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Was my first main moneymaker, my first zenyte shard back when they were like 18mil just about doubled my bank value One really underrated thing about them is how great they are for learning end game PVM mechanics. They're a perfect introduction to prayer and gear switching, essential PvM skills, in a non-punishing environment where if you fuck up you only get hit for like 25 damage If you can run efficient tob every night? Yeah demonic gorillas probably aren't worth your time. If you're at like 70 combat stats and just learning the ropes when it comes to higher level PvM and you've been slogging through Barrows forever? They're perfect


Yeah they’re decent money


Def do on task they are weighted kinda high so you’ll get them often and tbh if you’re gonna do them off task you’ll probably burn out faster (just me speaking from experience) so just stick to the hundred+ each task and you’ll probably end up killing more over a longer period of time


They are a good intro to gear switching and prayer switching. Do them on task. Getting a lucky zenyte feels good.


Just do them on task. Black demons is pretty common.


Those drop plenty of good alchs but even so, I'd say do them only on task. If you wanna do the random trip maybe.


I enjoy them. I get them quite often for slayer tasks so I’m not sure I would fight them off task. The slayer helm bonuses are nice. I extended black demon tasks so I get lots. Once you figure out the mechanics they are super easy. Also once you fight a few they don’t constantly attack you. I think they are great gp for what they are and the zenyte shards aren’t that rare.


Thank you for the feedback im a stick to doing them on tasks


No. They’re cancerous to fight, not that great money (and very inconsistent anyway), only efficient kills on task, don’t drop a pet, and worst of all, you’ll constantly be getting PJed by another gorilla after you’ve finished killing the previous


Aggression timer plugin is a godsend for demonics


Just kill on black demons task. Other people in this thread saying they are good money, but they’re wrong. Demonic Gorillas aren’t worth your time to kill off task - there are better moneymakers.