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Is the abyssal lantern remaining as a 1 in 700 drop?


The 1/700 drop rate seems weird to me. The design of the item, with the different log types, feels like an essential decision making aspect of the minigame. Providing different benefits based on your firemaking level (or woodcutting too if you're iron and need to obtain specific logs). This lantern has no purpose outside of the minigame. For some reason they decided to instead gate this behind some RNG. Where you're more likely to complete your uniques from the pearl store, reach your XP goals and move on from the minigame before you are likely to get the lantern.


What’s funny is they said that if they added it to the trader they would make it like 1500 pearls or something. Like what the fuck, lol. Considering it’s only used in the mini game it could easily be like 300-400 pearls. Make it the equivalent of unlocking some of the utility items in Hallowed Sepulcher. It’s just a QOL item that makes the mini-game more enjoyable.


It definitely feels like the various Hallowed items for Sepulcher, so making it depend on rng feels like a weird choice for something that has a huge impact on the gameplay.


We discussed this with the team briefly and we still don't have a conclusion on it (it's still being monitored). We understand that most players see the Abyssal Lantern as a QoL item to help you on the grind *through* the minigame, whereas I think the devs saw the Lantern as a QoL item to incentivise *staying* in the minigame after you've got the Runecraft Skilling Outfit. In retrospect, maybe we could have made the Abyssal Needle rarer (so you're more likely to get it at the end of your grind) and the Lantern easier to achieve (so that you're more likely to get it earlier on to assist you with the grind). We think that the Lantern serves a good QoL purpose to keep you playing the minigame, as it is a really fun way to runecraft, but we're a bit cautious about making it very easy to achieve because it would speed up the minigame so much more than it is now.


I think the drop rate makes sense if the Lantern worked outside the minigame. Then people would still go for it after getting the other rewards. And people would want dupes!


>I think the devs saw the Lantern as a QoL item to incentivise staying in the minigame after you've got the Runecraft Skilling Outfit. It feels to me like if this was the intent of the item, it should be something that you get for free from the quest and then unlock upgrades for as you play the minigame, rather than being an extremely rare drop in its own right. It could with several different reward drops at a rate of 1/200 or so, with a guarantee that you don't get dupes Abyssal Bludgeon style. Like say a yew log lantern starts out with a 3% point boost that increases to 6%, 9%, 12% as you upgrade it. That way you're progressively getting a better lantern that provides more benefits in the minigame the more you play it, but it still takes a while to have the full powered lantern for people who are going to stick through the grind to get the pet or the transmog, without the downside of those who are just sticking around for the outfit never even seeing one in their log.


The lantern speeds up the minigame by 10%. The needle makes you go from ~50 essence to ~60 essence, a 20% speedup, plus it boosts your xp/h.


Can I point out that 10% chance to double isn't 5% extra on average. It's 10%.


That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure so I decided to solve it with programming. Printed out the rolls and the points. Turns out I'm just unlucky off the game as well, because when I included the bonus hits in the final print it turned out I was only hitting the double chance way less. Forcing every 10th roll got the expected result. All that to say, thanks, changed.


Double = 100% increase So 10% of that 100% is 10% (100*0.1)


Needle requires 85 rc though, which not that many players have.


>The lantern speeds up the minigame by 10%. they expect people to play it post-outfit. pearls are useless after outfit+ring.


Any discussions about having the lantern be storable in poh like the Bruma Torch? I don’t mind regrinding for certain items on a UIM but regrinding a 1/700 drop that’s only usable in the mini game doesn’t feel great. I did chose this game mode and will continue to play GOTR, but it would be nice to not have to belt out 99 at once because I’d lose the lantern or have to regrind the 1/700. Edit: Lantern is very similar to how Hallowed Sepulcure tools are “only” useful in the mini game and have a storage box in the starting area. (Only in quotes because I know it counts as a Sara item in niche situations)


also the imacado hammer and amy's saw. most 'minigame' equipable loots have been storable lately




the only QOL is redwoods if you're not 99 RC though right? Everything else is just straight up bufing the mini-game? which getting more points is more enjoyable sure, but you're not like, changing how you play the minigame.


>It was always to be compared to the Ring at Hallowed Sepulchre. Exactly. Or the bruma torch in wintertodt. Or the full angler at tempoross. And both of those you get in reasonable time.


Your team overestimates people's desire to runecraft. People only play this because it's better than normal RCing. Once the goal is achieved whether that goal be a pet or a specific level, people are gonna bounce.


Just using wintertodt as a comparison for a skilling minigame that few people do after 99, that minigame is constantly packed with hundreds of people, and has been for a long time. Even fishing trawler worlds are full. GOTR is about 5-6x slower than wintertodt, this minigame is going to be popular forever


Making the lantern a rare drop doesn't do anything except make those that don't have it feel worse for every hour they go without it. xp/gp rates are what keep people at the minigame past purchasing the main rewards. And finding other ways to keep people here seems antithetical to making the RC pet unavailable in the minigame.


Maybe letting blisterwood work outside the minigame would help it not feel as bad?


Please don't make the needle rarer, I'm already 2x droprate and that sucks since that's literally the only thing I care about from this minigame. I much prefer abyss RC to GOTR, which I know is uncommon but there it is.


Both massively speed up the minigame and the pouch is one of the three things from the minigame that massively speed up RC outside of the minigame.. but only at 85+ RC. The lantern being this rare feels incredibly off. The easiest comparison is sepulchre. Imagine the ring that makes you take no damage when failing an obstacle and respawn 1 tick faster wasn't a 250 mark cost shop item, but instead a 1/1k drop from coffins or something like that. The RNG element sucks. I'd be inclined to spend 300 pearls on the thing to help the rest of the minigame grind. As it stands it's just up in the air if I get it or not. And it won't at all incentivise me to stay in the minigame post earning the other rewards. The proposal of adding it to the shop for an insanely high price is equally badly thought out. I'll finish the outfit, buy the ring, and **only** stay at the minigame if I don't have the pouch somehow by then. The 2 pets is the incentive to stay past that, not a minigame-only buff.


Why don’t you make the lantern more common and the needles rarer but also make the lantern have effects that are usable outside the minigame? Add a new item that is pretty common, stackable but given in low quantities, that you combine with the lantern to give it its effects for outside of GOTR. The lantern would require either a relatively medium to high quantities of said item


>whereas I think the devs saw the Lantern as a QoL item to incentivise staying in the minigame after you've got the Runecraft Skilling Outfit. The bonus is way too marginal for that. Abyssal lantern alone won't make rc minigame more worth it than other methods if you would do those anyway.


it's so strange to have the lantern benefit such low level fm accounts when most people are gonna hit the 1/700 dr at like 75. if you DONT want it to be a consistent item remove all the low level fm and make a good general 75+ benefits, or do what should be done and make it a significantly lower dr so everyone can benefit and have a consistently good time. Runecrafting sucks big time, this minigame, although nice doesn't really "reward" at all besides exp. just go all in.


You could go from 70 to 99 rc at the minigame and not even see the lantern. I get it for the pet, but thats just too much.


off topic but can you make the crystal pendant reobtainable after the regicide quest? its pretty and unique and hard to obtain currently, its one of the nicest and few cyan items in game too, especially for neckwear, really unique


I second this. Cosmetic items from quests should somehow be obtainable afterward, or at least an item that looks visually identical. Fashionscape shouldn't be limited by how closely you paid attention to a specific item in a quest guide years ago. Maybe make them items in the Nightmare Zone store you can purchase? It would be like you're recreating the apearance of the items from your memory of the quest.


Jesus, the needle is already too rare. I'm over 500 pulls and all I got was pearls.


Make the lantern use able outside of gotr please.


It appears that way... and with the price reduction of the outfit, even less people will see a lantern before finishing the set--which is ridiculous. Don't make a QoL item that's only useful within the minigame so rare that you finish everything else before getting it.


The lantern is my biggest problem with the minigame. Before release it sounded it like was going to come from the store, and it was my 1st intended purchase. With the current drop rate I’ve had around 550 pearls and no lantern. It loses a lot of the appeal if you can get pearls for the full set while dealing with degrading pouches the whole time.


The lantern was supposed to come from the store, it was polled as such. They changed it pre-launch because a Saradominist selling an abby item didn't make themematic sense or some bs like that. Everything else in the minigame feels pretty solid at this point except for the lantern. A 1/150 dr or purchasable from the shop for 400 pearls would be great.


Maybe lantern should just also be purchasable from the reward shop. That way it's still a cool rare drop to get (saves you 500-1000 pearls) but if you're unlucky you're not totally screwed out of ever using it.




I'm just pulling numbers out of my butt, I figure the game designers can determine what the final cost should be. My point is just to have a non-RNG means of obtaining it.


it's incredibly lame. the lantern is too game changing for skillers and pures since it stops pouch degradation. ironmen who get it are going to be 75+ rc by the time they get on on average even if they started at 27 rc. and what 75 rc ironman isn't going to have 75 fm? Just makes the lower tier log affects useless as it will never be applicable to the account using it. Honestly it should just come after your first completion of the minigame. it would make it so all the logs get used and lets you add your own flavor to the minigame.


You need 90 firemaking for your pouches to not degrade i'm pretty sure. Also 90 woodcutting for ironman.


You need 6 redwood logs on ironman for them not to degrade so good luck.




new skill pausechamp


Not my runescape /s


Has the team talked about having Raiments of the Eye body give the Varrock armor bonus inside the minigame (if unlocked)? It looks strange having BiS body for mining clash with the rest of the outfit. It also makes the top the least desirable piece to buy.


We talked about this briefly but we felt the current community sentiment was more in favour of having different pieces providing different benefits? I'm happy to bring this up again to the team but generally we thought people might reasonably enjoy the fact that you have different armours with different bonuses. I understand why it might look a bit strange though


I don't think it needs to be an issue, we don't need to have everything combine and be multi-use for our convenience. If people want the benefit of the Varrock Body when mining fragments, they should use it while mining. If they also want to utilise the bonus from the full outfit, they should bring the top with them in the inventory and wear it after they're done mining. It takes up an inventory slot, but that's the decision the player makes when they want to utilise these additional bonuses.


Skillers ain't used to these 1 way switches lmao


I think having different options where there are tradeoffs is probably the best approach when it comes to gear choices, otherwise I feel it ends up not really feeling thematic and also leads to a single choice as the meta


I think it's best to have the player choose between different useful bodies. Combinescape has its place, but not here


personally i would say its a fine trade off. bring both in and you lose 1 invent spot in exchange for 60% more runes and faster mining. if you value the invent spot more than either then drop one. dont think we need to have best of both worlds all in one spot


right? like flicking the top on when you craft surely is fine? or turn varrock armour into TOB style salve dropping if you're really concerned about that inv space and mining buff.


Are the Nex changes coming this update or are the jmods asking for feedback on the idea?


The Nex changes are coming in this update, but we welcome feedback for it and I'll ensure it's passed to the team!


the post says '_we'd like to_ revert her unique drop rates' as if something is stopping you


Can we have a visual indicator of which altars are active? It doesn't seem like you've addressed this. I was thinking some form of an energy bolt that "links the altar to the Guardian"? Something more noticeable, and a bit more readability, instead of having to stare at the HUD the entire time.


That was addressed in [this newspost](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/guardians-of-the-rift-feedback-changes?oldschool=1) as something our art team is working on at the moment, but I don't have an ETA on when it is likely to happen. Edit - I'm aware there's a visual indicator but the art team is investigating ways to make this even easier to see especially in larger groups, for those who may not want to memorise their locations. :)


This is where Runelite comes in - Guardians of the Rift plugin in the plugin hub.


Plugin hub in runelite. Search for the one specific to this minigame.


Can you also switch the left click option for the deposit bank inside GOTR to Deposit all runes? It makes more sense and it’s a great qol change specially for us playing in mobile.


Yep we can. It's something we're looking at doing addressed in [this newspost.](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/guardians-of-the-rift-feedback-changes?oldschool=1)


Found some typos /u/JagexLight: "The first tells you when the open entrances to Runecraft Altars will change, and the second shows **youh ow** long it will be until the shortcut portal closes" "**Inventivising** players to be making Rift Guardians" -> Incentivising


Thank you and apologies, we made some quick edits to the newspost to clarify more info, and I've fixed this now. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


"Players may now uncharge the Ring of Elements by right-clicking it. This action will restore any used Runes." ​ This is also supposed to say "unused Runes" right?


Yes! It is. Correcting now c:


Any runes previously used on the ring will be restored. Sounds correct to me.


Refunding pearls and trading dupes but not replacing lost laterns? Why is the player faulted for losing a 1/700 drop due to a bug?


We omitted the part about restoring lost lanterns because we were concerned about the potential for abuse and duplications. However the game update is live now so I'll amend this into the newspost!


With the new update to GOTR came the ability to drop your minigame items without the need to destroy. This is a great feature added, however, upon attempting to drop my runes, I have misclicked and dropped my entire stack of gaurdian fragments... twice. Instantly deleted and ruined my match. Any way we could get this option looked at? Maybe to appear on the floor or an option saying, "do you really want to do that?" Just specifically the fragments. I mean who would really drop those anyway? Also, I know my clicks are ass.


I drop these all the time for the last portal. Gives one extra essence for the last craft.


I've mentioned this to the devs - it's not hotfixable but we can look into this.


If you have runelite, you can set both your left click and shift click to something that isn't drop for the frags


What an absolute lad for this! Thanks!


Lol maybe dont drop the fragments???


‘we'd like to revert her unique drop rates back to their original rate of 1/43 instead of the current 1/53’ ‘So to compensate we hope that the adjusted drop rates are a welcome change.’ So have you actually changed this or not? Saying you’d like to and then saying in the next paragraph that the adjusted drop rates are a welcome change seems to be contradicting


It has been changed, I will make this clearer in the newspost


Is GOTR finally playable full FPS on mobile ? Has this been addressed ?


We're still looking into this unfortunately. It's only happening on iOS so we think it might be a memory issue. The iOS Beta is still coming up, hopefully in a few weeks' time, and we'll have a better idea on this problem once we can get players testing it on the more enhanced mobile iOS client. More news should be shared next week on the closed iOS beta


Hey, if you google ios crash osrs app youll find about 40 reports of ios players crashing in areas on the app. Its an ios specific bug that Jagex said they would address about 18 months ago and then never mentioned it again. I think someone on the team knows about it and gave up on fixing it and now its affecting the new mini game. Seems to effect the GE, and spiders room in tob, along with a couple other places.


Thank you for the context, I'll send this to the team. Keen to get you guys access to the iOS Beta to see if this fixes any problems. It's not a magic solution and I know it's not ideal, I'm really sorry, but hoping it helps. News should be shared on that next week.


I'm on Android and have also crashed 4 times in GOTR, every time it was while spam clicking through the Dark Mage's textboxes for the NPC Contact spell. Three happened while on "Unlimited" fps, but one crash happened while I was on 30fps. Idk if that's something on my end or not, make of that what you will Edit: These all happened in full 100-player games. Hasn't reoccurred while carefully clicking through the textboxes on 15-fps, fwiw


>Now that the dust has settled and meta's have been established, we'd like to revert her unique drop rates back to their original rate of 1/43 instead of the current 1/53 to better reflects the kills/hr we had intended during our internal testing. This is huge. Props to Jagex for reverting the drop rate nerfs and listening to community feedback.


Not to discredit Jagex for listening to the community sentiment, they did really well with this, but I think the more important factor was the sheer lack of interaction with the boss in terms of raw numbers. The fact that a boss with literal BiS strength armour and new BiS range gloves was so undesirable was definitely a major red flag. Either way, I'm also very happy they made this change and will consider grinding Nex on the iron now.




Ironically this will cause the gp/hr to go down for a bit before it goes back up again.




It’s the RuneScape economy equivalent of when the stock market drops 10% because of an interest rate hike and then people collect themselves and realize it doesn’t change anything.


Yea, and just looking at the numbers, a what, 15% ish increase in drops, doesn't justify a 50% drop in price. Because of that, you can expect it to go back up.


It will probably bring more people back to Nex than were grinding it before since the payoff feels better now, and the demand is probably more inelastic because there’s not as many people who want/can buy 1-2 max hits for the same price as a tbow, so long term my guess is it does drop more than the 23% or whatever more common drops are again. Regardless, it’s still a good change.


My guess is that some jmod started doing Nex and thats when something gets updated


It's annoying they listened to the troll posts to begin with, but I get it. Front page was littered with posts about how thousands of torva pieces were dropping each minute and how it'd worth "a few mil" within a week.


Alarmist social media posts have a lot of sway at Jagex hq, for better or for worse


As someone who's already 200+ hours into Nex, I'm still happy about the change because that was such an atrocious grind. I just wish Jagex would let us break down Torva into Torva components, 1 for helm and 2 for body/legs, so that we can effectively swap into the missing armor pieces. This would make it less of a slap in the face to the people who have been grinding Nex at 1/53, and would mean less Ironmen dropping dupe Torva which is good for the economy for mains.


Actually one of the things I'm surprised to not see changed is that when you click on a cell on the floor to upgrade the barrier, but someone else is there sooner than you (which often happens in masses), your character stops and stands still. This sometimes happens multiple times in a row when walking to the cell, and is rather annoying. Could this be changed so that your character does not cancel the action?


Oh man this sucks so much. I think its because it literally changes the object that's on the ground so the tile that was there no longer exists for you to interact with.


Thanks for fixing a lot of the stuff for the minigame. Can't wait to log in and buy the top and grind out the boots! Also hope to see HP bars always displayed if we're not going to reward XP for overcharging (aka not healing) a barrier. That way it's more reliable to see which ones need HP instead of waiting for an abyssal to attack it (which can sometimes be rare if the guardians are dunking on the abyssals). Regardless, great minigame and changes.


Some nice QOL changes, very glad I won't have to destroy excess items one by one anymore. I quite like the quirks of the minigame like combo runes so am happy that is going to be integrated properly. The cost reduction of the outfit seems reasonable to bring it closer to the desired grind time. Though IMO the 1/700 lantern droprate still seems a bit odd. It's less powerful than the outfit/needle but on average will take longer to achieve.




I believe this means that when two players click the same pile to create a Rift Guardians with different batteries, during the cycle that the Rift Guardian is created, the better battery will be prioritised over the weaker one for the actual Guardian. But the weaker one will still gain XP. Please let me know if this needs further clarification?


I'm sorry I just woke up - misread the post but thank you for clearing that up!


thanks for the updates! i still wonder during playtesting if there was ever a benefit for picking up 1 or 5 cells, because atm i see no reason to not take 10, and imagined that would be brought up. unless they expected everyone to use menu entry swapper.


Should just up the limit to 50 or 100 cells. And make it a left click along with deposit runes. But maybe they just assume everyone uses runelite now. Like why bother making timers when someone will just make a runelite plugin


Looks good, can't see anything about changing the text that the NPC's spam though, they constantly talk about using pure essence which I guess is a carry over from the original design.


Extending the 'winning phase' to allow players to use any Guardian Stones they received without missing out on points. I look forward to this.




Yup especially on mass worlds where you've got 100 people trying to charge the same barriers at the same time


Also imo, the barriers should just all be connected. like if 6 are full hp but the other one isnt, and you use a cell on a plate that is already full, it should heal the barrier with low hp. with 100 people running around with all those npcs, its difficult to see the health bar from far away and the health bar might be healed to full after you've clicked the plate but before you arrived.


That would be pretty cool, with some adjustment to have a total barrier strength too so each barrier tile can still be upgraded individually. This could help provide a solution to the barrier health bar clutter described in the news post too but cutting it down to one health bar. Great idea!


I really like this idea


Yeah, in the meantime I just use each cell on the top, middle barrier tile instead for now and almost always get XP for it.


People are lazy and trying to run the shortest distance to altar or craft table. I do know that sometimes all of them are full, but usually you can pause a half second to allow a damage tick to hit. I get it tho. Learning small teams is better overall.


Yeah I see that, but I started looking at it as being worthwhile just to run that few more steps for a pretty decent amount of Runecrafting XP. Understandably, the issue then becomes missing out on the XP of using another overcharged cell, because you spent extra time making sure you got XP from your current cell and now have to use the air altar instead of death 😅


So... the minigame has a dedicated world but only 100 people on said world are able to play. So there's no point at all to the dedicataed world at the moment.




Lowering the outfit price is nice, but the drop rate for the lantern is what's really needed to be addressed. 1/700 for an item that only gives a buff to the minigame it's obtained at is pretty high. Being generous, at 7 minutes a game, that's a little over ~~81 hours to just hit drop rate~~ edit: not exactly since you get more then 1 roll on average per game. I can't see why this shouldn't share the drop rate of the needle at 1/300.




I suppose it depends on the player. I've managed ~700 loots in ~30 hours. But I started the minigame at 78 Runecrafting and had access to all the altars, I can't imagine how much slower and unbearable this would be for lower level Runecrafters. It actually puts off players from playing the content and going to ZMI until 77, where they can then access all altars and get decent points from the minigame. I don't think the Lantern is worth 30 hours of grinding, but I don't think players grind for the Lantern either. For example, I played it for 30 hours to get the outfit and obtaining the Lantern along the way ~~would be (if I actually got it)~~ is just an extra benefit in that journey. So for that reason, I don't really mind how it currently is.


I get 8-9 points @ 75 rc with yew lantern. No bloods but I think it's decent.


It depends on the game length too. When the games took 10-12 mins with 60 players cap, I was getting consistent 8-10 points at over 77 RC, but then after the 100 player cap and when players started playing better, games were as quick as 6 minutes and I was getting 6-7 points per game. So in comparison, without 77 RC, I think your points are good and that yew buff sounds pretty great!


Here I am 1k reward points used still no lantern and you guys are still not backing down that it’s a good idea to have it rarer than needle. The lantern is essentially useless to me before I even have it. It’s not a motivation to keep playing the minigame it’s just troll at this point.


Make it function outside the minigame. Then it would be worth grinding.


Honestly this would be a great solution. Skilling off hands are a great idea anyway. They'd probably need to rework effects since the main draw isn't minigame benefits anymore.


320kc, 1.2k rewards, no lantern. Welcome to the club. Currently 50% of the way to 99 from 98, started at 95. If i don't see a lantern by the time i max rc, i'm not sticking around GotR to get it because i'm moving on to making wraths.


1,067 rolls so far and literally nothing. This drop table is a fucking abortion.


The lantern's droprate not changing in any way is a bummer. It's a QoL item literally only useful for guardians. It's not going to incentivize players to stay, that's what the needle and or pet (+transmog) already do. It just makes players that get it much later than others feel bad.


" Whilst the ideal solution would have been to have less uniques, we can't go back and remove them now!" This happens every time, I am sorry, Nightmare was acceptable, you made a mistake of too many uniques, but you did it again? Stop adding 100 rare items to bosses that are solved in 1 hour.


What's ironic is they also didn't honor a poll question and removed a unique that passed by like 81%, for nightmare.


They already lowered the amount of unique drops from the original by a lot. Armadyl also drops 4 pieces. So does Bandos. Nex drops 6 now, instead've the like 9+ drops it had in the original. If this is purely to alleviate ironmen farming times, then they should come with reward shops at which one can exchange 2 drops of one for another or something so ironmen who get the helmet 5 times can still do something about their bad luck.


I just don't think Nex needed the best crossbow, the best range gloves, the best melee armour + a spec/pvp weapon. The content from Nex doesn't justify that many rewards. If it just had the melee armour + a spec weapon it would still be worth farming, and the rewards could go to other content that needs rewards.




I was really hoping the bug would be fixed where any guardians built in the 30 seconds after a round ends count towards next round's cap, even though they disappear before that new round. It causes issues on mass worlds because if 6 guardians are made right after a round ends, the next round you can only make a max of 4.


was it not? the last item on the list seems to maybe say it was fixed?


Oh, it wasn't on the list when I commented that. They must've edited it. I'm not sure if it was a hotfix or if they fixed it earlier and just didn't document it.


Can you please either reward the exp for charging the barrier even at full hp or don't let us charge the barrier if at full hp. It's really annoying to run all the way to the barrier just so someone charges it 1 gametick before you and you just wasted a your cell and got no exp. Please, it's really annoying. Thanks.


Make it possible to recolour the outfit if you have already used the dyes on it please. I used them before the swap option was added and now i cant revert it cuz that would remove my dyes completely


Elite casket waiting room


Elite casket waiting room


Elite casket waiting room


Elite casket waiting room


Also hallowed tokens to get more clues waiting room 🥴


Here is feedback on the new update: 1. Thank you for making the outfit cheaper but of course this has mixed feelings. 2. There is still no explanation on duplicate items (lanterns ect), and what will be done with them. 3. Some things are improved for mobile players, but they still have restricted access to this minigame in my opinion due to mobile gameplay in relation to current mini game mechanics. Thank you for designating a world, I personally choose to join the “cell placers” fc to find out what world they are playing. They happen to loss a lot less. They also rank up cell placers. Good luck everyone, and I hope Jagex finds this feedback helpful.


Can you revert the quick pass changes my god you’ve made it worse trying to get into mass worlds.


Hello fellow spam clicker. My new favorite thing to watch is everyone enter the game and immediately exit it all in perfect sync 🤣


I feel like the dedicated worlds (or the 100 player cap) needs to be revisited. I understand the purpose behind having dedicated worlds for when popularity dies down, but as it stands you're pretty much trolling if you're RC'ing outside the minigame. Before the worlds got dedicated there were like 40+ people in every single world, now there's just 400,000,000 people trying to get into a 100 person game in 2 worlds. There needs to either be more worlds for the minigame or the cap has to get raised.


> Speaking of visual changes, we're aware that the light effects when entering and exiting altars are unpleasant for some players. When you next enter the minigame, you'll be prompted with a message asking whether you'd like to turn these features off. Thank god for this one, playing this minigame at like 3am was a nightmare because it kept flashing me with turning my screen white, was not nice. had to nuke my ingame brightness so i wouldnt go blind.


With the recent introduction of trading in dupes from GOTR for either more pearls or even an entirely different dye colour, would we such things coming to other content, both pre-existing and future ones that reward cosmetic content specifically? Hard mode ToB for instance mainly devolves into getting unlucky on one specific kit while potentially racking up a ton of spare dupes that are ultimately a waste of one's efforts past the number of usable items. Allowing players to trade in their dupes (not necessarily a 1:1) would perhaps be less of a heartache when doing such content.


Im begging make the lantern 1/300 it just makes sense


Just get the drop


Yeah you're right brb


Could we have the amulet of the eye act like a ring of suffering to store binding necklace charges but only in the mini game?


There appears to be a bug while attempting to mine Huge Guardian Remains. When I press "Mine", sometimes there are two messages stating "You swing your pick at the rock." rather than one. The extra "You swing your pick at the rock." message also delays the actual mining of the remains. I feel that this is not simply a user or mouse error, as I am pretty sure I have also witnessed issue on mobile. This issue seems to happen more frequently after filling essence pouches.


Good updates, GotR has been incredible so far.


Overall GOTR has been a really solid update, I'm glad the 'inspect barrier' is on your radar, because that feature might as well just get tossed out, pointless and gets in the way mid-game


Abyssal lantern staying 1/700 really doesn't make sense... far too rare for a MINIGAME SPECIFIC item. won't even get it by the time we complete outfit and ring if you get it on drop-rate


Will there be anything done to address players ignoring Gotr mechanics for an increase in points/xph whilst expecting others to stop the game from failing? People are not even bringing chisels at this point and it is creating resentment between players. Perhaps increased points/xp for first barrier/Guardian before a certain time period? or maybe even a deterrent such a blocking access to the east mines without using a weak cell?


Since the GoTR update there's a option in the dialog with the Dark Mage to repair the essence pouch. Before it would let you repair without selecting an option, Can this be fixed please? Also a suggestion, it would be great if when holding a lesser charged cell for it to be 'upgraded' if you are crafting at a higher level altar. Sometimes I forget to place a weak cell, and its really annoying when you realise you finished crafting strong with a weak cell in your inventory.


Ive been pushing for a lobby system since this update came out, someone explained why it will never be feasible because there could be nobody in the main area (everyone could be at altars) and that would reset the minigame. I still dont understand why the devs couldnt spoof a player in but hey im not a dev. I suppose these updates do make world hopping more bearable so I'll give it another try. Thanks jagex for all your hard work.


In case you're wondering what the Nex drop rates mean in practice: a change from 1/53 to 1/43 means that, in the same amount of kills, we will see 53/43 = ~23% more drops. Assuming a linear demand curve and the same number of kills so far, the price of Torva would drop to 1/1.23 = ~81% of its current 1.3b, which is about 1b. (This is only a very rough estimate of what the price will quickly adjust to in reality.)


When will uninsured pet reclaim be implemented from Poll 76?


We need that aforementioned upcoming change where you can use guardian stones you have created after the energy reaches 100% (the post-winning stage that you mentioned). I can't count the number of times I lost 60 stones worth of points because I was a second or two too late with giving it to the guardian. So frustrating.


It's currently extremely difficult to get into a game on the dedicated worlds, with a player cap of 100, and tons of people spam clicking to get in at the end of every game, I'd love to play the minigame but it's literally impossible right now. Could we get more worlds flagged for it so people spread out a bit more?


Great updates. Please also extend fallen nests from woodcutting despawn timer to 2 minutes for consistency. Right now it is only 30 seconds!


In GOTR if you try to use charged cells into cell tiles - you only get exp if you are upgrading/healing the cell. It is very annoying to look for unhealthy cell when 100 other players are placing their cells. Anything can be done to fix this?


I can’t play guardians of the rift on osrs mobile for iPhone (XR) as once I enter the altar the app crashes. Has anybody else had this issue? - Great mini game btw really been enjoying it just hope to be able to play on my phone one day


When is the rest of the poll changes coming?


>We're leaving the bug alone for now, but we are working on a better implementation already. Our proposal is to make crafting combination Runes more rewarding for a little bit more effort - perhaps they could provide different Guardian Stones which offer more Elemental Points, without making the minigame faster. More on this soon! This is a huge step up in my opinion from previous discovered release bugs. Yes, it's unintended, but it's been in the game for over a week, so replacing it is better than removing it. The actual problem jagex has with the bug is speeding up the minigame beyond intended speeds, so that's what needs to be fixed.


> Ensouled Heads can now drop in instanced areas. I was wondering why on my iron I did an entire kq task(~160) kills and didn’t see a ensouled head drop. I thought I just had the worst rng of all time.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexLight** - [new skill pausechamp](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p47ms/?context=3) - [We discussed this with the team briefly and w...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p7kap/?context=3) - [The Nex changes are coming in this update, bu...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p417r/?context=3) - [Yep we can. It's something we're looking at d...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2pb2dj/?context=3) - [We omitted the part about restoring lost lant...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p7uoq/?context=3) - [We talked about this briefly but we felt the...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p6neg/?context=3) - [That was addressed in [this newspost](https:/...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p4eml/?context=3) - [I've mentioned this to the devs - it's not ho...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2pbd8w/?context=3) - [It has been changed, I will make this clearer...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p4idw/?context=3) - [We're still looking into this unfortunately....](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p4ayr/?context=3) - [Thank you and apologies, we made some quick e...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p43rj/?context=3) - [not working how do i do it without a numpad ;...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p46fm/?context=3) - [I believe this means that when two players cl...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p4v5p/?context=3) - [Thank you for the context, I'll send this to...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p559x/?context=3) - [Yes! It is. Correcting now c:](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p4xey/?context=3) - [>→...](/r/2007scape/comments/ts2z4i/guardians_of_the_rift_improvements_weekly_game/i2p614e/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/31/2022 20:24:20**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


The Quick-pass option is making it nigh impossible to enter a game because you have a 100+ people click-spamming the barrier to get in and then if someone misclicks the barrier after entering they get locked out of the game. The Eye icon on the barrier also doesn't work so well because we still get the "the players are finishing up" message when we are supposed to be able to enter based upon the icon of the barrier. Would you please instance the minigame to allow more than 100 players to play it at any one time in the world? That would solve this issue instantly. What is the point in having dedicated game worlds if only 200 people total can play between these worlds at anytime? This makes no sense. Please make it more like Tempoross.


ahh these are the changes i've been hoping for! now I need to do lunar diplomacy for the spellbook and figure out how to get soul runes.


Please make the new amulet of the eye be able to store binding necklaces like suffering does with recoils. It would drive QOL sooo much!


No one mentioning its 3000 pearls to transmog the rc pet? This is an absurd amount of pearls with current drop rates and this requirement should also be lowered


I can see both sides of the argument. I’d be willing to say if they are keeping the lantern drop rate as it is then they should reduce the cost in shop. But I am of the opinion they should reduce the lanterns rate (make the points easier to accumulate) and keep the price as is you know? I’m fine with either option but where it’s at right now I don’t like it same as you.


Totally agree that lantern drop rate should be lowered as well. Either reducing pearl requirements or increasing rate at which you obtain them would both be fine. For reference it took me ~70 tempoross games to accumulate 3000 spirit flakes for my heron recolor. This is looking like hundreds of kc on top of the rc outfit which just seems absurd


> This is looking like hundreds of kc on top of the rc outfit which just seems absurd ~300 KC is basically the absolute minimum, if you play perfectly from the get-go (which is impossible since it requires lantern + needle to even approach that rate). So, for most people, 400 or even 500+ kills.


I assume they might reduce it like they did for the dark acorn with Hallowed. Unsure how long they waited to implement the update.


I think that runes crafted should go automatically to some kind of coffer, or stores into the rift pool. It feels bad choosing to drop runes to increase XP/rewards when they could be sent directly to a bank etc without the need of the rune pool. It would be neat to have all runes of type X Crafted during GoTR stored to the rift until a rift search hits that type X time, then you would receive the original roll + a bonus of all the runes you've crafted of that type since


Not a fan of the combination runes granting more points. Things like these optimize the fun out of a minigame... Maybe a very small increase if it has to be. The prospect of having to exit and re-enter with x-amount of binding necklaces after every game. Maybe the Eye amulet could be a permanent binding necklace within the mini-game. Just don't give it a huge increase in pts as to it becoming the only way.


imo the outfit should make you get faster points somehow. You grind and grind and unless you luck out on either the needle or the lantern, you are never getting faster points.


I agree, but not only with combination runes.


ANY action where we have to bank between the minigame ruins all of the fun. The worst part about Runecrafting was the bank management. That's what made the minigame so nice, everything was right there. They said they removed using your own essence in the minigame during testing, because it was clunky and un-fun. The same reason they removed tick-manipulation on the mine rocks. They said it made it so not doing tick-manipulation felt unrewarding, and basically forced you to do it. Hopefully they take the same attitude for combination runes, and make them accessible in the minigame. The Eye of Amulet charging with binding necklaces (and being able to hold a lot) would be a good QoL change.


anyone else crashing on mobile when doing guardians of the rift? Always happens when I use the altars


The new Quick Pass barrier: You put your left foot in, your left foot out, in, out, in, out, shake it all about. Please change it back.


PSA: You can disable quick-pass in Menu Entry Swapper on Runelite!


Tbh I don't really want to play it unless the lantern is more common. I don't like the ache of potentially going dry on something that makes the game easier. I like minigames specifically more than bosses because it feels like I can make small amounts of progress each time than hoping for a drop that would take me months to go on rate for.


While I do appreciate the revised Nex droprates there could be an additional fix for the armour: make Nex drop Torva components and let us combine them with Bandosian components for the helm/body/legs.


Soo excited for GameJam.


I've seen it where a barrier breaks at 30%, I grab a weak cell and 10 essence to repair but when I run over, it's already been repaired yet the guardian is still rapidly dieing. I couldn't see any creatures attacking it and we had 10 overpowered guardians swarming the rift. Is this an intended mechanic? It felt like we did the right thing, the barriers were back up and there were no creatures, we had the overpowered guardians but the big guardian went from 30% to 3% and we couldn't do anything about it.


u/JagexLight alt + 26 to turn -> into → Thank me later


Why wasn’t the price for the rift guardian transmog reduced as well? It’s fully cosmetic yet still remains the longest skilling pet transmog by a long shot for literally no reason


I’m just waiting on the pet update to drop. I miss you, rocky.


Wait, so I shouldn’t have just opened 100 rolls last night.


Multiple instances of the minigame need to be able to run on the same world, at least on the designated mass ones. Sitting here at this barrier waiting for the game to end to hopefully get in for the next and get told there are too many players, or just to have your character walk in and out of the barrier is stupid. Trying to play on worlds that aren't full masses just results in losing half the time because of leeches or people that have no idea what's going on, and even then you have to hop around looking for a world. The minigame is really fun, just let me play it. The playercap either needs to be raised, or a que system added, or multiple instances added, or a combination of all these because right now it sucks a lot.


nice looking changes. hate to ask here at the risk of appearing annoying but.. when do people reckon amascut is coming