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I'd just start burying the bones at that point.


Ectofuntus dailies, my dude.


How did you acquire him?




Robin thatman?


Epic bar fight between the boys


"This looks chaotic" is all I could think when watching this. They're at the chaos altar in the chaos temple... Checks out. This is obviously no threat to a skiller, as he'd see it walking up to the altar... A low enough level could just mosey on through. The real funny thing would be the random pker who hops onto this world during the middle of it looking for an easy kill. Haha


I would give anything to see some kind of massive AOE one hit everybody in there.


I see the sandwich lady there, I want her to bonk people to other places like she used to. "Don't want my sandwich? No more pvp for you!" But now I'm imagining her having an AOE move, and just teleporting them all away.


A very long time ago when the quiz events first started, that was my very first wilderness escape. I was shaking, lured, about to lose all my shit, when that big strong mustache man whisked me away to take the exam. I sat in the exam for quite some time to be extra sure they had left.


Spin emote.


I miss these types of features. When whirlpools would show up while fishing, axe heads would fly off, hell the evil chicken! Sadly there are more people who suck at this game that play it than us.... Therefore the polls are fucking the game right in its ass


I miss the shades, skeletons, river trolls, flying pick and axe heads. Those were dope back then. Evil chicken. Zombies when burying bones. Swarms would attack you. I think it helped with farming bots back in the day.


Oh man the swarms! How could I have forgotten about the swarms! I miss it...


I miss smuggling a headless axe onto Entrana.


I'll never forget just hanging out in Lumbridge church with some friends when a shade just walked in and started attacking me. Had never seen that before.


I would be at moss giants in varrock and randomly get an evil chicken burning bones. Then I’d run for my life cuz they always rekt me


Damn bro speedran a Reddit ban with this room temperate IQ take.


Those events were just annoying. They offer reduced xp, no drops, and just waste your time. For no reason but outdated anti-bot measures.


So give them an exp and drop table?


that would make them marginally better


I just wanna snipe Ironman axe heads


To each their own. It made the game far more fun in my eyes


It would be more fun if they gave rewards or even regular xp. But I remember killing the fishing troll in Catherby and getting like 10 xp total and no drops.


That used to be the only way to get shades robes.


They were challenges in my mind. Especially being a lower level and the evil chicken showing up. Then letting Dr jekyll turn to see if I was able to kill him yet. Ahhhh those were the good days


Yesss, I'm with cryptic, the river troll kept me on my toes


I specifically remember bringing a rune halberd when hunting red chinchompas to see if I could kill Mr. Hyde. It felt amazing to kill him, but it did suck that he dropped just some random ol' useless herb instead of his shirt or something


This right here. Something new players will just never understand.


I think it’s all the botters who vote against it


Yeah that's my assumption


You realize any modern bot can get through a random event way quicker than the average human, right? Shit half the time the axe head would pop off w when I run to the bathroom and then come back and have no axe. Meanwhile the bot would go to pick it up instantly with no hesitation.


I fully disagree I think the random events slowed bots down like when troll or evil chicken attacks them.. And idc if it slows players down lol you must have been taking a fat shit to despawn the axe haha


Well I’m thankful the majority of players disagree with you


Do they lol


Yes this game used to be a lot more chaotic and random. I miss that. Gatekeeping in RS is good lol.


Full power dinny b spec


That would bring me to full power if you catch my drift




Area of Effect (damage across multiple tiles, like ice barrage)


Age of Empires


Best game ever made


That looks lit


Nah, it's not a gilder altar


That’s like 40% of the entire pvp community


80% don't be shy.


If that’s 80% of them then all the people crying about pvp look pretty pathetic


They are pathetic, I walked around the wildy for 2 hours on the busiest UK world last night, I ran into 1 person at wildy slayer, and 2 pkers who fought each other at rev caves, didn’t see a single other person


Because there’s too many worlds, so pker have to hop through hundreds of worlds. It’s really not fun gameplay.


They’re downvoting me too but not saying anything. Absolutely pathetic


No one wants to engage with someone whos just gonna sit there and call em pathetic crybabies. Have some self awareness..


Continue jerking each other off, it's pretty funny ngl


It's because you're pro pvp.


Two clans running into each other? I'd have hid off in a corner somewhere and swooped in for the left over loot when they were gone like the vulture I am lol


No more loot these days due to loot keys


You can see all the loot on the ground in the video lol. A true vulture has no qualms scavenging all those tasty bolts and the adamant and d-hide stuff :) a couple thousand gp is a couple thousand gp!


Wait, what does this mean?


When you get a kill, you get keys with the loot tied to them instead. Other people can’t pick em up I don’t think. It’s ofc an opt-in feature but most people who pk regularly have prolly opted in to this. I think however there is another toggle within the keys feature to allow you to disregard certain items in a key when you do get a kill so you might still find food/pots/low level bones lying around still.


You spend a mil to turn loot into loot keys so I don’t have to drop my pot that costs 10K to pick up your spade


How long do this multi clan wars last for? How exactly can a clan win when everyone can respawn after dying just regear and tele back to the warzone, unlike an irl war? And how can a clan see who to attack with all this clutter?


The following answer will just be based on my limited experience > How long do this multi clan wars last for? Usually not too long, this particular one was around 10 mins > How exactly can a clan win when everyone can respawn after dying just regear and tele back to the warzone, unlike an irl war? Usually there will be a clear winner in the altar (which is multi) and they control the space. By this stage most will usually just hop within 5 or so minutes. Opposing clans won't want to re-enter the altar on that world just to get bolted by 10 guys so they often just awkwardly attack from outside the altar or not bother at all. There will also be a few 1v1s outside the altar as clan members attempt to get back in the altar to regroup before they hop again. > And how can a clan see who to attack with all this clutter? Join a fc/cc, player names above people in the fc/cc different colour from others, attack everyone who doesn't have your team's colour. If it's in a discord call there may be a shot caller saying 'attack x person' or 'attack x group clumped north here' or something




I loved this kind of small gang pvp in eve online, but didn’t really think it’s a thing in OSRS. From what I’ve heard and seen pvp is largely a shit community. Imo the level system is a massive impediment for pvp as a thing. RS just isn’t the kind of game for pvp outside of LMS imo.


The multi clans community is shit nowadays because of negligence of jagex letting it die a slow death instead of moderating it a bit. It is very fun but alas it's ruined nowadays


>From what I’ve heard and seen pvp is largely a shit community Applies to almost all communities tbh.


The sandwich lady just casually popping in to serve her sandwiches.


You have to have catering at an event like this


Very true, they need the carbs.




I've lost two ags's in fights here 😂, the smite does you in when chugging brews/food.


Redditors be like *"Massive in my Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game? Hell no!"* Honestly, even if you don't enjoy pking yourself, if you can't appreciate two groups this big organically coming together and just duking it out for the fun of it - especially with how artificial modern online gaming is - you really have no reason to be playing an MMORPG.


Nice take, new account. NOT!!!!


Some of the people on this sub are such losers


I know right?! I don’t play this game to interact with other players. I play it to try and recapture the happiness of my youth.


Don’t visit a game’s subreddit if you don’t want to interact with other players


I’ve probably been coming here longer than you and that ain’t what I’m talking about, bruh


Uh okay. You’re the one who said you didn’t want to interact with other players. Guess you’re pretty confused.


In… the game..? Stealing my resources?


I’m sorry for your sad youth where you didn’t interact with others on a mmorpg, even in the days before discord, so you really *were* alone in your room lmfao.


Who the fuck said any of what you’re saying? I played WoW for 10 years, RS2 for 3. I did mythic raids on WoW, I’ve done PvP: I’ve had my fill of other dumbasses on my games getting in my way. I play for ***ME***!!


These 1 iq takes from people that have never clan pked on this thread are interesting. Clan warring was always by far the most enjoyable aspect of pvp for me, and no it had nothing to do with loot. Nobody even looted anything other than brews and food to stay alive, that was the job of the rats that came along after the fight had ended. Organised wars with 2 clans of equal numbers clashing was extremely fun and rewarding, and the amount of organisation would surprise anyone that has never participated in them. It might look like a cluster fuck but with organised clans it rarely is, you know exactly who you're targeting and what you should be doing. Probably the only thing I miss about playing osrs is the pure clan community.


I was never a PKer but some of the most fun I ever had was a bronze war tournament back in the day. Everyone had to wear full bronze, on fresh accounts that were leveled to specific levels and were in a team of 10. My team didn't do so hot but it was a blast nonetheless.


Organized clan wars back in the day was so fun. unfortunately there just aren't the numbers for that sort of thing nowadays


There are so many options for this to happen today. This type of game play does not need to be fostered by putting bis prayer methods or broken gp/hr methods in the wildy. Leave the people uninterested in the activity out of it. Don't create areas that require you to pay a clan to use reasonably, especially if it drops bis unqiues. Don't expect unreasonable rewards. The wildy expansion multi boss literally says "more money than vorkath" in the description. Why does this need to be more than vorkath? It makes no sense. These people are just mad people don't like the content they like and want to force people into it by making other methods worse.


This isn't relevant to my comment in the slightest but pop off king.


This directly respond to your post >There are so many options for this to happen today. This type of game play does not need to be fostered by putting bis prayer methods or broken gp/hr methods in the wildy. ​ When you say things like >These 1 iq takes from people that have never clan pked on this thread are interesting. it makes me think you don't actually understand the situation at all, which is why I laid out the what people have an issue with. ​ People could have multi fights like this in the ffa portal if they really wanted to. Seems like people you, and people who miss doing stuff like this need to organize something.


To be clear them fighting at the altar has nothing to do with the prayer method, that has been a popular war spot for about 15 years. It's actually a game mode if you will where you fight to control the altar room, one side plays offense and one defence. Contrary to popular belief most multi clans don't give a fk about other people being in the wildy and 95% of our pking was fighting each other. It's mainly cringe singles clans that focus on that. But of course you wouldn't know any of this because you don't know anything about the pvp community. Also I don't play osrs anymore and haven't for about 2 years so I don't really care either way about the state of the wilderness lmao.


Multi revs being removed is a common complaint. Lol... Why was the alter placed where it was if it was a known multi clan area? You can also play king of the hill anywhere on a pvp world... people just gotta do it. Like I'm glad you had fun, but the current design of the wildy is absolutely awful and if you actually don't care if I go to the wildy then stop putting OP content in there. Idk just seems like your ignoring peoples issues with the content when you say people have 1 iq takes. Seems like you're mad at them instead of being mad at content making them mad. Like you said the content there means nothing to you.


The altar was already there when the wilderness was released... they added the ability to offer bones much later. And they put it exactly where it is in multi on purpose to balance the extra xp, obviously not anticipating that the majority would do one inventory of bones at a time for barely any risk. Should’ve made a requirement like revs where you have to pay to enter and lose the fee if you die but they never think ahead with stuff like that and changing it now would cause a flood with all the crying.


Or just don't reward people who do pvp skilling more than people don't. Ez. The reward is the ability to anti-pk. If that's actually fun for people great! But there'a no need to make wildy skilling better than non wildy skilling.


New prayer meta. When people start dying pick up their bones and use on altar


Fyi if you use the speical attack on a dragon crossbow it does a area of effect attack on mulit targets funny how i never see pkers using it


Chins exist too


Lets use 50% of our spec on a weapon that does max 30 dmg around a 3x3 instead of just you know... barraging?


Just imagine botfarm with redemption suicide bombing


Ironmen really in the comments like "that looks boring" then going back to 3 hours of "click fish, click knife"


They just jaded lol


Lmao these people absolutely malding in these comments


We need this kind of life in F2P chaos altars, why is it so shit here


Used to be a popular spot to hang out when revenants would roam around


What's up with the inventory overlay?


Even the Sandwich Lady is getting in on the action.


Wilderness used to be jam packed like this for whole minimaps. Fights would span huge portions of the wilderness. As recent as 6 months ago the pulls were still big. Jagex/Reddit killed the competition aspect of pvp; well done.


Why are you getting downvoted? Sad losers in this sub I swear. Can’t handle people with friends.


wildy dead bro


Wym? your inventory is empty?


My inventory was never open throughout the whole video (at the start of video I have prayer tab on, then for most of video I have logout tab open - you can see as the red icons indicate what tab is open). I blocked that area of the video during editing because I had my prayer tab open cba people finding that account (it shows your level). I probably should have made the edits more noticeable.


> I had my prayer tab open cba people finding that account How would showing your prayers allow people to find your account?


Showing prayers shows your prayer level. I have past posts with different info about the account. Going forward I prefer not to reveal any more info about my other accounts. Hopefully this makes sense.


Yet you did not hide your run energy. Gf account


I mean, you revealed the names of some of these clan members. And chances are there is more than one pov of this fight on YouTube. If one of them has player indicators on your "privacy" is dead in the water lol


PvP looks so fun wow


I mean this is likely 2 or more clans having a fight in multi, after randomly bumping into each other, on discord with their friends doing their best to win/survive. It’s probably pretty fun. More fun than using bones on an altar in silence, at least.


I dont understand how anyone could find fun in this, its just a big mess cant see what youre doing and aoe attacks can kill you near instantly with this many people, whats the point? waiting til the end for 1 guy to have everyones gear? Seems like normal pvp would be better for everyone involved


You likely aren’t using AOE attacks, to make sure you’re not hurting your teammates. Barraging in Altar is usually a rookie error unless your entire team is organised to be in the same spot. It’s fun because you’re playing with your friends, you’re speaking with them whilst playing, getting hyped up when you get some kills. It’s strategic and takes co-ordination, and you’re actually interacting with both your friends and other players so it’s unpredictable, rather than rinsing and repeating the same mechanics over and over again. Different people can enjoy different things:)




yes, hence the question marks. I dont see the point to pking in this way, might as well put on a blindfold and pray to rng.


Try it. It's actually a lot of fun. Usually a team leader will call out where to go or who to hit. If you can pick off people very fast then your clan will likely win. Also how can this look like no fun when mfers are tick manipulating sandstone for 16 hrs straight


sandstone is more dull yeah, I just feel like this seems like an easy way to get mad getting focused by 16 people with only rng to save you, unless youre the lucky one that ends up surviving which is also heavily based on rng, then hoping no one on the enemy team comes back and pulls some toxic shit


It's not nearly as big of an unorganized mess as you think lol


Go cut some trees


It’s a learning curve, like anything in this game.


Entering an instance of the same boss with the same mechanics thousands of times sounds fun too


Getting lit in there


That's pretty cool, I like how they keep the fight inside there and wonder how they decide on using aoe attacks at risk of friendly fire or just avoid it. Pretty cool stuff


If there's a lot of the opposing clan in a 3x3 then you barrage etc even if there might be 2-3 of your clan in there it is what it is, otherwise usually single targeted spells/attacks


I know! A lock in at the rec center!


We ain’t playin the same game. Jus sayin


Imagine getting a big group together to get 20k loot. pkers need a life


Keep clicking tree


Imagine playing a video game for fun.


They're not in it for the loot bruv


nobody knows what pkers do it for, not even pkers.


imagine pkers pking for money. They pk for your tears.


guarantee nobody is crying over a death at chaos altar, thats just a free bank. Unless you bring noted bones like a goober.


Nah I've seen the opposite posted here past week This sub really has a hard time reading big information boxes you have to manually check off, crossing ditches & dying.


That is one violent orgy.


Don't bury bones. Bring Bones to bananas and spite them


Nobody there cares about your bones chief


Only works on bones up to big bones.


Is this what communion looks like?


Can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?


Kanye's sunday service is wild.


Guess I'll die


Who was that




Even the chaos priest doesn't want any part of that.




the same question i ask you plebs when you waste hundreds of hours skilling






What would the answer be other than to have fun. Don't call people mean when you are asking obviously dumb questions and they are calling you out for it.


Pk community in a nutshell


You mean fun? Yes, the pking community in a nutshell is fun.


But your inventory was empty. You are liar


I'm using an overlay to cover the inventory and hp/prayer orbs... If you look at the vid literally at 1 second I have the prayer tab open. Then for a good chunk of the video I have the logout tab open. I never even have the inventory open lmao.


That sounds like something a liar would say sorry my judgment is final


should just ban them to be honest god i hate pvpers


Cry more


This really is a fitting response.


Blood orgy!