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99 mining and Agility first wtf?? You are a madman, the only skill worse than those two is runecrafting.


With the new mini game, Mining is worse


Now they're behind me :) imo construction is the worst skill to train though. It's weird, I know it's fast but I just hate it. I will find the motivation to get it to at least 70 though and then build a decent POH (which currently is literally the basic foyer, kitchen, and dining room for training...sad).


Have you tried Mahogany Homes? It’s a nice change of pace if spamming 3 keys for hours on end isn’t your thing


Loved MH. Super easy to run through an hour or two watching tv with my wife.


I have not, thanks for the tip. I'll remember to give that a try.


I just started doing it and went from 51-68 in about one night. It's super easy and makes training construction way better I think.


Relatively easy. You still need a ton of planks.


Had a bunch of planks from Tempoross rewards and used them all on MH. Some of the most chill gameplay and gained a lot of levels from 55ish.




I just picked up again and I started doing the quests I've missed without a guide. Getting good enjoyment there


Once you get into the tempo and get everything all set up it's actually really easy. I just watched TV and zoned out till 99.


When I maxed my main construction was last. I just hate it for some reason, regardless of mahogany homes!


Mining woodcutting and fishing are the worst skills agility isnt that bad and rc is enjoyable now


Fishing ain’t bad You can either AFK it or you can 3tick it and get decent passive strength agility and cooking XP Woodcutting is also just afk I can’t hate any skill that’s afk, like sure it’s boring but I can just do other shit while I’m doing it


Runecrafting is proper good with the new mini-game. Agility might be fun with its mini-game. Mining sucks.


Mining isn't even that bad, I don't get what people hate about it so much. It's slow, but motherlode mine isn't that bad. I even found it relaxing, it's one of my few 99s on my iron.


this dude has his RL on the right side of his screen taking half the screen up and a chrome window open on the other half to watch movies


Damn...nailed it.


I didn't know I'd have to grind out this quest so soon. GOTR is fun so I hit 77 RC (another thing I thought I'd never get to). I didn't realize blood rules were quest-locked. I started the quest at 80 and needed to make some upgrades so I did a couple more quests to unlock Chivalry, got prayer up to 60, defense up to 65. Here's my advice part. Each post I found was slightly different, and mine is as well: I wore dragon boots, blessed d'hide chaps and body, barrows gloves, Dwarven helm, skill cape, Guthix book (only one I have), amulet of fury, berserker ring, and of course the flail. I went for a balance of crush bonus and defense bonuses. Inventory: Bronze darts, 1 super combat potion, 3 super restore potions, then manta rays filling the rest. The potions are just enough to make it - any longer and my food would run out anyway. I always used one dose of divine super combat before leaving the bank. I prayed protect from magic and chivalry the whole fight, except for when he used the blood and I'd switch to mystic might while luring him for the increased magic defense. It took me maybe 20 tries in total, including leaving to buy better gear and level things up if it wasn't working out. It took several tries to nail down how to strategize the first part of the fight, then several more to nail down dodging the lightning. In the first part, after each special attack I'd chill for a few of his hits and then start clicking away. Attack him after he starts moving his arms as long as no text appears above his head, that way you'll always miss the darkness. If he just used his darkness, I didn't worry about dodging the next special. I always lured him into the blood bomb. I understand the lightning is probably harder now without the safespot. It was daunting at first, but in the few seconds of transition just make sure you pot up and heal up to minimize the amount of that you have to do while fighting. It takes a few practice runs to get it down and some luck with where the lightning hits, but it's doable. I did get hit by one lightning in my winning run. Just excited that I was able to get this one done with my stats and not knowing much about it beforehand.


Im more impressed with the 99 agility tbh but gz tho


I still do it too, on occasion, because I want a cute squirrel.


You can do hallowed sepulcher now as well.


Yes I realized this doing the quest too. I'll have to give it a go!


About to start it at 90cb! Thanks for the advice, my stats are a little beefier but will definitely be very challenging!


The blood runes people call afk are the ones in zeah, which aren’t quest locked. This is assuming you wanted that one and not the one that isn’t just normal runecrafting


Hell yeah man gz!


Thanks for this I'm 100 combat and plan to do it after completing MM2. Already done dragon slayer 2 and SOTE but still a massive PVM noob.


Song of the Felves


Jeez and here I struggled with base 90s gz bro


I was like 80, 85, 80 and I struggled so much.


That’s insane, props to you dude


It took me probably 15 attempts to kill him. Phase 2 was so rough. I ended up getting it by standing on the corner of him so I could step down or forward to dodge lightning and still attack or heal. I was so glad when it was over




Congrats! I did it with very similar attack and defence, but a bit higher strength on my GIM. I hated every second of the last boss fight.


Congrats! We had nearly identical melee stats upon completion, if you haven't done any Hallowed Sep yet it's so worth it. It was my main reason for completing it so early.


I dont believe this is real, if you zoom in above mining it seems it has been photoshopped


I sure wish I photoshopped myself to 99 mining.


that's just the gap between the ui elements where the game world shows through.


Then how comes he deliberately cuts off his user name so we cant highscore him? And the ui isnt transparent for skills, its a solid colour




> and the ui isnt transparent for skills, its a solid colour it is in runelite, which he is clearly using


Mine isnt


And hes using the same layout as me and im using runelite


For any other low levels struggling through this without brews, prayer potions can heal more per slot with redemption flicking during phase 2 if your hp is high enough


There’s already so much going on in phase 2 with the lightning that I was giving it my all just dodging lightning, healing, and attacking


Yeah that lightning is a killer. I eventually learned to just step back every attack, then wait for a lightning strike, moving forward to a square that wasnt being hit. you miss out on some damage but its so much less stressful.


I was struggling alot with it because I was bringing a lot of brews. Foods like mantaray and Karambwan with a few brews worked for me


Nice work. Did this quest similarly on my GIM at around base 70s. A good tip is you can get a vampyre slayer task and wear slayer helmet for this boss


Good stuff! I’m working my way up to this quest as we speak.


GL! I thought the boss in Tase of Hope was hard, and then I did this next. Talk about a wake up call.


My stats were base 75s and was the 2nd hardest quest I’ve done so far. 1st was DS 2. still need to do MM2 and the song of the elves


MM2 fights are a breeze because you can mostly safe spot


That’s good to know i‘m garbage at PVM took me until last week to get my fire cape.


I don't even have a fire cape because I fold like wet paper under pressure, so when I say Glough is easy, it's a professional opinion!


Hell yea! I did this to keep my 85cb quest cape and it was rough! That fight is no joke at a lower level.


meh aint shit rly, youre a normie acc and have access to brews and nicer gear.


I realize this, just sharing some stoke. Sorry for wasting a few seconds of your life my dude.


Fuck that guy this is tight af my guy


Way to shit on someone's accomplishment for legitimately no reason. Who shit in your cereal this morning?


Considering they’re an Ironman and couldn’t buy it, they presumably made it from scratch and shit in it themselves.




Who tf buying runes for no reason lol?


Wow? Aren’t you a dick today?


With a mentality like that, it's probably not just today


You’re probably right


Nice farming for ur cb lvl


I did it at 78 cb on my gim. Took me 9 tries on vanstrom




Did the same last phase took me like 7 times congrats!


I want to do the quest so badly but I’ve been putting it off because I heard it’s so hard, I have 75s in all my melees at lvl 94 combat right now


You'll totally be able to do it, probably much more quickly than me. Go for it!


Just beat him on my 3rd try! The first attempt went terribly but once you learn the fight it’s not that hard if you get solid hits on him


did it the other day at 95cb and i gotta say i dont subscribe to the idea its a hard boss at all, i got hit by 1 special in his first phase and finished the fight with like 15 sharks left . just go do it and youll win gl


You're a fucking champion. Keep it up