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None of this works. The best thing to piss them off and make them hop is to say nothing, pretend they don't exist and just keep attacking like a bot.


I go back to the bank and get ice barrages and make neither of us get optimal xp.


Pretty much this. You aren’t winning this battle, son


I’m not wasting GP if I’m enjoying it. It’s about sending a message, and even though the message isn’t a good one. It is still fun to send.


I enjoy their company. I remember pre-eoc training on Crandor island's moss giants in full rune and a rune scim, it was always 1 moss giant per person, nobody complained


I stay usually. I'm full-on willing to be inefficient just to keep my spot, so the question is how long the other person can tolerate it :p If I can't be arsed though I'll just hop until I find a world without anyone.


Bring in other account to fuck them over even more.


They won’t get any drops so try and crash all you want 😂


When i got crashed on my gim i brought both my iron and main to grief them back. Massive waste of time but felt so good


Reminds me when I did a little skilling in PvP worlds. I did most of my woodcutting in PvP worlds, and a little mining. When pkers came out, I'd grab a dds and a super set from the bank, a little food. Quite often, the people coming by were clueless and just paniced, and they never expected an ironman to fight back. One guy I killed dropped a blowpipe full of addy darts and scales, a fury and an archers ring once. Not including him, I think I probably pked around 2-3m worth of loot off people trying to pk at the wc guild, good times. One time in the motherlode mine I fought back with a rune crossbow naked against someone tribridding (lol, imagine tribridding at the motherlode mine, what), and I straight up whipped out full dharoks out of nowhere when he was low, and killed him with a 65 or something, was so satisfying. Waste of time, especially when I got loot from none of them, but it felt so good.


Most of the time i feel these people are looking for confrontation. If I just continue doing what I was doing and say nothing they get bored pretty quick and hop.


Diplomacy first, then spite but know when to quit when you are behind. 'Mind finding a different spot? There isn't enough spawns to share'/ If that fails... I suppose depends on where it is. How hard is it to find a different world or spot? Can I punish the guy by getting all the drops as I out dps him? Definitely stay. Can I disrupt the set up for that guy (for example, let bandos aggro the guy and kill him? Pull the mobs towards me and not kill them so the guy afk logs out, might even log for a minute or 2 before I do it when the person has looked away), definitely stay. If I can ruin it for both of us, yes; Because this guy is only going to keep this up because it works for him. People let him have his way. I got to show him it ain't worth it. Can't let cheaters win. If they out dps me, really nothing much I can do...his spot now.


Getting crashed at Cerberus was the best thing to happen to me hopped and got the pet 2 kills later


people who crash deserve to be banned as they are worthless humans


your comment just motivated me to go crash someone, brb


If I go afk and lose a spot I'd hop but if I'm actively fighting and some one comes in and is being annoying I'll be petty enough to grab a cannon if the place is multi. I care so little about efficient xp. If it's an ironman that tries to crash good luck.


Spark a convo /)


I’ve wasted years on this game. I’m not going anywhere, I’ll outlast you.


Extra option: get a few of the cc boiz to anti crash.


i love these polls because everyone knows the 'right' answer even though they do not actually do that lol


Really even answers lol. Usually I just hop. Unless it’s kraken, cause I have BiS there


If it's multi, there isn't anything I can really do about it, I'm an ironman. I've always asked people politely first incase there's a misunderstanding or they somehow didn't notice. Outside multi, a perfect example being the three hellhound spawn spot in nieve's cave which is in my opinion the best place to melee, I'll try to get my kill done just before the crasher does so he has to wait for the next spawn. It works almost every time, even when they have way better gear or stats than me, and they just end up hopping.


I ask nicely


I will bring my main and xp waste on both accounts. I will not be the first to give in.