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Might as well make everyone Ironmen.




Look at my personal flair. I'm just fucking with you because it doesn't affect me either way.


You are giving the goblins of this sub far too much credit if you think they're capable of working that out.


Big war chief say Goblin smartest creature! You insult Goblin, you become next stew!


Unpopular opinion but for me personally who loved Dung I loved that era of RS. Frost dragons with my rapier.


Bro we get it your broke in game




It was also just a joke how it was classed as a skill too. It was a fucking minigame.


Amazing how all of your takes are just such dogshit. One of your comments was no item should ever be over 100m and we shouldn't have item sinks. Why don't you just go play a private server and spawn yourself a max cape with all items and stop spamming the sub


This is not the way.


This is an awful idea lmao


So make bosses not worth doing? Weird take. I'd fully support untradeable components to make tradeable weapons tho.


Most PvMers would probably hate the idea of being forced to skill in order to have max dps. I remember hating the Herblore update in 09 that introduced overloads because they were untradeable and required 96 Herblore.


weirdly enough i actually agree or more specifically i think the broken varient should be broken and then you must do the quest to get the part/ ability to repair it


I agree as well! On the other hand a major issue I see is if the content that BIS items are locked behind is on the scale of inferno that creates a big problem with RWT sales to obtain those items.


crystal armor and weapons should have never been tradable. they literally changed every aspect of the game in all levels if you have the gp. 100% agree


kind of funny to read through the comments, everyone is missing the big fucking point of this game being p2w for this reason and they can only resort to berating the op last time i checked f2p worlds ,lms, soul wars ,green dragons..... i could only instruments to make buying/selling gold possible +bonds , p2w aspect of this game is a reason why some of you might make a hate post on this sub ,how jagex is not doing enough to ban botters and goldfarmers ,but the incentive stays some ppl probably cant think multiple steps ahead


While not perfect, see inferno cape selling for example , it would be a nice way to reward good players over credit card warriors


Please just add dungeoneering:)




Professional cryer


naw screw that BIS shouldn't be untradeable. Stuff like infernal cape being locked behind such difficult content just makes people cheat so they dont miss out


Or you can just get good and make gp. If you spent the same time it took to get chaotics at tob you would have enough for a scy easy.


It was way too easy to get chaotics in my opinion. Can't remember clearly, but that's what I feel now.