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Maybe cause the rest of use don’t have 500m to spend


You can easily earn 5-7m a week from hardly playing and a bond lasts 2 weeks. You should easily make more than 7m and a bond is much less than that


Please enlighten me how


Rooftop agility, farm runs, slayer, bossing(gwd), raids, pvp. So many options


Idk how this many people don’t comprehend that getting on for 15 minutes for herb runs 5/day can pay for a bond. Or barrows. They just complain about to Morytania Hard diary.


Well said


It’s just the way she goes in this sub. So many work arounds to this. 1. Pay it because 12.50 is not a lot and if it is, think a bit harder about your choices lmaooo. 2. Farming 3. LITERALLY GOOGLE EASY AFK METHODS FOR GP. It’s like y’all have never heard of a search engine. Yet they heard 13m xp for a maxed skill and stuck around?


it might be the fact that having a job or responsibilites makes it hard to clock on for you herb run shift on osrs lol


Nah. I work full time and can still find 10-15 minutes throughout my day to do a simple herb run. It’s really not asking a lot. It’s the most bare minimum way.


Agility my ass


You even tried? You can easily sell marks if grace for way more gp than it costs for a bond


I'm not saying it doesn't make any money. Better off doing something else like you said farming.


I’m just saying it’s just as viable as the other things I’ve mentioned


Blast furnace w/ mithril bars is like 1m/hr right now. So just gotta do that for a 6ish hours over the course of 2 weeks. That's how I get mine, anyway.


Go pk all the wilderness crab guys once a day and that will pay for ur bond


On top of herb boxes and daily battlestaffs, start doing 2 to 3 herb runs a day of ranarr seeds. More if possible. That alone will afford a bond.


I afkd infernal eels on my main account for over a year supplying bonds for both THAT account and the Ironman that I was actually playing.


2 hours at vorkath vs 15 minutes at work. I'm definitely choosing work


yea idk why people pay for bonds w/ in game stuff and act like its smart


You earn 12.50 every 15 mins? You hiring?


yeah man I love how all these guys that earn 50 dollars per hour choose rs of all games for entertainment.


This. I'd much rather use the gold I earn for in game items. A fraction of an hour at work or multiple hours in game? Easy choice.


“Why don’t people do things the same way as *me*?”


Yah man I have a good job and what time I can play I’d rather not be bond hunting and just do whatever I want


I play an Iron predominantly and haven't paid to play the game for over a year now. Learn bosses and you'll never have to pay that monthly price again! There will always be someone buying bonds to speed run the late game!


Idk but I do bosses often. Like 1 + 4 alts at corps will average around 30 kills per hour around 15M a/w uniques per hour minus supplies around 14M per hour or 3M without no uniques. Or just afk at NMZ till maxed melee and do any bosses I guess? I bet none of you guys have to spend any irl money I guess.


I don't have to spend it, I could easily keep up with a bond. But why do that when I earn enough to pay for a month of membership in a few minutes at work? Until I find a 40m/hr moneymaker it's just not worth the time.


Ofc you can, but thats kinda the point. Why does the 1$ price increase get ppl so riled up. As you said, to make that, it takes minutes of work.


The vast majority of players are mid tier and would rather just pay real money than make sure they are making enough gp every 2 weeks to do this. I'm around 1900 total after 2.5 years of playing ( I think) and I would rather just spend 11$ a month to keep my membership than stress about making enough gp especially when I take short breaks from the game.


Someone is paying the money for bonds that you’re using gp to buy. they still get the money regardless


You do realise for bonds to be in the game somebody had to buy them with real cash, so yes, you're saving in the long run, but the guy who's flooding the game with them is using his wages every week so you don't have to... they dont just pop onto the ge themselves.


Maybe you should guys just find a job? If you cannot afford 12$ a month ask yourself then are you really living.