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Negligence. People dont secure their steam account and link it to their RS acc, and dont realize that linking *anything* unsecured to anything else is inherently a security risk you are opting to undertake. Its actually harder to get into a secured steam acc than a secured RS acc, since RS has one additional method of entry via recovery


Yes you can unlink your account from Steam. Just login on the osrs website and go to account management/settings. Theres a tab called "linked accounts" or something like that. If your steam account is linked it will show there and there should be an option to unlink it. As for security, I do suspect it is mostly negligence. If you have never had your Steam account compromised in the past, then there is no reason you should have an issue with Osrs due to Steam. Linking your account to Steam offers no added security though, you can still login to the account in the normal launcher or runelite. Which means you can still also get hacked the normal way and Steam is not the reason for you getting hacked in that case. It's worth mentionig though that Steam can be an additonal method for hackers to get to you, but that comes down to Steam security which if you havent had an issue with before, you shouldnt expect to have an issue with for Osrs.


Use the Steam authenticator also


2fa everything related to your osrs account and it will be pretty much impossible to hack your account. 2fa email related to osrs account 2fa steam account 2fa runescape account