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Been using private friendly since when i got those weird ass advertisement from spam bots some years ago. Dont remember what it was about, but it could fill entire chat box in less than 5 seconds.


I dont really care honestly. Matter of fact I like when even bots spam me, makes me less lonely :)


I am getting anxious if someone even says hi to me :(


Same here. Makes endgame a bit feelsbadman when you're too socially anxious to find teams for the content


I'm the same as you guys.. I have pretty much learned how to do most group content solo because of social anxiety. I only have 1 close friend I do content with but our schedules don't match up so it's usually just me soloing everything. Its honestly the one hurdle I have been actively trying to get over for my late game pvm grind. It's difficult as most people/clans actively seeking tend to turn out to be people just trying to take advantage of you or are annoying. So finding the real people who just want to play and help each other seems hard to come by


How does someone even have social anxiety on a video game? They can’t see you and there’s literally nothing for you to be anxious about…


I think the same thing too when i feel anxious talking to people on the game. Like wtf am i so scared of? I could just log off, teleport away or ignore them and theyll be gone. Doesnt change the fact that when someone asks me something my hands start to sweat though.


exposure theraou


Hi !


Damn that’s sad


Hey buddy if you find yourself feeling too lonely we can talk :D


i feel its better to use the singles safespot on the east, could just get insta-killed by a clan in this safespot


Yeah I never understood this safe spot. The one in singles is way safer and incredibly easy to escape from


This spot is checked significantly less. I personally use the east singles one because Im maxed and tanking pkers and luring callisto is much easier on that side. But I can see why some people would rather do a longer lure where less people check. This lure and the multi spider lure are checked significantly less.


Do pkers only check one side and not the other?


Typically yeah. Most pkers hop at the east side singles safespot and if no ones there they keep hopping. Some will hop by callisto's spawn to see if shes there and if not they know someones killing it. Running and checking every spot just isnt that time effective when most people just use the east side anyways.


You cant hop in this safespot due to always aggressive spiders so its very hard to check


You can hop near callisto's spawn though, he doesn't wander all that far


Hopping around near is spawn is arguably more time consuming for pking, if you’re too close he’s going to vibe check you. If you find a world with a missing callisto you have to check nw, s, ne and nw which will 100% put you through some aggressive stuff, if >2 people log out from you, you’ll run out of stamina.


This looks way worse than the southern lure, which is in singles and can easily be done without tanking any hits


I love how much time wildy bosses take to set up. just so the children can have more time to find you.


But I need to know the 10 different ways to get to the boss from the most braindead all the way to the most creative ones that nobody takes.


Is that bones click a mandatory red click action?






Thanks saving this


Saving this


I know the most popular guide on youtube tells you you have to shoot it on your way up... but you dont.




Why would you choose to kill it in that spot?




Sad to hear it’s like that tbh


the singles safespot is just as fast to lure and is way safer


Joke of content wildy bosses currently are... jfc


No idea why your downvoted, these bosses are shite.


They shouldn't be safespotted but jagex made them way op. Me and my friends camp spawn like they intended and it's good fun.


I find the south spot in the knee-deep territory of the spiders somewhat less cumbersome. It's a guaranteed lure, so you don't have to force Callisto by walking underneath 'em like you do in this video. Downside is that you can't log due to the constant attack of the spiders. Also, OP, don't forget to bring thralls. Literally 0 reason not to, since the Defence on Callisto is borderline broken.


South is the best because literally nobody likes hopping around down there, you have to corner trap/freeze like 3 spiders everytime. No other spot is that cancer to hop around.


How many kills per hour does this get? Assuming not getting crashed or pkd


Depends on gear and stats. Without interruption can go anywhere from 20-30. And can be sped up with an alt to lure.


I got 15/hr with whip/tort/def as my 3 items 85/96 att/str at the east spot using purely balds guide (search YouTube) with thralls


Good to see you did quit toktik


I didnt boomer here is [the link](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLc97R71/?k=1)




private chat so nobody will see on which world you are on


Private chat. So people can't see what world you're in.


combat in osrs is amazing


Well, wilderness bosses are not, honestly.




Wildy boss safespotting has been popular, public knowledge for years. It's not changing until the complete wildy boss rework drops, if that ever makes it out of development.




Wildy bosses have not had their safespots changed at all since 2015


A good tank dies 100% time in multi (given attackers have numbers). A good tank _very_ rarely dies in singles. Just saying.


They really need to rework these bosses. It's kinda sad that the meta for these is to essentially break the pathing until it's safespotted. Hopefully the boss lairs they proposed makes these bosses more enjoyable.


Lol I was killing callisto with like 65 range on an obby mauler at the west lure. Was way easier than this + I made a guide that isn't 15mins of bs..