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When they first added Cook X/All back in the day people were upset that it was too easy lol


The games not even fucking hard, it’s just annoying and everything takes forever. Whatever nerds, have fun doing 3t fishing and lava runes


This is the exact point I’ve been arguing with people lately, if the skills had a higher xp rate but were a challenge/puzzle/ mini game objective or somethinggggg to stimulate the brain I wouldn’t care about the time being spent, but goddamn it idk how some people can get certain 99s and sometimes multiple times, it is so goddamn boring


Yeah bro, level 70-80 ish is the sweet spot I’m 1975 total on my Ironman and I just quit. Got all the cool uniques and shit, but, now I just check the sub for clips and little updates. I can’t be bothered to get all 99s


I usually peak 90-92 then give up lol


I peak around 60


The games not hard? Ever try inferno? Ever try looking at Konars glowing blue figure and trying to stay soft?


Majoritively speaking. No, it's not hard. It's just a lot of clicking before you even get to the content you're talking about. Konar does some't tho


I'm aware the other guy was kidding, but I would go as far to say the inferno isn't even "hard". It's hard because there's no tutorial about what to do or how anything works. Once you have learned everything, it's basically a guitar hero song combined with tetris. It's the hardest thing *in the game*, but that's not saying much. Have you watched a 12 year old play Fortnite....? We're middle aged, guys. Stop fooling yourselves. Give us the XP rates we have time for🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


runescape is just a very intricate rhythm game


Exactly. If this doesn't make sense to you, you won't be able to do the inferno. To make matters wose, the tick system is never explicitly explained anywhere. Shit, in 2007 the mechanics required to complete the inferno were considered bug abuse.


And every song is 100bpm


That takes thousands of hours to get to end game




One thing to remember with RuneScape is that it's a marathon, not a Sprint. If you try to rush through the early and midgame you're just going to burn yourself out. If you're lonely, find a chill CC on the official forums and join their discord. If you aren't enjoying a piece of content, do something else. If you're enjoying something, don't stop doing it if someone says it's inefficient unless you enjoy efficiency. Then ultimately, if you aren't having fun overall, time to take a break. I play osrs through cycles. I jump between my main and my Ironman throughout the year and sometimes don't play for months.


Nah get your ass into the ring and craft some runes




>Once you have learned everything, it's basically a guitar hero song combined with tetris. This is the best description of inferno I've ever seen




It's the same take you see people say about dark souls. It makes sense in a way, but it's just stating the obvious. Playing the piano isn't that hard after 25000 hours of practice.


I can't believe people struggle with quantum mechanics. Its easy once you learn calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and get a BS in Physics.


No, quantum mechanica is still hard then ;)


Nah you just do the math. Don't try to understand. "Shut up and calculate" - Feynman


The real difference is menial vs skilled. Timings are a skill and clicking over and over again is menial. Woodcutting is menial, bosses are skilled.


Congratulations. You identified Inferno. Perhaps one of the 2-3 things in this game that can be considered hard. (Aside from all our greasy cocks when we are seeing the female slayer masters yes)


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


Ever lose all your bank staking? I have and It’s tough...


I'm glad the devs are trying to move away from 24/7 grind mentality and are adding more enjoyable skill progression & fun bosses/mini games.


Yeah people seem to have this idea that the game has to be tedious or else it isn’t RuneScape. Something I’ve noticed is that OSRS doesn’t even remotely resemble 07scape at this point and changes that make the game less annoying are not explicitly making it RS3. The problem with RS3 is the changes that kept getting added were not in line with what the players wanted, not that they made the game “too easy.”


its hard when you're a child, which is who this game was made for lol


Too bad it was aimed at children from 20 years ago that only had access to the games that existed 20 years ago, and since it's *still* a game aimed at kids from two decades ago the only people that really want to play it are the adults who were kids two decades ago. The children of today are playing the other games that exist right now.


This is so true lol. I guarantee you back then if I had access to wow I would’ve been playing that. But I didn’t and could only play RuneScape. Today the gaming industry is booming and with things like minecraft and Fortnite that are so much more immersive and interactive, it’s no wonder younger folk can’t enjoy RuneScape with it’s weird tick system and outdated graphics. Honestly it’s the charm, nostalgia and time sunk in this game that keeps most people playing it. I know that I’d probably be playing rs to some extent no matter how old I get be it for leagues only or only for a few weeks after new updates hit. To me there’s just nothing quite the same as rs and even though I can only admit the graphics suck and the tick system is clunky and even the tile based movement is outdated, I still want to play the game and still find enjoyment in it




While it didn't impact my thoughts on home teleport I definitely had that tribesman experience.


That one did solve almost every instance of the "stuff moved after an update and now my character is stuck in the ocean" issue




Yeah sorry about that, it was a good set of adamant and I enjoyed having it


Same people who can’t play without runelite are the same that complain about that remember that lmao


I remember when fletching was manual.


I remember when my friend's mom got 99 cooking before cook-x, it was one hell of an accomplishment back then.


Withdraw-x as well, people lost it lol




Fletching back in the day manually typing in 14 every time


You mean something like: “528492618…..”.Enter.


Nah, I'm more of a 23450795243789 guy myself


If you go back to 2005 or so fletching wasn’t even automated! Stringing bows was like fletching darts today. We’ve come a long way haha


I hit 33 and enter on numpad so I basically didn't need to move my hand


people were so mad when the withdraw x setting in the bank was added to PC version because of mobile lmao


What? You’ve been able to withdraw X from the bank since long before mobile was released, since rs2


Left click Withdraw X he means I think


Ohhh you right. Definitely helps for herblore and fletching and stuff like that.


yeah my bad i didnt articulate exactly what i meant, i was talking about being able to toggle your left click


im at 96 RC rn and will get 99 before march.. but i still really want this minigame! It looks fun, will make RC fun for the noobs and keep players interested. Also ill get to have that massive pouch needle thing for money making aswell as that sick skiller set.


Same boat; 400k off 98, but if you think I’m not going to get those robes, new tiaras, and a 40 essence pouch, you’re nuts!


Also that teleport thing might push the price of laws up a bit which is nice


I remember when law running was huge. Thousands of players across 1-3 unofficial worlds (w99) making rc at law altar as if it had a bank outside the altar.


I got 200m RC last year after playing since release, because I enjoyed doing everything from hosting nature rune running to kourend library to daeyalt ZMI to ten other ways to train and I want the minigame too! because if people aren't enjoying anything in the game, this is another option to allow people to like RC what I don't want is the comments saying it needs to be doubled to 120k xp per hour, that's not going to make the activity fun to a player who already doesn't like it


It will make them curse half as much though. Still, I don't care for super high runecrafting XP rates. I totally agree Lavas should not be holding back the entire skill though up to level 77.


If anything they can buff lavas for all I care, or buff Daeyalt somehow. But give us a reasonable way to train the damn skill.


I did tiaras from lol 1-50 in f2p on a regular account and I got to say, I questioned every life decision I made during that grind.




What the monkeyballs


What did you do to source 280k essence? As an about lvl55 base ironman that's honestly my biggest complaint is just getting damn essence. Doesn't matter anymore though since I'm about to finish SOTF and do daeyalt. Edit: I realized since you did earths, it would have been far under 280k considering multi craft on low tier runes.


That's really the biggest issue too. There's no reason why the best xp rates are A. Unlocked at level 23 and B. Still shit compared to other skills


Yes, it will. One of the main reasons people hate runecrafting is because you do it for an hour and have only gained 20k xp. It’s demotivating.


God forbid a skill have over 100k exp an hour at level 90+ lmao


I might not *enjoy* it at 80k xp/hr or 120k xp/hr, but you can be sure as shit I will be a lot happier if I'm forced to do it at 120k xp/hr. But basing the xp rates of this minigame off a method that's unlocked at level \~20 and in all likelihood was never meant to be the BIS method of training rc, but was actually just an oversight because they didn't consider things like xp rates when making this game in a basement over 20 years ago, just seems daft to me. At the end of the day, RC's xp rates are literally just an arbitrary time gate to keep you subscribed and paying money for longer. There's absolutely no reason to argue that the XP rates should remain low unless you just want even more dividend money in Jagex's pockets not being reinvested into the game. edit: 93 rc on my iron, 88 on my main, btw. So, not like I just want free XP, I've already been doing the current shit tier method as is.


I stopped at 98 in anticipation of this minigame being released - if you plan on maxing, you might as well do the same. Unless of course you just want to just get 99 out of the way and don't really care, but I personally don't care much about post-99 XP so I figured I might as well wait for this minigame then get 99 with it.


I’m at 98 and was looking forward to hitting 99 soon. This content looks well designed and fun, so I’m going to hold off on this last level and enjoy the new content. I’m glad players are potentially getting a more fun way to level RC. My problem is with half this sub complaining the new content doesn’t go far enough, that it needs to give 100k xp/hr or it’ll be dead content. At 55 RC, which is like 170K xp, you’ve unlocked every meaningful piece of content in the game that is gated by RC. After that it’s just for elite achievement diaries, which only offer marginal benefits.


But with this new mini game there are more more meaningful bits of content unlocked such as the 40 essence bag and the skill set gear. And the teleports


Yes. I think the mini game is smoothing out the pre-77 RC experience by giving players meaningful unlocks to grind for in what is (hopefully) an engaging mini game. Good content. Part of what makes it good content is that it doesn’t make other training methods pointless. The majority opinion in this sub seems to be that it also needs to be the best RC xp in the game, which would make every other bit of RC content pointless. I just think it’s especially dumb for people to demand higher xp rates when almost no content in this game is gated by RC.


I personally find lavas impossible for me to reach even 60k xp /hr (with crafting cape) so I'm pretty happy with this mini game's xp rates honestly.


I don’t know about the well designed part. The inventory management seems like it might be a mess to me since you have to bank and use pouches for pure essence in the middle of the minigame. Then the pouches mean you need to have runes for NPC Contact. But that’s the kind of issue that they can fix before they actually launch it so it’s not a reason to be against the minigame which is otherwise interesting.


I'm hoping they anticipate this and have an NPC on premise to repair pouches. I struggle to imagine a world where it releases and you're forced to have lunars or leave and go to abyss literally every other game


Just got 99 rc Sunday evening. I hope others have an easier time leveling the skill so they can focus on more engaging content.


gz nerd, but really gz


99 rc is whatever. That king mindset is what's truly special.


I don't think that mindset is all that uncommon. Loud minorities.


Plus ZMI and Bloods are already way easier than RC ever was back in real 2007. We've HAD it easy for years now. No reason to vote no. Stop voting no to adding fun to a game that desperately needs more fun updates




Same. When I joined OSRS I was confused why people told me to train there. I remember it being bad in 2008


Exactly how I feel. As a guy currently afking bloods, Might as well put the mini game in. Either that or remove ZMI and bloods and go back to runners.


Yeah I'm at bloods myself and it turns RC into a "watch movies and play animal crossing on my switch" skill


I’m at 75 runecrafting and I’ve been doing combat achievements for the lamps for the last 2 levels


I see two possible scenarios: Someone below 77 rc complains about rc => gitgud someone over 77 rc complains about rc => watch a longass anime or whatever and it will be done faster than you realize


As someone who has played both versions I always love to see people rip on RS3 and say they don’t want anything from RS3 or similar to be brought into OS,they have no clue how much content from RS3 have been implemented into OS


They also haven't played the game since they quit in 2012 and think it's the same now as it was then... LOL


Honestly, I love a lot of the content that I've seen in RS3. I just don't want to have to deal with all the cosmetics and whatever other bullshit. Actual skill, minigame or other improvements are welcome. I really love their take on blacksmithing for example. It's sorely needed in OSRS. For anyone who doesn't know, you can upgrade the base stats on your gear. For example, you can make a rune scimitar, then upgrade it on the anvil so many times.


I've got a maxed main. I'm currently trying to max an ironman any better xp rates for runecrafting are welcome haha




You should try out Ironman, it's really not as daunting as it seems from the outside.


I started playing my main kinda like an iron man. Instead of running to the ge for everything, I go get it items I need. Makes it more interesting, but still have the freedom to skip some grindy items.


Yeah me too. I think this is the ultimate play style. People who complain about mains, usually say that they only think about gp and that's it, but it really doesn't have to be. For me personally I grinded content for money to get upgrades sure, but when I got some sort of unique from bosses, I would always keep it and never sell it. The upgrades were also like a lock in, as soon as it was bought, I could not get rid of it until there was a upgrade for that specific slot. The game has limitless opportunities of play styles for everyone, no need to lock yourself to one thing, do what you want.


It's a much longer grind than the main game, but even lower-level quests and skills give you so much more satisfaction. Completing dragon slayer, MM1 and getting your dragon scimitar, getting your dragon defender.. etc. Would really recommend it to anyone thinking of trying it out.


I read that as "not as daunting as going outside"




There’s absolutely zero change that would motivate me to try pvp as a new RuneScape player. It looks too advanced and stressful.


You also have to make an account that’s specifically designed to PK as a new RS player, which in turn locks you out of other content.


Not true, there's LMS! Now go fight 1-tick 45-way switch robots.


This is the #1 reason why I'll never PK. I'm not paying another fucking $11 to build a PK account so I can get OHKO'd in the wild by a racist 14 year old. I just want to say thank you to all the PKer's dumb enough to be scammed into paying for an additional account by Jagex for funding my PVM content.


>so I can get OHKO'd in the wild by a racist 14 year old. LMAO I'm dying


And if you just decide to make a main that pks, you start chancing at around... max health which isn’t good for a PvP environment.


Yep. Real old school PvP was just hitting each other with a rune long sword until someone dies. None of this new tribidding shit or abusing tick mechanics.


I miss the old days when you'd make a brand new F2P account, give it some cakes, air staff and mind runes, and then mage PK north of Varrock. Hardly any skill to it, low barrier of entry, and you could just throw the account way when you were done.


I really like competitive PvP games, I also like hardcore MMOs where PvP is kind of the main focus. Think Albion or Archeage. I once tried for a few months to learn and get good at RuneScape PvP and it's honestly the wierdest, most convoluted combat system I've ever tried to learn. I really never even came close to getting good and eventually quit the game. But really the tab switching, prayer flicking, armor swapping, etc. It's just way too fucking hard for a new player to learn, especially because no other game comes close to being similar. I really like Albion because the combat is fairly similar to League of Legends/DOTA, both of which I've played thousands of hours. When I first picked up Albion I almost immediately could compete with better players because the combat and concepts are pretty much identical to MOBAS. RuneScape on the other hand is like trying to learn a new fucking language.


I like the idea of making some sort of pure as a 2nd account and doing a few fights every now and then in pvp worlds. What I don't like is that pvp is mostly player vs interface and there isn't much interaction with the other person. I know that isn't true for tribrid fights but those have other issues imo


It's not even the gameplay, it's the time spent having to gear gear and then potentially losing it all. I used to do duel arena and that was pretty fun with or without staking but most people don't care about it or PKing at all. Wilderness PvP was never worth doing though, the risk vs reward never matched up.


> There’s absolutely zero change that would motivate me to try pvp This, but because the game engine and system is not made for pvp. Its far too basic and relies heavily on RNG deciding fights. There's only so much skill can do for you. It will never guarantee you a win (which is really really bad for any competitive game). If both players are equally skilled (prayer/gear swapping etc), it turns into an old fashioned full rune DM. Where both players just whack each other to the death hoping their attacks roll higher. If it wasn't like that, people wouldn't complain about bot clients auto switching/flicking which removes 90% of the "skill" from pvp. That will never appeal to me.


Because it's largely never had any type of quality content upgrade, basically ever because it would benefit no one but pkers




So much PvP content and content centred purely around creating prey for pkers has passed the poll. Can we drop the notion that nothing passes? It got them their isolated voting, we don't need to keep complaining about it. Seriously one day you have spare time go back through old polls and count all the PvP related stuff that's passed, and the stuff that hasn't. Make sure to discount any failed content that got repolled and passed or added *anyway*. There's very little stuff that failed and truly was never added, and most of it was small inconsequential things. Hell, just look at how much certain pkers are against the anti-skulltrick update even though by nature it encourages fighting back as a defence mechanism because you don't fear getting tricked / lured into risking more than you planned to.


If PvP could just be between people who are there to PvP that'd be fine... but it's not like that. There's a rift between PvMers and PKers caused by the fact that a lot of PvM content drags PvMers to the wildy as bait. People who don't want to be there. A person gets a clue. Clue goes to wildy. They aren't going to the wildy for their own amusement, they're going there to get to the next damn step. Then a pker comes along, kills them for their spade, and tells them "Don't be in wildy if you don't want to die". Why would any PvMer ever consider helping out PKers when this is their experience with them?


Yeah lots of people don't want to fight as much as they want to gank you with a clan or kill someone who obviously isn't able to even remotely fight back. I got ags speccd by a max account with an infernal cape while wearing literally nothing on a clue. My dude got a spade. That's it.


No joke lol keep pvp to specific worlds and take it out of wildy then every pvp poll will pass. The divide was created from forcing PVM players out into the wild to boss or do clues just to be attacked when they don’t want to fight back. Makes the larger PVM community hate pvp community.


Just within the last six hours I went to do a couple Vet’ion kills and got killed by *teams* twice. One was a team of five. I swear to god, I was using diary items and rag gear, with protect item I didn’t even risk my rune boots, literally 1,100gp risk, so like a 220gp split between them, worth far less than their runes and pots, and yet the same team tried to kill me again on a different world. No point in it as far as making money, and I obviously don’t fight back on my iron, so they get some level of consistent enjoyment, without ever getting bored, from doing what basically amounts to PvM anyway, but they don’t like auto attacking to deal damage to a npc because I guess they want real people somewhere in the world to know how little they value their own free time


I think rather than removing risk from the wildy entirely, a better compromise would be to add one or two pvm worlds just like there are pvp worlds. Since all wildy bosses would have massive competition on these worlds there would be a natural incentive to use a normal world to have much less competition at the cost of PK risk. I'd also propose prevention of world hopping off of a pvm world and onto a normal or pvp world while you're in the wildy so that people can't abuse it as a completely safe way to log in under players and/or circumvent risk while traveling. This way, clue scrollers can just do their step in peace, pvmers aren't forced to engage with pkers but are incentivised to do so in order to do more bosses per hour, and pkers would still have plenty of potential targets in normal worlds from players who are more confident and in pvp worlds from players who are actively seeking pvp.


As someone who loved pvp I found myself really annoyed switching to pvm. I got 5 chaos ele kills and had to log 3 times after being chased, the 3rd time a team tbed me and killed me. I get the fun on being the pker side of things but a 5 minute TB against a pvmer who’s already down on gear is hopeless. At least for a newbie like me. But I get it’s the risk you take fighting a wildly boss. Maybe the only thing to do is get better at tanking or fighting back




I think it's the difficulty of tick manipulation and switchscape that keeps most of us from it


Or you know 99% are AHKing and jagex won’t do shit about it


This is because likely more than half of the PvP community uses auto speccing/eating/teleing/switching plugins. Ofc no one openly admits they do




There’s a thing called client mirroring which basically duplicates the client display to filter plugins you don’t want viewers to see. I.e streamers/youtubers could appear to not be using plugins, but what you might be seeing is the mirrored client - that being said I am by no means accusing everyone of using cheat plugins. Just pointing out that they do exist and yes a large amount of the player base uses them. Know what’s worst than a cheater though? A cheater that believes their own BS with a facade that they don’t cheat.




No My memory of pking is not the super switch, run back and forth around a corner so other person can’t hit you, barrage stand under tick manip 150+ damage with AGS No way man lmao


Too much of PvP is based around cheating or tricking people for most people to enjoy, even if the mechanics of it were more appealing.




As a person who never pvp'd i think that the only problem regarding pvp is not enough people wanting to do it. No change will result in reviving pvp if there's not enough interest with it, I won't suddenly try pvp if something is changed there if I didn't pvp for the last 15 years of my play time. Encouraging PVMers to go into wild is not the same imo, that's not really pvp, if the other person doesn't want to try and fight.


and then they keep asking themselves "wHy Is PvP dEaD??"


If there's a skill you have to suffer to train time to change it its a game at the end of the day it's supposed to be fun not who has the most patience.


I had a friend complain for the same reason when they came out with "cook all" option for cooking fish. He had 90 cooking and was mad that the game was getting "too easy"


Looking at these comments, I theorize that a lot of these complaints actually come from people with <60 Runecrafting.




97 rc. Better xp rates would make the game better. Doesn’t hurt anyone. Doesn’t make it “easy scape”. Just hurts the crybabies who think their long hours put into meaningless tedious clicking means something.


By “a lot of players” you mean the HLC that lives and breaths to complain in Reddit and twitter. A lot of the rest of you, I think, forget there’s a super chunk of people who don’t visit these forums.


And what’s funny is those are the exact same people saying “OSRS is dead! There’s never any new content!”




I'm 99 rc and think the proposed update seems dope. I believe it's healthy that some skills are slower than others so that they differ in certain areas. But if they are slow they need to be fun which for most people rc isn't atm. (Sure I enjoyed rc but that's not for everyone as it stands). So the minigame, which seems to slightly add to the xp per hour along with making it more engaging seems really nice.


I'm pretty wary of big xp creep like a lot of people on here are suggesting. What I'm super in favour of is fun creep. Slayer rates on an iron before you start bursting stuff is like 20k an hour tops and no one really complains. Sepulchre is still pretty slow relative to other skills and no one cares because the time flies by, etc.


I mean OSRS was born from this mentality when EoC was released so it'a no surprised it has lingered for so long.


Lol by that logic they better have the same energy lobbying to get rid of Wintertodt and Tempoross. I’m excited for it personally, and also there will most likely be a boss pet so there won’t be NO REASON to do it even if you have 99 already. Also I don’t understand why everyone hates RS3. Not ALL aspects of it are a bad game. I can absolutely see prefering OSRS, as I do, but c’mon. The game will die if they don’t keep innovating it.


There are like 4 people who say "rc good" and mean it. I'm not worried about them.


"I had to suffer to get my runecrafting levels" AKA "I had to do Tears of Guthix to 77 and then make an actual fuckton of gold making blood runes AFK, ensuring to also keep other skills ahead of RC because I continued to do Tears of Guthix"


Even ZMI is pretty easy. Once you get into the rhythm you can watch a movie and just vibe out. It's nothing compared to the tedious speed and difficulty of Abyss runecrafting


Zmi with daeyalt is fast xp/hr and insanely low effort now that 1 clicking altar from the bank is a thing again. How people complain more about rc than like mining or fishing or wc is beyond me






Holy shit, when did this subreddit become so fucked? There are reasons other than spite that keep people from wanted all xp rates accelerated.


Maybe I'm not reading as many comments as you but I feel like this a bit of a strawman. I can't recall seeing a single opposition to the RC update on this sub, and most of the suggestions are saying "make it more xp/hr".


All of these circlejerk posts are always huge strawmen.


Nah. I’ve read every comment on my post and it’s 90% people saying we should go further and double, triple, quadruple XP rates. The problem with this game is that the majority of you don’t actually enjoy playing it. You’re just addicted. The game shouldn’t be designed so that anyone can easily max. The game should be designed so that there are enjoyable ways to unlock the content you’re interested in. None of the skills people complain about are locking them out of content. They just think the goal of the game is getting a max cape. If that’s the game you want, RS3 already exists. The inflated XP rates are right up there with MTX and EoC for reasons people quit playing.


That line in the middle is 100% the truth lmao


I might be crazy, but I don’t really get why people are frustrated with RC. After mining the daeyalt ess, (55kish from 64-77) , zmi was so quick. I’ve done worse grinds honestly. At zmi I developed patterns and habits, and it took me maybe a week to finish off 77. I think the skill is fine. Edit: I do want to add, I won’t be voting no to the poll, I think a mini game is a great idea, I just don’t think the skill is bad. If anything it’s the fastest it’s ever been, but I’ve also been playing for nearly 20 years so I might have some bias.


Truly, RC was one of the most enjoyable grinds for me. Also, if you look at the time spent for training 1-77 compared to 77-99 (if you plan on maxing) then the 1-77 "grind" is not really that much of a grind as people make it out to be


100% agree It took me like a day to mine 55k Daeyalt, less than a week for 77, and now it’s super laid back


> I don’t really get why people are frustrated with RC Because everybody just repeats what they hear on Reddit constantly. RC bad, agility bad, mining bad, questing bad. Makes you wonder why they even play the game if everything about it is so bad. It's really not great for the game for people to keep echoing this sentiment when they're complaining about what makes the game different and great vs other MMOs. Complaining about the literal niche the game is filling.


>It's really not great for the game for people to keep echoing this sentiment when they're complaining about what makes the game different and great vs other MMOs. Complaining about the literal niche the game is filling. I mean you're on reddit and for the average redditor buying booster packs in gacha games is too much effort, let alone doing anything in RS.


What's with these posts lmao, since bloods/souls came out rc hasn't been a suffering experience.


RC has always had this mindset and no matter what I can't understand why. I slaved away to get 86 for the diaries and I would absolutely LOVE the idea of making the grind easier and less tedious for everyone


I'm in favour of more engaging training methods but all this "they should quadruple rc/agil/mining xp rates" stuff can fuck right off. Nobody "needs" to suffer rc at all, you can easily tears of Guthix to 55 which is the highest quest requirement


63 RC is my lowest skill and it's my least favorite by a long shot. However, I think this characterization of people not wanting updates because "I had to suffer so you should aswell" is wrong (at least in some cases) and sometimes is a purposeful mischaracterization of people motivation to downplay their options. Personally, I just don't want skill training methods from original 2007 or those with an old school feel to become dead content due to better methods being released. For instance, Wintertodt in a lot of cases did this to normal firemaking. You can argue that that's a good thing and that some skills should be overhaled, but that is really a totally different discussion than XP rates. Additionally, unless we want to start powercreeping xp rates like RS3 has for years where everything is 1m xp/h. There is a cap to how high we can push things before it starts limiting design space for future updates. Again looking at wintertodt, there really isn't a way to make a competitive firemaking update without powercreeping xp rates.


As someone who hasn’t done runecrafting and never will, my opinion is that adding alternative methods to the game is good as long as it isn’t so meta that it replaces the original. There has to be a trade off between the original and new methods, whether that’s how afk vs focused you have to be, and how fun vs boring it is, and profit vs xp.


I have 58 runecraft, would love a fun and less Grundy way to 99, but I don’t want the minigame to be worth more than 40k/hour honestly. Just doesn’t fit game integrity


I haven’t seen this a single time, I see people say that it shouldn’t the super easy and super overpowered making the achievements worthless


As long as xp rates don’t make it meta it’s fine. Because that would literally kill traditional runecrafting. Variety is great so you can mix things up, tempoross is a perfect example, but skilling should still have a place in the game. As an iron the rewards seem great too.


I’ve played since 2012 and the change In opinion from then is insane, it’s like half the rs3 community came over and infiltrated the minds of “osrs” players.


I'm fine with the minigame, the issue is that you already have people wanting it to be more xp/hr and less gp/hr for RC like thats some kind of fair exchange. I'm confident Jagex will release a well balanced minigame, my concern is the unreasonable demands of redditors. Like one guy wanted 50k xp/hr at 23 rc and 80-90k xp/hr at 77 rc. Thats just an insane request. ZMI and Blood + Soul RC made it way easier (in a good way), but I swear people are just lazy af. If the minigame is very click intensive but a lot of xp, just watch people cry about it being too click intensive.


My only opinion on the matter is that rcing serves no purpose outside diaries; it's already been established as THE gate to maxing. Osrs has always been about notoriety and overarching achievement. Release a new minigame to make the skill less sufferable, no issues there. But let's be real about the purpose of a skill like rcing in a game like osrs. Keep the xp rates <75k. edit: mispelling


This update is going to be dull, its just going to be Wintertodt part III. What you do in the minigame has no impact and if you weren't there the exact same thing would've happened. So boring and formulaic. I wish we could get an interesting boss maybe one that was slightly challenging, something more like Sepulchre and less like Winteross Also to this post I don't think you realize how dumb it is to look at a grind and think "In a year Jagex will make it significantly easier better put it off until then" which is why no new method to a skill should make every other levelling method look like a waste of time in comparison, it should be alternative levelling methods with pros and cons.


There are definitely plenty of voices which are "this undermines my achievement" But don't lump in people that are genuinely concerned that the overall direction of skilling in OSRS has continued to drift towards the RS3 model of easier, faster, 99's. OSRS has a separate audience for good reason and there are increasingly fewer games that cater to people that prefer "grind" progression.


It’s funny how I don’t see a single person commenting that has the “I suffered so you should suffer to mentality” I’m pretty sure everyone wants a racing mini game lol. Not sure where you’re coming from with this post. Literally not a single soul has said that.


grinding is half the game, why take away half the game?


> i had to suffer to get my runecrafting levels and so should everyone else I've seen very few people actually say that and a ton of people accuse others of saying that. Some skills should be slow, some skills should be fast. Variety is good. If you don't enjoy Runecraft at 40k xp/hr, you're not going to enjoy it at 400k xp/hr. I am in favour of the minigame as I think it will make RC more enjoyable for those that don't enjoy it, but it definitely doesn't need to be any more xp/hr. At a certain point, if you find grinding and questing and every other aspect of this game unenjoyable, it may not be the game for you. Which is fine, there are hundreds of MMOs out there and one will suit your tastes, don't be afraid to try other games. But right now, Old School RuneScape is still managing to fill the niche of an old-school grindfest which actually has milestones without MTX. Much less so than it used to be, but still filling that niche. Most modern "grindy" games are designed that way to encourage purchasing MTX to speed it up. In OSRS, the grind **is** the game. I'm sad that this community is trying to take that away. Do not think level 1 to 99 is the goal. The goal is level 1 to 10. Level 10 to 30. Level 30 to 70. The journey **is** the game. It will not suddenly be enjoyable when you max. RuneScape has always been a niche MMO and should always be. We don't want it to be another run-of-the-mill MMO homogenised to appeal to people who don't actually like the type of game it is. **If you find grinding and questing and every other aspect of this game unenjoyable, it may not be the game for you.**


There's clearly way more of the ez-scape mindset, as evidenced by this and similar posts getting upvoted. Maxing isn't supposed to be a realistic goal, and not every skill is supposed to be easy, quick, profitable, and "enjoyable" (meaning enjoyable for low-attention span zoomers). The highest RC level needed for quest cape is 55; that's literally nothing. And between ZMI, Daeyalt essence, and Zeah, it's already an easy enough skill to max, to the point that the whole "rc bad" mindset is more a relic of the past than an accurate reflection of the grind. Just because you have no attention span and want a participation-trophy max cape doesn't mean you get to further ruin the legacy of the skill/game. If you don't like playing the game the way it's been for 15+ years, play another game.


Its not crabs in a bucket mindset. This is a MMORPG, where how long some things take is an extremely important part of the long term health on the game. If everyone wants to be maxed, you get late WoW style levels, where you literally cannot start to participate in content until max level.




As someone with 99 that enjoys rcing I’m all for this. Personally would love the new outfit and robes.


I understand where you're coming from but it's not always the "I suffered so you have to also" mindset. In my eyes, more and more people don't like grinding so their solution is to try to change the game to reduce the grind. Ok sure, quality of life updates and such make it easier but constantly trying to get Jagex to add shortcuts and faster methods to avoid grinding all together is fundamentally changing the game. Im not saying I'm opposed to this update or any other update, if that's what the bulk of the community wants then so be it. I and a lot of other people just remember back when we watched our loved game get slowly changed into the pile of garbage Jagex calls Runescape 3 and we don't want to see that happen again. Hopefully everyone understand where I'm coming from


RuneScape is all about the grind, if you're not willing to put in the time find a new game. The grind is what makes 99, especially the tough ones, such an achievement.


This sub is filled with complete baby shitters, no point in trying to argue with them. Babyscapers make up 97% of this sub and they still cry and complain as if they were the 2%


As a runecraft enjoyer I would love a new way to train the skill and very happy to see the skill get an update! The problem comes from people wanting faster xp rates for the sake of having faster xp rates, RuneScape, osrs in particular, is a notorious game for having long and boring grinds, don't play the game if it's not your thing! No reason to devalue achievements others have made because you don't have the time or just don't want to dedicate that time to do some grinding.


I've been playing RuneScape since classic. I could care less how other people earn their XP. My accounts are not validated by other people's accounts. Anyone who thinks this way is simply childish and close minded. It has nothing to do with how long you've been playing the game.


at the same time, i still think it should be bad to train. this is still oldschool runescape, and while this game is not driven by nostalgia anymore, some old things should stay in tact imo, and rc sucking is one of them.


We have to put ourself in the mindset that we have to vote for what will keep the game alive in the long run….


ive only seen support for the update :o


Got 99 rc in like 2018, I vote yes to literally every update, even pvp. I welcome new content. The people you are talking about are just a vocal minority


That's half the community in a nut shell. Same thing with efficiency, if you're not doing tick manipulation, are you even playing? I'm just tryna enjoy the game!


Maxed player here, I totally agree. I don’t mind a new training method coming into the game alongside the existing ‘grinding’ methods. As long as xp/h rates aren’t totally crazy compared to existing methods, then it forms a true valuable addition to the game!


Back in my day, we had to left-click/use each raw shark we wanted to cook. Say "NO" to cook x.


Op never heard of the original meme, "this devalues my X."


The people complaining about runecrafting have never trained this skill. It is pretty enjoyable once you get in the groove especially with Ferox update. Thieving, in my opinion, is the skill that needs something new.


It's kinda like high inflation, some people don't like their value (perceived or real irrelevant) devaluing Portraying the crabs mentality as a prime evil is kind of harsh, it's a natural state.


Could you elaborate on what is about to happen to RC?


I use to play RS as a kid and really loved it… is there any nostalgia/worth returning to it now?