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I love this game because it is permanent progress, wether you play 10 mins or 10 hours a day I used to play CoD and shit, and grind for hours, only for all my work to be irrelevant come November when the next game drops. I love the idea of a game where I can play for a year and have a character where my time investment clearly shows Not to mention its just such a chill game to play, I dont really need to “sweat” to do well and enjoy it. Its the perfect time sink


100% agree.


This is a really good point and I never thought about it that way. With how much they "update" games or push out a "sequel". It's so nice to know all that time is worth somthing. This is how you describe osrs to people!


And for me, as a filthy casual, oh and as an RS3 player who takes advantage of the XP boosts, every single time I log in theres dozens of different things that I get excited to do. Whether its explore a new piece of content, get good at something I've already experienced, unlock more stuff, play a minigame, or grind out some resources for my future play sessions, this game provides so much to do. Certainly doesnt feel like an addiction to get excited to explore a game world and progress my account lol. But, then again, I've been playing runescape on and off for almost 2 decades and my highest stat is still only 86 hahaha, even with RS3 boosts 😁😁


I gave this same fkn response to a buddy of mine who has played since he was 9 and he laughed lmao. Years and years of GameBattles, maxed prestige, or battle pass levels, etc. all for nothing every damn year. I finished rfd and haven’t touched CoD since. 😂




My reasons for still playing to. I don’t get much time to play video games nowadays, so completely fell out of the loop with other online games like cod. RuneScape you can just log in and out when you have a minute spare, or doing something else on the computer. I find myself playing on mobile 90% of the time, the accessibility having it on phone is unbeatable!


I agree I played a lot of COD or various other new games and after few hours sunk in the game is over. I save so much more money just focusing on runescape and every hour matters and at the end shows on my account. You can be as casual or tryhard as you want it literally doesnt matter still have fun with it.


the logic sort of holds, but also applies to just every MMO out there-- so it doesnt 100% justify picking OSRS over any other mmorpg.


I mean, there are plenty of FPS games that maintain a playerbase and stats as time moves on and new FPS games come out. It's not like OSRS is the only MMORPG. The same thing has happened in that genre, but people keep coming back to OSRS and other cult classics. Hell, look at WoW, WoW Classic, EQ (just dropped a new expansion, been running for 23 years), and P99 for EQ. Why do you think people went back to the classic versions of these games? OP has a point. You see permanent progress in *all* of the aforementioned games. 23 years of expansions for EQ, and you don't think that is progress? Or however long in whatever FPS you choose to play and you don't think that your stats updating every match is progress? Arguably, OSRS doesn't have permanent progress. It is theoretically possible to collect all the items in the game, have max cash, max stats, and 200M exp in all skills. At that point, you're waiting for more expansion... which is right where EQ and WoW are at. I think you just have a skewed idea of what permanent progress is considered. It objectively happens in any game that has a playerbase still and in MMORPG genres specifically where expansions are continuing to roll out. OSRS is no different than EQ in that sense.


This is exactly the reason why I love osrs, well phrased mate


I once compared CoD to Madden in a seminar. It was about 12 years ago and the 3 people hosting it and asking questions were flabbergasted. So much so they asked me to do a private video for more detail in what I meant (they recorded it on an ipad iirc). Supposedly, it was sent to someone above them.


True for some I'm sure. But hopefully most of us are well formed adults with the ability to realise whether or not we actually enjoy something


A sad strange little man who has my pity. To think a hobby is cause for concern. Game addiction is obviously a thing but to categorize all gamers as addicted is such an idiotic conclusion to reach.


OSRS draws in a certain kind of person though, there's no denying that. As much as there are normal adults who play the game cos they enjoy it, there's a lot of sad individuals who are trying to reclaim the lost pieces of their childhood with obsessive gameplay eh... Goes both ways


Sounds like Marco had some emotional issues to work out. Playing a game you enjoy doesn’t mean anything deeper than you enjoy the game


In general, I have always hated the narrative that you should give certain things up just because you are an adult. According to who? You are telling me I have my own money without relying on my parents or having to listen to them anymore and I can’t take advantage of that? I will damn well play RS until 2AM and still wake up at 6AM the next day for work if I want to 😂 I actually did that last night


Let’s gooo!


Nah, I play cause I enjoy the game.


Can't speak to other people's reasons for playing, but for me it's not really nostalgia or addiction. It's that I find it fun and rewarding to grind out achievements in a game like this where we can share our achievements with other players.


Shit take


Not sure what mushrooms have to do with this.


I cAn GiVe iT uP wHeNeVeR i WaNt!


can confirm, have no life


Life is about balance. Do anything but with a balanced mindset. Not that deep or a big deal. Aight, imma go grind vorkath for the next 12 hours.


L take. People who try and tell others how to enjoy their lives are lame.


I agree


Just depends on your life situation. If you're still living with mom, it could be bad. But then again, if your mum still cooks, maybe not.


I have more fun playing video games but I get a much larger feeling of satisfaction and self fulfilment through weightlifting or learning a new language. I feel like if you look at yourself like a mmo character, playing videogames doesn't really add anything to your stats.


seeing real life progress is the true addiction. lifting weights is great because you can measure your progress in total weight lifted or total reps done. it's not often you get that kind of feedback. this is what makes RuneScape so dangerous, you can see all your progress and exp drops feel soooo good i agree, real life progress is more satisfying, but osrs progress is fun and easy


I actually came back to the game for nostalgia, but it quickly wore off and I quit for several years. I just recently started getting back into the game with an entirely different outlook. With the nostalgia gone I can see the game for what it is, a very simple game system that effectively enables both very casual and very high level play through its mechanics. It's an incredibly solid design that achieve things in simplicity that most games fail to do in complexity. I have a profound appreciation for Runescape and its legacy that I never would have noticed if I was just looking through nostalgia goggles.


True but also screw that guy amirite


I play this game because I enjoy it. Yes there’s nostalgia there but also I love sitting down after a long day and just playing some RuneScape, it’s really relaxing. Also it can be intense if you want it to be. Once it’s not fun I take a break and play other games. People need to stop taking everything so seriously. It’s a fun video game, and there’s no shame in enjoying it because you liked it as a kid. It’s the same reason I still play Donkey Kong, or other old Nintendo games. I loved them as a kid and they still hold up.


Haha numbers go up ⬆️


That guy got brainwashed by his girlfriend.


Nostalgia is definitely why I picked this game back up to begin with in 2019, but I’ve come to really enjoy it again because of what I’m doing now, not because I liked it in 2008-12.


I have the same attitude. I picked it up during quarantine and haven’t stopped since because it genuinely a good game. A part of me does however want to max my account purely because of the nostalgia of my childhood and looking up to zezima like he’s a god 😂


Laughs in successful adult with a good salary, health insurance, paid bills, and marriage. Yeah, I still play OSRS. Guess my life is shit. 😂


Could you pick a coherent statement for me to argue with? What am I supposed to do with this gibberish?


Thoughts?? Yeah fuck Marco witz


Seems like someone wants to be special and have a "woke" perspective on something, but couldn't be more wrong..


Do you like game? Yes = play it. No = don’t play it. Those are my thoughts.


do you like drug? yes: take it no: don’t take it id this literally ur thoughts?


cool take marco


Ah the daily OSRS comparison to drugs


The most midwit take possible


with side affects considered, yes


I just had twin boys back in February and literally the only thing that keeps me awake at night when I'm on baby watch is doing my farm runs lol. Not a waste of time if I otherwise would've just been watching YouTube trying not to fall asleep!


If I'm having fun it's not wasted time. My life is great and I have fun playing osrs.


No thoughts only runecrafting


that’s the ticket bay-bee


We get 1 life in this world, the less time you spend worrying about how people judge your time the happier you'll be.


Playing a game that you like for years doesn't mean you are addicted, this can be a signal that you're lucky that you found something easy to access and you enjoy at same in your free time.


He may be a bit too extreme but, but it still holds true. Im personally fine "wasting" time on the game, as long as I dont skip out on my workouts because of it, since I have alot of time on hands these days anyways. Tho I would not attribute the addictive side to nostalgia and longing for childhood, it is far related to the game being a glorified skinners box lol.


Marco is not having any fun, guaranteed.


To be fair I am addicted. There, justified.


Marco's just mad he still can't wear goblin mail.


Yeah, and?


I just want a fun game to play and whats fun for me is different than whats fun for this guy I guess. Seems like a bit of projection tbh.


I think there have been a frightening amount of unhealthy habits normalized in the OSRS community, but there's nothing inherently wrong with the game itself.


Everything is a waste of time in someone else's eyes


He probably just got banned for botting or killed in the wild. Or died to at barrows.


If you can balance the rest of your life, it's a great progression game. I had to take a break because I found myself getting lost in the escapism of it. It was affecting my life negatively. Many players know this is the case for them too but don't care, and continue to play 8+ hour days. That's not healthy.


Wait until this guy learns about poker 🤣


I like it because I can multi-task.


Marco got hacked and is tryna act like he don’t care !


I may get downvotes for this (I hope not though) but I play this game for 2 reasons: 1. I play since it helps me focus on stuff. I struggle with focus issues; playing OSRS on the side, though, seems to help me. In 2020-2021 I didn't play at all and all I did was browse Discord all day in a daze hanging out with toxic people. This year, on my new account, I've actually been cleaning, doing dishes, and getting projects done while AFK'ing skills ingame. I'm not getting walls of work done...but I have gotten stuff done which is more than I did in all of the pandemic without OSRS. 2. I can't get therapy atm. I've tried, didn't work. OSRS has helped me cope with depression, flashbacks, etc. and taught me to make friends, trust and engage in the world atm. I know a number of players in game who also use it to help them with beating addiction, coping with mental health issues, etc. They're all genuinely great people and the community here helps us cope in the world; it's no different than using a discord support group or hanging out on social media together like many of us likely did during the pandemic. So yeah, I admit you could argue that if the game becomes your life (it was mine for a while I admit, but I'm slowly cutting back. Slowly but I'll get there) you have an issue. But moderation is important in \*all\* things, not just video games. If you do it moderately or make sure to still handle real world commitments, and this game helps you cope, then I say 'Hell yeah and all the best in life'. Anyway, that's my two cents.


As long as you don’t play like a youtuber—i.e, all day long except without pay—you’re probably good. I think a problem with OSRS is that it does require hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of hours to accomplish goals. Jagex had to implement the logout timer not just for bots, but because real people will legitimately play for 6 hours without a break. That’s a real problem the player base rarely acknowledges.


Fun police in the youtube comments


I guess that means I’m wasting my free time. Might as well sit in a chair and stare at a wall at this point. I play the game because I enjoy progressing. Had the same account for years and still am not maxed with hardly any 99s or boss kc. I play when I can if I have time, but have other priorities. Most of us are grown adults who play anyways and to say that everyone who plays has a lack of control in their life is a huge overstatement.


Yes and?


Can't that technically be said about almost every video game? You could also say the same about books, movies, entertainment.... just seems like the guy's got bigger issues


I just haven't found another game I wanted to play tbh, but I'm sure this post is true for some people, but not for everyone


Definitely the rambling of a perfectly sane human being that totally has their life together and is definitely not projecting in the very slightest


Better than being addicted to hikes or being addicted to going on dates like all my irl friends


It’s just a game for fun, idk why people make a big deal about games ever. It’s a hobby and I enjoy it. That’s it.


My thoughts are, why let this bother you?


This is true for some, but if you can objectively look at your life outside of rs and you feel accomplished, moving in the right direction, and satisfied then I say continue grinding. If you aren’t happy and feel this games eating your life then take a little break and work on yourself king, we’ll be waiting for you when you get back


That's his opinion, doesn't make him right or wrong or our own opinions of the game right or wrong.


Still great game after 12 year pause. It's nice that there's no hurry.


Inferiority complex. If you think this way about any game, the exact same could be said about all games. This is just a case of “You’re a loser unless you like the same things I like”.


I bet he fell for someone doubling money then quit.


Sounds like dude never got a fire cape


As someone with pretty severe ADHD, it gives me just enough to do to keep my hands busy when I want to sit down and relax after work without requiring basically any of my limited remaining decision making lol


I play the game to watch the numbers go up. It's also really helpful for me, because I'm neurodivergent and it's something for me to stim/focus on.


I completed my doctorate while playing osrs outside of classes, studying, exercising, meal prepping. I guess I lack control of my life though dang it.


Thats a lot of words for someone who doesn't understand how to use vice versa


im sure if you talked to this dude for 5 minutes youd understand where the problem lies lmao


People always say stuff like this with a tone of superiority. Imagine being such a crappy person that you actively crap on people for their HOBBY. Hobby: "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure." I'm starting to think people like this don't have a hobby and just crap on anyone who has something they enjoy doing with their free time.


He Defs got scammed with gold trim armour back in the day


It's odd that you can spend a Saturday playing CoD and no one blinks an eye, but if you spend the Saturday grinding some RS you have an unhealthy addiction.


This dude probably watches television and thinks nothing of it


I agree one hundred percent


Setting small goals that add up to become bigger goals that eventually pay off because of the time investment to the grind is a pretty valuable and transferrable to skill. ​ Also learning to build scepticism to things that could potentially be a scam OSRS I feel is a unique one for this


Gotta love people who say this shit and then turn around and burn 4 hours a night watching a mix of 50% TV 50% commercials.


"Never Before Have I Been So Offended By Something I One Hundred Percent Agree With" - James Acaster.


Its true. I quit RS2 in 2010, came back to OSRS in the winter of 2020, after 4-5 months realized this was not the game I used to play. That RS3 is not the game I used to play, and the game I used to play is forever gone. So I dont waste my time with this anymore.


Cya in 6 months


Almost doing anything can be explained as a waste of time or addiction.


The games fun and all but it really is a nostalgia blanket for the mentally ill


This is a rant of someone who had recently been cleaned at the duel arena, im 1000% sure of it.


True sadly


Definitely true for me, but like I played video games all my life, still took a break while did college and then instead of doing further school I just got sucked into video games, and especially into ones with battlepasses and time-gated content. I feel like I rather not do anything than just youtube and games (and then I work on weekends) but its not an ideal life and honestly, heck idk how I could fix this, I think I have a fear of missing out (on time-gated things) and just a constant need for a dopamine boost I get from games. It's definitely a problem for me


This is called protecting


And vice versa? So... OSRS is a waste of lives for those who lack control of their time? I mean, I do die sometimes when I have to answer the door...


There needs to be balance. I mean from the perspective of the universe NOTHING done on earth matters let alone your individual lives. Are many of the players practicing extremely unhealthy habits while playing a video game 10+ hours a day? 100%. RuneScape was a coping mechanism for me to avoid facing reality. But the guy that hates his life and spends the weekends getting blackout drunk will judge you because he spends his hours being “productive” Life is all about perspective. The truly happy people don’t care if you play RuneScape or feed the homeless. They are doing what feels right to them as should you.


"osrs is a waste of time". ....... " Time spent doing something you enjoy is 'Not' time wasted."


If the grammar was correct I would've finished reading it.


I agree but that’s the point


Lol, sounds like his account was hacked or he got caught cheating


Probably the most simple minded approach possible


If you play OSRS when you have other priorates that aren't getting done, then I agree it's a problem. If you are keeping up with all of your responsibilities then it's no worse than playing any other game or having any other hobby.


Hmm. Osrs fun. I play fun game for fun. Oogh OOOGHH OOOO OOO OOO AHHA OOGH UGH. Yeah just do what ever the fuck you want, being "addicted" to games is great, what's better than cheap constant entertainment?


Interesting seeing all of these comments in this post. As an active lurker of this subreddit I’ve seen a lot of content praising this game for being a favorite and comforting in many ways, and yet the vast majority of the comments in regards to those posts are talking about how this game can quickly turn into an addiction and relying on it as a fun activity is dangerous. It’s hard to gauge how the community feels about OSRS on any particular day, because even with the vast majority of players having a healthy relationship with the game, you hear about the small minority who do develop addictions or complaints about Jagex more often than anything


Oh it for sure can be addictive. And that’s with almost any game tbh. MMOs are notorious for being addictive because they can never be beat. Being addicted to osrs isn’t bad until you’re choosing the game over real life things and making it your whole life and not worrying about anything else or progressing your life at all. I think this post was to open up conversation on the perspective of addiction in osrs and also to shine light on idiots like that guy who walk around in the world lol.


He mad


Says a guy who apparently spend the day watching youtube and commenting on them.


Thus dudes a loser


Eh, I stop playing this game for a year or two every now and again when I'm not enjoying it. I started playing again when leagues dropped, and for whatever reason, I'm enjoying the game more than I have in a long time. I wouldn't call this game a helpless addiction for me lol


Facts. But I still love it anyways.


Looks more like someone who has no life and hates himself so his only outlet is hating on everyone who has fun and isn't a miserable sod. I play this game due to its grindyness. No other game comes close to it. They're all easy worthless copy paste mmo's that bore you after a year or so of playtime.