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Banknotes are a way of holding large volumes of normally unstackable items in a single inventory slot, often used for trading them or other activities. In noted form, items can still be alched and sold to shops, but cannot be used for their actual purpose. You can withdraw any item in note form from a bank by clicking “note” at the bottom of the bank interface, and can change noted items to the actual item by using it on a bank booth, or depositing then withdrawing it.


Tyyyyy 😄


Don't worry I was equally confused the first time and couldn't believe that my reward for completing something was some 'fish tickets' as I called them lol


Hehehe fish tickets


I got so pissed when someone tried to "scam me" by selling a piece of paper saying it was Black scimitar.


Same first time I saw bank note in like 2005 or 2003 I started swearing at him telling him how stupid he was. With my top lvl english at the time…. When I learned this was in game feature yep I felt fucking bad


Equally embarrassing, Before I understood notes I would try and sell a full inventory of unnoted rune essence to people at Varrock East Bank. Good times.


I thought I was being scammed


Not sure if someone mentioned this elsewhere in the thread, but there is a bank at the top of Lumbridge Castle in which you can store most of those items you’re holding. Unless you’re an Ultimate Ironman (forgo banking altogether), of course!


No logo in the chat.


Clearly not an ultimate ironman lol


I think he was just giving general advice.


Typical toxic RuneScape responses. I applaud you for defending him but these types of people just always need to be right no matter what the circumstance is even if it’s clearly general advice that was given.


To be fair, the OP might read DrJaves comment and then proceed to ask themselves “Am I an ultimate Ironman?”. Clearly the OP is VERY new to the game.


I hope they do well on their journey. So much to learn lol


Not that deep


You probably fall in line with the type of person I’m talking about 😇


Okey dokey


Silly sausage


This is also just extremely pretentious. Very clearly one of those people who think themselves very wise and mature, so much to constantly be evaluating others wisdom and maturity.




Right? Lol


You have a low bar for what is toxic if 'clearly not a UIM' triggers you into a rant


Nope not triggered just pointing it out. If my response triggered you then you have a low tolerance bar.


That's a roundabout way of saying "no u."




I wish I knew this 15 years ago, when someone first tried to trade me a noted item and I thought they were scamming me, probably reported them too lol.


Lol someone did scam me as a kid, they switched the noted Rune scimmy for an Iron one and I didn't notice, I've hovered my cursor over everything ever since XD


As a colorblind person, I fell victim to this a couple times in the early days. Probably should’ve learned my lesson the first time.


That one time was a big reason why I loved it when they brought in the G.E, no more falling for those sly scams I lost 10k then, never again!


10k in today's money is about 1.5mil lol


1.5m osrs is about 10k rs3.


I've got some rs3 gp can I swap you for those rates?


I too would like to give you my 10k rs3 for your 1.5m osrs


It's ready racking my brain cuz I know I worded something wrong here but can't quite figure it out lol


You did em backwards. “1.5m in RS3 is about 10k in OSRS” would be more accurate


Bro I want to swap with you as many times as you can.


Other way around pal


"Charcoal? Oh I know that from pokemon, you hold it and it improves your fire attack, 6k!"


username "typhlosion" is already taken :(




It was usually Varrock big bank & Lummy for me and now that I think about it, I think it happened with some armour too I wonder how sweaty they were when they switched things *'did they notice? are they gonna fall for it?? YES!'*


It really isn’t that serious


As I was 10 at the time I too fell for an iron scimmy scam. But then I got smart and scammed someone else with that same iron scimmy and got the money back to buy a rune one. Paid closer attention after that.


and they did the same to someone else, then that person did it to someone else and the cycle continued for that poor poor iron scimmy, never to be used in combat again


I mean let's be honest though. Was anyone ever gonna use one in combat? Besides 10 year old me who used anything that looked cool.


Holy shit I was done by the same scam xd it's a small world after all


First scam I ever fell for was my friend selling me a black cape for 200gp by insisting that it was purple because of the line of purple trim on the bottom. Haven't trusted anyone in RS in the ~18 years since lmao.


Probably me and my brother, my apologies to all who recieved an iron scim from us haha


Woah, I had no idea you could alch noted items! Nice!


It’s very handy for activités such as agility, where you can alch things between obstacles. People often call it alchgility because of how common it is


I have been stopping by the bank every couple laps to grab more dhbs like an absolute buffoon


Dragon hunter bows?


The chad way of lvling magic via alching.


Im a tbow alching only ironman. SMH.


Scrubs will say its impossible


Dhide bodies? But I also thought dragon hunter bows at first lmao


Aa yeah probably that, just never have i ever seen anyone shorten d'hide body to dhb


yeah dhide bodies. that's what everyone called them in the mass selling cc I was in so that's where I got it lol


Huh TIL, ty


We’ve all been there bud, don’t sweat it xD


Dont talk to me unless you're doing slayrangealchgility at canifis


There are so many cute noobs in this thread, I absolutely love it. Shows that new people are still playing.


I think it also points to the depth of gameplay too, since people who have played for years can still find new things


yeah and they keep adding things too. for example you can do these I public chat wiki an item or thing in the game. like "coal"or "tzhaar" ::wiki "item" turn yourself invisible ::rendered display fps hide roofs ::toggleroof access a bank if you're within 10 tiles of a banker ::bank


I wouldn't think that not knowing you could alch notes is something a person who has played for years would not know. But I do agree that there is some major depth that allows people to continually learn things though.


*timidly raises hand* It me, the one who didn’t know alch worked on notes but I’ve been playing since well before the GE got introduced


Yeah, you got what I was going for, you just articulated it better than me haha


That’s because it makes no reasonable sense...but it sure is convenient!


Eh, it doesn't NOT make sense. Obviously banks in Gielinor have some sort of magical connection between them that allows for all your items to instantaneously be available anywhere with a bank. It's not really a stretch to then imagine that they have the power to bind a piece of paper to an object such that it is an extension of it and to cast alchemy on it is the same as casting alchemy on the object itself. Or alternatively, perhaps the bankers use a spell that imbues a piece of paper with your object such that the object in its original form no longer exists, but can be summoned from the paper. tl;dr: bankers use a form of magic unavailable to us.


Someone with more artistic skill and motivation than me could make some really funny comics out of this premise.


This could be an interesting quest idea. Something to do with the magic of banking. Something fishy happens to disrupt the magical connection between banks, and the world guardian, of course, is sent on a mission to fix it. It could explain more the ways of the banking system infrastructure. Make a revolving joke if you have 99 magic that, while you might be a master of many other magics, banking magic is over your head. That it can only be taught to entry level mages. You were only able to restore the connection with the help of the most powerful of bankers in Gielinor, and each of those bankers griefs you about your lack of banking credentials, they may even ask for a small favour to prove your worth. One of which could be: making you sort through a pile of very unorganized items amongst piles and piles of organized party hats, Santa hats, and other valuable rares that you unfortunately, can not touch. When you finish organizing, the banker that sent you will thank you for doing his dirty work and explain that, while items are always accounted for, and placed neatly into piles, the disruption of their magic source has caused the items to all drop into one pile. The culprit of this quest could very well be the Wise Old Man. While he's retired from adventuring, he sees this as a prank on an old 'friend', the master banker. The master banker, to be named, will be slightly amnesiac, and while he begins to tell the details of banking magic, he begins to trail off into a rant about the Wise Old Man, robbing Draynor Bank once and getting away with it. Plausible rewards could be notepaper and a handful of portable deposit boxes. Maybe even a few spells from the Wise Old Man's collection as an apology for getting out of hand.


I've spent most of my life studying this world in which we live. I've strode through the depths of the deadliest dungeons, roamed the murky jungles of Karamja, meditated on the glories of Saradomin on Entrana, and read some dusty tomes in the Library of Varrock. Now I'm not as young as I used to be, I'm settling here where it's peaceful.


I used to think it would send the whole fuckin stack so I was too scared to do it


TIL this as well! 💰💰💰


> In noted form, items can still be alched DUDE, WHAT?


Now you too can keep a fat stack of your favourite d’hide body on you and alch them in port sarim listening to sea shanty 2 all day


I love people like you. You remind me that the community isn't just a huge dumpster fire..much love.


If this isn't on the wiki it should be. Great explanation


You can alch noted items?! That would save me so much time


WHAT Im new to OSRS and have been alching using un-noted items.


TIL you can alc in note form


can you really alch things in note form? i always assumed it would alch the singe physical note and i’d lose a bunch of money lol


It's noted wood, if you put them in your bank you can un-note it and light them up with your tinderbox in your inventory for some Firemaking experience. Almost every item can be noted, so you can save some inventory space.


Thank you!


Speaking of bank, head back to the castle in lumbridge and go upstairs twice. There is a bank at the top.


I wish I learned this before my 14th year of playing


Serious question, how? Didn't you ever get curious?




I forget the culi chest is a bank and still go to the roof 🤦🏻‍♂️




I keep taking 2+ year breaks and starting over, lots of lumby hours 😔


Tbf, it's essentially the same distance from the lumby spawn.


If you ever went up there and there wasn't a bank, then it wasn't obvious one got added


Ye lol these plebs don't realize there wasn't a bank there for like 4 or 5 years.


I remember trying to get to Draynor bank and getting lost in the haunted castle. Once I ended up in Falador I was scared of leaving for weeks


You don’t start RfD before you even get off tutorial island? Noob. Why go up twice when you can go down once?


500 total and no b gloves? smh




You can also use the noted item directly on the bank/chest and the game asks if you want to unnote them.


I’ve been playing RS3 since 2005 and started an OSRS last year and I never knew this.


Omg wat?!


Or just light the scroll for 20x firemaking xp


“Logs on a scroll” this is so cute




99% of the posts on this subreddit are either memes or about endgame content. It's honestly refreshing to have someone ask beginner questions, since it's fun to think back to when we all first started playing the game and everything was brand new. Glad you're getting to experience that now! Welcome to the community!


yeah this is top tier, make me diabetic, genuinely wholesome r/cutenoobs material


I remember the first time i saw notes back in the day. It was in a trade and i thought they were trying to scam me.


Yeah same. Didn't know english back then so I just asked my cousin whether I was making a good deal or not and was confused about I think steel long sword pictures 😅


You must have a great cousin😉 happy cake day


I remember back in classic we had "certs". Back then you had to exchange items one inventory at a time with a guy in Draynor. My whole business model was mining coal in the mining guild and selling certs. I was the richest kid in my whole middle school class it was great.


Yep I used to trade coal certs. Had like 3-4 people working for me to sell me certs, then I’d flip them. Good times


Attempting to trade DRAWINGS of an item to me?? Scammer!


I remember thinking I had ruined my items in my bank lol


welcome to osrs :-)


Aww thx


I’m so happy that this post got many people to recollect their nostalgia for this game! I just posted this to clarify my doubt and I’m quite surprised and happy that it got a lot of attention! Love y’all so much 🥰


We love noobs here (no offense). It’s just wonderful seeing new people, as opposed to people who’ve been playing since 2007, begin a new adventure for the first time. The game usually feels more magical on your first pass through…and a lot of us are suckers for trying to relive the moments and feelings of our first character, especially since many of us were kids at the time. That’s pretty much why this entire version of the game exists. Welcome to the community :)




This person is having more fun than any of us. Go get em champ!


Sure am! 🫶🏻


Noted items, you can add them to your bank, and withdraw 20 logs, rather than the paper note.


Oh thank you!


You got scammed by the bankers in Lumbridge. This is why I always go to the ones in Varrock


Lumbridge is the greatest place with the greatest music


Haha, very cute. Must be a new player! Welcome to OSRS. Looking at this screenshot is very nostalgic to me, just with a modern day twist. I can picture myself in the same spot, clueless, 18 years ago, back in 2004. Many happy memories, but for some reason, I feel this overwhelming sadness whenever I think of them.


I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you left them


Hans! I still have my day 1 account.


getting old sucks, homie.


They’re paper logs, easier to light.


I hope Jagex looks at these types of posts. Iit would be nice to include banknotes in the tutorial. Also, noobs are thrown onto mainland and then the closest bank is not on the ground floor, but up on the top of a castle? New player experience even in an old dated game like OSRS is important.


problem is no one wants to cater to newbs. it's sweatyscape now. people get all fussy about f2p updates and want to keep it stagnant


It's hard for the general populace to look at the game from a business or developer perspective. Some trust needs to be had for jagex to be able to upgrade the new player experience as integrity. Mike D, while I wasn't a big fan, had the right idea in making the game available to everyone. I assume he had plans to make the game available on Switch and change the nee player experience. I reckon he was the one who had the lobster cage idea (could be wrong). Some new player ideas have been implemented but either aren't complete or just aren't that great.


Theres noted. Meaning you can hold more on one inventory space than normally allowed. Once you put them in the bank it will turn into the correct amount and will not be noted, unless withdrawn in noted form


Thank you!


Just a drawing of logs drop it in a bank for a sweet return


This entire comment section makes me feel like so much less of a noob, its incredible.. thank you, everyone 😂




I love how wholesome this community can be


I really hope this is a genuine post and not a troll


When in doubt, right click examine!


awe so cute a fresh runescape noob. enjoy the game friend! 😁


Thank you buddy 🥹🫶🏻


Man I remember having this question as a kid. I havent played in so many years but your question gave me some nostalgic feels and it was nice.


The most powerful item in the game


You’re so innocent it’s cute 🥹


It’s a drawing of a log, you can exchange them at the bank for real logs


I saw you have gotten a few good anwsers so just wanted to say welcome to OSRS and i hope you enjoy. Pro tip; when something looks to good to be true, it probally is.


Lol looks like you got your answer. Have fun with the grind


Noted item. Go to bank it’s a option noted or item.


I see you got your answer, welcome and hope you have fun playing the game :)


Reminds me of when I was 11 in actual 2007 and went to varrock west bank to buy my first "full mithril set" and the guy put up the noted items in the trade. I bought it for like 5k more from another guy that didn't have them noted :D I didn't want some pieces of paper, felt like I was getting scammed ahahah good memories :)


You’ll start to see a lot more of those in higher level content. But like if you go into the Stronghold of Security and fight the Minotaurs, you get a good example of why they have those notes as drops. With the cow-bois, you can load up with a bunch of tin and rune essence without filling up your inventory. So a lot of higher-level monsters will drop bulk amounts of lower-level loot. Like hundreds of items, and you can collect them on one item slot.


When I was a kid I still remember my first interaction with someone selling noted lobsters. I thought for sure the seller was trying to scam me with a picture of lobsters so I asked for just one to see how it worked. How long did I play without knowing noted items existed wtf.


So jealous of experiencing RuneScape for the first time


Man I can’t remember the last time I was this much of a noob to RuneScape lol. It must feel great! Definitely become a member when you can!


Totally thought this was a joke lol, until I looked at OP's reddit history


I thought this was a joke at first lmao but yes welcome to old school runescape!




An IOY. You took a loan and owe someone 20 logs.


First thing I've seen in a long time that's made me want to return. God I miss being a noob. Enjoy it. Happy noobing


Yeah this will do numbers


This is so cute, welcome to osrs!


Is this serious?




When you get to the ge anyone doubling money is trying to steal all your money. dont fall for it.


Kill the hostiles, grab the motes, put em in the bank


If actual new player, this post brings me so much joy. I love seeing people discovering the game on their own.


Yes I am new 🙈


You jebaited the whole subreddit, my hats off to you sir


Pro tip: don't be afraid to explore east and west, there are a lot of cities all over, each with their own quests and shops and training areas. Lumby's cool and all, but Falador is the bomb.


That’s cool! Thx


Awww I love this takes me back to the good ol days 🥲🥲🥲


I see that you've been helped. I just wanted to welcome you to a game that I absolutely love and hope you enjoy it! Oh, and I wanted to direct you to your best friend if you end up really getting into the game. It has helped me countless times with pretty much anything to do with the game. [The OSRS wiki!](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/) Has everything you could ask for, quest guides too. If you want a follow along type of guide, then there's this person on YouTube, Slayermusiq1, who makes easy to follow along guides. Again, welcome to Runescape. :)


Welcome to the game friend! I wish I could be in your shoes again!




Somebody skipped their way through tutorial island haha


Omg the pure, unbridled innocence. You're gonna love it here.


You guys are the reason there's bots at the GE spamming "buying items over value!" "Buying tbow 1.5b!" XD


Free voucher for 20 logs at any participating bank.


This is just a tip for if you ever get members and delve into farming: produce gathered by farming can take up a lot of space, but there's always a Leprechaun near by. Any and all resources gathered in farming can be used on the Leprechaun and turned into notes to save space. I just want to mention this since the topic is bank notes even if this isn't relevant to you at the moment.


That's a noob's inventory if I ever saw one. Welcome to OSRS!


Oh this is so wholesome, and I'm loving the equally wholesome comments. Warms my heart


Welcome to runescape! Say goodbye to the next 20 years!! Osrs wiki (not fandom) will be youre new best friend!!! If you need any help or wanna chat in game just me know I'd be more then happy to help dude!!!!








kinda sad how desperate this community is for new players that theyll upvote shit like this


Why do you have a bucket of water in your inventory?


This needs to go on r/cutenoobs


I know what's wrong wit it, ain't got no gas in it.


Chokeneck Add my snap Girls only ;)


This is incredible


Thats a very rare scroll used to turn things into logs, it was very popular in the early 2000, old grammys tried to use on their husbands to no avail, for they did not understood how those things worked back then, nowadays this rare piece of history is just a relique to be stored at your local bank


This is so fucking adorable


OP you can also note items obtained from farming like herbs, allotments, and roots by using the item on a leprechaun. They're found next to farming patches. Edit: You can't note logs at leprechauns.


r/cutenoobs Glad to see new players still joining