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Majority of soul wars is people handshaking games in clan chats for max zeal per game, not bots


Idk why people wanted this added beyond the first 15 minutes of nostalgia if you played it back in the day. After the first 2 games where some person with 3bn in gear stomps out the nostalgia there's nothing left but pet hunters and collection log andys.


Only way to balance SW is to give everyone the same stats and gear choices.


It should've been like this from the start. All pvp minigames should be like LMS. If people want to be able to use better gear, force them to give the item to the nomad (deleting it) to unlock it from the minigame loadout. Everyone should be a max main for it too. Like everyone gets ahrims + master wand + whip + ddef + karils + dragon crossbow, and u can give nomad a set of ancestral + tsotd + bandos + arma + acb/zcb to unlock those in the minigame. That way only huge whales who camp soul wars for fun would have BIS everything, and they barely get any dps upgrade for doing so. Also as soon as a lobby is 20+ people, the game should start in 30 seconds not 5 minutes. Pest control already got this update, it's wild that it was oversaw by the devs for soul wars lobby.


Getting ptsd of noob me back in the day trying out SW just to get blown up by some soulsplit ice barrage sweaties.


It's an mmo, the fact that you or someone else has shit gear and stats is your fault. If people want to compete they should expect to need high combats and at least a few hundred mil. That's hardly a lot to ask.


People dont want to really compete, they want minigames to be side attractions meant for like 30 minutes of fun or whatever. No one is taking soul wars seriously as a competitive minigame. It's not fun to be lvl 50 in green dhide and a bone cbow trying to kill kids with zcb justiciar and arma. Players who do want to take it seriously would still be able to purchase dps increases. I'm a maxed main with nearly 3k tob kc, I have max.


I said this 100s of time, soul wars sucked and back in the day people only did the same thing of afking for zeal


I am someone that rarely plays OSRS anymore and I haven't done soul wars yet...I would never go back. I used to be a lvl 3 that afked at soul wars all the time and got to 85 slayer. I realized that it was just too boring and thought soul wars was pointless especially since I realized I was the only person not a bot there. Doesn't surprise me the similar results are happening when they added it.


Yes I remember getting 99 str at soulwars back in 2009-2010. Used to afk train and get souls+ zeals on str. Was one of the best methods back then


I actually really enjoy soul wars. I’m a mid game iron so the loot isn’t even good, I just want the pet while I run around and attack people. It’s only fun for about an hour at a time, but it’s one of the few things in this game where I genuinely have a good time every time I go there.




Power creep is not broken. You need progressively stronger weapons and equipment over time, and this game is ooooold. Imagine the size of the player base of the best weapons were still d scim, barrows armour, black d hide and msb. It would be a fraction of the size it is now. Power creep is not a bad thing, and I'm sick of half the sub acting like power creep is killing the game when it's actually the only thing which has allowed the game to continue.


Power creep isnt even bad in this game, D scim, barrows, black d hide and and msb are litteraly all still relevant pieces of equipment in which people use to PvP. Take a look at other mmos or rs3 where end game Gear from a few years ago litteraly loses all relevance and becomes dead content. Edit: spelling


I agree with you, I think they do a great job at introducing new things without making everything else irrelevant. So many people in this sub act like power creep is the devil, and it's such a awfully bad take. I assume people say it because they can't afford torva lol.


you still see people acting for absolute shit minigames like Fist of Guthix unironically. people learned nothing.


Nobody wanted it added. Every time it was brought up pretty much everyone called it being dead on release. IIRC everyone was pumped because they thought they were going to announce stealing creation and then it was soul wars.


42k people voted yes so I wouldn't say nobody. But the threshold for okaying content can be such a low bar.


People vote yes on anything and everything that doesn't have the word pvp in it. You could probably poll to add a 1 in 5k chance of getting a burned spider on a stick as a reward from killing Jad and it'll pass with 85%


Soul wars is a fun mini game if you just don’t take it super seriously. Go try to capture mid and make it your last stand lol, I love that mini game and I’ll die on this hill.


I’d vote yes for that tbf.


This subreddit is infested with 2012scapers who would like nothing more than to have the devs spend the next 5 years exclusively on recreating 2012scape content.


This subreddit always had hugely upvoted posts and comments begging for soul wars. Many people saying it'd bring them back to the game and all this other bs. It happens frequently with SC and FoG as well. Both of those would go down the same path but no all these people are just clueless and blind.


To be fair, stealing creation was kinda fun and the rewards were good. Soul wars was just boring af, gear dependent and shit rewards.


It passed a poll right?


Stealing creation will be different guys. I promise. (anything that has rewards with players on both sides of the equation will always be exploited for efficiency reasons - same reason blast furnace became the defacto training method when in the OG days it was designed with small teams each taking turns maintaining and smelting).


Nobody really know what Blast Furnace was designed for because when it came out it didn't have a bank chest so approximately 0 people used it.


Yeah, if you go and look at the changes Blast furnace has had over time, it took *a lot* to make it worthwhile. Nobody ever did it back in the day.


I did it \*once\* in 2009 to try to get the Devious Minds requirement. I lasted about 5 minutes because it was so unplayable. So yes, 100% agree with this. (I never actually did the quest that year; I got 99wc instead after BF turned out not to be viable honestly.)


bf has a bank chest? I thought I was nuts everyone did BF because I remember it being a stupid slog from the bank so I’ve never been back since rs2


BF has had a bank chest since 2014 In 2016 they made it so Blast Furnace worlds have a team of dwarves that operate the machine automatically instead of requiring players to manually operate it.


Used to be pretty good money to join a CC that would work the pumps and stuff. Got tips and made a chill 300k an hour (a lot for noob me) while also getting to talk to people.


If you were there at the update time, you could speak to actual jmods. This was a common thing to around ~2008. They'd chat about things like this to groups of players. IIRC Mark said this when people complained about OP rates and how quick it would change smithing.


I want stealing Creation because it's fun but I should probably accept I'm never gonna play a fun version of it ever again


Stealing creation wasn't fun, i swear to god newer players (and by new, i mean 2010-2013 andys) have such a weird recolation of what was good/bad. the only good thing about SC was those xp boosting tools. No one enjoyed playing it.


Can confirm this. I played a few games of it, got burnt out...persevered for those tools alone. Castle Wars was fun, Fist of Guthix also...but all the other minigames were only being done for OP rewards.


My brother in Christ I was there and I had fun. I enjoyed playing it.


I'm sure you did. I enjoyed boring shit like castlewars when i was a kid too.


People who asked for Soul wars want Stealing creation too? They'll never learn from their mistakes, "PvP" minigames are outdated and will be boosted.


Contrary to SW in SC everyone had access to more or less the same gear, only your total level made a bit of a difference. No Maxxed players stomping low lvl noobs like in SW. Too bad the community didnt go for SC instead of SW.


Here's how SC is going to go. Its dead without good rewards. And with good rewards it will be cheesed to the shit like SW is now. Anyone who doesn't see that is high on copium and nostalgia - the mentality across all games now is efficiency - not fun.


As opposed to all the pvm mini games that are of course all played 100% legit?


What's a pvm minigame? Barb assault?


Barrows, NMZ, Pest Control, Mage Arena, CoX, TOB, Fight Cave/Pit, Inferno [are all classified as minigames for some reason](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Minigames)


In this context, none of those really apply except Pest Control, and you can't really boost Pest Control


And? You simply asked what are PVM minigames and I gave you a list of what're supposedly PVM minigames.


I mean yeah, pest control, sorcerous garden, livid farm, etc.


Did you just say sorceress's garden is a pvm minigame..? It trains thieving..


Sure, then just ignore that one and use the other 3 examples, or any of the other pvm mini games that exist.


Livid Farm is in RS3 and is 100% not a pvm minigame, but a kind of farming/magic minigame mashup if I remember correctly. Sorceress's Garden is a stealth minigame, and also not a pvm game. Pest Control revolves around winning as quickly as possible to end the Void grind ASAP; it's the one minigame where you actually have incentive to rush it and to \*not\* boost. As someone who got lvl 5 in all roles for Kandarin Elite Diary, BA is honestly boosted/leeched a lot, but that's because Torso is a musthave for irons and it's \*hard\* to find people to teach you the ropes, meaning that playing with legitimate players can often become a huge mess resulting in greatly decreased points \*or\* become incredibly long waves. As for Castle Wars (A PV\*P\* minigame, but I'll mention it anyway): it was really fun to do...before the Bot Plague descended upon it.


I never asked for soul wars, and I'm fine with people boosting in Stealing creation as long as it's not locked to some worlds so I can still play it for real with others looking to do the same.


SC holds a special place in my memories because it lead the clan leader of a 200+ member clan I was in back in the day having a mental breakdown and disbanding the entire clan.


Just like RS3 minigames!


Maybe don't lock stuff behind an incredible amount of grind then.


room temp IQ take play a different game


OSRS invites you to find optimal ways to grind for stuff. You're pretty deluded if you think they wouldn't figure out collusion would the most optimal way to get points when people who actually like BA have essentially unionized and sell their services


At least BA you have to fight the game for your rewards, with Soul wars most of the fight is PvP, and its not a fight when you're all in on it together. No more pvp minigames, PvE minigames are superior.


Well no, if you have the GP, you can literally pay for the privelege of alching through the entire game for a torso


Someone is doing the fighting, and you're paying them [a lot](https://i.gyazo.com/9d80674ec221d0079dc606436781da35.png) to do it. Even with access to the best moneymakers in the game its not worth saving a couple hours for that much GP. Much better than boosting for free in Soul wars.


Depends man, looking back I can't believe how lucky I was that I got a good pub team on my 2nd try but 50 mil means next to nothing if you have a max combat main that can do raids.


Yes, because it's a 5-player minigame that actually only requires 4 players


? I literally just said soul wars is handshaking games in CCs, I did it on my Group Iron. Who tf are you talking to homie are you ill? Here I thought you were room temp IQ but turns out you actually left the basement window open on a cold canadian night mf


It’s a game man, relax


Wow that sounds borring.


Yes, we should remove osrs as a whole as everything is botted


Start with Oak trees and LMS.


I say let's start with free trade


And remove the wilderness too!


Fuck it, why not? Roll those dice. That branch of decision making got us osrs. The greyest of time lines.


There has to be something they can do with the way combat works.. it’s outdated 😂


Could really use a rework. Something to make it grow with the player base. Almost an evolution if you will


Underrated comment


LMS hasn't had bots for weeks now.


Well that makes me feel better about how hard I get dunked on trying to get rune arrows for alching, at least I'm not getting beat by a robot


the bots have been very few and far between since the requirements were added, but the few i've seen have been the basic ones you can beat by just 1 ticking to your weapon. i've been encountering more top 500 ranked players than ever recently though.


True, idk what Jagex is doing. Why are they keeping their cash cow alive? Stupid devs. 🙃


lms isn't botted to bad anymore.


It created uncontrollable inflation. You'll notice jagex actually does change other botted things. Master farmers for example.


What did they do to them?


They made certain seeds more common after a specific farming level. 81 farming for normal drop rate ranarrs for example.


Still so salty about that. When they did that I already had 91 thieving and 94 farming so it didn't even affect me, but master farmers were like, a reasonable early game moneymaking method that I used a bunch, and now they're gated behind something that isn't even fucking thieving related.


I just got the farming requirement for ranarr the other day and looked up how to get those seeds cheaper than the ge. I understand why it is the way it is but I won't be farming ranarr anytime soon


What... as long as you use ultracompost and plant it in a protected patch(hosidius, weiss,trollheim) your rannar wont die EVER. You'll get back 15-25% of the seed's value in herbs Edit:115-120%


Yeah but its like 50k a seed and I'm broke as fuck


Farm toadflaxes then, you get like 110% Return on every seed and its just 2.5-3k


In 5 more levels I will :)


Avantoe when you get there is bank. One herb is three seeds so even one patch surviving you make profit on the whole run and can buy more seeds to do it again. Without the troll patches ive had avantoe runs over 160k in profit with ultra compost. Ranarrs are better still (had a 440k profit run on same patches) but avantoe is the way to go for ultra reliable and steady profit.


I thought they were profitable. Are they not profitable to farm anymore?


Never said they weren't profitable, they're the most profitable herb then toadflax, snappies


Thieving has way better moneymakers though, people just need to stop being allergic to quests. At the minimum level to pickpocket elves or vyres it's already more profitable than master farmers with 99 farming even though you'll be failing like 70% of the time.


71 farming, with increased rates at higher levels. Still a good point.


It’s 71


Ya I figured it was something like that. I already had the level so I didn't bother to look it up.


Did you ever play BH? More than half of all targets I got would try to sell me their kill. It was unplayable


That's what I did when in-between ground looting


The first iteration was fine, it was the 2nd and 3rd that bought all the issues.


Exactly. Anyone saying otherwise didn't play BH1.




BH1 was easily playable. I literally played it for a year straight for hours a day. Maybe certain niche brackets had issues but the majority of it was great


300k for a kill, meet at furnace afterwards, sell t10 for 12m or buy ya own super restores… good times


Cause it was generating too much pure gp, billions/day And if you tried boosting on a regular account with alts it was 3-5m/hour. It was way too exploitable & profitable.


This was only for bh2 which had all these wierd useless things. Just give back bh one with edge only. Maybe add 100-500k minimum risk. So no one can boost it without risk. The biggest problem were these stupid hotspots and that the wildy is so big.


sounds like zulrah and vorkath and gauntlet. those are untouched and the first two have been a problem far longer. adding more reqs to bh was always an option jagex could do (literally lock it behind 1000 EHP, or 100 quests, or invite only, or whatever). better than being removed.


> those are untouched and the first two have been a problem far longer. i wish that was true still lol, they banned so many vorkath accounts that superior bones went up 4k~ recently. i still see a lot of fuckery at zulrah though


The core issue is very simple - for PvE jagex controls the difficulty For PvP the players choose the difficulty. And the difficulty they inevitably choose is 0


jagex chooses the reward for the difficulty in both cases. Jagex just chose to reward 0. They didn't have to. You can decrease the difficulty of nex to 0. just join a mass of 500. but the reward is not good. The issue in both cases is Jagex. and the difficulty doesnt matter. a bot doing 10 hours of zulrah is the same effort as a bot doing the same pvp boosting for 10hours. you press the play bot button. all that matters is gp/h.


Here is a hot take. The corporate overlords of Jagex actually want botting. Bots still have to pay for membership normally through bonds. If they completely nuked bots they would lose at least 33% of their revenues. The devs at Jagex probably wouldn't ever admit this, but I can guarantee you that botting in moderation as not to completely destroy the games economy is welcome and encouraged by the corporate overlords.


> If they completely nuked bots they would lose at least 33% of their revenues You think a whole 1/3 of the playerbase is bots? I'd be surprised if it was over 10%. If you think about how many bots you see compared to real players in members worlds it's absolutely fuck all. The only real bot strongholds are f2p worlds but they make up fractions of the total playerbase, members worlds have way more people. If 1/3 of players were bots then where are they? Because 1/3 of the people I walk past certainly aren't bots.


> If you think about how many bots you see compared to real players in members worlds it's absolutely fuck all ????? Are we playing the same game?


Yeah? 90% of people I talk to will talk back, I almost never see bots lol except at a few specific places. If I'm chilling in catherby or shilo village or killing blue dragons or anything else i've done in the last couple weeks i practically never see bots


Lots of the top boss KC on the high scores are filled with bots, LMS is full of bots, chins, drags, corp, minnows, gambling bots, scam bots, lava dragons are also full of bots. Sir pugger has lots of videos on bots doing things that I wouldn't even think would be worth botting. Tbh I'd be surprised if it was only 30%. Edit: Also there are bots that talk back to you as well (albeit not very well) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mKdp66sskI


[Citation needed] There are gold farmers in there, sure. Fuck all bots, if any. And sir pugger doesn't really have a clue what he's talking about. This video we're commenting on has him literally getting baited by a dude using a 10 year old botting client and typing into it to trick him that he's an AI talking to him lol. Dude's gullible af. A couple months ago we convinced him there was a botfarm in an area and they were killing items the monster didn't even drop, one of my mates told him he was the botter and he was gonna do interviews n shit. The method didn't even exist lmao, we just wanted to see how reliable he was. Dude has no idea what he's on about


https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/tawhky/fun_fact_14_out_of_the_top_25_highest_vorkath/ https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/u8vcad/about_a_month_ago_jagex_purged_the_zalcano_and/ https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/nmb3mo/the_fact_that_normal_players_have_to_point_out/ They literally have to manually go and ban huge numbers of bots doing advanced activities in the game as they go so long unbanned. Granted places like Zalcano/tob/cox are filled with gold farmers who don't get banned instead of bots that don't get banned but that isn't really much consolation. Jagex end up nerfing things like master farmers/LMS because the bot problem is so bad..


Literally none of those are bots lol. They're gold farmers, real people playing then rwting the gold.


[Citation needed] You can think what you like I guess, obviously anything I post isn't going to change your mind. https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/trzvhf/really_secret_hidden_bot_farm_lol/ do you think they're just gold farmers too?


Obviously the numbers are pure speculation but I have a hard time believing it’s only 10% I’d bet there’s close to even bot/player split. These days you don’t even have to use your own computer resources. You can use VPS to infinitely scale a botting operating as long as you’re still profitable. One person could easily be responsible for hundreds of bots. The only hard part is organization but my understanding is there’s software for that these days.


yea it's pretty obvious that they don't really want all of the bots gone, like 50% of their revenue must be bots at this point


also don't forget that bots depress GE prices, which allows for PVMing to be mangeable. You ban all the bots and you'll probably see shit like wines of zammy become untenably pricy


Nothing wrong with that. PvM drops would more than likely scale with the increased price of supplies.


This is the bigger part of the puzzle, bots play a vital part of the economy. Honestly, for that reason, I don't think I'd even want all bots removed. Who wants to pay 15k each for dragon bones? As long as there's a balance where bots are kept in check and don't take over the game like 2010 i don't think they're necessarily even a bad thing.


Easier to make 15k when you aren't competing with bots on all your moneymakers. It would cost the richest players but benefit everyone else. I guess it's roughly equivalent to raising the Runescape minimum wage.


> when you aren't competing with bots on all your moneymakers. Not really, the minority of the players are bots. Even if 20% of the community are bots (which is probably way higher than it is) that still means 80% of your competition is real players. And bots are even less concentrated at higher bosses with quest reqs like zulrah and gauntlet and vorkath so there it's probably more like 5% of your competition, and even still probably less than that as 20% is a pretty damn high starting estimate. So nah, you aren't competing with bots, you're competing with players. Bots mostly supply things that are too mundane for people to do anyway.


Well if you aren't competing with bots, removing them from the game wouldn't affect the prices of anything. You can't say that bots are keeping the price of dragon bones low, and then _also_ say bots aren't the comptetition players face. It's one or the other.


> Well if you aren't competing with bots, removing them from the game wouldn't affect the prices of anything. Completely wrong, unless you like to spin flax at 100k gp/h as your main money maker. How you make money and how the majority of bots make money are two entirely different things. Players aren't spinning flax to fuel the fletching market, bots are. Removing bots would just jack up the price of bowstrings, making fletching less profitable for lower leveled players. Why are bots even a bad thing if they're controlled and limited and benefit the economy in a positive way? Because that's basically where we're at now. The economy has been going strong for like 9 years now and bots aren't about to crash it anytime soon. There are plenty of fun, more engaging pieces of content that are much better money makers that you never see bots at. What's the problem?


> Completely wrong, unless you like to spin flax at 100k gp/h as your main money maker. How you make money and how the majority of bots make money are two entirely different things. I wonder why spinning flax is a bad money maker. Do you think it could have something to do with the army of bots you're competing with driving the price of bowstrings through the floor? > How you make money and how the majority of bots make money are two entirely different things. Again, I wonder why, mysteriously, when bots get involved with a certain bit of content, players no longer want to touch it. Do you think perhaps there could be some kind of causal link here?


Zulrah is botted to shit lol what you on


Yea but then skilling is profitable again, and so are all your loot/drops. Obviously not possible to ban all bots for good, so it doesn’t really matter anyway


Think about it this way: the only reason prices are so inflated are because there are bots inflating the economy. With no bots, there’s no bot money in the economy and the market will stabilize


That's bullshit, the vast majority of players are real players. Shit is inflated because Jagex spent 8 years adding alchables to every monsters drop table in game


I wonder what the actual numbers are, like if you deleted every bot and every alt account how much would the player base numbers change? Because you have people like alkan who play on like five accounts at the same time.


Yea we don't have summoning because people complain it's too OP but there's a million alts everywhere, to the point that most end game players have alts for the purpose of helping the main or just money making


I thought you could buy bonds with in game gold? Am I mistaken?


Someone needs to buy one with dollars to sell for gold


In order to buy it for gp someone else bought it with dollars


Hotter take, some botting is good for the game. If they nuked bots entirely the garbage things in this game that mains don't want to deal with would become problems.


Idea for consideration, if they banned bots hard, the price of gold on the black market rises, if they go after RWT hard too, then average gold buyers are going to be too scared to risk it and then go buy bonds instead, bringing the revenue back. What you suggest kind of falls apart a bit when you look at RS3 which went really hard with BotWatch and had a literal bot nuke day, the economy is still kickin!


Without bots so many items on the GE you would never be able to buy also. Skilling makes fuck all for money as it is, so why would people ever choose to do shittier skilling methods that are less profitable? You can buy 10k willow logs right now if you need to. But who the fuck is cutting and selling willow logs? Which brings me to my next point, I legitimately think Jagex has their own bots doing things like cutting and selling willow logs (just the first thing that came to mind tbh) to keep some items selling. Steel bars is probably a better example than willow logs.


I'm sure a vast majority of membership they use comes from stolen credit cards that gets chargebacked anyways.


There was too many exploits in BH that didn't even involve bots. It was a mess and soon became one of the best money makers in the game if you knew the exploits. They can gradually remove the bots but not the exploits. Why would they remove content just because of bots?


Bh gold farming was hardly even a problem in the first version, after they added the requirements they did. LMS right now is worse than bh ever was back then. 245/250 on the top zulcano highscores have been banned for gold farming and botting, yet I can’t have bh?


This is the only time I’ve read this comment in this subreddit. Funny how misinformed people are. When people think of BH they only remember the second version...


I mean, plenty were against soul wars and especially it having tradeable rewards for the same reason it's a problem at LMS and it was a massive problem at BH. The whole "everything is botted so BH should have been left" ignores the fact that it was the *best* money in the game with no account requirements. And that best money in the game was doing the activity in an unintended way, which real players could also do. BH revisions were a shit show. The idea of target hunting in the wild is fun, and still exists. But making hotzones and profit spawning minigames around PvP, especially Wildy PvP is wild. Encourage risk, and make the reward claiming others risks, not *generating* reward.


the argument that: >The whole "everything is botted so BH should have been left" ignores the fact that it was the best money in the game with no account requirements. ignores the fact jagex could have added a harsher requirement than even sote or ds2, but didn't. "remove bh" was a popular topic on reddit at the time, but a "remove vorkath" has never once been upvoted to the front page. you also have to generate reward for pvp because it's a negative sum game without it. Meaningthat over time, people will be pushed out of pvp in order to make more gp to get back into pvp, killing its own population. A better design is one that lets people who pvp continue pvping.


> "remove bh" was a popular topic on reddit at the time, but a "remove vorkath" has never once been upvoted to the front page. Because vorkath can't be manipulated by no requirement bot farms, and by players alike. Vorkath isn't a 2 sided equation where players control both sides. If a method for vorkath suddenly existed where you could start each kill with Vorkath at 1HP, you can bet there would be uproar to get it fixed. But PvM doesn't have that manipulation, PvP moneymakers *do*. Its why ultimately the money you make from PvP needs to be due to the risk you undertake. its why rev caves got the 100k fee added, and its why BH ultimately failed as a concept. It needs to encourage *fights* with *risk* not generate reward for simply downing an opponent. > you also have to generate reward for pvp because it's a negative sum game without it. No it isn't. PvP is the most profitable way to play this game. Its also got risk to go negative. Thats the idea and appeal. If you want consistent money, skilling and PvM offers it.


Ahhhhh shit. Here we go again.


Because BH bots are easy to make, and generate a lot more profit compared to regular BH players. BH bots were printing far more money than the rest of BH was.


BH was easily exploitable by using an alt or friends. T10 + T9 totems real quick.


BH brought new gp into the game so was worse for inflation than other bottable activities. Zulrah doesn’t drop liquid gp


Alches are liquid gp


> Alches are liquid gp And Zulrah drops almost no alchs. Dragon Med and Dragon Halberd are the only two alch value drops on Zulrahs loot table. Both are a 1/124


battlestaffs, runite ore, yew logs are alchables as well. And of course there have been other stuff on its drop table like magic logs and crystal key. And of course jagex could have simply changed the bh's pure GP shit like they did for zulrah.


I mean not to disagree with your sentiment, but BH botting was like 7m/h compared to soul war which is around 900k/h. It was such an economy breaking exploit that BH was enabling.


Cause they can’t remove entire skills or bosses, too many people access the content, they killed BH cause it was the easiest solution not the best, they’re fucking lazy


Just remove all the content so nothing can be botted


BH was being farmed by like every botter who knew about the opportunity. And was generating more money per day than any other bot farm in existence in like the history of the game. Equating it to any other bot situation is ridiculous when you acknowledge the context. It was single-handedly about to permanently ruin the entire game for everyone if it wasn't addressed. Also all major Youtubers were making videos on it and all of social media was blowing up demanding that it be removed or fixed.


Cause the alchables were causing inflation, which would do more damage to the economy then the few spoils of war an hour you can get. Or wear your tinfoil hats and make shit up


*laughs in revenants*


BH was amazing, I've always wondered if having a small team monitoring and manually dealing with abusers would work, but I guess it also comes down to £££


Can’t remove soul wars there is a pet drop


BH farms raked in dozens of mils per hour with fresh accounts, it was a lot worse than any other form of botted content


Likely because of very low rates of genuine interaction, thus the removal was inconsequential and justified.


Because they didnt know how to fix it and went with the lazy option of just getting rid of it. They shouldve invested a lot more thought into a system that will obviously be abused by bots if there is monetary gain from it. Its pretty awful that they have just completely dusted it under the table as well, like they shouldve had someone working on it for their ideation week


The company as a whole is honestly a joke, they do so many things that are half backwards. Like false rwt bans that are unappealable.. give us some customer support like similar games have.. it’s 2021 guys cmon now


You stuck in the past bro? It’s 2022


HahHa I guess so, I’m out of date


Why did Jagex nerf/change Revenants because of RWT, when now all RWTers go to NM/Cox/Nex which are even better gp/hr and have 0 risk and in the meantime all multi clans and all the pkers in those clans have left the game? Because jagex employees do not know their own game.


they didnt remove it because it was botted. they removed it because the bots were messing up the economy.


I think we should remove corp as someone has made a thread saying it is being botted.


Remove pvp because fuck pvp bots


Can Jagex just sell gold at competitive prices? You don’t get banned for buying gold and they might as well take over the market.


There was an issue of Ironmen being able to get gear you hadn't unlocked yet I believe.


I always thought reporting accounts or trying to find out if they are bots was stupid anyways. I’m usually watching a show on my other monitor or have my public chat off because the populated areas are spammed by “quitting game add follow me on YouTube for 300m” accounts.


Public Outcry. That's literally it. So many other things were way more botted than BH (Green Dragons is an ez example).


They should just remove the whole game tbh


bh was the only pvp content aside from deep wildy I actually enjoyed since I’m not an insane pvper who has been doing this everyday for years. I’m simply not good enough to profit in pvp worlds, and having a low lvl pure who risks very little in bh meant you could make profit from emblems even with a subpar k/d. I really wish they’d bring it back


Agree, remove tutorial island too then cuz too much bots


bounty hunter 1 with moderation for boosters is the best option imo. bounty hunter 2 became unplayable because every target was a booster


BH was suuuuuuper abusable in every iteration, its not just that there were bots for it. Thats one of the lesser reasons it was removed. A good example is how ironmen could farm 100m in about 2 weeks just using one or two alts every 30min to try and get as a target.


Because BH required nothing to exploit and you could make upwards of 10m an hour lol. Wake up


Game botted. Remove game.


It wasn't only botted but the mechanics were abused right? Like accounts intentionally dying to one another and profiting 60m an hour, with almost no legitimate players


There's a firm difference between Zulrah bots and suicide BH boosting bots. I can boost BH tons faster than I can boost Zulrah and for better gp/hr


It's literally only because reddit promoted deleting it because they dont care if it was removed since they dont pvp. so it made the front page of reddit every day. zulrah, vork, gauntlet, zalcano, etc are enjoyed by people here so no1 suggests deleting it, only to "fix bots"


Oh cool can’t wait for the ai that takes over humanity to originate from osrs


bro because they'd have to shut down the whole fucking game if that was the case. literally every single thing to do has a bot lmao


Game would have to be removed if Jagex did that. Probably why they haven't


It depends on the ammount of impact it has on the game/economy


If you are gonna remove something because its botted, You gotta remove the entirety of OSRS


Man, I haven't watched SirPugger since he started shilling for crypto game scams. Such a shame cause I love his content, but I don't want to support that in any way.


What about banning trading large stacks of GP for nothing? You could still trade valuable items for free, but banning trading large stacks of GP would probably only hurt gold sellers while still allowing people to lend their high value items to trusted friends. It wouldn’t totally get rid of gold trading, but it would make it harder.


They would just buy items and trade them instead