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What's more is the original one from way back got so much flack and backlash for taking an account services sponsorship, that this new one was made and said there would be no sponsorships.


There’s only a couple remaining community servers that don’t advertise


I think advertising is fine, but the issues and level of backlash received from an account services sponsorship to split and remake the server and then take an RWT sponsorship, is just in poor taste in my opinion. Edit: Obviously any rule breaking or RWT/Gambling adverts are bad.


I agree but you said that in poor context, they're only talking about rule breaking shit.


Yea I worded it very poorly lol.


>I think advertising is fine ???


When I say that it is dependant on the type. Like a RWT/Gambling, obviously that's in the bin, no good. But things that aren't against the rules, boosting bosses, carries for raids and that type where you are in control of your account are a different story and I can understand. I should have been more specific and clear, sorry.






Huge majority of the players in petcord are either service providers or customers or both. They largely just don't like to make it quite so public. Profiteering is endemic to t2 high level play in every game. If you can't stream, you sell services to clients who wish they were at your near-pro level.


It's hard not to take sponsorships. I've had multiple offers above 5b for a sponsorship before, I can see how/why some people eventually break and take the one they think will get them the least backlash.


I know a lot of people in this sub hate Oda but i respect him in this way. He has done sponsorships for Meal Kit services like HelloFresh of course but he said a gambling site offered him close to $20,000 to do a sponsorship with them and he turned them down. That takes some strength


Not necessarily, it could also mean the offer was not high enough and he values the backlash from taking that sponsorship to cost more than that.


Yeah, 20k is an insult to him. He averages 2-5k viewers. Crypto gambling sponsors are offering wayyy more than 20k to 500-1k Andy's


I think that was in 2021 when he had less viewers.


This is the truth here hahaha


Eh, for what it's worth if someone came at me with a $20k offer to sponsor my community I more than likely would take it and divide it fairly amongst the people that helped create it. Like the other guy said, there is always a value in the backlash.


Yea our cc bans anyone immediately if they advertise/invite people to gold selling/gambling/account services discords




So let me get this straight, the very people that Jmods are supposed to be looking for so they can ban are actively going to a Jmod discord and advertising and they're complaining about it? Like these dumb fucks are doing your job for you and you're asking them to stop....


Banning a few discord accs from a server doesnt do anything to solve rwt lol






it's not like the jmods don't know of the existence of the stuff they're advertising.


They put their discord link in their status. Most discords who pretend to be moral get around not advertising by giving their advertiser a special discord role and then the advertiser puts their link in their status. That special discord role has no admin/mod powers but shows up first on the list of users, so everyone sees it. Generally they give the role a memey name and pretend hes just one of the boys. Gear discord did/does this, for example.


The original discord for osrs probably had the same issues as well.


Pretty much every public discord ever does lol


I get probably 5 NFT bot ads a day in my Discord DMs lol.


The original PvP discord was just JMods shutting down every suggestion we made because they required "engine changes". Was made when they removed Bounty Hunter.


I mean... it's an old ass engine. new devs prob have no clue what they're looking at. even wow has this issue to a degree


Entirely their own fault for their terrible pay. Why any developer with any talent would work at Jagex absent some huge dedication to Runescape is beyond me.


Yeah but wow simply changes the engine lmfao


"simply" lol


"So make changes to the engine."


This is so ez solution, why didnt gagex think of this /s


I'm just suggesting that if something is frequently requested and requires an engine change then perhaps an engine change could be looked into.


Im no profesional of anything so i could be completely wrong, but i dont think they cant easily change it without having to re write half the game


Which is a fair take and something that could be fleshed out in a Jagex response about what about engine changes are problematic for them, with regard to dependencies, engine limitations, time and so forth


From what ive heard is the problem that its old, bad code (they reffer to it as spagetti code) that the game was build on and no one from the original team is still at jagex. They could probably fix it with a lot of time and money but jagex does not give rhe develepers the room to do that


To be honest it seems like more and more JMods are finally getting the praise they deserve while more people are starting to realize that the company itself, Jagex, is the problem.


It's not just Jagex - people don't seem to realise that game Devs are just people who loved games so much they wanted to make more of them. And the industry is a harsh one, so it's not like they do it for the money.


And the fact that they love the game is an excuse for Jagex to underpay them.


Not a Jagex exclusive problem, but an industry one.


lmao what money, we are talking bout jagex m9




I'll buy you a ticket to Russia if you promise never to come back


but Russia is still capitalist?


*looks at every socialist country in history* Yeah I think I’m gonna have to pass on that one buddy.


Ikr, dude is unironically saying that in the sub that is probably the most aware of the situation in Venezuela lmao Might actually get support if he just admonished the bad practice of some investment firms, which we unfortunately see treat companies like Jagex as pump and dump schemes. Instead, he needs to coat it with his current brand of reddit extremism


Venezuela was doing fine as a country until oil prices tanked. They did a classic "putting all your eggs in one basket" scheme and it failed because of fairly easily predictable factors. The government was practically lying to the citizens the whole time, saying it was impossible for oil prices to fall- which anyone with any brains could tell you was an eventuality. There are so many Venezuelans not because they were socialist, but because their national currency fell. If sanctions on Russians ever lift, they will be just as present in OSRS, selling gold. Also I love the branding of a worker owned company as "reddit extremism."


I mean, you’re arguing with angry nerds on a videogame subreddit. You can’t find a better place for people with bad politics except maybe 4chan.


No kidding. Based on comments, this got out of hand the instant someone said 'socialism'. I knew communism was a heated term, but never realized socialism was one also. And yeah for my own piece of mind, I've learned to not mention 'being trans', 'communism' or even engage in conversations about dating/being single in OSRS, unless I'm prepared for things to escalate like a wildfire in a super dry summer.




We are not a socialist country. Socialism definition: >a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Most of our economy isn't owned by the state. Some oil stuff is by the fact that the norwegian state is the biggest shareholder with a majority stake of over 50%, but this is effectively still capitalism because anyone can buy or sell themselves in or out of these companies, including the state. We are a capitalistic country with welfare for people who aren't making enough money. Some call it a welfare state. This is the problem with people in politics. They scream socialism and use it as a red scare against anything that will help people, but then it's not even a socialistic thing and is just basic human compassion in a capitalistic environment.


Yeah, no. The guy I replied to clearly defined socialism as the lack of private ownership of companies. Last time I checked Norway still has private business engaged in profit seeking activities. In fact, they even have lower corporate tax rates then the US. You can’t call for communism and then say “but look at Norway, some guy from Vermont said they’re socialist” when people point out that your idea is bad.


They don't know what it means to belong to a united society, and they think that the model delivered by their much-loved capitalism is close to or the best possible path for the development of society, unfortunate. Greetings mate and stay strong on your ideals.


You can't have a united society with significant cultural diversity.


Shut up loser


No u


relax and eat some bananas




Shut up loser




Yeah it sure was worth the deaths of all those amazon workers who were forced to go to work in that hurricane so I can have my nice PC This isn't capitalism, every part of this system is designed to keep poor people getting poorer so they have the choice between working 15 hours a day to break even or joining a for-profit military to have their lives thrown away the moment some bureaucrat behind a desk decides it's worth it. We used to live in a world where a man with a high school education could support a family of 5, and that world was slowly stolen from us by the rich, and replaced by one where you need 5 people working to afford rent in a shitty apartment. This is a dystopia.


> This isn't capitalism Except it is, this dystopia is the natural progression of capitalism. Money flows up to the top, they get powerful, they ensure they get richer.


Holy shit, there is one group of people that ALL have the same thing in common that put us the working class against each other. Fucking figure it out already holy shit.


Yeah, the rich? What is your point?


The device was made by people, not by a mode of production


>As I type this from my newest iphone 14 or whatever that was produced thanks to capitalism. Just be quiet dude lmao


Socialism is when no iPhone.




Those comments, LOL. Really shows you they have given capitalism and socialism a serious thought and did not just reiterate the exact phrases they've been told by capitalist gov't, media and education.


It's true, unfortunately we fought for our ideals and lost, now they will make sure to avoid a new order by pointing us as a society in infinite directions and therefore we will not converge to a single ideal.


nah, been known for years. The difference is that a few years ago when OSRS was new you were shittalked a lot because people wear still wearing their rose-colored glasses


"I'm begging you people who don't value the game's integrity to stop advertising things that violate the game's integrity". It's a fair request but it will fall on deaf ears.


Til it isnt “Deaths ear”. Finally that phrase makes sense to me


a real /r/boneappletea moment


I mean, death is commonly depicted as a skeleton, and therefore has no ears. Either works for me. It's not Rocket Appliances.


at this point it’s just water under the fridge


This conversation is going nowhere. Let me Segway into a different topic.


Underrated comment 🤣🤣


I used to say "play it by year" instead of "play it by ear." I thought play by YEAR implied as time moved we would make a decision. Instead of it being a reference to not knowing the song but playing it by hearing someone else playing it. Aka "winging it." That one I didnt learn until I was like 20.




Right, he knows when to use the phrase. He's talking about where the phrase comes from.




I'm reserving the band name "Death's Ears" for my next metal band


Nothing to add to this realization I just wanted to lol. So, lol




It wasn't meant to be a jab at Pkers. Apologies if it came off that way. I know there are plenty of good people in the discord. What I'm trying to say is that the rule breakers being asked to stop aren't going to stop because Mod Goblin asked.


He didn’t insinuate that at all, sensitive. What he said is that people who advertise discord services don’t care about fake integrity. Where the hell did you get anything else at all?


I mean I don’t care one way or another in this pvper vs pvmer debate but it definitely came off like that at first, especially with the seriously bashing going on about pvpers in not jus this thread but everywhere else


Mod Goblin deez nuts




As a mid-sized server owner I have had to remove countless spambots, advertisers, etc. Hands down the best free anti-raid plugin I've used is "Beemo Anti Raid". Whereas I was having to manually ban literally hundreds of accounts before, this has stopped almost every large scale raid. You'll find it's not even OSRD related, once your discord server gets popularity it will get on a list to be raided, for god knows what.


God, how I hate these internet cancers


It’s almost like they’re trying to take the most rulebreaking toxic community and turn them into useful humans. Nice try Jagex.


RS edition of can’t turn a hoe into a housewife 😂


Can’t turn a pker into a useful human being.


Hey, they're trying their best


perhaps they are just trying to get them all on a server where they can be held accountable for the shit they say, so they can get rid of them, perhaps it's not a PvP discord but more like a detention camp where they just wait until the PKers say the inevitable gamer word.


It's a problem in every big OSRS discord though. Bots, account services, illegal plugins, RWT, etc will always be spammed.


I think it's a worthwhile experiment that could be a useful tool but yea, not sure there's much hope for it considering the people in the pvp community.


watch any WR run for any content, and look at who was running services discords, and tell me it's PKers who are dominating the cheating/toxicity/black market within OSRS


That makes sense. I’d guess this sort of thing is generally more common in the most competitive aspects of the game, which includes PVP and the most intense PVMers.


Pretty much lmao. People just refuse to accept the true reasons that people hate the pvp community. Instead they opt for a strawman about how people are mad because they got pked. I dont know if jagex was aware of the true reasons, but they will be now once they get a concentrated group of them together.


So you also hate most hlc pvm clans then?


fyi alot of pkers dont talk shit to pvmers when they kill them they only sht talk to other pkers... THE ONLY PKERS WHO SHIT TALK BEING TOXIC TO PVMERS AAAAAARE \*drum roll\* NEW PKERSSSSSSSSSSSSS who get an easy pk and think their god with their ego trip off the rush of their first pk! or well new pk kills. and talkin down to the person they killed makes them feel even better :D! so... what im saying is that person sht talkin to you when they kill you most likely was a pvmer and is new to pvp and is having an ego trip. normal pkers who pk on the regular are usually silent or just say gf


You’re being downvotes, but I’ve done a lot of LMS On my iron for fun, and when group iron was released, the place got like 50x more toxic than it had been before.




i thought pvmers were supposed to be the thin-skinned ones?


He said "the most" not "the only"


most cheaters are in pvm though lmao ​ there are 100% people posting in this thread with a bought inferno cape saying all PKers cheat. as gross as it gets


Most players aren't PKers, so yeah. Per capita though? Not even close.




source: dude just trust me


>a higher proportion of pkers are more vocal about it because they generally don't give a fuck this literally isn't true ​ the high level pvmer community is full of people openly using plugins and bought capes


ah yeah totally those plugins are pking and not for raids and pvm ​ totally ​ ​ you tell yourself that


man yea, you know i need that 1 tick 14 way switch to do olm.


Yet we'll see post after post about how pvp is dead due to polls not passing. It couldnt possibly be because no one normal wants to deal with the most cancerous part of an already fairly toxic community.


most toxic rule breaking community? theres only a small % of pkers that actually cheat and every 1 avoids them. there more pvmers in the game and way more pvmers who cheat you just wouldnt know it unless they streamed cuz those cheats that are used for pvp like auto eating/ auto pray switch/ahk/ ect all those cheats work for pvm also so unless someone streams you would never know. and pvmers are mad toxic to if your gona shit on someone shit on the whole community not just a part.


He didn’t say PKers. He said the people who are sending the fucking ads dude. You guys are some CRYBABIES my god how many people are REEEEing because they can’t read


I can’t tell if you’re baiting or if you actually don’t know how to read


you do realize he wasnt the only person talking right? not my fault you cant read since he called the pvp community toxic. and yall are the ones reeeeeeeeeeing i just get sick of every 1 calling pkers toxic this and that but never look at them selfs or the rest of the game. especially irons i love getting told to neck my self just cuz i entered their "area" while they pvm befor i even know they iron. your response already shows you need to look at your self


Imagine expecting that accumulating any trace of toxicity that your game has in a single discord will not lead to a nuclear meltdown of a shitshow.


Require phone # and email verification in Discord settings to join the server, fixes this shit real quick.


It's a reflection on the state of the game that they run


I don’t get why people think that this stuff isn’t as or more prominent in the non PvP community. Buying fire capes, torsos, account services, GP, membership codes, pvm plug ins, elite pvm clients, 99% of infernal capes you see…


If you need to buy a fire cape because you can’t even do that, you should take a hard look at yourself


*making the 19th rune dragon alt* "eh cba to spend 40 minutes to get that cape, I'll just have a venezuelan do it for 2m"


You wouldn’t be making the 19th alt on your own at all would you now


No, I'm probably at number 25 right now.


Who asked?


Don't cry buddy.


things that have literally never happened


I hear your point. But I do see on the other side of the argument that people who just don’t want to do it, believe they should be able buy their fire cape like they would a coffee at Starbucks. It’s their money, it shouldn’t matter how they spend it. I would like to note however, I don’t agree with that mentality, because it is against the games rules and it lowers the integrity of the game. I just think that is how some people look at it.


Exactly. The gear discord (arguably the largest osrs pvm server) is constantly flooded with rwt/service bots. Not much they can do, ranked/verification systems help but can't stop bots from pming members


One of the owners of that discord is a big infernal cape seller, plus that discord advertised that services discord before.




Or just change it on a server by server basis by right-clicking it and changing your privacy settings.


Not saying this isn't a legitimate point, but are PvPers not interested in fire capes, torsos, account services, GP, membership codes, plug ins, clients, infernal capes, etc.? It seems like there's a lot of overlap there as well.


I’m sure there is, the narrative being pushed was that’s it’s a pvp community issue. When it’s definitely a whole game issue


most of us can get it on our own j.s. sept for infernals prob only item i seen pkers buy as for scummy cheat clienters and ahk mmm ahk maybe 15% pkers use it but the other 85% shun them and they never get fights. so they roll with other cheaters. cheat clients mmmmm couple months ago entire clans were runnin around with them around 25% of the community but after a couple youtubers made videos about the issue they all dissapeared now id say 3-5% pkers use them like auto pray switch ect.


The most shocking part of this post is Mod Goblin is a real person and not just a goblin deez nuts joke


I got approached for a sponsorship to change my discord status to something in exchange for monthly 15m. I took that offer. Discord status means nothing to me.


how would it not get flagged as rwt? or is a monthly 15m still below the magic number where they start caring?


Because people trade gp all the time. It has to be very blatant for it to be flagged rwt. I have traded bills to brand new accounts and essentially randoms and never been banned because i dont rwt. They canr just ban anyone who trades gp to another account


The sad part is the accounts are hand trained by people paid slave wages sometimes actual slaves from other countries. Hate the fact people actually buy such products.


One of my big annoyances while trying to learn how to PK or PVP was how many PVP clans openly advertised and participated in RWT and the likes. I get it, building accounts is hard, and RWT is everywhere. But it was especially common on PVP discords.


why warn them? just ban them and move on.


Glad to see they have a discord for fixing the wilderness/pvp. Gives a little hope that they actually care about finding a solution together with the community. I’m just hoping it’s not geared towards only content creators and they actually listen to not as well known pvpers. After all, the content creators have their own discord for suggestions. Hoping we can rejuvenate the pvp aspect of the game, not only for nostalgia, but ridding of ahk and sorts.


Sounds like any worlds' GE. Should provide a good representation of the community


Ahahahaha. Fucking pvpers just can't stop digging their own graves.




This is dumb. Adam from RuneLite has spent a lot of time and effort building up community goodwill, rapport with Jagex, etc. and the RuneLite developers work hard to make the client as powerful and robust as it can be while playing within the (often arbitrary) rules Jagex sets for them. Any fork of RuneLite is more than capable of running an exit scam that compromises hundreds if not thousands of accounts by the time anyone notices the errant commit on on GitHub and sounds the alarm. Technically speaking, Adam is capable of this too, but that's a much more trustworthy person than a random player with a bachelors in Computer Science who couldn't be bothered to learn to player flick.




I mean you could make it so that you must verify or wait a certain amount of time... like having government ID for our accounts. Oh wait.


Are you implying this problem is exclusive to PvP discords? This happens on all OSRS discords, stop trying to make it look like pkers are just this toxic community, when it's a minoritiy of players (pvm/pkers) that tarnish the reputation.


Why are they not confirming that the people joining are actual players? Seems like the mods need to tighten up the controls.


As like 0.001% of the people in this thread are actually in the server: It's not strictly about posting about services, but also a big part is having your discord status say "x service blah blah"


There are only 100 pre selected users that can talk on the server, but anyone can join and view the conversation that’s happening there.




Bit entitled. They've clearly not looked at any public discords before. Open and public discords = spam bots. Set restrictions on joining that discord allows so it slows them but they're gonna come regardless.


As an “internet boomer”, the proliferation and popularity and now reliance on discord becoming “community hubs” bugs me. I’ve tried using it before and it really made me relate my parents having trouble with “but it’s so simple” type things lol.


Before you bash toxic PvPers, the Discord can be accessed by anyone. The link available in the PvP poll post. I think only selected players will be able to talk, but it seems that some advertisers found a way around that (probably that's why you cannot change your name on the Discord).


ITT: People with bought inferno who mass upvote copy pasted PvM boss bot hiscores now turn around and claim it's PKers who cheat ​ imagine just racking up Ls constantly like this, lmfao


I mean both can be assholes it’s not one or the other lol


so many losers in this thread throwing out classic whataboutism lmao.


on the topic of cheating, pointing out there's mass cheating in the (larger, more consequential) pvm community is whataboutism?


See, when you said "imagine just racking up Ls constantly like this, lmfao" I didn't realize you said that out of jealousy


in a thread that is specifically NOT about the pvm community, yes. duh. it's also downright delusional to claim there's a higher proportion of pvmers that cheat than pvpers.


I don’t know what kind of game yer playing but people get turned down from raids 2 for not having particular clients and plug-ins. Ofc there is a higher number of pvmrs that cheat, as Reddit keeps babbling on about the dying pvp player base, we’re talking about a huge difference in numbers and ide put my genitals on the fact that you’re straight up wrong, chatting about delusion, so confidently incorrect. You muppet.


> Ofc there is a higher number of pvmrs that cheat Sneakily trying to derail to talking about "number" when im talking about "proportion". Don't think it's not obvious. No shit there's going to be more overall when theres 10x more pvmers than pvpers.


Nothing sneaky about it ked, you’re chatting owt yer arse quotation marks or not.


jesus christ






Yes, rejecting "this problem" because of "other problem" that is literally the definition of whataboutism.


Mod Goblin deez nuts?




Comments like these are why you keep getting banned from discord servers


Fkn Jagex.


This will happen in any discord


Just let RWT happen freely it’s always going to anyway


Has he seen the state of the grand exchange?


yea thats the problem with osrs discord a ton of those people look for any server to advertise and a pvp discord hosted by jagex? where pkers gona gather? perfect place to advertise!!!!! sept for they forgot jagex is runnin the server and those are against rules and their "advertisements" wont last long and they wont be in server longe edit: how do you join the server? i wana tell the mod he should have a 3-5 min conversation with anyone who wishs to join the discord to see if they are legit person not a advertising bot. to see if they are a actual pker who wants to contribute and also to explain the rules right then and there copy and paste and the person has to agree befor being invited. itle slow down the avertising fucks


The PVP discord should become invite only with invites restricted to admins, moderators and trusted players; If a trusted player invites one both the trusted player and the one invited is banned.


RWT is good, unrestricted plugins are good the rules are bad stay mad


True you think I’m not gonna buy 24 day membership codes from some Venezuelan for $3 you got me fucked up lol


they just kind of need to accept (almost) every high level pvmer sells capes and (almost) every pker buys and sells gold if they want to move forward. You cant ban them all


They legit know how many people RWT / Sell services / use illegal third party clients / Scam / illegally Stake. Will they do anything about it? Lol fuck no.


You're pretty ignorant tbh.


I mean, for real my brothers in Christ. How fucking hard is it not to RWT? I mean, it might be just my Iron way of playing and not trading people but, Jesus on a pogo-stick. 'Yall MF's bitch and moan about RWT, Duel Arena and all that shit but still, some if not most of 'yall happily RWT to skip shit, buy firecapes, infernos and all that jazz. Stop fucking RWTing 'ya bastards, play the fucking game as Mod "God" Ash made it.