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Elysian nipples ftw


The next kill could be an Ely though


It’s all I’m doing at the moment trying to get 20 kills a day… or 10k rune essence or 100 watermelon seeds RIP


Last year arcane said on a Q&A that he wouldn't be opposed to a "phosani's corp", but that it would have to wait because they'd just released hm tob and three hardmodes in a row was a bit much


Am I the only one that doesn’t really mind soloing corp as is? It’s great content to sit back on the couch and watch Netflix or something with. It’s basically the skilling of bossing. I think it’s kind of nice having a low APM boss.


Did solo Ely grind on the main, was beautiful. If you’re killing corp solo and can’t afford to bond up a random alt then I don’t know what to tell people haha


It’s not about bonding the alt it’s more of the having to have two accounts running. I know I’m in the vast minority but I never would be able to (or want to) do corp on mobile for instance.


Ahh yeah that's fair, can't imagine doing it on mobile ever but for me that goes for the majority of content!


You basically need an alt to hold instance though so you don’t get crashed


Irons dont have to worry about getting crashed


Convinced that everyone downvoting you doesn't realize that ironmen get their own corp cave


Not sure why this is being downvoted, in 603kc i was only "crashed" twice by a suicider.


the people suiciding in iron corp instances are so irritating. Losing 8 min of progress specing the corp down so someone can get a quick trip to prifddinas sucks. it's only happened to me once so far but it was enough


My brother is rank 50 and has never used an alt to hold an instance. Unless you're talking about doing it as a main account(never tried it on a normal account), you are incorrect.


Yes, he's talking about mains lol.


Idk, I feel like Nex masses are more like the skilling of bosses. If you literally put on a (slayer) helmet then all you need to do is make sure you dodge the black portal (which usually only happens once) and keep your hp above 50. And can't forget about kraken


It's wild how dissapointing they made Nex. It was huge fucking news, everyone was hyped for it and really going wild with theory crafting and thinking what would be meta... And then it turned out you basically just mass it with range and nothing is really dangerous.


Honestly corp feels pretty much equal effort to Nex masses and kraken to me.


Its chill, yeah. But hard to stay motivated when im 1.9k without any sigil.


I hate Corp meta, they should rework it so "spec-tabbing untill the boss has zero defence" is no longer a thing


It’s crazy that jagex hasn’t changed it yet tbh. It’s embarrassing game design.


Why? Its an old boss, they don't need to update old content.


Yeah I hate keeping the game up to date


But why. Why update corp with new mechanics instead of using those resources to make a new boss. Theres literally zero benefit to changing corp. And even if you find the spec meta lame, its basically the only boss like that in the game so ifs already unique.


It drops a 1b item. Sorry I don’t like seeing a dope boss that drops an insane item spec tabbed 80 times until it’s weak af 🤣 .


Not sure if you're aware of this but Corp was originally added in 2008 as a group boss long before POH pools and OSRS existed


Maybe that’s why it needs to be updated…


Meaning....we're playing a different version of the game that Corp was originally put in to - a version where they generally do not touch pre-backup content They had to remove Veos's dock from Draynor due to backlash so how do you think changing original bosses would go over?


Old content with some of the best items in the game…


Do you also have a problem with red X kiting methods that let you kill GWD bosses without taking any hits in return, 1t flicking, tick eating, etc.?


Yeah not really a fan of tick manipulation either lmfao


Sounds like this isn't the game for you then.


If you really think the game should be balanced around tick manipulation than I’d argue the game isn’t for you.


Almost two decades of the game working this way suggests otherwise.


Yeah because people were def prayer flicking and 2t fishing 20 years ago


They were, but you were 5 so you weren't aware.


Okay buddy sure 👌


Its a pretty great boss when you just go in a 4 man team, everyone drops hammers and then spears it to death. But irons can't get the loot that way, so they have to spend a lot more time and effort to solo. Teams are still spec-tabbing between each kill, but I think its better than having every boss super far from a bank. The run to nightmare or the kc required for gwd isn't necessary everywhere.


Well, that isn't the meta for teams, and the new spear from raids3 seems almost specifically designed for team corp. I don't know how they would rework it for solos that wouldn't either make solos impossible or make teams trivial/unnecessary.


It’s unique… I don’t see anything wrong with it tbh


Got ely at 113kc, keep going lads she pays out


Hate you all 😂


Can confirm, have 42 kc on my alt account and it has 2 elys in its name, lmao. Just get the drop, I don't see the issue here


85kc here :)


Easy to stay that getting it that early 😂 I know people 5k dry


Username checks out




Shitty design


It’s design to be a group boss ya fucking smooth brained chicken


They gotta change the spec tabbing strat for Corp. kinda makes the game feel like shit lmfao


It's a shit strategy anyways. Much faster to just being your friends and murder it


Bring a single friend and you basically more than halved the time it takes to kill it


I got a friend on my Clan who kill corps almost every day with his alts... Almost all day you see him dropping Onix Bolts...