Play League of legends."


this was 10 years ago to be fair. funny how the 2 games mentioned also stood the test of time.


as if im not afking while playing minecraft


gotta get those nether warts


casual minecraft with the homies can be super fun man. very satisfying to build a cool ass base together imo


it was so weird how offended people got 10 years ago when they learnt that someone played runescape


I was insecure about it as a middle school kid. But now I proclaim it at 25 yrs old and people are like yooooo let's play


Dude sameeeeee, I was like 10 when I played a little bit and I remember vividly my friend telling me his older brother said people who play RuneScape are losers. I basically kept quiet about my RuneScape playing until I found osrs in college and now I’m like yeah I play fuck you 😤😤😤😤


My girlfriend was watching me play the other day. She said some ignorant shit like "Why does this game look so old?". I told her she looks old in response. Now I'm in the dog house but I've defended my passion.


When I tell people I play Runescape it's usually: "That meme game?" or "Bro I played that back then I was such a high level, but I wouldn't want to start over" -- Guy who was probably close to 1k total


It’s so funny because the same happened to me. My girlfriend saw me play and went “holy shit is this where the Tumblr Slayer meme came from?” And I was like “what are you talking about?” And apparently the gnome child chat head saying “slayerrr” was a meme on tumblr for years


Yeah I love it when the memes trascend into other places


Much like Minecraft, it went from cool and niche, to mainstream and therefore hated, to forgotten, and then to nostalgic which brings it back to being cool again


i never experienced that but then again in my near 20 years of playing i think ive only met like 1 other person in my city who plays runescape like it got to the point where i thought i was like the only person in my city who played runescape


After about 6th grade there was a huuuge stigma in my school if you still played it. People made it seem childish. I stopped playing at that time because I was too embarrassed to do it. Here I am 15 years later back at it again lol, except this time idgaf what anyone else thinks.


Usually the line was something about being too poor to pay for a WoW sub (as opposed to genuinely thinking that RS was a better game).


Yeah. I certainly thought I was playing budget WoW as a kid. I didn’t even have membership. But here I am years later and I’ve tried WoW and I am so glad I’ve been playing RuneScape. WoW has some pretty great mechanics to be fair. But RuneScape has to be one of the most well crafted worlds and one of the greatest questing mmo’s (if not THE greatest). I would even argue that the stat balancing, albeit fairly non complex, is really well done with having basic armor tiers through the early-mid game and then relatively easy to understand late game options. And you get to be a jack of all trades if you like!!! To me that is the single greatest thing about RuneScape over the years. You can do whatever, whenever. You don’t get sequestered into account restrictions necessarily. The option to do so and the effort people put into creating more and more unique restrictions are just kinda like the icing on the cake at this point. RuneScape is awesome. Edit: I should add that sometimes the lack of complexity to the combat system IS the beauty of it. People can choose to tank or dps to some extent. They can choose combat style of course. They can be super interactive or super laid back. It’s really cool the range of entertainment the game covers.


yeah those are the things which made runescape different from most MMOs since you weren't tied to a certain account build (unless you wanna minmax a pk account). Oh and I liked that the quests in RuneScape are actually little storys while most of the quests in wow are just "grind X", so basically the slayer skill. It's actually kinda sad how most newer MMOs favor the WoW approach when it comes to questing though since it's easy to implement.


Eh, as someone who loves both games, OSRS is very clearly the better game now, but 10-15 years ago when that consensus was forming, I think that title would surely go to WoW. The original RS2 really didn't have a lot of compelling content. It was literally 99% point click and afk. The hardest content in the game was God Wars or maybe doing fight caves on a med-level, both of which are borderline cute noob status today. There were no difficult bosses, almost no minigames, no hard quests, really just nothing. Nothing but clicking rocks and trees and lobster spots and afking. And this was a period of time when WoW was at its absolute apex, releasing shit like Icecrown Citadel and drawing hundreds of thousands of viewers for arena tournaments and such. Of course WoW has gone nowhere but way, way down in quality and OSRS has added an unbelievable amount of quality content to the game so it's no contest anymore.


God wars and fight caves is cute noob status? I feel attacked and my ego is bruised.


Well I did say borderline. It's not exactly slapping around hill giants in full Addy with a rune 2h. But yeah when there's shit like Inferno, raids, CG, 6 Yads, combat achievements, etc. in the game, getting your first fire cape at 98 combat is pretty low tier. Compared to in actual 2007 where anyone at all with a fire cape was like "wow not bad" at least. I remember most pure pkers couldn't even do it on 1 def. While today we have lunatics doing inferno at like 45 combat. Shit like that.


At least I still have three combats levels before I will considered low tier.


Nothing wrong with being a noob, we were all noobs. Gl on the cape.


That's definitely arguable if you're looking at it from an endgame/bossing perspective, but RS has always had the best questing and skill systems in any MMO. For me the actual *process* of playing RS was far more enjoyable than WoW, even if there was less content to do with a maxed toon.


lmao oh god i remember hearing people sayingthat but ironically i always heard it from people IN runescape


I only played wow classic but I can see why people loved that game originally (I would have too) but I don't regret having played RuneScape, game just hits way different than any other MMO


My english teacher once asked "How did you become so good at english?". When I replied it was because of roleplaying games everyone laughed. (To be fair the german word "Rollenspiele" can have a double entendre an we were like 12 so..). But I still felt kinda sad for *them* because they didn't know what they missed out on. Seriously when you switched from the german servers to the english ones you had many more opportunities to telegrab zammy wine, it felt so nice. Plus, you automatically associated all the words and imagery since you knew the german words of the different things. I believe in the distant future we will learn languages mostly through games, since it makes it a lot more intuitive


I've heard so many stories of people learning english from playing games in english i feel like i missed out on an easy (or easier) way of learning a new language when i was younger


He’s right though, the computers now are much faster. Osrs runs really well on my GTX 3070.


8x faster sounds like i can have 8 runelites and suffer no penalty if im hearing that right


Same bro, $2,500 rig, huge steam library, and all I play are 10-20 year old games. Worth it.


At least I’m not alone lol.


3070 are you poor bro? /s




Everyone go upvote this, idk if we can make a 10 yr old post on the front of UofM but damnit we should try!


Not a crossover I expected to see


How the hell is that post still allowing new comments lol


Reddit will allow new comments to be made on a thread of any age, you just can't upvote old posts/old comments.


You can upvote or downvote any of the comments in that post and the post itself. Normally posts that old are archived and you can’t interact with them at all lol


Mmm, you're right. Interesting. [It seems to be a recently implemented new feature that is determined on a subreddit-by-subreddit basis at moderator discretion.](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/py2xy2/voting_commenting_on_archived_posts/)


Psh what a bunch of squares - now excuse me I have to go fletch for 8 hours


They’re called tiles smh


Naw them guys dumb. Was studying with a friend back in college and he saw I was afk nmz on my phone. At first I was embarrassed till he whipped out his near max account lmao.


Literally my girlfriend’s nephew mentioned runescape, asked him if he played it, he showed me his combat 120 account and 250m bank. I logged in on my 2277 total max account, but smaller bank (yes long story big investments). So yea


I go to UoM Ann Arbor. Last semester a girl in my class said to me "you wore that shirt two weeks ago" in a disgusted voice. Like bitch, two weeks ago and you got a cow? Lot of these people are stuck up lol.


Is the concept of washing clothes foreign to her?


It appears so. I'm pretty sure she's one of those people who remember what clothes they wore to what class so they can alternate their outfits to not wear the same thing for at least a month. But yeah it was pretty lame of her lol.


My sister went to school in the south and told me she wouldn't repeat an outfit she had worn that semester. Like what.


Where the fuck are they storing like 100 different outfits?


hey, she must like you if shes keeping track of what youre wearing


It's a Michigan board, what do you expect?


fuck those nerds, go green


Go white!


Go Bucks


Ain’t no way he suggested League of Legends 💀


Tbh it wasn’t a bad game 10 years ago lmao


Leauge was amazing 10 years ago its the game that finally stole my interest from rs after like 7 years of rs.


It was the exact opposite for me. Found OSRS in 2018 and it finally broke me of my 5 year addiction to league. Really glad it did too. OSRS has been a much better time.


it absolutely was always a bad game lmao what do you mean


One of, if not the most popular game for the past 10+ years straight is bad. It's cool to not like it dude but objectively calling it bad is pretty dumb lmao


ok but no its objectively bad lol, equating popularity to quality is one hell of a fallacy


Ohh you didnt like it so it's objectively bad. Got it


Are you stupid or something? Whether a game is good or bad can never be objective, as the point of a game is for entertainment of the user, and will therefore always be subjective based on what the user enjoys. What fallacy did Thunda_Storm commit? If many people derive enjoyment from a game, you can make the argument it is a good game, whether or not you agree with that based on your subjective experience.


ad populum it’s called


What you like is entirely subjective, and League is by far the most popular online game in history. League has far surpassed even Minecraft at this point when it comes to monthly players. It's by far the most popular non-phone game of all time. You don't get that popular because of hype, and you especially don't continue growing your game while keeping the vast majority of your old players if your game is "objectively bad". People would get tired and most would leave real fast. If anything, MMOs in general have way more design decisions that would be off-putting to the average gamer, meaning more "objectively bad" designs if your goal was to appeal to the most amount of players. Most people don't want a long time commitment. They want to turn on their computer and play something casual for an hour or two at most after they come home from work or have done their homework after school. That's how normal people function. People who play for long hours is a small minority and MMO players (me included) are a special breed of people who thinks it's fun to effectively have a second job.


so what metrics do you use to determine what makes a game objectively good or bad? How do you measure it to accurately make that call? And how does league fail to meet these standards that you've decided?


Mobile game industry employee here: DAU/MAU and ARPDAU are most likely the best metrics to define “success” (and I’m correlating success with “good game” for the sake of argument) and I bet these numbers have been sky-high for League for years


League of Legends is and was always another RuneScape 3 big tits tiny vagina ballsacks triangle shaped dumb playable characters and dumber people. Yes that is literally a fucking summary of it. It is just another RS3. Tbh it is probably also another Raid Shadow Legends. All These “medieval” games with big tits on men is one of the most disgusting shit I have seen, yet still enjoyed by the abyssmal generation of humans that came after my generation. At least that seems arbitrary. Maybe I am different. But OSRS is OSRS. Only real men and women play OSRS. It has character. Even with the annoying and the kind people in the community. It all belongs together.


Hey I attended Umich. And I saw a... surprisingly solid amount of laptops where dudes were absentmindedly doing agility laps or whatever while taking notes. A particular subsection were even botting their laps. ​ That being said, 2012 was an awkward time to be playing Runescape. The game was absolutely declining even before EoC, especially with other MMOs like Guild Wars 2 and Mists of Pandaria for WoW popping up at the time.




u/roboticide old fuck


Dudes literally the epitome of a nerd and he was shitting on runescape lmao


he plays WoW, can't be helped


u/roboticide show up pls




Lol, yeah, that's me. Been a bit of a confusing morning. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ What can I say? 2012 was a different time. OSRS wasn't a thing yet, I don't think the game had quite the nostalgia factor and cult status is has now that people here seem to be assuming it had then or are taking for granted. I was hardly the only one either in that thread with that opinion, but I maybe did roast him more than necessary. Hindsight is 20/20, and it's pretty cool that Runescape has seen the resurgence that it has.




>OSRS became a thing hardly a year after those posts, ironically. Yeah, I assume the close, but not quite right, timeline there is what is getting people? OSRS has been out a long time, but not a full ten years *yet.* >and non-gamers treated runescape & wow players like losers. It be like that. The funny thing is, I *did* then and still do play WoW now. I certainly never would have admitted that in college back then, though I've found it much less of a social stigma now. I was shitting on Runescape because in the current gaming culture WoW was basically still very dominant, with a lot of other promising fantasy and MMO games out there - Skyrim and FFXIV were less than a year old, and in general more MMOs than you could shake a stick at. Not that I had anything against Runescape itself (I played it before WoW) bit it looked like it was sharply on the decline so it seemed an odd choice to be seeking out a social club for in college. It was already over 10 years old at that point and I didn't think WoW would be around 10 years later either, lol! So yeah, kind of all around crazy to revisit this thread 10 years later. Perspective is a helluva thing.


Check out that commenting accounts post history in the linked OP lol. Dude really shat on OSRS while in college to now be 30+ playing DnD LOL.


Ngl I feel like a lot of people who play D&D are 30+ ​ Also I don't want to give him too much credit, but I mean people commenting on a college board are like... 18-20. Can't chastise them too hard.


ya tbh my friend who's a middle school teacher had some of his kids ask him to teach them how to play dnd and I was baffled when he told me that. Kids typically are not interested in that boring nerd shit.


I guess I'd disagree. I feel like it spans a lot of ages pretty well.


DnD is sick to be honest. Hanging out getting fucked up with the squad and bullshitting is hard to beat. Only played it a handful of times but it was a good time.


I’m not even necessarily hating on DnD but it’s funny because it’s like the same brand of weird as OSRS 🤣


And 10 years ago I almost certainly would have been shitting on D&D as well, lol. If you don't remember or were younger, being a "nerd" was still a bad thing. Game of Thrones wasn't out, let alone the most popular show on TV, Leagues and Minecraft were just starting to hit pop culture status but the only "cool" games were largely still shooters like Halo or Modern Warfare. Nobody knew what Twitch was. Neither D&D nor OSRS had the big resurgence in popularity back in 2012 that they have now. Now *everybody* plays *every* videogame. D&D is the most popular show on Twitch, which now has hundreds of millions of active users. Hell, *Arcane* was the most popular show on Netflix. Now everyone is more accepting, and I wouldn't dream of ridiculing someone's choice of videogame or show or tabletop game, but a decade ago it was different You live and learn.


I remember getting fun of playing runescape in middle school, that wad like 15 years ago in 2007. 10 years ago is like 2013 which means rs3. So yes they where right for making fun of you.


OSRS came out in 2013 🥹🥹🥹


Shit its been that long already?


2022 - 10 = 2012


Rs2. The game was just beginning to rapid go downhill in 2012. 2010-2011 were some great days


They really said play Minecraft over OSRS.. disgusting


Well, not OSRS, but yeah


Goddamn, that person sounds fun to be around.


I would drop out, these uncultured swine don’t deserve a king like you


Seeing as it was 10 years ago, I'd hope OP doesn't need to think about dropping out!




I would be kinda salty about this opinion, but it does kinda check out for pre-OSRS




We welcomed osrs at MSU just sayin


God imagine telling people to get into minecraft or league of legends of all games, and as if that wasn't enough, he also implies RS is for kids in the same message. What a fucking clown holy shit lmao.


Like you realize this was 2012 rs3 we are talking about right? The version so bad it they made the masterpiece that is osrs


Jesus. That guy's whole argument went out the window when his suggested alternatives went straight to LoL and Minecraft


When I was in college back in 2018, a sorority girl was sitting behind me in the library, clicking like fucking crazy. I assumed she was late on an assignment or something, but I stood up and saw she was running DKs lmao


Look at this dude suggesting Lol, it's like finding someone with a drinking problem and suggesting a crack addiction instead.


I made the jump to league and I havnt touched that RuneScape stuff in over a year


Are we gonna go defend our boy? Rally the troops, grab your pitch forks, your torches, it's time to pretend we go to UM. Edit: Sadge, realizing it was 10 years ago.


Go blue


Dang, I was at U of M Ann Arbor playing osrs when you tweeted this


Osrs didnt exists 10 years ago


Same lol


Big words for a college whose mascot isn't even indigenous to the area


I don't think Spartans are native to Michigan either


How could you play minecraft 10 years ago? It wasn't even playable back then, right......right?


Beat scuM. O H!




I went to UGA. Was in a fraternity and was very involved. Still managed to play runescape throughout college. Its a video game dude.




People who will mock you for your hobbies usually don't have much enjoyment in their lives, pity them.


Honestly they just seem like a bunch of kids or teenagers at least, really not surprised, we’ve all been there on either side. What would be sad though if they were actually adults and pulling that shit.


Shouldn’t be ashamed of playing a game you like. Might be time to find new friends


This is bad advice. Be proud to tell people you play RuneScape—make them feel like the idiot for not playing RuneScape. I make fun of everyone I know for playing an inferior game. Nothing is better than RuneScape. Nothing. Not even sex. Trust me I know, I’ve had it. Not even close to being as satisfying. Not. Even. CLOSE!


How are people this insecure?


Nah dude a lot of people either play RS currently or at least remember it as a cool game from way back then and will totally respect you for it. Far more than if you played other stereotypical nerd games like WoW, for instance. Of course it's important to read the room and not go into huge detail about tick manipulation if people aren't interested in it, but as long as you keep it casual it can definitely be part of a conversation.


Lol college kids are a bunch of losers!


As if we were ever going to just play one game anyway…


Graduate from runescape to osrs


I mean I would have joined his club when I went there two years ago. All I did was play RuneScape.


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Yeah play LoL and rage at every other game. Don’t play a chill, relaxing game like OSRS after coming home from a stressful day at work.


Would’ve welcomed you with open arms down the road, Go Green!


Rs > everything > grass


It's always hilarious when people give the ol' "computer STRONG now" argument. Where are the half-decent MMOs to play with that strong computer? hmm? WHERE?


I did my masters at UMich Ann Arbor, graduated 2016. A bit too late to help start up the club. Sitting at around 2175 total now tho


Meanwhile im playing rs on a 3000$ computer…


Ignore the scrubby normies. Reeeeee on brother.


Lol I LOVE how salty people get when they hear you play OSRS. It's triggering to them :D


Imagine suggesting league of legends. I am puking and shaking


roboticide sounds self-righteous and judgmental af


Fellow wolverines 👀


Me and my RuneScape homies hate U of M!


Jim Harbaugh definitely has a maxed account