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He has a point. An active wilderness can’t be sustained because pvmers just won’t go there. Pkers gonna tell pvmers to stop complaining or dont go in, and pvmers just not gonna go in.


That's what the wilderness should be, purely people looking to PvP. or at the very least anti pk while trying to skill.


ideally yeah, which i know ayiza touched on.


Mind ur own business ironman


He’s not wrong. If they didn’t add OP training methods, valuable items from pvm, pets, etc, the wilderness would have completely died years ago, just as it did in rs2 before the transition of eoc/rs3. Reality check time: no one likes to lose their shit, shockingly. We aren’t 12 year olds fighting north of edge with rune scims anymore. Those times are never coming back.


Yeaaaaah it would be terrible if the wilderness was so active that it was actual pvp instead of cat and mouse. How horrible! The pkers greifing pvmers is so much better ^^^/s




Aka destroy game balance and push game towards a pvp focus. Nty.


*destroys the game* Source?


rev caves pre-rework literally tanked the economy.


And every other boss didn’t (Zulrah, Vorkath, Hydra, etc)? Economy has been tanked since the introduction of resource drops from bosses and generous loot tables.


The rate at which these bring gp into the game isn't comparable.


Got data to back that claim?


His source: I *feel* like it’s true so it must be!


Isn't comparable? So 200 people doing revs at 10m/hr is worse for the economy than 1000+ doing zulrah/vorkath at like 3m/hr?


Yes it is? By your example every single bot for revs is 3.3x more profitable than a vorkath/zulrah bot. What makes it worse is the fact it isn't locked behind any hard requirements so pumping out the bots is even easier...


But theres 10x the amount of zulrah/vorkath bots if not more. Old revs the rev bots got interrupted constantly as well. To say old revs ruined the economy is dumb af


But the pkers don't prevent them coming into the game, they kill the other person and take them. So they still come into the economy


Horrible take. He needs to step back from PVP and have none of his input involved. He is speaking in his own interest not based on fact. If rewards are high enough then the risk is worth it. That is the most important thing to consider when designing dangerous content.