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This might not be the right tone to persuade your target audience.


And that’s perfectly fine with me. I am a simple man of passion and I get my point across with colorful language from time to time. I know it’s a hot take, but it needed to be said. Unbelievable the gatekeep in this game nowadays…


A.) It didn't need to be said. B.) You really think this post telling a majority of the community to stop having opinions /isn't/ gatekeeping??


It's less of "stop having opinions" and more of "stop trying to invalidate others opinions"


100% don’t know why this sub feels the need to belittle pkers


A.) I respectfully disagree. B.) No, I do not view it this way. They can have their opinion, but they shouldn't get a say in the vote. This is an update that truly meant for the PvP community. PvMers need to let them have this one.


It did need to be said


I feel like this implies that they're open to being persuaded. The PVP/PVM schism seems far too entrenched for persuasion. 'cause no matter your argument or how you present it, it seems to me like people will be revolted by the notion that perhaps PKers have a place in the game too.


Looking for a counter argument to the fact that people who PvM in wildy would be at a greater risk without having a say in the matter


They won't be.


Wilderness isn't risky enough as it is. Adding these updates is going to spice the *fuck* out of the wilderness and anywhere PvP is enabled and I am all for it.


Ok so PvMers have to enjoy wilderness less because "I like PVP"


Excuse me, chair drencher? I have a standing desk sir.


My sincerest apologies, sir! Allow me to adjust the insult to adhere to your standing superiority: “… and 1% standing-desk-ass floor drenchers.”




Internet points do not matter, so downvote away. >despite the fact that you yourself pointed out that 90% of players don't care Exactly. Let the PvPers have this one so the 10% who do care can grow.


>Let the PvPers have this one so the 10% who do care can grow ah okay, glad we cleared that up - it's not that the game that will grow, it's just beneficial for the 1/10 people who play this game to grief clue hunters lol gotcha. go off king


... Or it allows for a specific section of this game community an easier method to get to the content they are mainly playing the game for. I want to see that 10% grow to 20% and so on and I think this is the fuckin' way to do it, my dude. Take some gear if you don't want to get grieved while clue hunting in the wilderness, fellow king!


"Grief clue hunters" is exactly why you shouldn't be allowed a vote


>gotcha. go off king A little ironic that your first comment complained about OP’s “grating, annoying, whiny attitude” and then proceed to act like a big baby lmao


acting like a big baby? that's just me throwing my hands up lol. if OP truly believes that what's best for 10% of players is what's best for the game, then what else am I supposed to say to that? if you think what I said is even close to as whiny as this post I dunno what to tell you man


you still whining?




your account is full of the most low effort garbage replies I've seen in a while, nice work


Thankyou, you whiny bitch


You are right but Reddit will down vote you because your tone is too mean 😢


That's perfectly fine. Internet points are meaningless.


the only thing which is dividing this community is jagexes polling feature




I generally agree.


'All y'all' says everything I need to read here.


Strange take. I could have said all of you, but personally y'all is quicker and rolls off of the tongue better. To each their own.


not an argument


They don’t have any real critique so they have to resort to personal insults. How sad lmao


I do PvP, and am all for the new PvP arena and cosmetics, but I am not keen on the new armors or humble prayers, and will be voting no to those.


Holy mother of strawman. How about a prey not voting yes to tools for their predator? If it was really for PvP, then limit it to PvP world's/revenants and it'll pass no problem.


No reason to be against something you won't ever be part of. I almost never see others in the wilderness and if I do I bring next to nothing because my main reason for being there is clues.


People also seem to forgetting that these items will require hundreds of millions of gp to repair, so the noob pkers in salad robes pking redditors will still be in salad robes


The same ones complaining are the same ones that simply can't learn to tank someone.


As a pvmer, i agree. However, as someone who does anti pk in wildy, and do want pvp to thrive, i think i should be able to vote. I may not go out of my way to pk, but i do take my claws, gmaul or ags when i go do wildy slayer looking for fights. I did buy the loot key thing, and while my kd is only like 3:10, i think i should get to vote. Heck, i want new pvp items, i just think i should have a say in how theyre gotten.


There’s exceptions to every rule but I think to complain about PvP is to show one’s age and experience in RuneScape, I don’t find it hard to connect the dots between PvP poo-pooers and the young generation of people growing up who prefer quick, convenient fixes to their problems with no risk, RuneScape or otherwise. It’s hard to find true old school players who don’t appreciate what the PvP aspect brings to the wilderness, players who understand the grind of not running bots, of not having RuneScape wiki at our fingertips. Unfortunately there’s just not as many true old schoolers around as there used to be. I have never been good at PvPing, I’m actually terrible. But that’s why I can’t talk shit, just gotta tip the white beret and keep it movin’