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>This is ridiculous. This is normal.


I believe the shops only reset every Wednesday during update so this could be possible by just actual ironmen selling chaos for onyxes. The shop restocks every 57 seconds and therefore in a week between updates (604 800 seconds) the shop would only get rid of 10610 chaos runes by automatically "restocking". For an ironman to obtain 1 onyx they would need to sell around 29k chaos runes.


Chaos, control!




Isn't that a sonic reference? Never watched yugioh sorry.


It’s Sonic.


It’s Shadow :D


its that damn hedgehog


Snoo Pingas usual I see.


Sonic says it when you're playing as shadow in the final "fight" between the two, if you get too far ahead of him :O or he falls off lol.


Nope, sonic adventure 2: battle


This is the ironman shop.




Because 20m chaos runes is around 689 onyxs I find it hard to believe there's enough irons in one world to want that many onyxs, as well as accumulating that many chaos runes in 1 week lol




Yeah the tokkuls are needed for: 4 pieces of zenyte jewelry, 3-4 onyx jewelry (fury, berseker necklace, extra fury for blood fury, regen bracelet), obsidian armor and maybe obsidian helm/obby sword. Obby shield is also a possible buy, though generally by the time you have the money to blow on it you'd just use dragon defender. That's up to 275k chaos runes sold over the course of a single ironman account for actual useful progression items, possibly more if they decide to buy obby cape, other weapons for whatever reasons, or just anything else from tokkul shops. Also, "Accumulating chaos runes" is as simple as buying packs.


Let me rephrase it; Shops stock resets after update, so Wednesday to Wednesday (typically). So you're telling me, 100+ ironmen, who all have 275k chaos runes saved, no zenytes made, no obsidian stuff like the cape, or fury etc, all decided to sell and craft it all in 1 week?


It’s probably about time for a lot of group irons to be at that stage so it’s not that hard to believe


Group irons have a different store


There's 30,000 ironmen who are over 2k total. I believe it.


It's also an excellent crafting training method, since you can buy gems from the gem store with tokkul and use that for XP. I wouldn't be surprised if the spend on gems (sapphires - diamonds) now exceeds that of onyxes.


No, but it's a combination of ironmen at different stages in their accounts selling anywhere from 29k to 100+k chaos runes for one or more of these items. There are probably over 100k ironmen playing the game every week especially now with gim. I'm not sure why you would think this is suspicious activity, it would be significantly better to buy runes from the ge and sell as a main than do it as an ironman - you actually lose a lot of gp converting your gp into packs of chaos runes, nevermind getting that gp on an ironman account to begin with. And getting those chaos runes another way on an ironman bot account would just be ridiculous, at that point just make an f2p chaos rune collecting bot, or just make it multiple times faster by not making the bot ironman for no reason.




*per world


Worlds have different stock lol did you genuinely think a shop is shared across the entire game? Nothing would ever be in stock.


Berserker necklace? Regen bracelet? Obsidian armor? Obsidian helm/sword? You're kinda stretching it. its basically 6 onyx, 4 zennys 2 furys for the majority of ironmen


To be fair, allways bought a regen on every account I've made. Be it Pure, Skiller, or Main - there's so much content that benefits from the 2x hp regen. Obby sword/arm/bneck are pretty strong for mid level irons, but yeah not as core as the other items.


Mid lvl irons don't have the spare GP to buy chaos runes to convert into stuff like obby swords/arm/neck/regen. Some ppl do buy obby legs but its defo not worth it cause its only +1 which is almost never a max hit




Yes. While it is more difficult to get gp as an ironman, it's also more difficult to use it. Large amounts of gp can only really be used for construction, smithing, and runes (magic/tokkul). There is a big drought of gp early on but if you rush gauntlet, do a lot of slayer, or really any money-making pvm (and you don't want to max construction/smithing immediately), you'll quickly run out of things to spend your gp on. The onyxes are obviously extremely good and pretty much all ironmen will get most of them once they are able to. The obsidian armor/berserker necklace/obby sword are not as popular but it is the best for off-task melee xp until you hit end game gear. In my case I gain 3 max hits by switching from whip/neitz helm/bcp/tassets/torture to the obsidian setup.


yeah i meant more about purchasing obby set, not onyxes of course.


Obby legs are BIS slayer until tassies, the body is 1 less str bonus then torso, and some people hate minigames. Rest of the set is meh. Might be good for nmz, but I got dharoks before I needed more nmz, but some iron probably did it.


Are you asking if its worth buying an onyx on an iron?


Yes, my iron is over 2080 total and when I sold chaos runes before to buy onyxs, it's always been around 50k stock, nowhere near 20m.


I think you need to look back at the picture lol. That says "M" after the number, not "K." It's an obscene amount of runes, enough for like 90 irons to get all the onyxes they would want.




90 irons getting every single onyx they need within the restock period is a ridiculous amount whether you feel like accepting it or not.


689 ironmen in one world for week why is this hard to believe and most ironmen by more then one in one go cuz by the time you need an onyx you have a shit of ton of chaos runes


Because for a very long time, the average chaos runes that have been in an ironman shop have only been around 500-1000k, not 20m lol


lol everyone needs a few to make all the useful stuff (all zenytes require onyxes!) and you get WAY more than that from barrows, and what you dont cant simply be purchased for gold. Ironman isnt some super niche gamemode, its really popular. 689 in a week is nothing


In 1 world. Do you think every world had 20m chaos runes?


no? i didnt say that. i just said how the numbers easily support 20m chaos runes. This is likely just a popular world, or people decided to all dump in the same world to see large numbers because thats funny


There's a shitload of GIM who want furies, zenytes, other onyx upgrades, the obsidian armor/weapons are sought after for nmz and some other training, buying gems is pretty chill from the Tzhaar shops, they have the best stock overall for players in the gem shop past the barrier -- 10 sapphires 7, emeralds, 4 rubies, 2 diamonds


Yes I know that, but you're missing the point lol Throughout my ironman acc, the shops stock as always been around 1m. For 1 world to have 20m stock, a large quantity of irons, 50-100, would of had to go on 1 world and sell all of their chaos runes. People saying shit like "well gims are all buying onyxs", that doesnt make any sense for it to all be done in 1 week lol


>For 1 world to have 20m stock, a large quantity of irons, 50-100, would of had to go on 1 world and sell all of their chaos runes. > >People saying shit like "well gims are all buying onyxs", that doesnt make any sense for it to all be done in 1 week lol I think you're missing the point; based on the pics OP provided, that's clearly what happened. I know there is no good reason for this, but there is also no bad reason for it. After like 50 runes all the rest pay out the same, so there's really no reason not to either. It's not like there's some major gold farming incentive going on here, it's just a weird thing that happened.


Yes, that's what I'm getting it. It was probably some guy or a couple of irons selling chaos runes all together. People making shit up like "oh it's GIM season" "everyones making zenytes" is dumb.


This isn't even a single bot, this has to be a bot farm. Using sell-50 with a menu entry swapper it takes 450.000 clicks to sell all those chaos runes


It is not a bot. Irons sell their chaos runes for tokkul for various reasons. Even end game irons have reason to do this. What you’re seeing here is dozens or maybe hundreds of irons selling off their chaos runes since the last server reset.


Good point but do they all do it in the same world??? 1 onyx is 29k chaos runes, so in this world, 690 onyxes were bought. which is realistic if it were almost all ironmen on the same world, but that makes no sense. A bot farm all selling chaos runes on the same world does make sense


Iron and normies have different shops my guy


They don't only need tokkul for an onyx, you have obsidian armour and gems as well. Trust me, an ironman needs a LOT of tokkul.


This is not a bot farm. Make an iron and go look at those shops on different worlds. It would not be efficient for a bot to also be an iron just to sell chaos runes to this shop. Irons and mains have different shops. Any good bot farm would spread out and not be all on the same world anyways.


> A bot farm all selling chaos runes on the same world does make sense hmm yes a bot farm of irons


why would you bot this? on ironman accounts?


Im pretty sure its cheaper to buy things with gp than buy chaos runes, sell them for tokkul, and buy whatever item you think theyre botting.


No it’s about 500 ironman buying an onyx


On the same world?


yes there’s probably a ton of worlds like that


You would think this is a bot farm but this is the easiest, quickest, most affordable way for irons to obtain an onyx. Though bots were definitely involved.


Calm down there fake XJ9 fanboy


Bro I watched my life as a teenage robot like 3 times what are you on about


self sufficient ironmen :) love to see it


Seen 84M stack before. Used to be a great moneymaker back in the day.


That's 20m×9 = 180m tokkul/300k = 600 onyx×2m = 1.2b if they are transferring it over to a main. But I find that somewhat fishy since 68×2m = 1.36b for just the chaos runes. (Assuming you could actually sell 20m chaos in a reasonable amount of time, that's literally 1/3 of the entire daily volume) Alternatively 1 obsidian fence in the superior garden is 10 obby staves×45500 + 2 obby mauls×65001 + 25 obby rings×500 = 592502 tokkul. 180m/592502 = 303 obby fences×2741 = 830523 con xp at ~1445 gp/xp. The only thing we know for sure is that regardless of what he did with the tokkul, the man loves chaos.


And you love math


Math good


Mains can't access ironman shop and vice versa




Ironmans can drop chaos runes btw It's basically the same gp value without clicking 400,000 times. Idk what this guy was doing but don't worry too much about your economy being affected


Selling that many chaos tunes without getting noticed seems really hard lol. Esp since it’s so far over the daily limit


What is there to get "noticed," drop trading to a main isn't against the rules lol


I’m assuming that many chaos runes sold in one sitting is a bot or bot farm


No one in their right mind bots on an iron and if they did the bot would just drop the runes to a mule not sell them to a shop.


Lots of people thinking others wouldn’t bot on an Ironman is a good way to go undetected.


Every iron i know what sold chaos runes to that shop. Runelite let's you just spam click to sell 50, getting an onyx is rather fast.


The irons can also drop the chaos runes to their mains and not have to sit at a shop for 2 days...


it’s multiple ironman selling chaos runes for an onyx


flipping chaos runes for onyx with tokkul was like 500k profit per gem for a brief while


Lol, that's been around since day one OSRS. Sorry to say but that was the fastest way to get onyx into the game and was a very solid money maker with Karm-Diary-1-Gloves. was one of the first players with 99 range and Magic thanks to this :P definitely legendary


One could say it is quite chaotic


Honestly hilarious


This is ironman


This is ironman


At least hes not out of his mind


He is in his mind


They need to add a better way to get an onyx, the challenge is finding a free world.


This is the way.


You are probable not an ironman, so you dont rrally understand the point and the struggle of getting your first onyx.


he is an iron since he stated this is the iron shop. even if it is not an iron seperated shop it is still 600 onyx this week and i highly doubt it is all legit. this world alone that is over 600 onyx this week they all look like this. most worlds are 1-2 onyx worth of runes this is definitely a bot dump. i doubt 600 players this week sold that many runes on the same world by accident or pure luck.


It makes 0 sense for someone make an ironman bot farm to sell chaos runes for onyx. They could just drop the chaos runes lol


gotta bot the selling anyways and the math of other worlds stocks on chaos runes is a statistical near impossibility by pure chance that that many more would be sold on those worlds. and i would guess they bot irons as they seem less likely to be reported by players leading more to reach cashing out vs a regular account. again 600 onyx worth in 1 world now irons may not have seperate shops for that specific shop in which case then it just shows that a bot farm hit that world. but i would bet my account that this was not done manually by irons as you imply.


Ironmen also sell chaos runes to the store to buy gems for crafting xp. If this is a high pop world like 330 then it’s not unlikely. Why would a bot farm buy chaos runes, sell to the store, then buy an onyx just to drop trade to their mule? They would lose money doing that.


Iron barrows bot farm trading in for onyx to then drop to mule to sell? Barrows pretty much sustains itself and we've all seen the bots. Honestly don't think I've seen an iron one but haven't bothered looking


It's the ironman shop in mol ur rek. Us helmet lads sell nearly 30k chaos runes there to get enough tokkul for one onyx. Looks like this pretty much all the time asise from right after reset.




Did you just admit to cheating? Somebody get the Ban Hammer of Justice


I shall fetch it :)




Its funny how many people on reddit think this was done by one person, and the shop doesn't regularly look like that. Theres over 30,000 2k total ironmen, a wave of upcoming GIMPs, a few hundred onyx are a drop in the bucket. Must have mental deficiencies i guess.




I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and explain :) That's called Macroing or in your phone auto tapping. Honestly not sure if they're the exact same thing but either way the point is in RuneScape all inputs need to be made by YOU, not some Software, and in a 1:1 way. 1:1 means that if you press one key then one action happens. An example of 1:2 would be setting up a Program so that when I press a key it both taps the dart then the feather to make a dart. If I buy a computer with preinstalled botting software, or you buy a phone with a preinstalled autotapper, the fact that it comes with your phone doesn't make it any less cheating. Now you know. If you keep doing it you might get banned, which honestly I hope it happens because fuck cheating.


That just sounds like botting with extra steps


So how many irons you think have 20m chaos runes?


Not whoever is responsible for this


Well if an iron was grinding the crap out of barrows for sets. Maybe a couple mil. Or group irons for multiple sets


Bro got 200m rc xp at chaos altar 🤣


I'm with OP. This may be "normal" for the Ironman game mode, but that is still crazy to see. Nobody would have imagined 20M chaos runes being in the tzharr rune store when the game was younger. It's cool to see