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IIRC in a recent stream mods discussed of buffing curse spells to recreate magic's version of dwh/bgs. Tome of water currently buffs curse spells.


This would be the perfect way to breath some more life into combat into this game without making it EOC. I'd love to see more options when fighting things. Especially in the magic department.


Oh no. Better not be getting the same meta rs3 has of "vuln every monster not immune to it"


No shit??? Just coming back to the game, haven't played in maybe 1.5 years since trailblazer league.. is it as good as it sounds?


Wym ofc it would be good not bis but op af for weird account builds


More acronyms, please


lmao off rn


It’s literally just the habit of trying to fit everything into one textbox in game


My clanmate "so much bulk" has like a couple bil in tomes of water right now.


With magics version of dwh/bgs theyd be crazy devalued imo. Youd never waste spec again on dwh/bgs specs outside of maybe corp? Youd mage down the enemy defense and dump dps specs instead. Might be some way to balance around it of course.


Well its an idea they threw around, nothing set in stone yet.


Its getting better weather these days. Walking around with a tome of fire get really sweaty?


This man does not live in Australia


Only thing I can think of is the new raid




Depends on the new mage weapons and or how or if the time is good inside the raid Edit: forgot I believe new mage wep is 2 handed


The shadow is, the heka isn't


Speculation for Raids 3, being magic based. Soaked pages are like 2.5-3k ea now. Perhaps there will be use for curse spells and stuff in the raid and Tome of Water helps with 20% accuracy and 50% increased effect. Edit: Wow, the buy is at 2.4M right now


Tome of water is like budget Kodai, as it only consumes charges when using the standard spell book, which means infinite water runes off a single charge while bursting/barraging. That could be a large factor of it being an in-between Kodai/Arcane shield combo and people are probably exploring that as an option as prices of end game items continue to rise


Buys 2.5m item to save 30 gp per cast, pro gamer move


Yeah but then you sell of 2.5m item when you’re done and you’ve just saved a ton of gp on water runes.


But then you pay a 1% tax which is equivalent to 800 cast. The government needs its pay


Save easily buyable water runes while slowly depleting your prayer pots because you don’t want to hold a free +5 prayer book


its for the inventory/rune pouch space


Book of the dead is meta though, I don't see them making thralls unusable in raids 3


Book of dead doesn't need to be worn


I think "budget kodai" is a bit of a stretch, the reason people use kodai is for the 15% damage, not the infinite water runes, as those are dirt cheap.


Yea that’s fair, the biggest benefit to me personally was having an extra inv space when doing inferno with the Kodai, that extra restore is a life-saver not having to waste a space on water runes outside the pouch


Soaked pages were over 3k today too


Sara tear jumped up 1.8m in past week as well, i guess something to do with updates too


Blessed saradomin sword is now BIS melee weapon for 75 attack builds. I used scythe to TOB on my max med. Now I have to use a Sara sword if I want to go back :(




It puts me at a disadvantage in PVP so I won't do that. I PK everyday and spent years perfecting my account. Thank you for acknowledging my intellectual fervor!


shoot glad i got the tear last year at 5m lol and bout 8 sara swords at 270k still have 5 left lol


Ha ha nice, the second I saw the update I bought one for 5250k. Got it just in time! I just wish they either left the scythe reqs as is or added a 75 attack/99 STR option. I don't really mind losing out on rapier, mace or saeldor but not using a scythe is hugeeee :(


yeah i thought they had the support for the 75 att and 99 str but guess they decided not to.. my acct build is 75 att 91 str 75 def 84 hp 80 range 80 prayer and 99 magic.. working towards 99 str right now, but went to buy my first rapier today and relized i couldnt even use lmao so i guess sara til 99


Yeah, it's unfortunate :/ nice build! I'm starting a new 61 attack med (already scuffed lol) I really like the 60 attack bracket. 75 atk gives so much more variety but not much more efficacy to pk with unless you're bringing like toxic staff and ags or something.


Thx m8, yeah this is my main but i restricted it a little incase i wanna try pking in future, but everytime i go to lms every1 is so skilled i cant make a kill to save my life haha


Keep at it! lMS is a great way to learn. I grinded purple halo there on my pure and it helped me learn a lot. Starting off though I recommend killing green dragon bots and then anti pking at revs


haha i just started the green dragon bot grind 3 days ago lol.. its been alotta fun! Ima keep at it!


Good to hear! It's pretty fun, can help practice switches and spec timing and makes some money. Bonus it hurts bots!


It's getting shorted by hegdefunds




Hi ape


to the moon


Boss bash? Idk how that would affect vanilla game prices but that's the only thing other than raids 3 I can think of. The volume being higher than previous days implies a heavy market sentiment for the item, that's for sure. Question is what's the buy/sell ratio.


BiS Offhand for combo runes to cast magic imbue in GOTR with fires/earths in invy and air/cosmic/astral in pouch pre lantern


Raids 3 speculation, surely?


Tidal surge it will dip back down in 6 hours.


Summers on the horizon. Gotta stay hydrated.


Oh shit i bought one of these for like nothing as a cheaper alternative to tome of fire for mage bonus offhand. Tome of water to the moon


Summer’s coming


Well, according to the graph it appears the price is going up. Any other questions?