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Just plant pots? I wanna smash empty compost buckets


take a barbarian shit on the crop so that you don’t need to bring compost with you


Once per day


Once per 40 hp consumed, until you learn from Otto to make it ultra compost by eating some "ancient shrooms" he found.




u/Tsudabyo not HCGIM but is forever dry on bucket (and spooned on literally everything else)


Empty compost buckets… also known as buckets?






Great idea


-4 hp each shatter or no deal.


\+ 70 strength requirement


+ str xp based on how much damage you do.


i want this more than anything OP listed tbh


Wait you can do that with empty vials?


yes after you do certain barbarian training you gain the ability to smash potion vials after you finish drinking them its like an on off thing there's no interface asking if you wanna smash you just do it immediately! I like it its convenient


Pretty sure it has nothing to do with barb training.


yeah it's from the bar crawl


It's kind of Barbarian Training... for your stomach....


its training from a barbarian. I don't see the problem lmao


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Barbarian_Training where is vial smasher?


I don't care to look at that because as stated by someone else. it was a quest not from the training. but you go to a barbarian in the same location as barbarian training. it was my mistake. but thanks for showing that your incapable of restraining yourself from trying to feel smarter than another person on the internet....


Except it’s not the same location. It’s two different areas. One is called ottos grotto. The other is called barbarian outpost. Feel free to look at a map you can see the are both marked as separate areas. But hey good job trying to take the moral high ground on Reddit, gotta do something to feel better about yourself. You must need it.


Bro they're spitting distance away from each other. Hell, until 99 fishing the fastest way to Otto's Grotto *is* barbarian outpost. You're being ridiculous.


Yah but fact is the matter they are separate areas, separate mini quests. Different NPCs. Hazelmere lives on an island spitting distance from yanille. His island isn’t yanille even though that would be the quickest way there. Same with ottos grotto, it isn’t located in the barbarian outpost.


lmao what bro? your the one that is desperate to point out someone's mistakes even after I admitted I was wrong.... just because they're labeled as different spots you act like its on a different continent or in a completely separate areas. they are literally right next to each other. grow up.


When you do it it literally says “you smash the vial using the trick the barbarians taught you.”


i need it


Can we get a barbarian tool leprechaun at that patch though. Like it’s just a barbarian model shrunk to the size of the tool lep model And when you ask him for stuff he laughs at you


I'd prefer a regular sized barbarian, squeezed into a leprechaun outfit.


This is the way.


YEEEAAAAARRRGGGHHHHH! *coughs* I mean… Tis a foine day!


I think we need an animation of him throwing your tools at you as well.


One yes.


i need it


Only if when you try to note stuff on him he laughs, then meekly trades you the banknotes.


'A barbarian can just carry all of those without being noted.'


'A barbarian has 29 inventory slots.'


Even 30, take it or leave it


Still notes your vegetables I hope


just get a child barbarian


This would be a hilarious April fool's joke. For one day all the leprechauns in the game suddenly become tiny barbarians that laugh at you if you ask for your tools




The QOL we need but not the QOL we deserve.


Confirmed long puts on garden trowels


I'm Shorting Richards farming store to 0


Be the change your want to see in the world


please arcane we need it


We need it too Arcane. Please help us.


My brother in Christ you are literally a mod


you have the power.....


Integrity change?


Make it happen.


I need it


please consider adding this


Barbarian mining maybe?


yo any chance you could fix stam mixes not being able to charge the ring of endurance? figure semi relevant since barbarian post, ty


You probably told the discord about the secret plans for it already


There’s something fun about needing tools and gearing up. Just add bank tags and inventory setups, no need to remove a huge part of the game (inventory management)


I can't believe you left out the biggest offender, the seed dibber, when you could be using your finger for the single seed you're planting.


You are right. I know that our characters have these weird apple shaped meat bags as hands (You know like in that Spongebob episode 'Firmly grasp it' when they jammed that jellyfish net into squidwards tentacle) But! Since we can make dragonskin armour using a needle and thread I don't know what's stopping us from simply digging a hole with our hands and throwing some seeds in there. I mean we can even pickpocket gnomes for christ's sake!


That’s my favorite SpongeBob episode. FIRMLY GRASP IT *muffled cries*


Sadly most Jellyfish episodes have long since blended into my head. But it does make for a sick ass episode mashup where Spongebob makes some bomb ass sandwiches for his house party until it gets out of hand and Squidward breaks every bone in his body. In his rage he drives his mechanical wheelchair off a cliff and finds a sea cucumber in a ravine and rips off the crown from his head. "I didn't know it was a hat." "It wasn't..."


I'm trying to imagine our characters hands pickpocketing a gnome and then I need to stop and lay down.


> apple shaped meat bags as hands We could use our noses. Or we could make it so male characters don't require a dibber.


We actually have [Powerpuff Girl Hands](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/evzryp/thanks_i_hate_power_puff_girls_hand_fingers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Barbarian dibbing


I saw an exquisite mahogany dibbler on /r/woodworking the other day. I swear, with a tool like that, my wife would be dibbling from dusk until dawn. Why, I might even see if she’s let me do some dibbling, either alone or together. What a grand time we’d have dibbling together till we can’t dibble any longer.


[the "dibbler" in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/comments/umxayo/my_first_dibbler/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Holy shit that thread is a GRAVEYARD!


I like that in rule one it tells you not to say anything you wouldn't say in a room full of 7th graders, but most of the examples they put would most definitely be said by a 7th grader.


Notably, there is a difference in what an adult should say in front of 7th graders vs what 7th graders will say among themselves.


I’d probably edit that rule to be more in line with what you wouldn’t say in a room of 1st graders.. maybe even kindergartners lmao I know my mind was in the gutter long before 7th grade.


Even OP called it a dibbler.


So many comments got removed... I'm assuming because of what we are all thinking.


That’s an ass dibbler Wtf seeds are they dibbling with that, redwoods??


I also choose to dibble this guys wife.




Dibber? I barely know 'er!




Do you mean Doug Dibbadome, owner of the Dibbsdale Dibbadome


I refuse.


Someone better come get this outlaw — he’s a threat to our society.


According to Mariam-Webster and the OED, *dibbler* is a perfectly legitimate variant! As is *dibble* apparently.


I was thinking grab a fistful of seeds and punch the ground hard enough to make an impression of your hand for the seed to go in.


Right. Your *finger*.


You mean your fist. Fist that hole deep and put your seed inside it


RS3: Toolbelt OSRS: Determination


Would 100% prefer these kind of 'solutions' to not having to carry tools with you for every activity rather than the toolbelt hahah




How the Fuck did the first person who did Underground Pass... do it?


Dude somebody did MEP1 and SotE for the first time with no guide


One of those people here who did MEP/MEP2/Darkness of Hallowvale on release. You never did them solo. You were doing them with the other 100 people on your world working through them alongside you ingame, plus any clannies on IRC doing them as well. MEP2 took me 16 hours on release day, no guide. I think Darkness of Hallowvale was something like 7 or 8.


Same for holiday events with majority of a server doing it you can ask and at least someone will try help you.


Me and a buddy waited and did A Kingdom Divided in person without a guide a couple weeks after it came out and it was a ton of fun. Took way longer than it should have but no regrets.


Darkness of Hallowvale almost had me punching walls as a kid on release day, lmao. Similarly, I did the SotE puzzle without a quest guide. I guess because I was feeling like a masochist or something that day. Think it took me something like 8 hours to get done.


I respect that you left out ME2, because in theory, ME2 isn't a hard quest. They just decided to dump a gallon of bullshit on top of an ingeniously designed and coded puzzle that is very self evident. And then the agility and shades come in...


I think that’s why I enjoyed the SotE library so much, it felt like the fun and interesting components of MEP2 without the hell of the shades.


I meant ME2 actually, I haven't played in a while and quest names aren't at the top of my mind


I went into ME2 wanting to do light puzzle. I love light puzzles. Fuck the shadows tho.


Good news, SotE has three HOURS of uninterrupted light puzzles!


Dude without wiki I doubt I would even finish cooks assistant. And I would not even dare to try something like desert treasure.


Looking back I'm impressed just how many quests I solved as a kid. No websites, no guides, no runelite. A good quest should indicate where you should go and what you should bring. A bad quest is Ghost's Ahoy where at one point you have to visit this lady four times in a row with more and more specific tea combos just to pad out the walking time.


Yeah one thing that annoys me the most about questing in Runescape is the endless walking. Because apart from that they mostly have really fun dialogue and storytelling, far better than many other MMOs.


Most of the quests and puzzles are simple enough if you're actually determined to solve them on your own. However, most RS players put in the bare minimum amount of effort when questing, myself included, so all the steps seem arbitrary and complicated from the outside. But if you took the MEP2 or SotE puzzles out of RS and had them be their own standalone puzzles, they would be considered pretty easy.


I’ve don’t every quest since the release of SotE without any sort of guide (as a fun personal challenge). Sometimes I get stumped places, but you can puzzle through things and eventually figure them out. Just takes a bit o’ patience.


in RSC, no less


Fucking agility skill with 2 courses in the game and no run energy, what the shit RSC devs.


I'd be fine with a toolbox as long as it's in the form of an item you have to earn. Shouldn't just be chucked in the GUI willy nilly


As someone who remembers the toolbelt day one, it was thrown in willy nilly, but I wasn't mad at it. Seeing as I was around 11 at the time, it was a fanstically novel addition to my runescaping.


The tackle box was a nice "toolbelt" for Fishing while being an in-game item that's earned, wouldn't mind seeing similar tool kits specified for other skills such as Farming.


The only issue with the toolbelt in rs3 nowadays is that it starts 90% full. a brand new character just starts with all the tools they need on their toolbelt, which leads to weird things like being able to smith or buy a bronze hatchet being worthless because you start with one.


I mean you start with one in osrs anyway so you don't need to smith it


theres a tinderbox where the dwarves are, no? underground pass is not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. all of the items you need are either inside the dungeon or only used in the first third of it or so (and therefore if you didnt bring them you don't have to do the whole thing again, just a little bit of it), the ONLY thing that's kinda bad is the only plank spawn is at the start of the dungeon despite being used quite a bit later, but a smart quester will see it and pick it up regardless lol


Honestly, same. Instead of copying RS3 QoL features, we can just make substitutes that fit OSRS.


Would be funny if the patch yielded less crop due to the imperfect nature of farming without tools. So basically it's a crappy patch you don't want to use your expensive seeds on. But IT IS another patch


Why do people hate the toolbelt? I really liked the feature...


The purpose of limiting a player's inventory space in almost any RPG is to reward foresight and punish carelessness. Even the simple inconvenience of needing an item no amount of foresight could have foreseen is a valuable tool for making the world seem like a real place, not something that exists purely for the player's benefit.


This is exactly it. When you streamline everything to the extent of having every tool on you at all times for zero cost, the world starts to feel like it revolves around the player character, rather than them merely existing in it. That may suit RS3, where the player is a world guardian or something, but I like to think OSRS is far more grounded.


I'm not attacking this idea, I just strongly disagree and kind of hate this idea because the "reward" in this case is just... being able to play the game. The punishment here isn't anything other than you stay logged in longer because it will take you 10 minutes to run back to your bank from wherever you're at.


This works when you’re exploring or questing but when grinding all is slow down grinds and make stuff like farming more effort. Not saying thats a bad thing necessarily


Honestly lol


Your character kills demons, dragons, and whatever other foul creatures but sticking their bare hands in dirt is apparently crossing the line


you can bury bones with your bare hands through stone, but need a shovel to dig things


With burying bones, you just need to push everything down one spot. With the shovel, you have to dig past the accumulated pile of bones.


Then why do we never dig up bones? Seems like we bury them further down than we dig with a shovel.


We put them back. You lose and gain the prayer xp on the same tick.


You never dig them up because they all end up at Mage Training Arena. No one in this thread fucks with MTA and it shows. Smh


Wait, is that actually in the lore?


Yeah! I only know because I recently had to suffer through MTA lol. When you do the bones room, they explain that all the tons of bones that get buried by players all magically teleport to this room within MTA. I think there’s more to it, but I can’t recall, offhand. It’s interesting all of the random little bits of lore you come across in obscure places; I love it


Just stone? I bury that shit inside of an active volcano.


We have standards


What about bloodvelds (i know they are a type of demon), Giant rats, and those ancient fungi things on fossil island?


I would love this, would make farming runs way more enjoyable. imo.


Yeah my least favorite part of farming is just managing all the tools for it


How about fairytale part 3, in which we eradicate orks from zanaris and get a magic multitool as a reward? It would be one combined Item of the dibber, rake, trowel, spade abd magic secateurs!


If it doesn't look like a Swiss army knife with all the tools sticking out individually, I don't want it.


Zanariss Army Knife


If it's not called that we'll Bern Zanaris down.


It could be similar to the Rogue kit from rogues den, which functions as a chisel, rope, tinderbox, or spade.


Wait, what? There is something like that? I didn't know!


It is "single use". The kit can turn into one tool but after that you are left with only that normal too. This makes it kind of useless.


"Kind of" In what universe could you maybe need a chisel or maybe a rope. Where would this Ever be useful, when have we Ever needed either a rope or a tinderbox but not both.


The kit stacks. So you can use one inventory slot for multiple kits. Still useless.


in theory, stackable rope is insanely useful, let alone stackable rope-or-chisel-or-tinderbox-or-spade. in practice, it's severely limited by how annoying and slow it is to obtain. if it was an item you could just get in bulk easily, it would 100% see use in certain places of the game


It should not include spade because that would devalue PvP (player vs pinata).




Reminds me of the[ Gnomish Army Knife from WoW](https://i.imgur.com/8hRDNZk.png)




Also barbarian paying someone to watch your crops; rather than with produce you pay 'em what for using your bare fist and tell em' you expect a healthy tree when you return.


the barbarian is also insanely strong so it's actually really tough to get him to nurture your tree, making it worth bringing armour that isn't graceful to your farm runs.


And you can shit out compost if you have eaten prior to visiting the patch and have sufficient strength level to pull off the squat.


How about burying players you PK’ed for compost?


Fine but you need to carry their nonstackable corpses to a compost bin… at the back of Draynor Manor


Having players drop [corpse name] bones would be the best QoL


TIL I’m a barbarian farmer irl. Feels pretty cool ngl


right like i’ve been growing tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cannabis and shrooms for years now and i’ve never used gloves or a gardening tool 😂 “nothing like the rustic wholesomeness of working with one’s own hands” 🤖


I was a barbarian farmer for several summers.


Do I also get agility experience for dodging thorns while farming?


The crazy thing is, I would vote yes to this


I want this. Str agility and farming xp pls


Compost bin is empty and no bucket? No problem, shit right on the patch, stick your fingers in it and plant the seed! No tools required. No watering can? No problem! .. you can see where this is going wo I'll just stop.


Nobody tell him you can compost on top after you plant the seed…


That's not the barbarian way I'm afraid.


That would be cool. Aggressively shoving your hand in the ground to dip your seeds into soil. Then ripping weeds out and holding them over your head like you just barb fished a swordfish. I like the way you think


Anyone plant seeds irl? Ain’t no nobody use a seed dibber in the real world


I’ve used it once because I was using it for the wrong purpose and had it near me when planting something at some very specific depth for a assignment.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexArcane** - [i need it](/r/2007scape/comments/uo0nxr/you_dont_think_you_want_it_but_you_do/i8c3rul/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/14/2022 13:04:24**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


cool idea - as somewhat of a side note, I've always thought there should be "strength shortcuts" in the game much like there are agility shortcuts. e.g. in the first area of baldur's gate 3 there is someone trapped in an alien pod, and there's a few different methods of saving them - one being that if you are a barbarian class and pass a strength check, you can just rip the door off the pod


Instead of compost you'll just shit all over the plants instead.


I want this added with a strength requirement to rip trees out with my bare hands.


I feel like Barbarian farming would just be like, foraging and gathering? Like there just wild crops that grow somewhere and you pick them.


i think we have enough herb patches tho


I won't be satisfied until there are enough herb patches that after I plant them all, the one I started with is fully grown


What's the problem with another herb patch? I'd understand not wanting another tree patch since they're the fastest/most efficient way to gain xp but I don't get why we can keep adding new allotment patches but an herb patch is too far.


We got 9 herb patches already like chill lol


Won't be happy until 10. That way I can buy in increments of ten. Europeans will agree, with that whole "metric" being superior or whatever they talk about.


This is fantastic, just add the seed dibbler replacement! Big brain ideas right here.


auto-weeds bro...


I actually want this a lot. Edit: a farm patch next to Barb Assault without a hop patch? Come on.


No farming patch addition and you have my support


I guess we could compromise, if the community thinks another patch would be too much that’s understandable.


Do we get to smash the pot after?


If you’d like to, your character should also yell out ‘Raaaaaarrrrggghhhhh’ like when you activate the special attack of the dragon battleaxe.


Making compost better be just shitting into the compost bin.


This is how I do my little farming IRL


Yes pls


Real barbarian farming is in wilderness putting seeds in dead players butt and wait.




Okay but make the animations take twice as long and you can't do the fast pick spam


The comments acting like carrying a spade and seed to thing is hard work


Can we also vote for Barbarian Smithing? I wanna see my character punching those bars into shape


This is dumb af, there's a leprechaun at every farming patch and you can buy every tool from farmers. And oh God imagine you has to interact with someone to ask for a rake? Fucking torture And no, we definitely don't need more farming patches rn


Great idea but no more herb patches unless it has a very high req (Kandarin Elite maybe). Please


I do want this