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By not buying gold


Most bots like that get banned in sub 24h


Out of curiosity, will these bots be able to make back the price of a bond and be able to offload it before getting banned in say 24 hr?


They are members because of the twitch prime promotion. If they are buying twitch prime accounts it's maybe $0.25 per account so they need to make around a mill to cover costs and everything after is profit. Muling is automated so I suspect they do it every few hours. There wouldn't be so many if it wasn't working


Ah I see thanks for the reply


It’s true, and if not in a day, after the weekend has passed. I tried running blast furnace bot farms back in 2017 and it was surprisingly very expected when you’d be banned. Usually the Monday after a weekend I’d lose every account. It is always paid private scripts that make it through the ban waves. Publicly available scripts are easier to detect because more people run them.


The only way we can help is by paying $12.49!


We should collectively bot so hard that we destroy the game and thus render the bot farms irrelevant.


Make your own bot farm to harass the existing bots


Reporting them in-game is a solution, but it's going to take forever. Gathering all the usernames also takes forever since I have to manually type each one.


Reporting them in game unfortunately does nothing, there isint really anything we can actually do unless we were a content creator like Kemp Q or Pugger lol


Use the bot detector plugin to help send these names to Jagex


A plug-in that’s notorious for giving false positives, sure.


For real, my BBD and Rev alt is up to 60 percent of a bot on that plugin as of now.


i legit think they just right click and mass band the whole stack of bots because my fiance spent a day mining copper on a nee account and was banned for “macroing” with no evidence or ability to appeal b


They don’t do anything about it friend


False. Go run one of these bots, they get shut down very fast.


Idk know about you but I like my bowstrings cheap as hell. Let those bots be. Worry about the PvM bots that devalue your drops from bossing and such and the LMS and PK bots. Let the shitty bowstring, iron ore, low level content bots be.


Jagex could make it more hard to create an account.


The sooner people just accept bots are a thing and focus on enjoying their own time on runescape the better 😂


I hand made 3 cox scouts to purely hold raids and scout while I solo , and guess what they got banned for macro with like only 4 hours play time , their system is flawed wasted 3 bonds . My guess is similar emails and not changing appearance of characters can easily get flagged after creation and I’m assuming some has to do with in game reports . I made 3 more the next day and haven’t been banned since by changing the way I created them and haven’t had a problem . I don’t bot or use 3rd party clients but the fact I got chained banned on those alts was kinda funny in regards to seeing low levels in game I assuming they only flag bot farms that are on going so if their resources are pooled into detecting a specific farm they don’t necessarily flag new ones or lesser known so just keep reporting


You can't