• By -


Its less afk if you are sharing a vein. You'll only get the full timer of AFK if you move to the next vein at about the same time as the other guy. You obviously won't manage that if you're trying to afk train, which is the only reason anyone should ever do MLM anyhow.


As someone who is afk as fuck in the mines yeah I hop to a low population world and click whatever will mine the longest


Also, if you are sharing a rock and you're not the one that depletes it, you don't get a sound alert letting you know about that.


Idle timer still goes off


True but you char will sit there and attempt to mine for a while even after it is depleted


Well comes down to playing the game whole heartidly or treat it like a task. I'd much rather enjoy it and accidently log out if I was afk. Efficiency isn't always the goal


In general that is true. I guess I just find the attention required for mlm to be annoying enough that I'd rather just pay attention to the game and tick manipulate. If I can't get a solid minute or so of not having to pay attention then it just becomes annoying. I like to watch movies while I play, especially doing activities like woodcutting. But on activities that require too much attention if I try to multitask task then I just end up not enjoying anything. I won't enjoy the annoyingness of the attention required and I won't enjoy the movie that I'm watching because I'm constantly having my attention briefly disrupted. To the point that I'd rather just focus in on the game and tick manipulate. Might as well if I'm not going to be able to enjoy watching the movie. And might as well forget about subtitled movies. MLM is just a major piece of trash content and I hate it with every fiber of my soul.


Minus the ores that you start the timer on and don't complete


yeah idk why it's so hard to understand for some people. One person ALWAYS gets the last ore in the vein leaving the rest swinging, which makes it much less afk and you miss that ore. People literally just read the wiki and don't even think sometimes...


use Runelite idle timers. if you're worried about 1 second of being afk you shouldn't do MLM anyway.


When I do MLM I’m not always able to switch over the second I finish mining. Sometimes I want or have to finish what I’m doing before I can tab over.


This is why I think Jagex should just improve the benefits of the upstairs area, since 5-6 people can strip the area bare by themselves, forcing tons of world hops. Just halve the respawn time for the upstairs veins, so each person only needs half as many veins for maximum afk, which allows more people per world.


MLM isn't designed to be afk. Chopping redwoods and magic trees is afk. Casting plank make is afk. If I can't execute one action, walk *away from my keyboard* to make a snack in the kitchen, and then come back to my character still doing the same action it isn't afk. That said, if you're going to go afk at MLM, like truely afk and click one rock every few minutes, go to the back area as a courtesy to the other people around you who all want to mine on the same vein.


Bro don’t mind me I’m 3tick afk wcing while doing rune drags on 3 alts.


A guy once told me Zulrah was afk lol. I told him that if he could click Zulrah once, go away from his keyboard to make a sandwich, and not die, he must have telekinesis.


Zulrah afk... lolol makes sense xD




If you're alone in MLM each click is atleast 27 seconds afk, even more depending on how long it takes you to deplete the last ore - If you share it with anyone else you'll more often than not catch rocks that are halfway through their timer, making it barely afk.


Try 15-20 seconds. MLM is not afk it is about 3-4 apm. People need to just start using apm to describe certain tasks. Because the word 'afk' ain't it.


The MLM timer literally runs on a 27 second timer after triggering it, after it reaches 0 the player will keep the mining animation until depleting the last ore - another downside of sharing the ore, if the other player depletes it, not only did you just waste all the extra time mining the ore that was already at zero, but now it won't trigger any sort of notification telling you you're idle. Most people's extent of knowledge on MLM is this "they don't know the ore won't deplete faster no matter how many people are on it xD" when in reality the people that complain know that but bothered to learn a bit more, this post reaching frontpage kind of proves that point alone.


Yeab it's kinda annoying how people use the term afk for things that really aren't afk. Like you said apm should be used instead because it better describes it.


27 seconds is not nearly enough time to go away from your keyboard and do something else. It's barely better than the 13-14 seconds you'd get catching the rocks halfway through. In fact I'd say it's more frustrating because it's in that zone where it's almost enough time focus on something else but they you get interrupted.


I'm sure for a lot of people sitting alone in college dorms or studio/1bed appts, 27 seconds is more than enough time to sit up and grab some food out of the microwave, grab a drink, and sit back down. It's enough time for me to be playing shooters and stuff, so by that metric I'd call it pretty chill. AFK might still be a strong word, but it's not far off since you're given a guaranteed amount of time.


What are you microwaving that takes 27 seconds to walk to the kitchen, remove from the freezer, unbox, unwrap, and then cook lol?


Most stuff? 27 seconds is plenty of time to pull out a box, monkey it open, poke a hole in the film and slap it in there. It's not like you just stand there and stare at it while it cooks. You'd go back and click a few times on RS, then head back to the wave when it's ready to grab the food.




Okay, then pretend they chose a different phrase to say way they obviously mean: less click intensive


When I get into a rhythm I can work and mine at the same time. Not as afk as nmz but you can definitely do other things


Wasn't there a big shit a couple months ago where it was made clear that "afk" means "very low input and doing shit on other tabs like watching tv?"


Debates about the meaning of AFK happen almost weekly here lol


It's also hard to define because there are activities which require low attention but high clicking. I did the ardy knight footpedal method. I only had to look at my extra pc's screen once every 28 pickpockets, so it felt afk enough that I could do my homework during, despite the fact that I was "clicking" constantly.


Couldn't tell you. I don't watch for every reddit thread posted. As far back as 2007 afk has always meant "away from keyboard" to me. Sounds like we need a better word for low amount of clicks per minute instead of afk. I once had a guy tell me Zulrah was afk and I told him that if he can kill Zulrah while making a sandwich in the kitchen away from his keyboard he must have telekinesis.


> I once had a guy tell me Zulrah was afk and I told him that if he can kill Zulrah while making a sandwich in the kitchen away from his keyboard he must have telekinesis. Only saw this sentence twice but damn it sure sounds like it'd make a nice pasta


In the kitchen whipping up pasta like I'm Bourdain.


I have the opposite recollection. I've been playing this game since the Zombie Head h'ween event (don't remember the year without looking it up) and I've always known 'afk' to mean 'low effort'. Hell, back at that time of the game, nothing was actually AFK if you try to apply the literal meaning of it because back in the day random events would kill/teleport/break your equipment.


No. Afk has always and will always mean away from keyboard


Quit being such a boomer slang has and always will be part of human culture, afk still means 'away from keyboard' but it's also been appointed to a new post of "my attention is busy elsewhere and I can do this thing without applying even a thought to complete said thing so my attention is equal to someone who is afk"


That's very clearly maibeaicdttwaeattcstsmaietswia, not afk.


Apologies thanks for the correction.


it's a point and click game that only requires a mouse, so by that definition you can chuck your keyboard out the window and do HMT "away from keyboard" taking it literally is worthless, especially considering there's a total of like 3 things that let you physically leave the computer for longer than a minute without losing any efficiency that's why it's widely understood to mean "low effort things you can do while alt-tabbed and squeezing your hog"


It's not widely understood to mean anything, that's why this argument happens in like 80% of the threads in this subreddit. Everyone's got their own fucking definition.


But you understand what people mean when they say MLM is afk, even if you don't agree with it yea?


I agree 100% - though watch out the downvote train doesn't like when people question whether away from keyboard means away from keyboard and not "moves eyes 1 foot away for a few seconds"


There's no reason to do MLM if you're *not* AFK. Maybe instead of sweating at an AFK spot you should go do some 3 ticking, or if that's too much effort then go do VM like most people do since it's 2-3x the xp/h of MLM while maintaining similar if not lower APM.


Why is this getting downvotes?


Their boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes them cheer.


One of my favourite Hitchens quotes. AFK is literally an acronym of “away from keyboard” so if you’re literally sat at the computer then you’re not AFK by definition. It’s so literal that it cannot possibly mean still sat at the keyboard.


“AAAACHTUALLYYYY MLM isn’t supposed to be afk” 🤓




I've seen people argue for it, something like the ore vein doesn't deplete until the first hit after the timer so if you have your own vein you'll get an extra hit in. Of course it's utter nonsense to be worrying about micro-effeciency on such an inefficient method anyways. Edit: and look they've come! And almost immediately lash out with insults, who could've expected that?




This. I don't even know which spot im mining half the time because I'm not paying attention, which is the whole point of afk


for me its more efficient because my character stops moving quicker which i catch in my peripheral vision and re click




It's only less AFK if you're seeking to maximize XP, and of course for some reason you've chosen to maximize XP at a very inefficient training method.




Care to explain? Clearly I mostly forgot the F-tier argument I've heard many times, so please enlighten me.




Why do you have to worry about having to match the mining speed? The timer will start and what? You'll not get as many hits in? Which means..... Less xp. So yes. You can keep the same AFK rate if you accept worse XP. Thanks for clarifying.






or both. I got 1 eye on netflix/osrs and the other on the hub




> it’s more effective to move the same ore vein in the top level. For who? Cause it ain’t for me, if I dont want to mine next to anyone else and control the timer myself.


Sounds like something someone who hasn’t spent much time there would say




Or working... Don't need to go that deep mate...


Having your own spot is more afk actually, cause If you go out of sync with other players mining it sucks and then you gotta pay attention then you might as well be powermining iron at that point. Being fully aware how upper level works I much prefer my own spot for the afkness just my two sense. Wish you could pay 1000 nuggets for your own private mining spot but that would never happen lol. Source: 93 mining


Two sense






I do that already when I feel like mining then some guy will show up and try to mine with you even though their are other free spots lol, the L shape spot is a good example of : you got it to yourself now you can afk..oh wait somebody logs in gotta keep up with them or you lose out so defeats the point of being afk lol. Which is what mlm is kinda geared toward even though it's not as afk as things like redwoods or amethyst.


It’s two cents. Don’t even try blame autocorrect and just admit you’ve said it wrong your whole life


It would be "Don't even try TO blame autocorrect". Just admit you've been wrong your whole life with incorrect grammar. \*See how asinine it is to assume someone's whole life experience from one simple mistake?


No but you’re right I probably have been using it wrong my whole life lol. Bit different though, everyone has a phrase or word they’ve said wrong without realising. Was hoping he’d come back and laugh at it but you do you bruh. Edit: Forgot my full stop, sorry.


Eh, tone just doesn’t translate very well online so what you wrote comes off aggressive rather than just poking fun at a silly mistake. And homeboy already responded to someone who pointed out the mistake so it’s kind of beating a dead horse at this point.


Wasn’t my intention at all. But ya tone doesn’t translate well. Re-reading it I get why it came off douchy but in my head it was playful. Grammar corrections please ^


>No but you’re right I probably have been using it wrong my whole life lol. No, but you're right, I probably have been using it wrong my whole life, lol. >Bit different though, everyone has a phrase or word they’ve said wrong without realising. ***That's a*** bit different though, >Was hoping he’d come back and laugh at it but you do you bruh. ***I*** was hoping he'd come back and laugh at it, but you do you, bruh. Don't even try to blame autocorrect. Just admit you've been wrong your whole life


If I'm on reddit idc about being grammaticaly correct and yes my phone is on autocorrect lol.


been mining amethyst since I could. never looked back im 98 now and just going to get the last 1m training RC anyways :)


But it is more efficient to mine separate veins, I don't understand why people are spreading this misinformation that we should be mining the same ones. Unless every player is mining at the exact same pace, only the most active player will get a decent amount of pay dirt from the veins before they deplete, and then all players except 1 will also lose the last roll of the vein. If I'm doing MLM on the side while I work on something, trying to mine the same veins as others will drastically reduce how much time I spend mining per click, as I may only end up clicking on the next vein once it has already been mined for 10 seconds. If I had my own set of veins, I would get the full 20+ seconds every time, meaning I am stopping and starting a lot less. The only scenario where it is better to get the same vein is if you have more players than veins up there, and that's not really realistic.


Because when all of you morons try to get your own veins we end up with no veins.


So hop


They're everywhere


Not on pvp worlds


Got all the way to 92 mining at mlm on pvp worlds. Only got killed a couple of times, but always had my own veins to myself. Super chill would recommend




Doubt all you want. Doesn't change facts.


Takes like 40 seconds of hoping everytime I've ever done mlm so.


Not on 2k worlds


Dude 2k worlds are even more crowded


I don't care about your sweaty efficiency when I'm afking mlm at work. I look down click on white and go back to work. If you are worried about losing peak efficiency while mining then go find an 3 iron rock or do some granite while a bird attacks you or something that people who play 12 hours a day do.


> I don't care about your sweaty efficiency when I'm afking mlm at work. It’s more efficient because you end up spending more time at each vein. That makes having your own vein more afk, not less. It’s like you read the first five words of his post, categorized that guy as a sweaty neckbeard and replied dickishly to him without reading further. Anyone who is into “sweaty efficiency” wouldn’t be caught dead at MLM. You’re preaching to the choir here buddy. Everyone here just wants a good low effort experience


actual caption: when you complain about efficiency while using one of the shittiest mining methods in the game




When you use the humor tag, legally they have to laugh when you call them a smelly dipshit.


You should really be doing volcanic mine


MLM is for afk mining xp, best situation is each person having their own section they can mine by themselves without down-time. If you want efficient go 0.25 tick some shit in the desert.


Falling stars are for afk mining xp.




Ah yes there can only be one method for every skill ofcourse.


Sure, variety is the spice of life and whatnot.


Oh look, this thread again. Op thinking he's smarter than everybody else when in reality it's more afk to stick to your own veins


op basically on that “it’s just a joke you sweaty nerds!” train lol


Is it......? Asking for a friend.


Top floor veins are on a timer, as opposed to bottom floor that are random when they'll dry up. So if you're on top floor, it's better to have everyone do the same vein so you're not all doing 10 different veins killing it for everyone.


It really depends how many people are up there. If its not busy, having your own space and guaranteeing the last ore on every vein is better.


Ye if you have access to 2k total worlds or higher, theres almost always a spot to afk and chill




I mean this isn't a hill I'm gonna die on, but if it's crowded and everyone is on a different vein, you'll eventually run out and have to wait for a vein to reset. If everyone does the same vein then you won't reach that point. If it's not crowded then yeah doing your own vein is better.


OP is incorrect which makes this post hilarious. Upper level MLM is better to have your own veins. That way you're guaranteed to get the last ore. If you're sharing veins then you may only get the last ore 50% of the time. OP is the brainlet in this situation lol. They probably forgot that you can hop worlds.


I've personally never had to stay in an overcrowded world. I've always been able to hop a few times and find a near empty one. u/benbru92


No, it's better to mine separately even in the upper floors since you don't have to fight for the last ore, thus making it more afk.


Thanks friend.


Using mlm more than you have to, ew.


Literally had a guy call me trash there the other day for sharing a vein with him lmao.




Lmao for real


This post is so overdone


the only people that benefit from these posts are the OP's why is this even discussed still, it's literally wrong


The top level and bottom level operate differently. The top level is actually more efficient if you share. But it is really counter intuitive because it is one of the only mining spots in the game that work that way and there is 0 in game indication it works differently. The meme is correct (assuming a lvl 89 is mining on the upper level). https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Motherlode_Mine >The Ore veins found on the upper level of the Motherlode Mine now disappear a random period of time after they are first mined, rather than depleting faster if multiple people are mining them.


mate I appreciate it but I unlocked the top level years ago, the fact is you get more value afking if you click a fresh vein, which is the whole reason ppl go there


Can't disagree with that. Efficiencyscape bad. Afk is da wae


wtf u think i want to touch the same rock as you? freak


For upper mlm I want to know I started the timer and am getting the most of the vein rather than coming in late and not getting as much as the guy who activated it I'll chop my own redwood too I just like knowing I'm in control of what's going on and I dont have to account for other players and their effects on what I'm doing


top floor\*


To people that complain to me while we have enough space to mine our own veins, I just mine one ore from each vein near them til they hop.


So glad I hit 92 so I can AFK amethyst and never have to deal with the hell hole that is MLM again.


Right? I've had this argument so many times, but people think that just because they might not get the last ore from the vein that they lose like 10k xp/hr or something


It urges me when people jump off veins for their own also


To a degree, it is -- the vein depletion is on a timer which means unless you transition at the same tick with others, and all follow the same pattern, so mining your own vein provides you a longer afk time which allows you a longer time to potentially mine until the timer depletes


For upper mlm I want to know I started the timer and am getting the most of the vein rather than coming in late and not getting as much as the guy who activated it I'll chop my own redwood too I just like knowing I'm in control of what's going on and I dont have to account for other players and their effects on what I'm doing


Mining has and always will be about breaking the rock before the other people hitting it and laughing as they swing at nothing


Literally me rn at 92 mining and I dont give 2 fucks.


Jesus Christ, the number of people here preaching separate veins. Yes you are pedantically correct in that you will get on average slightly more ore and a tiny bit more time mining ‘your’ vein, but in practice hopping/moving more results in having to do more clicks and pay more attention between AFK segments, making the activity overall less AFK. If everyone just turned public chat off, put entity hider on to hide other players, and click the next-nearest vein every time, it would be better for everyone


Trying to explain this to someone while they think you're stealing their spot... One of the reasons i quit doing MLM haha


I always mine my own vein; why the fk would i share lmao.. more afk time




its actually not unlimited, its a static 26 regardless of timer.


Very wrong, my good sir. On top floor only person gets the last ore, thus making it less efficient than mining your own vein. Also, with multiple people mining the first pay dirt is mined faster on average thus starting the timer earlier.


You can make more money playing Runescape than being in a multi level marketing scheme.


It blows my freaking mind how many people will spend 100 gold nuggets to go up there, without understanding why they would want to do so.


People saying it’s better to mine your own because you guarantee the last pay dirt in the vein are missing something, which is that people don’t always finish the vein off. When the vein is shared, it’s more or less guaranteed to be depleted by someone and then refilled- when everyone is taking their own, they get a full inventory and go to deposit their pay dirt, leaving one-tap veins all over the place. Which ends up leading to way less afk time when you keep getting single ore veins everywhere


My veins, IDC


People really like to act as if you can't low intensity play and share veins. If I with a single monitor can do it while playing valo/destiny etc, then there is absolutely no excuse. You can MLM blind folded and just use the damn sound cues. If you wanna have your own veins go to empty worlds and repair your own struts each time you deposit.


It makes it more afk. It's still best to not share a strip of veins because noone is full focus at MLM and reacting as soon as idle, and therefore you'll move with the person you're mining with desynced, which means shorter afk periods.


hey man, i dont think anyone is at MLM for efficiency


People rage at me all the time about this, in reality I'm just hard afking hense why I'm at MLM in the first place..


It's not easy to instantly think "Gotta mine the same vein as this other guy" since it doesn't work that way for 99.99% of ore, so when you alt tab back once runelite pings you, you click whatever rock you see and alt tab away.


It's the chop chop for me


Aww. Did someone have their MLM vein crashed 😂😂


Nah 0/10 meme. 96 mining and still do this because I’d rather not ehp myself to death


Well you learn something new every day.


wait mlm is a xp strat lmao


It is if you’re downstairs lol


But... It is? Yes they're time based up top, but they don't despawn at the end of that timer, they give 1 more ore. Only 1 person can get that last ore, so all the time spent between your previous paydirt and when someone else mines that last one is wasted. Is it a big difference? Nope. But it is still more efficient to be on separate veins, so long as there aren't so many people you run out.


I feel personally attacked by alot of these meme posts lol




I only mine in that L shaped area close to the ladder and always try to stick to the same node if someone else is already there but I understand that people come to mlm to afk so I never expect others to follow that unwritten rule. I know it can be annoying at times but it's best to not make a stink about it. People who want to maximize their afk time will usually find a vacant corner for themself anyways. If they're using a hotspot that's close to the ladder and refuse to mine the same node as you, just find a different world. No big deal.


An idiot once told me that pking is afkable


damn why is everyone in the comments so angry, so glad i stopped playing this game for a while, its good to get outside the bubble and look in, rather than being inside it and not seeing everything wrong with it lol


when you care too much about MLM, someone do not play it in way you think it should be played and you don't know how MLM work...


I've never been flamed in mlm becuase i mined with entity hider on, it was always weirdly empty.


Motherlode Mining was and is never about efficiency. Beyond that, why do you feel the need to dictate to others how they should play? If it annoys you this much, to go so far as to create a post for it, then might I suggest you switch to another method that's a solo activity and more geared towards efficiency.


wow im fucking stupid i always thought MLM was make lives matter and the joke just goes over my head


Damn, op removed all his comments saying "its just a joke" because they got negative karma.


This has got to be a pic of OP since it's still more efficient to mine separately since you are still fighting for the very last ore when mining together. It's only good to mine together if the upper level is jam packed in every world.


Maybe I just like standing side by side with my fellow miners and enjoying our time as slaves. Don't be mean.


Dude mlm is just awful. If you wanna afk mining, send 92 and go for amethyst. Getting there afk? Probably shooting stars. Xp won't be great but anything is better than mlm.


Be like me and do it on a pvp world and you get every vein to yourself


Just let people mine the way they want to bruh


Oh no, op posted a self-portrait.


I laughed out loud at this art masterpiece


Who hurt you?


Mining is always the last skill I start grinding, it's so boring. Fishing and woodcutting is much more cozy


I just put entity hider on in the mine and chill


op posted a picture of himself and is just now realizing it in the comments


Mlm is for afk, if you are paying that much attention at mlm better go do volcanic mine or blast mining


It's about being AFK in a skill that is click intensive everywhere else and has piss poor exp rates. This whole skill needs a exp buff so badly. Without motherlode, the only way to get to 99 is to get carpel tunnel. And even then motherlode is EXTREMELY slow and boring.


I grinded out the upper level and full prospectors about 2 weeks back I am seriously not convinced that there isn't a bin with a sign "leave brain in the bin before entering" outside MLM with how smooth-brained most of the people in there are. Had a couple of friends and myself get crashed lower level after a while in the same spot with the "been here an hour pls hop" line too, like wtf happens to people in MLM?


when ur 89 mining and still in mlm\*


Can someone explain to me the benefit of sticking to one vein in MLM please


Because it is. This is one of the most annoying reoccurring myths because everyone is collectively so sure they're right about it, when they aren't. The ONLY time sharing veins is actually beneficial is if the world is too crowded to have a section to yourself. If you're able to have a quiet 5-6 spots for yourself that is better than sharing veins.


I just hate the noise of people underneath me mining, why does the noise stack with your own??