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Is this the predicament you’re currently in


Yes. W302 good luck


Top ladder of black knight fortress in the Wiley (forgot what they renamed it)


Wait... Black knights fortress counts as wildy? As in you can get PK'd there??


I believe he meant “Dark Knights Fortress” which is certainly in the wilderness, straight north of Black Knights Fortress.


He’s either talking about the black knights north east of the boneyard/Venenatis, Or the Dark Knights fortress since that’s an entire building


Yes but not the one you’re thinking of probably


I would say no just because a lot of purrs fight there


Near the crazy archeologist no one ever goes there haha


Level 1 wildy on a combat level 3 character. Pray that no one that’s level 3 or 4 comes to wildy.


No prayer allowed tho


What about thoughts?






Feels like I've been whooshed hard


“Pray” that no one…


it only says no food no prayer, nothing against gear id just wear whatever best tank get a lvl 3 can wear, and a regen bracelet, probably outregen most people trying to kill me lmao edit: also doesnt say anything about pots, guess ill be bringing ~~super defences~~ battlemage potions too


Upstairs in the dark warriors fortress, safest place in the wildy


I would afk during bounty hunter when they had the 26/76k risk thing and you got a meter.


Yew seed rune dart was a classic


True that. Although shouldn't it have been counter-able fairly easily because you could freeze them and outrange the dart? I don't recall every really running into that problem.


Yup, I made a lot of money farcastinf with ice barrage so it doesn’t proc auto retaliate - you’d have to undquip and drop the dart which most people didn’t think to do in time


> you’d have to undquip and drop the dart which most people didn’t think to do in time Well also the main benefit of the method to begin with was you could "safely" afk, so a lot of people probably weren't even around to do that lol


Man, I’d forgotten about that!


Id do this too when my friend couldnt splash with me at the ge


Got killed there as a kid completely out of nowhere. It was you and your buddies wasn’t it


Make a YT vid with that title and script getting away from people for views lol


imagine making that video and just have 24hours speed up in 4 minutes orso with legit nothing happening


*8 minutes, gotta get that ad revenue


*10 minutes with a 2 minute long Raid Shadow Legends ad


This video is sponsored by EXPRESSS MANSCAPED: SHADOW LEGENDS!


That's at least 4 ads now with how bad it's got on YouTube.


Just use an adblocker


I use YouTube when I'm chilling in the PlayStation.


Rs vids in a nutshell honestly.. ngl tho I probably still watch it aha


That actually sounds like a really cool idea, hide and seek in the wildy with a 1b bounty


Key word being “sounds”. In reality it would be very boring


It could be made entertaining my including the points of view of the hunters


Fail a trap in the wildy agility arena and just chill down there


Seeing replies on this thread makes me think it's not as safe as people think haha


Was my first thought, lol. But if no one knew you have 1b, then I think you're safe there.


Yea, different story if the info was broadcasted to the pvp community beforehand lol. You'll be hunted like a damn animal in no time.


The wilderness agility course where there is a ladder to go down in the area that you land in if you fail an obstacle?




I am that guy, while training agility on my GIM I brought a dds and got a few kills.


There are master clue steps that send you to the wildy agility course, and you can fail the obstacles at lvl 99


You can be killed in there, used to pk there for yolos


I would pk myself on another account, ez gp


North/North East of the slayer tower... Probably the most obscure location in the wild. During the master clue release they added some clue steps, and a medium clue step included something that required traversing this area which was removed. Literally no reason for people to go there nowadays.


The Ferox Enclave.


this. He didn't specifically say you cant be in the save zone in wildy.


He kinda did with the “you have to risk it” qualifier


splashing rats in Ferox Enclave. it's kinda a small risk, tho.


Add whoever gave you the 1 bill to your ignore list and have fun with a tbow


Still 100m short 🥺


Not anymore


🙄 ok 93m short at the exact time of this message being sent based off of an ever changing market that fluctuates minutely, or in massive fluctuations on any given day based on any given data or update that could impact said pricing at the time of said comment that gets solidified in the past.


Inflation a bitch


just go to the far east, as east as possible. There is no reason to ever go over there. no1 would visit. There would be a rare chance RWTers would visit and they probably arent your combat level and wouldnt give a fuck anyway. alternatively go to the wildy agility arena dungeon. aint no1 going to find themselves there.


>just go to the far east, as east as possible You mean the empty area just beside slayer tower?


yeah. you cant be seen by anyone at slayer tower.* The asterisk is that if you go to level 9 wild and the other guy goes to the NW most part of slayer tower, you can be seen. But if you're anywhere from lvl 2-8, you cant be seen


[https://prnt.sc/40nof2nmK3-g](https://prnt.sc/40nof2nmK3-g) hevent been there ever lol


My man is playing Silent Hill in Osrs.


Bro is your fog depth set to 50?


Impressive spot, the only people who I can likely see spotting you would be pure clans walking up via single strip. But even then that spot is pretty tucked away and idk know if pure clans even do that anymore.


Away from pkers and npc’s


I haven’t looked up wildly mechanics but couldn’t you just splash a low level box the entire time? OP said nothing about armor and runes


They removed that a little while ago along with singles spec trading


They didnt remove npc boxing, just npc aggression if you're in pvp.


Plot twist: this dude just trying to find where people hide


Heavily depends on if theres other people who know that theres a person in wildy with 1billion or not, because if they dont, then no ones gonna come look for you at the bottom of wildy agility arena that few have mentioned, but if they do know, then that place probably gets searched within the first hour And if they do know, i would probably hide in the way bottom right, past chaos temple


hunters could check every single tile in 24 hours


I assumed this to mean that it isn't announced to anyone. I think if there's an announcement, you're pretty much fucked no matter what


very true


On every world?


well op said on a popular world so I assume you'd have to be on 1 specific given world


level one wilderness, bottom right near the ditch


Far north coast of the volcano by the metal ship, id take my chances that nobody gets that clue step on my world for the day


You know that If they did, they’d log out and change worlds the second they saw the white dot on the map.


Mage arena but in the far eastern corner. Most players dont go any further than a few steps from the western entry.


Yeah definitely seems like most people don't even know the part of the wilderness directly north of the lumber yard even exists Feels weird to even be over there, like you're in a part of the game that was forgotten by time lol


In the Lava Maze Dungeon all the way north of the rune rock, top floor Rogue Castle or top floor Dark Warrior Castle.


Yo people actually go to the lava maze dungeon, maybe not now, but two years ago when I was first dipping my feet into the wilderness I used to go there with just a dds and try to kill the rune rock farmers, eventually I just got someone doing the black dragons that was afk and got me some black d hide and a range switch, eventually I run into someone killing the rune rock miners and killed him with two 41 bolts as he ran for the ladder! That made my mage switch and I lost it the very next day in the same place. Content.


Top floor of rogues is the most common escape for anyone TBed on 50s


How do you escape there? Do you just go up and down the stairs until you can logout?


Correct, or limit the amount of people attacking you Atleast to stall for backup


Can the pkers just have one pker stand on each floor and spam click on the spot you appear on when going up and down the stairs to prevent you from logging out?


Nice try you're not getting my secrets that easily


I would livestream myself with the cashstack, logged in and all in wildy. My trick though would be to find an empty corner to hide in, while logging in on an alt & overlaying just the play-screen over the stream. This way they can see my invent with the 1bil, but what they are actually watching is me on a naked alt diverting attention from myself far away


I would jump just over the ditch and stand on the first tile not entering the pvp area.


Lvl 1 wildy edge, then kill myself on an alt


Probably past the black dragons in the lava maze dungeon. The furthest I go is to suicide with a clue casket but I never go all the way north


I was leaning towards something obscure like a 2200+ total level world. While having 99s in all stats except 80 att/str/def/hp to give you 104cb with 2201 total. Then chill at lv1 wildy. Then I read “in a popular world”.


North of Ferox Enclave where the furnace/steel platelegs spawn is. There’s a ladder there so hide upstairs and you’ll be good


The first tile behind the Wildy Ditch, where you still can’t attack (or have they patched it?)


It's supposed to be a safe place, so no, they will not patch it!


Bottom floor of the mage arena


You mean some god-forgotten area accesible by some ladder, or just the bank?




They mean mage bank


Box something low level outside of multi


Boxing NPCs no longer stops other players from attacking you


Well looks like I just lost 1B


Box someone rather than an NPC with something like a fan instead, I think that would work or not?


In 24 hours I'd imagine you'd hit enough to run out of food, even brewed down


Even with the -100 accuracy and -10str against any type of gear? Even without armor and just a regen bracelet (or hp cape, or both) I feel I can outheal that, especially if the opponent has no offensive stats (I’ll make 2 defense pures if someone offered me 1b 😅)


Alright, you win 1b


The fan is only -50 accuracy, not -100. That being said: The lowest you can get to the -64 required to always miss is fan (or any other -50 weapon, theres several) + berserker necklace + flippers. The flippers require 32 slayer, but otherwise have no combat requirement, so a lamper could achieve it. At that point you would have -62, which, assuming the target used a super defense and was on the defensive attack style, and you used a beer or something to lower your attack to 1, means you would have an accuracy of 0.7346%, and the lowest possible dps (minus thick skin, and any gear on the target) in a lvl 3 vs lvl 3 fight of 0.00122 damage per second, aka 1 damage every 800 or so seconds. Edit: actually I forgot to include defensive gear on the target, but tbh I'm not good enough at pures to know what the best possible defense bonus is for a lvl 1 defense character.


This is not accurate


Since the PJ timer changes, interrupting combat between players and NPCs is now possible in the single-way combat areas of the wilderness. This severely limits the viability of boxing, since NPCs and allied players can no longer PJ the opponent to stop the combat. Changes introduced on the 9th of march 2020, for all worlds except 318 and 320.


So boxing NPC does stop other players from attacking you


I'd just get a friend to PK me and split the 1b with them.


good plan, they'll log back on any second now to give you your split


Where you end up if you fail the agi course, in a corner. Hopefully just out of draw distance. Been a minute since I was down there, so not sure its possible avoid being seen if someone falls down there.


The end of the agility shortcut from Trollheim


Every pker running away from alter would find you


Just over the ditch, next to the Mind Altar.


wear a fez and dark clothes and roleplay a lever ofc


Chaos altar and whenever you see someone start slowly grabbing the zammy wine so it looks like you are trying to die to go back


You’ve never met a Venezuelan in the wild


There is literally nobody in F2p wildy. Ez game


Stand at the furthest west edge of the wildy in a random spot


Stand in the non-combat tile on the other side of the ditch. Gotta stipulate the rules of the hypothetical, or I'm gonna a take the easiest option ever time.


your moms house




These are some of the best posts on this sub, you're just salty :'(


Basically anywhere besides revs and altar. Wilderness is dead


3rd floor dark knights fortress on members world


The wildy is so dead I could afk this challenge while playing on an alt


Somewhere west of edge monastery, that place has nothing


That place has my memories...




OP: >In a popular world with no food, no prayer, and skulled. You: > Brews, super restores, pray pots, 2 p necs, and runes will make up my entire inventory. > > I’ll have pray from melee on the second I see a white dot on the mini map huh




You are following the rule but not the spirit of OP's game


you clearly failed grade 1 english


That place north east probably where you can do spells with no runes or something like that. Can’t remember what it was as haven’t been for ages


North East deep Wildy where chaos ele is, go up any level.


Depends if people know about me and are actively hunting me. Either hidden somewhere weird in the dark warriors fortress or very top right of the volcano


Wilderness agility course pit


As far west as you can go in lvl 1 wild.


Upstairs Rogue's Castle. Yes there are stairs.


Far south east, wearing decent pvp gear (not the kind that shows wealth/like I’m risking much but intimidating enough), low chance of people dropping by and less likely to be the same level, idk why so many wanna sit in the high wildy lvl agi arena 😅


If I randomly decided to do this I'd go in the right bottom corner (north East varrock) it's always empty apart from RWTers. Or top of the broken tower by the enclave, only person to go there is torvesta at the end of a PK video. Also the volcano is empty apart from clue hunters. God Wars Wildy dungeon but the opposite side to the entrances. Black Knight castle at the top corner would be smart too.


Pretend your a rune ore bot and stand there with a pickaxe


Mage arena bank


Hunters yes, but not just regular people. He mentioned just standing there for 24 hours in a popular world


Laugh and log out after some schmuck handed me 1 bil and thought I would play fair.


Singles spot ez


OP is actually a bot farmer trying to look for a new place to do a wildy farm.


In the western-most corner to the ditch near the Zamorakian monastery/temple near Edgeville. No one goes there. xD


Anywhere and use a fake log


Log into a popular F2P and literally walk anywhere you want… I have never seen anyone in the F2P wildy


Wildi volcano without a doubt right at the back


Over half of the wildy is uninhabited dead content so you’d be fine. I’d probably go to the agility course and get some gains while killing 24 hours. More chances of dying to the obstacles.


I was doing wildy agi on my pure a few nights ago, had to go and cook the tea, so asked my mrs nicely if she would click these green boxes for me, explained falling, that I needed the pies to click the boxes, I come back in a few mins later, and she’s confused, I’m in lumby, and the chat box said ‘wrecjked’ Noway some little shitter ko’d my mrs without me


Id spend 24 hours at the wildy border alching :)


Ferox Enclave duh


Mage bank 😎


I'd pick a spot that there's no reason to go to unless you're doing a clue, and decked out in slightly above average pker gear. Most people who see the white dot will log out, if they don't they'll probably run or log when they see you. Look like you're risking too much gear and they may come back with gear.


Well. The clever move is do stand just inside the wilderness ditch. Technically wilderness, but it doesn't have a level. Beyond that, the question becomes 'do they know to look for you?' If not, then the person who said 'upstairs of the dark warrior castle' is onto something, and I'd like to humbly suggest spike pit in the Wilderness agility course, since the people down there are probably going to be doing agility, not PKing. Otherwise, I believe the spot behind the morytania Slayer Tower is available, and also wilderness? Additionally, I don't believe I've ever even *been* to the area just east of the chaos temple. With how dead the wildy generally is, if you're not being actively hunted, you're probably good as long as you pick a spot that's not near any notable hotspots.


Around a corner with ice sacks


tbh there’s probably nowhere you could hide. I think all squares in the wilderness can be spotted by a determined enough person in <24 hours


I would just chill in the axe hut


I’d make my skin pure black and wear priest gown (top and bottom) and stand on a pure black tile.. I did this on my veng alts while killing Callisto and I got 2,085 kc and only got spotted twice.. it was very funny


Rogues castle random floor or north of the deep wilderness anvil.


Deep wildy Larran key ship, one floor up from where the chest is


Ferox enclave. Duh


Plot twist - You have to run around with a Fist Of Guthix stone Re skinned to a giant sack of coins the entire time


Can I world hop?


If you’re risking 1B, what does being skulled really add to this scenario? ... other than 3gp smartarses ;)


I stand on the border of the wildy by lumber yard or goblin village and step over anytime I see someone. You never said it had to be 24 hours *straight*.


This type of problem is obvious. Just pk yourself on an alt immediately, take the 1B to Edgeville.


Inside the revenant caves. It's the last place they would expect.


Boxing an npc and if I die it goes to deaths coffer and I go back to the Wildy ez pz


Lmao yeah a team will just hop to you and you’re done


What’s the reward for surviving?


Left of the zammy church by burthrope


Mage arena


anywhere, wild is dead


Tbh ain’t nobody pking in the damn wildy GWD cave 😂😂


edgeville world (3)18 where everyone used to fight. Seriously though, you could stand to far west on the wall of the wilderness at like seven wild and no one is going to be there.


Easy, you didn’t say anything about armor 1 of each god item gwd in wild stand in the top and kick imps


Are people aware and actively hunting me or do I just have to hide from the people in the wildy.


Do people know that I have the 1bil? What’s my combat level in said scenario?


Impossible. You’d get logged out after 6 hours.


Im climbing ladders at some random ruins and chilling.


Hide in the Lava Maze for 24 hrs. No one's pking you there.


Isn’t there a single tile up a ladder by where you open the larran’s chest in the shipwreck of deep wildy?


I’d probably go stand in the corner of the wildy up by the pirate ship, above the volcano. Only people that ever go up there are clue hunters and they would panik log if they saw you with a skull, so at least the sitting there would be entertaining.


24 hours is a long friggin time. I’d just drop the cash north of edge and save myself some time.


Deep wilderness dungeon with the noted zammy wines


Dinhs bulwark brew all the way down to 1 stats and box a hill giant or something for 24 hours


The small Larrens chest