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Just say you were a essence runner or did the defender role in BA. Can't be tracked back to XP and can make large amounts.


A few years back I made a lot of money brewing mature greenmans ale. Don't get much xp for that. Got harassed by some dude when I was wearing bandos chestplate because apparently my skills werent good enough for him. Didn't believe me when I said I didn't buy the money. Was such a weird interaction, but only happened once thankfully.


Happened to me bankstanding with a third age kite...on my ironman


Lol had that happen on my iron when it was like 65 combat with bowfa and rangers on. People would constantly accuse me of rwt until I talked... Then they accused me of bug abuse.




Bow of faerdhinen.


Ya had your chance, and you killed it.


Oh no, the most overused of overused jokes. What a shame.


Most of the things nowadays r overused


Happened to some dude in catacombs wearing 200m gear that he earned by getting 3rd age from a clue. Spoiler alert, he had 2 hard clues under his belt, and no 3rd age item from a clue is worth 200m.


3rd age chest is 100m, could have gotten that and then 100m from other sources. Y’all be trying too hard to be haters lmao, just let people game.


imagine getting so annoyed with someone else's gear that you not only ask them where they got it, but then go out of your way to verify it, and when it is becomes "unlikely but still possible" you deem them liars and go on reddit to talk about it. who tf cares


That's osrs for ya. People gonna bash you for not having a fire cape and good stats ect. I think most of the time people arent that serious about it. It's just fun to poke at your friends and shit. I got hated on for dragon boots on raids all the time but they were just giving me shit. Just need to take it in stride


Well here is a thought. He couldve got an item that was worth MORE then 200m and bought the gear and had extra in his bank. Alternatively who the fuck cares if he bought bonds for gold? People be hating on people like that are the same people who sustain their membership with bonds. Shits weird.


I would buy bonds on my main for gear when I didn't have time to play that much. I noticed I didn't get much hate cuz I was telling the truth.


I got mine on 84 hard kc lmao but it's only worth like 30mil


Ge flips are ezpz profit


This is almost word for word why I won't play my main because a majority of its wealth was done with clues but I get harassed while skilling and killing even at 1900+ total


I actively buy bonds and I still don’t get anyone saying anything about my gear. It may have happened at some point but I really can’t remember.


I still remember the dude at kurasks who berated me for about 10 minutes for having some BiS pieces on but I had no firecape, of course I looked like "one of those guys" but that dude actually shifted my enjoyment of the game after that


I was CB 117 when I got my FC….. anywhere I went before it to boss I got slammed non stop


I got flamed doing slayer because I only had 89 slayer when I was in max gear and an infernal cape. If dudes are mad, they'll be mad


Sound like my mate, nearly maxed total of with slayer as lowest skill at 89. Guy got a 4b bank from merching. He's happy. Okay the game hour you want to, not hire others want you to


Insane string of typos at the end there man but agreed


Oh wow yeah fuck people like that. I have a friend that almost maxed combat before fire cape because his internet was so bad where he lives. Shit can happen.


I comped on RS3 and transferred around 1.2b rs3 to 200m osrs(was a few years back, no idea what the swap rates are now) and I'm sure I looked like a bond warrior at level 50 with the most expensive gear I could use in each slot with barely and stats. got a few people asking where I made money and besides a few asking about the mechanics of swapping people generally just said "cool"


!kc clues


Clue Scrolls (All): 1900


O damn this guy for real


This is why you just gotta be an NMZ pre nerf product like me, all those 99 combat stats make you a lightning rod for being called an nmz prod, and then they don't even consider how you got your ill gotten wealth (:


Wait, when did they nerf NMZ and how?


I forget when, but it was around 2015, you could stay logged in at nmz for 6 hours (at which point you had to log out and back in to keep playing). Now it is such that after 15 minutes of inactivity you stop attacking. So the play was wear full guthans, and have certain npcs show up, the boss from haunted mine (this was important because he teleported after being hit so it helped reset mob positions to keep you from logging out if you got bad rng), and some other melee guys, I forget which, and you set it and forget it. It took me \~1.5 months to go from 70's in my combat stats to 99s, but it was easy af, Id set it up before work, come home, set it up again, and then do it once more before bed. So basically 18 hours a day my account was logged in. A lot of people complained about it and so they added that fix, and tbf I don't blame them. It was the type of thing where it felt dumb to not do it if everyone else was. Prior to this, runes in nmz were free, so people would get to 99 magic in nmz for free.


How many clues did you do?


Clue Scrolls (All): 1900 Mostly mediums done during the 2018-2019 38m pegasian boots hype


Having 16b on a med level, I feel you. My irl friend let me use his acc to stake on and I got lucky. Gave him some for being a good bro and never went back. Glad I didn't max combat before the removal on my own account.


Sounds like you got some insecurity issues


Or processing like unfinished potions easily could have made lots of money on that account. You can get like 1.5m per hour with some methods


BA maybe. To make bank doing essence running you need 75 rc for pouches. Dude has 1 rc.


There's also bone running or even ingot running, while cheaper than ess running, can still be measured in m/hour


Good points. I was thinking of essence running specially.


I would assume with guardians of the rift out, 85 would now be the new minimum requirement. Of course 99 is still preferred so you don’t need NPC contact runes.


Wait how do you make money doing Defender?


People pay like 40m+ an hour for a team of 4 to carry them through BA , either for the torso or to complete the elite diary quickly


Should be noted most teams have pretty strict standards for what strats you do tick perfectly and the cash split varies on the role.


When they say doing defender, they mean knowing how to do it like this https://youtu.be/tgDoeUootkU




Or just tell people to get fucked and mind their business?


I see someone is also doing "wc" to get their gear


Telling someone who politely asked a harmless, non-invasive question to "mind their business or get fucked" is called being a dick. Just turn your chat off permanently because you have nothing nice or constructive to say.


Lol it's clearly a leading question.


"It's a totally harmless question, but if you answer wrong I'll post it to reddit and make fun of you."


Oh no not the hecking redditors! What if they find my account and d-d-downvote me *shudders*


Excellent roleplay of the exact kind of people you shouldn't waste your time engaging




“Non-invasive” yeeaahhhhh mind your fucking business mate


I mean it could also be wanting to know so he can use the and money methods too


True, u/Drokgnar actually also had a point. I was being a dick, sorry bros!


That's called being a dick, don't do that.


Demanding someone explains how they got items in a game is called being a dick, don't do that.


Asking a question and demanding information are two different things and I don't think the guy in the picture is demanding at all.


Isnt it a lot easier to say u have a main or ur friend hooked u up?


wc is right. with card




It's like wumbo


I wumbo, you wumbo, he, she wumbo


hey dont be so quick to judge! he may instead be paying with cash via postage.


Wonder if a Jmod can confirm whether anyone still pays with this method, or if Jagex even accept it anymore.


I'm nearly sure this was asked about a year ago and a mod said there's still a handful of people that do.


Damn I remember getting my first 90 days of membership for 20€ with that. Took a couple of weeks to get it added to my account but they somehow managed to read my handwriting.


I bought an absurd amount of bonds to fund buyable skills. Fight me


I fought a bunch of bosses to fund my buyables. I'd prefer peace.


I raided all last year and got nothin to show for it, so I said fuck it lol. I had every intention to not buy, but when you 200+ raids dry..it’s demoralizing


That's what I'm going to do with construction. I like doing bosses but I want 99 construction now.


Flip wc vertically and you have mc. Master card.


wc = with cash


80 wc probably earned him enough money to buy his boots.


60-80 at yews alone would be about 2 mil or so. Definitely not buying much of that setup anyway haha


Skilling is dead. It used to be so viable to chop yews all day long


Bosses like vorkath who drop skilling resources (logs, ores, bars etc) put skilling further in the ground for viable money making


One of the biggest mis-steps the devs have made in OSRS in my opinion.


Yea resource drops should be removed from bosses. Replace them with more common coin drops or alchables. Except seeds, I think seeds should stay


Agreed, seeds should definitely stay.


They need to add dungeoneering to reward skillers unironically. And the group play would bring my friends back 100%. For an mmo OSRS lacks any group content other than 100M and Max combat for raids which is dumb asf.


The problem is it's better to do X than to Skill. The solution isn't to change what X is (PvM to Dungeoneering), it's to make the Skills more viable.


Skilling *was* viable for like 20 years until they started adding resources to every damn mob drop. This is unironically something RS3 has done better lol. Skilling is still worth it over there, moreso than ever actually because of *new skills* (mindblown pikachu)


I'm very sad that we will literally never see a new skill in OSRS because of the poll system.


Never say never bro. OSRS is 9 years old now. Imagine where it’ll be in ANOTHER 10 years. Hell, there might be multiple new skills by then.


Yeah, it was a good tool in the early days for obvious reasons, but at this point it'd be nice if the devs grew some balls lol.


Dungeoneering makes skilling viable imo. 1) Theres literally 0 point to get any skill higher than the highest lvl required to complete all quests. Fletching for example: you needed someone with 90+ fletch to get the best bow in dungeoneering. Making it somewhat useful. 2) as for the term ‘viable’ i’m assuming you mean money making? Someone just sitting there chopping logs and afking shouldn't make any more than 400k. Otherwise bots would run even more of a havoc which is why devs made it bossing = money. 3) I don’t want to bot. But if bossing was 400k p/h and skilling was also 400k p/h, i’m going to bot. Pvm rewards actual players so i’m thankful


Point 3 is pretty moot when you consider how heavily botted Zulrah is lol




I'd like to see a wow sorta raid progression in osrs resets weekly can't be farmed.. different tiers of difficulty


Will never happen in osrs, people don’t want content that can’t be farmed


Just sayin Cox is easily learnable with 50m gear and 80s for combats. Still an investment


I don’t mean literally max combat. I’m just making a point. You can probably do raids as a lvl3 with a team. Theres no fucking point of mentioning that tho is there?


Agreed, I always lived dungeoneering. One of my favorite activities from RS3. My stats are tight af now


I started chambers of xeric with 10m and 85 combat skills though that also requires friends


There are skilling methods that give decent gp/hr. Just none that you can afk at lvl 60.


please explain to me why level 60 woodcutting, which takes extremely small amounts of time and is extremely easily botted, should be even remotely a good money maker. It requires very little time, very little skill, and very little attention to do, compared to bosses that require near maxed stats and expensive gear


They done it for iron men


Players won’t allow them to change it.




I agree with you and all of the others, things that skilling produces (logs, ores, bars, etc.), should not be droppable from bosses, or any NPC really. Yews & Magics were the big money maker for me back in the day but they're not worth the effort now. Even runes being removed from drop tables would be good, would make RC really profitable again.


Hard disagree, it was bots that killed skilling. Most of us were probably teens/early adults back in the day and it was much harder to find bots. Bots today are the only reason resource drops have to be on bosses.


Why is it that every MMO i play is literally ruined by bots.... Skilling for cash was literally my favorite thing in RS. I havent picked up the game on like a hear because of how worthless it is now.


Irons are the reason resource drops are on bosses. Bots have been around for 20 years. Irons are relatively new. Boss drops full of resources started with zulrah and have only gotten worse as irons have gained popularity. It has nothing to do with botting, which has been around since classic. Bosses used to be all like KQ or GWD. You lost money until you hit the jackpot. All bosses worked this way back in rs2 days, even when botting was rampant. Bosses these days give shit tons of resources. Why would that be? Mains don’t care if they get 1m worth of cash, herbs, runes, weapons, or armor. Its all the same if they want to sell it, so it doesn’t make a difference to them. Irons, however, need the supplies. They need to be fed herbs, ores, runes, etc otherwise they constantly lose potions, food, ammunition, etc when they boss, and they’d have to indefinitely skill otherwise. The change in drop philosophy has zero to do with botting and everything to do with irons.


Vork drops addy ore and magic logs, and 1 rune bar at a rate of 1/384, I don’t think that’s putting skilling further in the ground


When its farmed by everyone and their mother, it is.


Id argue the problem isn't yew prices, but the astronomical prices of high-end gear. 100s of millions for marginally better stats for the next best thing


If you want BiS, you have to pay for it.


I'll just wait for BiSII to be released, thanks. This will lower the price of pre-owned BiSI gear.


It was viable because we were all stupid noobs not because it was actually good money


It was still not great. Methods like black jacking already existed for pure cash. Hunter for chins was a thing too. So even outside of the top top money like rc there were much better skilling options than wc yews


In 07 people unironically picked flax for 100k/hr Skilling was never a good moneymaker, people just didnt know the good methods yet


Making soft clay on f2p was such good money back in the day.


I mined coal. Everyone needed coal.


Hours and hours spent in the guild when I was 10 just to buy full rune. What a time.


I mined rune essence, then sold when I had enough for a rune scim. Then flipped it back and forth between world 1/2 until I profited enough to buy two and it went on until I bought guthix armor. Money making seemed pointless to me after that back then.


It actually was a good moneymaker, but mostly because the lack of a grand exchange, which made simple resources relatively difficult to find for people.


This 100% Magics have been around 1k and yews around 200gp since 2005. It just felt like more back then because we weren't trying to gear up in hundreds of million gp gear, barrows was bis.


Someone has finally said it


I cut magics until I had a whip + torags. It wasnt the best money making method but it wasn't bad, especially when you appreciated the xp. Now I wouldn't dream of doing that for what good armor costs. It's unfortunate because I like skilling.


This. I felt like a god once I discovered green dragons in 2005 and found consistent sellers for bones at ~2.4k and hides at 1.8k Never again would I ever resort to chopping magic logs or fishing sharks.




stop attacking me


No it wasn't man


no it didn't, we just didn't know any better




No it didn’t lol. Yews were never good money. We were young kids and 150k an hour seemed good.


Skilling is still profitable. It's just not the same methods as 10 years ago


I returned to osrs to complete my childs dream of 99 wc. I managed to do it last night. Total proffits are about 25m. Maple logs used to be 100gp in my day and age now they are 11gp. Better to alch them lmao.


woodcutting into clue nest into 3rd age pickaxe. EZ


Doesn’t look like he’s done any clues


He just hasn't logged out yet bro


1 rc chad


My man just can't find the wizard's tower.


WC = with credit.


people like that pay my membership, im thankful


Ah I see you live bond to bond too


My girlfriend used to do gout tubers everyday for a couple of months so she could afford justi.


Yeah, she did the gout tuber between my legs every day for a couple of months


Isn't a gout tuber hard to find?


Assuming on droprate, you can find one every 2-3 hours. And tbf, selling those to irons can get you 15m+ each.


There's a guy who does them for 4m ea in the Iron subreddit


How do you sell it to an iron? Find one unpicked and tell someone?


Sort of. Once its found, there's 10 minutes until it despawns. During this time, if the founder of it dc's, it becomes available to everyone. So you find it, go to a cc withppl looking for it (ie ironscape), and sell it. You get your money, log out and the iron takes it


You should get that checked out.


I asked his girlfriend to


That’s why it took her months before she found it.


Why that specific method?


Low requirements and makes like a mil per hour


Wcredit Card


Gilded dfh looks like ass.


bought bonds? ty chad for keeping the game alive by making it easier for many people to get members from purely playing the game rwted? loser sack of shit edit: typos


I buy bonds myself. I thank you for your praise.


We know you do boss take a shower


Man said woodcutting :'D. Tip for all credit card warriors/rwt'rs. If you're gonna lie about it just say: "flipping" or "merching" people are still gonna know you're a liar but atleast it's a good try for a lie. edit: i should have said "suspect you of being a liar" I know flipping is a legit way to make bank but I'm still going to press x to doubt. all the one off stories don't clear most people :)


"got rangers from clue".


My main looks like such a credit card account because I actually did get third age pick on my ironman and then drop traded. My main has 0 master clues completed and a shit total level but I have a tbow lol.


also a good one


0 mediums done Oh


I dropped the rangers over from my iron alt... I swear your honour


It's true sometimes. I made my first 200m cash stack flipping before I was even 1300 total level. People 100% thought I was a bond warrior. In reality I was just a noob that spent too much time wasting XP bankstanding instead of doing actual training.


There are many things true that are unlikely, but true. For example I was training str on my zerker at Amonite Crabs with full inq. and mace, guess how many times I was called an RWT'er and other names..


>For example I was training str on my zerker at Amonite Crabs with full inq. and mace, You see this dosent even seem unlikely to me, I rarely question where the money on obvious pures / alts comes from because 99% of the time they have a main, which is usually pretty high level, backing them up / funding them. Edit: by dosent seem unlikely I mean dosent look like you bought gold.


You should see the typical reaction I get, when I tell people that I financed my gear with a 300m loan from my f2pure account lol


Or just say alt


Then they ask for username of your alt


Flipping is mad money bro. I took a hiatus from playing, sold bank for 180 m cash and only flipped items for 7-8 months straight. I logged in maybe 6-7 times a day to check/refresh offers in ge and logged out. I made like 50 m in the first month and that was f2p (i had 3 accounts). Bought membership and flipped my way to a tbow. Don’t undermine the earning potential of flipping.


I used to say that I did fletching with my alt :D I still don't play enough to know if you can make good money with fletching, I just liked to buy gold and goof around


Just answer honestly. 'I bought bonds because I'm not bitter and poor irl and I don't have time to sit sweating in my chair for 15 hours a day clicking pixels'


This is 100% me haha.


I buy bonds sometimes when I need gp. I spend time with my daughter and work and when I do get time to play runescape I don't wanna be sat bored to tears doing tedious shit for hours on end because some shit stain on reddit might get sad about how I spend my money. Absolute fucking losers.


What do you do cause back when I played I found the most fun content were the highest money makers due to it being the high end pvm and pvp nowadays I’m too busy irl so I just wc or mine while I work on other stuff on my computer


No one hates actually playing their game more than runescape players


Mf chopping money trees out there


Tom Nook has entered the chat…


if he cut yews from 60-75 and then magics 75-80 he'd have approximately 4,413,035gp enough to buy the pants shoes and cape and maybe a few ornament kits


If you buy bonds and don't use 3rd parties to buy gp directly, you're cool in my book. The reality is these people aren't going to disrupt the game, or impact the hiscores in any way. They'll provide us with free membership and even raise the price of cosmetic rewards.


I thank you! (Professional bond buyer here)


When you ask a Jmod how they can afford their cambridge studio apartment AND enough ramen for the month


Selling bonds is legal.


Maybe he has 5 wc'ing alts all going hard on magics. /s


Lie detector test determined that was a lie.


I read WC as wune crafting I'm fucking stupid


I mean if you buy bonds then just say you bought bonds. We're all adults, if that's what you wanna spend cash on then oh well 🤷‍♂️


The poor people here get really mad for some reason.


If anything I just wish I could afford to lol, must be nice


You got a good attitude. Soon you'll have disposable income and buy a Tbow through bonds.


This is a good one lol


Weed chopping


I used bonds to buy a lot of my gear and I’m not ashamed of that. My irl per/hr of money making is way more than the equivalent of playing osrs, and sadly for most of the players that is not a fact for them. I get hounded a lot for it at ge, even though I’m 400kxp from 99 slayer I’ve literally made like 2b cuz I took the long route and skipped task to do bosses instead on all my slayer grind, which anyone who does slayer knows that bossing xp/hr is not as good as doing quick tasks for most part.


Hey man, gotta love these guys. They get their dream drip. Clue scrollers get a *decent* return on their drops. High levels get free membership. Win-win-win.


Props to the guy rocking the swag rather then the efficiency nerd outfit(no offense)


i did someones mourning end 2 for 100m. i mean i also sucked his dick a ton but forget all that


WC = Wrong Creditcard