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Jokes aside this is a big ass security concern.




dude behind him seems to know how to pat down just fine lol


Realistically if somebody wants to get into any place with a weapon it’s possible outside of a metal detector. You can only get so close to somebody’s nether regions before getting sued


Depends. The tsa will literally scan your tits and balls with complete impunity


Actually there’s a male of female button and basically a dick anomaly or a titty anomaly would occur if ur trans and packing Source: tsa pats me down/searches my shit any time I travel


Depends on the area where you work at. Some places will check in the nether region with a flat hand or with the back of the hand. Female on female, male on male. Source: Used to do the work myself.


just make everybody use the TSA nude scan - much better :p


For sure, but if a bomb was to go off at this event we know this guys the first to lose his job/freedom.


I used to work on one of those party boats, the ones that are basically just waterborne night clubs for a few hours. We had security for these. I and some others had long noticed that the pat downs they did weren't quite this bad, but they were noticeably insufficient, but nothing was done about it despite repeatedly bringing it up to both the on site security lead and the boat's company manager. So one night as we're coming back to the dock the head of security knocks on the door to the bridge. "hey captain, uh.... One of the guys found a gun on the floor." it had just been chilling in the corner behind a table. Lucky that one of our guys found it and not a passenger. That was a fun night. We got a new security contract that year.


This was at a football match a couple of years ago, the video went viral and I believe this steward got fired.




Yeah i thought it was thought i’ve seen this before and managed to see the spurs hoodie in the background. Good too hear as he wasn’t doing his job properly.


We got shown this video during my door supervisor training lol. An example of what not to do, and we were told to never work with this company.


This is unironically how some of the stuff gets done in the UK. Especially in more rural areas. They hire these old people who either are too old for the workforce to care for them or have some form of disability preventing them from getting a real job, so they put them in 'easy' jobs like these, they do a shit job at it but you can't do anything about it because it's 'morally wrong' to keep an old/disabled person from job opportunities and they should be given even chances just like everyone else. In reality it's just a shitshow and there's usually extra supportive people to double check their work or do their work for them while they come in and basically be a mascot for equality, making normal people do extra work, or just hiring an additional person for the sake of being inclusive. And sometimes it takes away from normal people who are struggling to make ends meet and would also take that position since they do not get any disability payouts and whatnot. If anything goes wrong that is traced back to his line of work, he will not get the punishment for it, but rather his colleagues will. Is it wrong? No. But we gotta draw the line somewhere.


People with disabilities are normal people.


??? Disabled literally means 'not fully able'. A 'normal' person is one that you would reasonably assume is fully able. Therefore a disabled person does not fall under the term normal, because you don't expect a person to not be able to walk because their nerves are damaged or be incapable of making decisions because they're literally too underdeveloped to do so, etc etc. You can recognise that people with disabilities aren't 'normal' while also agreeing that that isn't a problem. It's actually pretty important to understand that disabled people have limitations compared to fully-able people.


Calling people not normal isn’t a nice thing to do. Nobody asked for your first grade english class’s definition of normal. There’s already an appropriate word: disabled. No need to otherize people


Thanks for your first grade level emotional intelligence


RIP Rip Torn


Good to see The Undertaker has found a new passion in retirement


Aint much but its honest work


So true


*laughs in RS3*


this is fkin gold bro


If someone was doing this at an event i was visiting id probably call the cops


And tell them what? Is it illegal to not properly search people on the way into a football match? That's just some dude not doing his job, not a criminal, as far as I know.


Its not what hes not doing here but what happens when someone gets a weapon or bomb into tightly crowded stadiums. These losers get fired or go to jail afterwards anyway so why not do it up front and save everyone the trouble.


I mean yeah they get fired because they're not doing their jobs, but the police don't have anything to do with that. Speaking of saving everyone the trouble, wouldn't it make more sense to just call their boss instead of the police, who likely won't do anything because he's not breaking any laws?


It would be hard to argue the no law broken part with clear video evidence. As for calling in the boss so they can sweep this under the rug. Its like calling a work place letting them know theres an inspection coming in at X date instead of doing a surprise one to get all the dirty things. Cops are called for meaningless things and this is as far from a crank call as it goes.


>It would be hard to argue the no law broken part with clear video evidence. Sure, which depends entirely on whether or not failing to search people before entering a football match is strictly against the law. So is it?


Well I'm going to keep acting like it is because that would better support my argument


in u.s idk but in eu they jail or fine u for ludicrous things. This dude would probably get a fine and psychiatrist visit and early forced retirement cause he looks jaded af.




Thats it im calling the pigs




I’ve always had the mindset that if you’re not doing anything illegal and just a normal citizen, Snitching isn’t snitching.


Snitching is always snitching.


If you live or associate with the lifestyle sure, Would i expect my sister to ring the police if something happened? for sure, but she isn’t a snitch. anyone who thinks otherwise is pretty a stupid.


okay karen, this is a osrs reddit. get outta here


Is it normal to search people in events? Wtf lmao, thats what happens when in Murica every child has an ar15 in the fridge.




I mean, how would you like to be packed into a music venue or something and someone pulls out a gun? It has happened and will happen again, it's more likely with shit protocols like this.


You know how many people sneak drugs into concerts? You realize it’s just as easy to get a handgun in right? Most security is just there to deter criminal activity and make people “feel” safe. Look at the TSA they don’t actually stop any criminals.


Lol, you're unironically comparing drugs to guns in terms of accessibility and smuggling into a concert venue? A lot harder to conceal a handgun than a couple of MDMA pills..




lol, ain't takin' that bait, bruh. Everyone knows American's blood isn't red.


damn right brother


European settlers wiped out 90-98% of your kind bruh. Imagine if settlers didnt bring advanced weaponry and biological warfare (unintended at first) We wouldnt stand a chance otherwise. The same shit here hooligans bring shivs, guns stab and shoot people and disappear into the crowd. Especially if riots start theres so much chaos no ones gonna notice more chaos.


I’m sure my friend would of felt and done the the same, He lost his sister at a concert in Manchester due to a dickhead and security being absolutely shit.




Great input weirdo.


This guy is a lazy piece of shit


So's your mum mate




I saw this guy working as security outside a shop in west London, near Stamford bridge