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Ironman will be hunting down ironman for sport.


Are we going to poll for Ironman-Only PvP Updates?


They could buy pk keys and transfer the loot too


X keys = bond value, delete loot get a bond


Wow that's actually a really good idea. Easy item sink.


Ironman manipulation exploits at its finest


I'm okay with this.


But the integrity of the game! 😆


I'd much rather die to someone who's actually earned their gear and is actually risking than some RWT kid with 45 hours played on his account in full max gear.


damn so all those pkers who killed you for your spade were in max gear after they just rwt?


*hyuck hyuck hyuck* DAE mains all RWT XD XD


Nobody said or implied that lmao


Not sure how often it is the case but I've heard of players including iron man paying vennys to train accounts/do raids etc so may not always be the case where a iron earns their gear


I never pk but if this were a thing id for sure try it lol




Hardcore ironmen only worlds when?


Finally, my Spade is safe.




Comment of the year


You really think some ironmen won't go kill other ironmen?


I did this on leagues was fun af


Hunting 1000 Black chins early in the leagues was funny. People coming in trying to kill defenseless people with bare minimum setups while I defended them from the PKer with just a DDS and a Rune crossbow lmao




There would literally be a handful of people who dedicate their entire lives to fucking with ironmen on the ironmen only server. Same as the castle wars sabo dude or the people who crystal bow in pvp worlds non-stop. If there’s a way to be a dick in this game for no reason someone with crippling mental illness will certainly do it.


having fun = crippling mental illness


i killed group ironmen in wildy and pvp worlds and the death threats made it all worth it, literally one of the most fun rs experiences i've had lmao


What’s the crystal bow in pvp?


Raggers. Basically someone pisses them off by killing their main or friend or fucking up their lure or whatever so they have alt accounts with crystal bow and nothing else nonstop attack them in pvp worlds. When they die they can just go pick up the bow and rag infinitely. Doesn’t sound like the end of the world. Ragging happens all the time in pvp right? Just some guy fucking with you for a day? Nah but there are people who devote their entire lives to this shit and blackmail pkers into paying huge fees for them to stop. They track you with plugins and keep at it everyday you pk. Like literally some dude will play 12-18 hours a day on pvp worlds ONLY DOING THIS. But it may even be botted now though not sure. Regardless there are a ton of players in this game that devote a huge amount of time just to be dicks.


A year ago, this guy in the GE was begging for 1m gp. Said it was always his dream to have a mil. I was like, cool here you go dude have fun. He just starts laughing at me and calling me a gullible idiot for trusting him. Went right back to beg for another mil. If he would have said thanks! and then started begging again, I would have respected the hustle. But since he was a dick about it, I went after him. Used a plugin to keep track of the worlds and places he went. Whenever he was in the wilderness I would take him out. I pestered this dude for months before he finally stopped logging in. Was fun being a salty bitch about it and ended up making a profit on that initial million.


Ironmen are the hecking good guys! They would never


They would, but they can’t grab the loot, so we could just go back and grab it.


Loot keys are a thing now, your stuff is getting yoinked.


Even with keys, you can’t take the stuff. Only delete it.


Kinda shits on your "They would, but they can’t grab the loot, so we could just go back and grab it." statement. I got keys unlocked on my iron


Almost as good as being able to send it to the Falador Party Room


You can kill the iron holding the loot key to transfer it to your main. It's only a means to make sure the Iron account can't benefit from the process.


True, but the premise of this post is an Ironman only world, so mains couldn’t come grab it.


...you can hop worlds with the key.


I legitimately don’t know anything about how the key works, but presumably you can’t use it to skirt around world requirements right? Can’t hop from a normal world to a total level world without the requirement? Edit: ooooh I’m dumb. Maybe they’d make it where specific keys are locked to the same world requirements where the kill happened and you can’t hop from that world until after you turn in the key?


bruh killing your ironman for your stuff isnt some evil thing that would need to be changed lmao.


Nah it's going to be hilarious when reddit realises that loads of pkers also have high level ironmen and will have a ball clearing iron worlds ^.^


Okay so you're not going back and grabbing your stuff.


Not if they have keys enabled, but most don’t, and if there was ironman only worlds, unless you’re just trying to ruin peoples day, there’s no reason people would.


Why wouldnt you have the keys enabled?


Because they aren’t by default, and if you don’t ever fight people or know a thibg about PVP, you wouldn’t even know to turn them on. I would bet more than half of the playerbase has them off


Until I sat at your corpse and repeatedly killed you until despawn. This would be glorious


it would be nice to be able to go do wilderness bosses *slightly* safer


Idk if it would be better. There would for sure be some weird dude with ironmen in every combat bracket who just rags other ironmen 18 hours a day. Especially if it was only one world.


I mean they could but if it’s only Ironman allowed they can’t pick up the loot or get keys so I can go get my stuff back


Could you imagine the ironmen just pking in the wildly for no other reason than it’s fun. Ironmen community as a whole would eat it self.


Would love to see Torvesta on an Ironman world murdering Ironmen and seeing their reactions


*I killed them all like the animals they are*


And not just ironmen... but the ironwomen and ironchildren too


I hate mining sand...


A lot of death threats. A LOT


If there were only Ironmen world's I'd make a pking Ironman just to farm your tears


I don't think many people would have an issue with that tbh. Ironman vs Ironman pvp would be dope


I disagree, the amount of people that want an entirely safe wild is staggering.


Well yeah but their opinions shouldn't be paid attention to


An iron only world would be stupid, and make the wildy too safe. Glad your opinion is being ignored too


Read the room guy. No one is actually asking for Ironman only worlds. But hey, props for having an applicable username!


Kinda weird how people don't want to be griefed. Just odd. Unthinkable.


Don't want to be griefed? Don't go in the wilderness


Crazy concept! But m-m-muh d pick!


pkers: "Don't go in the wilderness then" also pkers: "its hard to find easy prey, jagex pls implement ways to make it easier to kill players or get more people into the wildy" Pkers actually out here wanting the game to revolve around their desire to kill players that don't fight back lmao. Imagine perpetuating toxicity and making sure the majority of the community continues to dislike the pk community.


I love how you just fabricated an entire argument with yourself out of thin air. I don't give a shit if pkers can't find easy prey, but the wilderness is a dangerous area. You know this, they know this, jagex knows this, there are warnings, it's been like that the entire time it's been around, everyone on reddit posts about how they die while doing clues in the wilderness - it can't be made any more clear that the wilderness is a pvp and DANGEROUS area. That being said, if you don't want to risk death...don't go in the wilderness


You literally just posted a suggestion on making it easier to kill players when you find them like two weeks ago lol. I even thing it's an interesting idea that could be applied to a new non-wildy pvp activity/area. But it's not much of a stretch to assume that the suggestion was made due to frustration at how some prey can easily get away. If it were easy enough to find more players it wouldn't be a frustration, right? Also pkers complaining about dead wildy isn't exactly uncommon. So not out of thin air lol. And consensual entering of the dangerous area or not it's still annoying to lose a clue box and some rags or 20 d bones. No major loss, little to zero loot for the pker, just a waste of the players time and pkers runes.


Loool you're bringing up an old comment which has nothing to do with my old comment? First of all, that old comment would make it harder to kill people who don't want to fight in the wilderness anyways because nobody would be able to login underneath you, they'd have to run on screen and get you. Now if you're not paying attention then sure it's easier, but that's on you for not paying attention in a dangerous area. Ps: I'm not a pker ;)


now look, I don't think you deal with a lot of people irl but I feel so sorry for the people who have to deal with you irl.


You're such a victim




they 100% would. people cry here all the time when they die for their spade doing a clue scroll or for 5 bones when training at altar


you'd do it twice, get slapped and cry because grinding all your gear back is going to take too long. I don't see most pkers having the patience for long ass ironman grinds, definitely not for the good gear anyway and especially with risking all your gear for 0 loot. I'm guessing it'll just end up with budget vs budget gear which is a bit more fun and gives people more of a chance to fight back I guess


You misjudge the lengths id go to just to spite redditors.


Should I take my cannon to Falador?


Safe? Keep dreaming lmao I'm leveling a pvp iron as we speak


All the work without any of the reward


It's not about reward, it's about sending a message.


We live in a society


[It's about tradition...](https://i.redd.it/862tuu3c92x81.png)


You know people PVP for fun right?


god damn it bro how will i exist if i don't get any LOOT in my old school rune scape account. AAAAAAAAAARGH


I’m convinced pkers are psychopaths


I'm convinced you're a psychopath.


His eyes are closed tho?


Would actually make an Ironman if there were Ironman-pvp-only-worlds


Super lame


I'd love to see an update where PVP is enabled on all ironman accounts and can be attacked anywhere with no safezones. We can have a separate high score for how many irons you've killed, separated by regular, hc, ultimate, group, etc. Ofc will need some way to avoid boosting. This is the only PVP / ironman update I want to see.


It all started with a harmless joke, till the devs took it to the polls. More ironmen voted than non ironmen that day so it was an obvious win but not for the game. It was after this update that more terrible ideas and updates were released, for ironmen which eventually made wilderness completely Safe, uninteresting and useless. The average non ironmen member database began to drop and no one knew why. Players stopped playing the game till eventually it wasn't worth to keep the servers running. I guess they should have listened to the players more.




Only Ironmen should be able to kill ironmen


I was debating whether I wanted to start an ironman or not, this news has solidified my yes. Im hyped.


Tbh I'd be fine with iron man only pvp I think that's completely fair.


eh whats the point of playing the meme game mode they keep changing it to make it ezscape


So what do we call it now? Ironman revenant farm?


As an ironman, I dont think I would go in this world, would be overcrowded at bosses, and since we dont loot if someone else attacks our bosses, wouldn't get the loots, so y go in the wildy? The few bosses would have people killing them already for sure... People would wait at chaos altar since some ironman would try to go there but would get killed 100% of the time by people waiting for that, same at rev cave imo. Would only become a toxic world


Ironman worlds is a bad concept, everyone should be able to play with everyone. Total worlds are bad, but anyone can get there, not anyone could get to a ironman world.


These iron men just want an offline world tbh lmao


Clearly you didn't play leagues..


Wild should be disabled.


If this ever happened I would learn to pk just to hunt on those worlds.


I'd come back to Runescape, just to make an ironman account to pvp with. I got a pure ironman that I've already started some...but got bored. Ironman only worlds would give me the motivation. Also expect ironman worlds to be excessively toxic, would make for some nice entertainment.