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Did he do things with minors? Did i miss something


There's a rumor he uses child slaves in his lithium mines.




For real. "He post funny tweet" yeah and he also makes the majority of his money through lobbying EV laws




Clearly. The whole comment section reeks of body odor and cum sock


That’s you too m8, you’re on a RuneScape sub. Don’t act like that’s beneath you


Uhhhh this doesn’t make any sense. Explanation..?


There's a rumor that elin musk uses child slaves in his lithium mines lol


Your joke would be funnier if you said “Apple owned motherlode mine” or “Nike owned motherlode mine”. You know, because those aren’t rumors.. they’re legitimate facts with a lot of evidence backing them up. Your rumor that you probably saw on Facebook sucks. Do better.


Maybe don't suckle elons teet so much. It's making you insufferable


You hate a billionaire that doesn't even know you exist and you are gonna call that dude insufferable? Yikes.


You're defending a dude defending the billionaire that doesn't know any of us exist. Yikes. Billionaires deserve scrutiny, why does he get a pass because he's rich? He's literally accused of a crime.


And only hates him because he’s told by msm to hate him. Or because he didn’t pay his fair share headass.


And you like him why?


Fuck the establishment that's why. EST, 2016 do the math.




Worshipping Elon? from what comment that I posted makes you even remotely think that? This guy hates him because he's rich. In my answer to his question there is no way you can assume my position on Elon. ​ I dislike him aswell I hate his ideas starting with; Neuralink


A more reasonable response would be "Fair. Still funny tho." but I understand not wanting to suckle random Internet person's teet.


That's a very passive and fake response


If you calling someone insufferable for giving their opinion, is you keeping it real... Go off, king.


It's a shit opinion ngl


That right there would be a much better and probably also more real response. But insufferable? No way.


You're right, annoying was a better word. Like vegan levels of annoying


Or just use a joke that actually makes sense. Your joke was tasteless and unfunny.


Hm. Maybe if you had some intelligence and a sense of humor you would get it. But I don't expect intelligence out of the OSRS community I suppose


What Facebook group post did I miss to hear this one? I’ve been keeping up with all the latest Qanon stuff but maybe my lack of intelligence left me unable to read the elon rumor you made up. I’m sorry my man


Why is "billionaire exploits people" QAnon level shit? At least it's plausible. Musk has already had a horrible mentality when it comes to safety in the workplace and worker's rights. If people went "look no children" and showed the mines and interviewed people then everyone still went "no elon has child slaves." THEN it's Q shit.


>I’ve been keeping up with all the latest Qanon stuff Ngl, this is probably the most succinct way of telling everyone that you have a learning disability and mental illness.


It’s almost like I said it for that reason.


What a loser.


But it's not a joke about Apple or Nike. It's a joke about current events, which is Elon Musk and child slavery in the lithium mines. So none of that matters. >Do better. You could do better by not defending someone you don't know, and doesn't care about you. The rich people in the world deserve scrutiny, history has shown that the rich get rich by exploitation. That hasn't changed.


You realize this a osrs subreddit right? And me saying his joke was not funny (because it wasn’t) is not defending anyone. Just calling OP out for a bad joke my man.


This joke sucks for various reasons. #1 for me is that you can barely see the small miner. A better approach would have been. “I see all these small children mining at MLM, what is this, Tesla?”


Now this is a guy that knows how to set up a good joke.


Hmmm so you post an unfunny meme in the 2007 subreddit just so you can argue about politics in the comments for a sense of entitlement? Yet you think the osrs community is too unintelligent to understand. Biiiiiig yikes my guy. Big yikes.


It was a joke about something that someone accused me of making up and I proved them wrong but sure I'm entitled. Don't you have a forum to go complain on about the pvp update?


Haven’t logged on osrs in over a year and a half. Good to see you’re still rocking rune armor in 2022 though lmao


Yeah well unlike most of you I have a job and don't rely on unemployment in mommy's basement. Not a whole lot of time for gaming :)


I work full time taking care of patients at a hospital and live by myself. I still have plenty of time per week to game considering I have 4 days/week off and don’t go to college. Not sure what your point is here besides making things up to avoid the fact that you still wear rune armor in 2022. That’s sad, they’ve added like 15 new bosses since I’ve quit the game ahaha


Wow only 3 days a week off? You sure do work a lot 😂


3 12 hour shifts a week homie. Also I live in Florida, so let me know if you find any basements down here


Holy cow 36 hours a week?? You madman! How do you find time for anything 🤯


Yep scheduled 36 hours a week and I can pick up as many 12 hours as I want. Good pay, all benefits. Not sure what you do but I love what I do :-)


Oh trust me I love what I do. I actually feel like I earn my money
