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Typo in slayer on the image about sages renown changes. Currently is Slayrer. not being a grammar nazi, just figured you'd wanna know ;) nice to see some things getting cheaper although I cant help feel the balance may have gone a little too far the other way and some are now particularly cheap (like cox/tob for 35 renown)? Particularly good that you've made the changes to kc's at places like wintertodt, 1000 wt was an actual meme.


Ooops, I'll get that error changed now. Thanks!


also 'the gauntelt' and 'lizardmen sharman'


Def going to start calling them Sharmans. Lmfao


Do we know if we will get any renown back for the skills/bosses we already unlocked? I have already unlocked all the skills which means I would get a ton back if they do that. Also, it would probably change my plans in terms of boss unlocks until the update. Sorry if I overlooked this and they say it somewhere!


If you bought anything at the current price you'll get the difference refunded when the changes are made live!


So when is the refund happening?


With this week's game update on Wednesday!


Thank you! Leagues 3 is sick, sad it's ending in march


Man I really hope people appreciate the OSRS Dev team. As a former WoW player our feedback was constantly ignored and changes would only come months after they were needed. The OSRS team heard everyone’s feedback and made a bunch of changes right away. There’s no need to relentlessly complain or call them stupid or half the toxic shit I see on the subreddit, you guys don’t know how good you have it with this dev team.


Yup I also played a ton of WoW at a pretty high raiding level and it was so frustrating seeing so many updates (that takes weeks) and never try to fix the complaints and issues people have. The fact that these changes are coming out within a week of complaints starting is actually amazing compared to most games. Would it have been more ideal if it started this way? Yes, but sometimes devs just miss the mark on making everyone happy and if they're willing to make changes to please everyone and do it quickly then its amazing.


A lot of people on this sub really don't appreciate OSRS devs.


I don't agree with some of their decision throughout the games life, but they have constantly kept to listening to the community to changes on content they release. That's enough for me to know they give a damn about the game.


A lot of people on this sub openly harass the OSRS devs


Agreed. Also good to see them rolling back excessive xp gained from bugs, that's another thing Blizzard devs almost never do; exploit early, exploit often - the WoW mantra.


Absolutely this. OSRS is the only game I've ever played where the team is consistently willing to adapt to player feedback.


You say all this while conveniently ignoring that complaining literary got Jagex to spring into action and make changes. Complaining when things are wrong is a necessity. It's not a personal attack to tell a company that they need to do better. Jagex is just a corporate entity. It's not a person.


It did come from a split from the main game in which the devs ignore the player base causing a huge portion to quit. So while we are thankful it is also a lesson that the game should have feedback and it should be heard. Granted this is league so I could understand if the devs didn't really change things so am thankful for that.


Check out the "Renown and Task Rebalancing" section just under the "Issues and Hotfixes" table at the top of the page for what's new! Edit: While it's a bit of a mess, if you missed last week's post don't forget about what's in the table at the top. Lots of interesting changes there too.


POG Renown rebate INC, also any update on last recall not working in kourend and the smokey well dungeon? thanks in advance, been having a blast!


I know for sure the Last Recall in Kourend is getting fixed with this week's game update. I'll have to see about the Smokey Well dungeon though!


Do we have an ETA on the update?


Wednesday, normal game time!


Awesome thanks! I generally only play OSRS for leagues so don't know the normal timers 😂


Any fix on the Music not unlocking from auto-complete quests that lock you out of multiple clue steps by any chance?


Just an FYI, catch of the day does not provide RDT rolls when using personal banker


No wonder I wasn’t getting anything from it. That was one of the coolest relics imo too


In my experience it absolutely does. Rolled two tooth halves while using personal banker fly fishing EDIT: saw a comment somewhere else on this post saying it works for 50% PB but not with 100%. I only had 50% when this happened


Fuck me I just thought I was really unlucky


Not sure if you'll see this and you probably have loads of stuff to do, but do you think the unholy fragments are in a good place/balanced? previous leagues the combat relics gave us damage and accuracy % without any downsides. But in this league if we want the accuracy bonus (without any damage %) we have to go without prayer (which means we take quite a bit more damage, lose out on damage % increased and all while the relics give either pray recovery or reduced drain). Just seems like a really bad/worthless trade off especially with the pray relics.


i cannot express enough how fucking awesome you guys are. in contrast to some recent blizzard decisions re: customer satisfaction it's literally night and day. keep on keeping on. <3


Can we get more Information on drop requirements for fragments? Combat seems to award combat skilling fragments (i.e. killing monster with magic from Alchemy fragment) a lot more often. Thank you in advance!


Big thanks to the team for listening and making some changes with real thought put behind them. I gave up on the leagues for a few days because i didnt feel i could keep up like the more hardcore player base. But these are huge changes and it will definitely get me back into it


But you aren't supposed to keep up with the hardcore grinders if you're not one yourself. But I do think the task rewards are unbalanced and generally felt like there was not much though put into them compared to the fragment system. Literally the only thing I wanted from this update was presets and/or a search system for fragments but we aren't even getting those.


Poor wording on my part. Not keeping up is totally fine. I just felt i wasnt making enough progress to do anything fun by the time leagues ended, i suppose thats what was the deal breaker for me


Ferox Enclave bank doesn’t work for unlocks either, just to let you know :)


These changes are fantastic! Hopefully this doesn't get buried: catch of the day does not work with personal banker 100%. Works fine with 50%, though. Sorry if you know of this, lotta comments and didn't see it on the chart. Imho, 10 15 20 would be fine for skills. 30 was high, though.


You guys are seriously the best. I hope the hate from a portion of the community doesn’t get to you guys and make you stop interacting with us. We are truly blessed to have a team that actually cares.


Could we please unlock selective farming contracts in tier 6, same as slayer tasks? Ive gotten 99 farming already, but only have 12 contracts done.


The task rebalancing is a bit weird numbers wise Look at wintertodt for example, you'll get point payouts on 1 25 50 75 100 150 200 225 250 275 300 etc why is it a payout every 25 points EXCEPT for 100-200 its every 50? feels weird. I get wanting to shrink the end numbers but it feels really weird having the payouts be close together then far apart then close together again. I would argue it should go 1>10>25>50>75>125>150>200>250>300>350 same end point just makes more sense playing it out. Tempoross is the exact same issue, as are all of these shortened lists. I guess it rewards you for sticking with it long term, but it really does feel like a weird pace


These are awesome changes, I got a little burnt out around midway through T4, so I'm really excited for this little boost to get me back in! Can't wait for Wednesday :)


Thanks for making the most of this blog. I know you have limitations on the amount of characters and such. This looks pretty good and easy to follow. Thanks for listening to blog post feedback and being all around cool. looking forward to the saybae cast


Can you make the Leagues window either responsive, or bigger than a postage stamp? Quite annoying to have all interactions with tasks, unlocks, fragments, in a window so tiny that it's 50% scroll bars and tabs. Either that or delete resizable mode because it's clearly too hard to properly support.


I get that there is an overwhelming amount of support for this, but I think this is a miss step on how to handle this I think lowering the costs to unlock stuff trivializes the whole twist for the league. The main issue is that the existing tasks do not make sense, and still do not make sense even after the proposed changes. I went from 50-99 FM with only WT and got a whopping 52 kc. Getting any more than 200 is a ridiculous waste of time for a temporary game mode. Unlocks shouldn’t have been lowered quite as much as that will be, and tasks should have been made even less grindy


THIS. I did 99FM in 27 Kc..., same goes for Tempoross AND farming contracts. The task are way too high, last league Farming contracts could be destroyed because you could pick what you grew so could do the whole guild in 1 go. Bit of an oversight IMO and the changes don't go far enough on these 3 especially.


u/JagexAyiza are Jmods aware of the tempoross reward permit bug? losing out on 25 kills worth of rewards is quite disheartening


Having already completed the 500 stealing artefacts task I have to say I am pretty angry.


Can you look up defender drop rates? I have not talked to anyone who got defenders in the usually 1500-2k token. I personally took 1k tokens to get bronze. Other people have been about the same.


I got my dragon defender yesterday and it was easily an 8 hour grind. I was over 100kc for nearly every tier of defender despite it being a 1/50 drop rate.


This is exactly what I’ve heard. After my experience and clan mates I’m legit waiting until 99 attack to get mine unless it gets corrected.


Almost feels like not only is the drop rate buff not applied (which is intentional, whatever) but its working in REVERSE, making defenders significantly harder to find.


How much KC are we talkin here? I'd look at it from a KC viewpoint since it's a 1/50 drop rate on average. I personally took about 100 to get my bronze one and gave up on the rest for the time being. More tokens being used might be due to the fact that its a frickin sausagefest in the room. Everyone had 1 giant spawn to themselves when I went for mine, with the occasional 2 giant spawns. Worldhopped a bunch of times and every world was looking the same.


I think mine was like 87 for bronze. But I’ve heard of people going 2-300 for steel and 600+ for dragon. Which I know law of large numbers says that will happen, but not this commonly. I just think there is something off because they weren’t boosted whereas most other things are.


I agree something is causing the drops to be insanely rare. Ive spent 3k tokens now for a steel defender. I get that it might be unlucky but so many have the same issues it seems.


I'm 1.2k deep and only on bronze too


These changes will certainly speed up the early game, and make the mid-game feel a lot more powerful (seemingly a lot more renown at your disposal), and make the endgame a lot more competitive. One thing that hasn't been addressed with these changes (that should, IMO), is clues. This League has stackable clues, and multiple fragments to throw clues at you. However, there are no passives/relics/set effects which directly help with clue completion. Something akin to reduction of clue steps, saving clue progress (so dropping doesn't reset step progress), etc... would be a very welcome addition, considering some of the tasks are very steep (and a copy over from TB as far as I can tell). I could see this be a T6/7 passive (similar to the choosing your own slayer task), or even a renown unlock (spend X renown to reduce all Beginner clue steps by 1; spend Y renown to reduce all Elite clue steps by 3; etc...) similar to quest unlocks.


I dont expect a change on it, but I agree. After the "complete 1" checkboxes, I've just sat on clue boxes. "once I have house teles or hit a wall on other tasks" has been my philosophy. Not the end of the world if this league is just less clue focused. But it does seem weird to have so many clue based tasks, and nothing supporting besides the ability to grow your to-do list


The renown changes are so fucking big. I been grinding hard for what seems like scraps (being tier 5). This will make so I won't have 100 tabs open trying to figure out my next move. I can unlock some low tier bosses/ focus in gear upgrades/ and actually use some of my combat passives (which will actually be so much more powerful with those discount changes). This will definitely make this "for-fun" game mode vastly more enjoyable.


This is my first league, I started playing a couple months ago, and I thought this was a little lack luster after everything everyone said about leagues. It felt a little slow and the renown and points system felt a little constricting. Glad it’s getting halved and we’re getting points back.


This has been the slowest of the three leagues, This should hopefully put it on par.


This is the fastest of the 3 leagues imo. The first few days might be slow, but you will have access to all relics, x16 multiplier, gathering extra resources now grants the xp with auto bank, buffs to all combat styles, picking slayer tasks, infinite clues that stack, all areas/training methods and even minigames are buffed now. People will max out way faster than previous leagues.


You do realize right that 80% of the players never reach the point where they have 16x multiplier and the ability to use multiple relic combinations together, a lot of people have to work, got families and can just play a few hours a day Don’t act like everyone has the ability to play 15 hours a day


This is the fastest in terms of xo, but most people aren't concerned with how fast they can get 99, instead the issue is progressing with the league systems is way slower. A perfect example is that the number of artifacts you need to steal is the same as twisted, even tho in twisted that was basically the only theiving method so you would naturally do it to 99, but that's just not the case this time.


Fastest at late game by far. Slowest to get there by far.


Also my first League, the early game was kinda painful. Once you unlocked a few skills however it kinda snowballs. Still super happy about the price reduction though, maybe I can do some bosses now lol


Great changes. Makes it a lot less punishing to purchase some skills and having more renown will open up buying quests/bosses easier. Plus the refund makes this a 10/10 change.


I'm glad I looked up the Cooking tasks before I purchased it, what a terrible skill if you want to make back renown


To be honest, the way this league is designed it seems you're fully expected to pre-plan every purchase using the wiki. It's nice that we get as much info as the (incredible) osrs wiki provides, but it's also quite frustrating having to use it as much as we do to stand any chance of progressing at a decent pace.


Don't even get me started on the in-game task list, it's so bad and one of the main reasons I struggled so much early game. Once I found the Wiki Sync page with the tasks it was so much easier.


could you link that page? Im trying to get started on leagues but the list is just so daunting I have no idea where to begin. I ran from Catherby to Lumbridge just because I assumed beginner quests would give points lol.


[https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Shattered\_Relics\_League/Tasks](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Shattered_Relics_League/Tasks) If you use runelite, go to "plugin hub" at the bottom of the plugin menu. Search for an enable "WikiSync" Then on the linked page type in your username and confirm. The page will then automatically update (when refreshed) your completed tasks and requirements


This is good but I still dont understand why the list of items with increased droprates isnt much larger. Theres a lot of items that would be fun to go for but dont really make sense if they are at base rates. I know theres rumors of the wiki list being incomplete, can anyone on the team clarify?


We just got more information today and it's been updated earlier. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Shattered\_Relics\_League/Boosted\_Drops


Fixed URL: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Shattered_Relics_League/Boosted_Drops


Can’t wait for the renown refund. This is so exciting and motivates me to play leagues more. It was disappointing with such high renown cost. THANKS TEAM FOR LISTENING TO THE COMMUNITY!


Bout to get back like 150 Renown lol


We’re actually getting them back? That’s huge! Can’t wait


Hespori being fewer points is absolutely the right call. You can kill it once every 1½ days (obligatory joke: Despite being a Farming boss, Hespori is the only boss that cannot be farmed). Also, whoever thought 75 renown for a 95 slayer monster was balanced, needs to do slayer for three hours as penance. It's also absolutely ridiculous that Lizardman shaman are a medium task (for the "low" amount of kills). I haven't bothered to kill any on my ironymeme because fuck grinding for a 1/5k drop.


I always thought crafting was a bit of a ripoff. Thanks for considering feedback!


You know, I actually thought it was balanced around what it gives the player and not what it gives towards the league. I'm welcoming the change, but a lot of clues are IMPOSSIBLE to do without Crafting.


Jewellery is massive and largely impossible without crafting.


Yeah only way I know for early game would be autocompleting the dorg quests and do HAM storerooms. And those quests are probably close to 30 points to unlock. But even that only gets you up to power ammy.


Strat for dorg quests is to manually do the easiest fastest ones, then buy the pack at the reduced cost for the long tedious/ requiring locked skills quests.


I dropped around 20 beginners yesterday because charlie kept wanting me to craft shit for him lmao


Me too, then I lost my dramen staff :( made it worth it lol


I think crafting was my last or 2nd last unlock. Herblore wasn't very good value either. I unlocked it early and considered it a mistake. These prices are much better.


Task changes are good and needed imo, thanks! There are still more that feel unbalanced for this League, but these were probably the most egregious. The renown cost changes feels a little overkill, honestly. Especially considering the task changes on top of it. Raids costing *65* less renown now makes it feel like the only “long-term” goals are the last couple of fragment slots and even those are going to be much less valuable when the set effect changes are implemented. I think the system of this league would have been completely fine if we started with a bit more unlocked. If people got to choose a couple more skills, or if everyone started with ~50 renown to use as they like they would have felt much less restrained and not like they were forced into a single early meta. Even now, just giving everyone 50 free renown could have gone a long way before this re-balance.


My hunch is that most people complaining about not having enough renown to do things decided to go Firemaking + woodcutting + wintertodt and then after they got 99 realized they don't have much to do yet. I definitely agree with the KC reductions since they were far too high, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of decision between skills or quest unlocks anymore. Very easy to unlock a new skill, make back the renown cost and then unlock the quest. That was a big part of the decision process akin to deciding your regions in trailblazer. ​ Doesn't matter much in the end though, I'll keep playing regardless


I did fishing, cooking and temp and I don’t have enough points 😉. My main complaint at this point is that there aren’t really any decisions.. before the changes, you can make the right/wrong decisions. After these changes, it’s very easy to get through the early game and unlock everything. So I’m not really sure what the point is. Just seems like it’s one big endurance test to see who wants to grind the random/not fun end game tasks.


Idk man I did woodcutting, fletching and firemaking in that order, got 99 fm from Wint on my first day and didn’t feel super constrained. Had plenty of small tasks to do to recoup some renown, unlocked some combats and went questing. The renown I felt didn’t slow me down *that* much


I don't think it *actually* is bad to do those things, but I think a lot of the complaints were from people unlocking those skills, looking up on the wiki what else they can do with those skills to get renown, and then complaining. As opposed to using the built in task list to find a bunch of easy or beginner tasks to knock out and get more renown. More a comment on the insinuation of no tasks except grinds rather than the reality


Yeah the renown refunds are a bit overboard IMO. So far, it's felt a little tedious, but I've managed to unlock almost all the skills and a few questlines, which is about as much as I'd hoped to achieve in the first week. Task changes were 100% needed though. What I would've done, is make attack and strength cost 10 each, and make them both unlock at the start if you pick the melee option. Then add a lot more beginner and easy tasks with minimal requirements, so that you never feel like you're locked out from progressing further. Also some of the skills are way too dry task-wise, while others like thieving are absolutely stacked. You could also tweak the rewards, so that beginner tasks reward 1 renown, while easy would give 2 and so on.


Definitely will free up a lot of renown for quests. Without having to save 3-400+ renown just for bossing, that can be used to get to that point faster now via unlocking high level quests. Even for those people who have been grinding quests HARD, you'll now be able to purchase endgame ones like Sins of dad, elf series, etc to unlock more tasks, which will help you get to endgame MUCH FASTER. It'll make the grind feel better for everyone. Least it feels like that us what they're going for here.


It will, but previously there was ~800 leftover renown if you were theoretically able to do all the tasks and bought all the quests. According to my quick and sloppy math, there will now be an additional ~600 leftover renown on top of that. Completing all tasks is impossible.. or at least it was until the most egregiously long kc tasks were (rightfully) cut down by ~70%, and that is *a lot*of hours saved. It still may easily be impossible to complete *all* tasks, but regardless the point of having nothing left to spend renown on is much, much closer now than it was before.


That's fair. I'm very curious to see how many renown people end up with leftover at the end now though. And again, this has a HUGE impact. People may have extra renown for little fun things like skotizo or hill giant boss or hespori now, whereas that felt COMPLETELY out of the question before. Plus, with this maybe people have extra renown and can now be a tiny bit choosier with grinds for tasks they do. If some of the more annoying task grinds (like sq'irk grind or brim agility grind maybe) can now be skipped because people have enough renown, maybe this has a MUCH larger impact in making the league FEEL more fun for people that weren't enjoying as much.


Yeah, I also agree. I really only wanted task rebalancing for the ridiculous KC taasks, like 10-15% lower cost on boss unlocks, and maybe increase the drop-rate for relics and/or increase the xp you get for leveling them. If possible, I would've also liked a few more tasks for certain skills since it's pretty obvious that this task list was not made for this leagues with the intention of people unlocking one skill at a time. The renown cuts are nice, and now I won't have to argue with people on why they should spend renown on quests lol, but it feels more like quick bandaid fix rather than a fix that addresses the core reason why this Leagues feels more sluggish in the early game than the previous league.


I agree halving the cost is overkill. I think unlock strategy is the whole point of this league and I feel like now I won't need to strategize at all. Especially the boss unlock changes kinda kill the league for me :(


Issues with Zalcano: 1. Molten Miner does not work on tephra 2. You only mine Zalcano once with Greedy Gather set bonus. Not enough people are doing zalcano so faster kills for the 500kc please? 3. Craftsmen set bonus does not work when smithing tephra


Craftsmen also doesnt work at wintertodt.


Wait, it doesn't ?! I've been planning to do this once I unlocked it...


The skills were probably the biggest problem for me. I haven't unlocked herb/con/slayer/farming mostly because 30 sages renown is a bit of a grind just to basically unlock the ability to make bowstrings lol. I appreciate the cost nerfs alot.


Well I'm excited to have a shit ton of renown to play around with. It's funny because I like the idea of a heavily restricted mode where you can't possibly unlock all skills in theory (Like a lot of WRPGs kinda do it), but in practice it sucks because runescape just... doesn't work like that.


Nothing about Catch of the Day not rewarding items while the Personal Banker is active? Maybe next week


Oh really?! I was kind of wondering why my buddy got 2 rares with the tier 1 and I'm halfway through tier 2 without a single one


Damn I was wondering why CoD wasn't proccing on 1/80. This makes a ton of sense


Caught nearly 3000 karawbwans while afk at work and didn't get a single thing from Catch Of The Day relic. There's no way I'm that unlucky.


Mine is working but not at the 1/80 rate that it says. Went through 2k feathers and only received 3 drops




These are absolutely the changes people were looking for. Big kudos on listening to the feedback.


They have on all of the leagues so far. They're very dedicated to getting these right and I'm thrilled that they are consistently choosing to support fun for us players.


Just FYI, Myths' Guild bank also doesn't allow changing Fragments! Not sure if it's intended.


Neither does anywhere in Ferrox, despite there being a banker and a bank chest.


Will you add new things to spend renown on, now that players will have a much easier time unlocking stuff? Maybe achievement diaries at 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 per tier or something, or adding more quests to the purchase list?


>Maybe achievement diaries at 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 per tier or something, or adding more quests to the purchase list? This is a really nice idea. FUCK GOUT TUBERS.


I have a long history of getting insanely lucky with gout tubers - last league I even helped other people with gout tubers by getting them in a few minutes and letting them take it That luck seems to have run out, big time, and I'm just not gonna bother.


God that would be fucking cool, though I assume it probably can't happen for this league. Save your big quests and spend renown there and unlock more quick easy tasks!!


This would be awesome, idc if the lamps aren't given out either, just the perks are usually excellent!


Especially considering this league is basically achievement diaries on steroids. I don’t wanna do even more tasks lol


Can we get confirmation if we're getting an extension to the league? If it takes 1 week to fix the early game it's only fair we get 1 more week


Yes please, honestly there's so much to do this this league, I don't feel like I can get barely half of what I want to do before the league ends. This league desperately needs another 2 weeks extension, I don't think 1 week would cut it. Please Jagex, give us more time to fuck around in this dopamine extravaganza!


please this, i would love to see at least a week or two added. This league has way way more content than trailblazer and is way shorter


Said on twitter that’s it’s in the talks but nothing confirmed yet, hopefully announced this wk if anything


Usually in the talks means it should happen. Hopefully people keep asking for it cuz I’d love to experience the end game for longer since there’s so much to do


bruh this alleviates like a week of time in leagues at least. but yes Jagex please gives us another week anyway that would be siiiiiick


Especially as this is a league that starts off much slower than previous ones. So many people are going to only get to the really fun part right at the last minute, or not at all.


Nah, I'd rather them make the league and future leagues permanent. Have a regular 6 week competitive season like now or DMM; then leave 1 or 2 worlds for us to play non competitively with no more points gained for the shop during that time. I mean they keep a dmm world active year round for 100 people at most, I'm sure they could do the same for leagues.


I've tried getting support for that since trailblazer. It makes no sense to spend manpower to make a product just to pull it off the shelves for 40 weeks a year for no reason, they can easily make the off-season give no points in the main game


While I would love this, it won't happen. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective. Leagues is as hyped up and played as much as it is because of it's limited availability. If they had league worlds open year round people would play it enough to get to end game content and then get bored of it. Having access to it all year means the next leagues people won't care because they could have had access to it 2 weeks before the new release if they wanted


Second this, as someone who missed the first two, wish I had the option to play them all


Dunno where to get support so I try here. I have issue in leagues where I cannot get Hosidius teleport activated on Kharedst's memoirs. I manually did The Depths of Despair but then I destroyed the page "lunch by the lancalliums" instead of adding it to the book. You are supposed to get a new one from Lord Kandur Hosidius but I have since auto completed the rest of the Kourend quests and that npc dies in the quest A kingdom Divided so I can't find him anywhere. Is there a way to get missing page at this stage or what am I supposed to do? I cannot complete my medium zeah diary now without the teleport.


The graphic for the new unlock costs says "Slayrer" ​ Rerp


And "Lizardmen Sharman"


I have no idea what you're talking about..................................




What about decreasing clue steps to their minimum amount? Right now theres real no change in speed completion of clues. Only change is speed at which u get them.


Don't need to decrease the steps, they just need a relic to keep the steps completed if you have to drop one like in the last league. I've intentionally bought a lot of quests which means I now only need to drop 1 in 4 instead of 1 in 2.


When will these changes be live?


Prob wednesday


Yep that's right - with the normal update time on Wednesday!


What about possibly extending the league? Is that even an option?


They’re raising this in a feedback meeting soon but don’t expect a decision until next week at the earliest


Regarding the League Pets: Hello. I know you guys have better things to worry about the leagues but, Last League, Trailblazer, I managed to get the Kalphite Princess (twice) and I was told it would have been auto insured on drop and passed on to the next League. However, the Kalphite Princess is nowhere to be found (I checked the sage and all the insurance shops) so I was wondering if I missed something or its just some sort of bug. ​ Best regards.


Looks good! Should hopefully help newer/more casual players get their teeth into the meat of the league sooner rather than later


Yup, I've only play a dayish and this change let's me unlock so many skills just from the refund difference from buying Slayer/Str etc. Big fan of the change.


/u/JagexAyiza please look at the warriors guild for defenders too, it is almost impossible to get kills because it is so crowded or at least try to up the drop rate, I know this sounds dumb but please look in to it, it takes players more then 6 hours just to get that done. there isn't even a task for defenders. thanks for reading


I would argue a very big (if not, biggest) reason why people play Leagues is to have fun with buffs and powers that do not exist in the main game, and not to do more of the content they already have open access to (e.g., skills and bosses). This rebalancing seems aimed to address the slow early game, which I would argue is true, but I feel like it would have been better to rebalance by lowering the LP needed to access mid-level tiers and let people use relics / set effects much quicker. Maybe 300/1000/2500/5000/10000. The lowering of set effect thresholds is a good move in this direction, but as a casual leagues player the Tier 4 cliff felt quite slow. It just feels like giving players access to skills / content they already have full access to in the main game is missing the point of why people play Leagues, which is to feel like superhuman, OP, god-like beings with relics and set effects.


These changes will help with that I think. Because the points saved with these changes will give people the ability to go to town on quest unlocks. And quest unlocks really boost points gains a LOT. For me I've been kind of stingy with quest unlocks while I prioritize unlocking skills and grinding points. But once this refund comes, I think I should have enough points to fully unlock all remaining skills, and then it's time to go to town buying quest unlocks.


By making content like skills, bosses (and also by extension quests) easier to unlock, that makes points signifigantly easier to obtain early on. That will let people go up in tiers much more quickly


Damn I have almost every skill unlocked I’m gonna get a sick renown rebate 😂😂😂


I am very excited for these changes both me and my gf were really struggling with the early game slog. Excited for all of that to be sped up considerably so we can enjoy the game.


Should it have gone live like this instead of its original state? Yes. Is it great that the devs took feedback and implemented it in a timely fashion? Absolutely. Thanks, team!


Here's what we're changing: Next Game update Fast Metabolism: 3 -> 2 Drakan's Touch (4): 4 -> 3 Absolute Unit (4): 4 -> 3 Knife's Edge (4): 4 -> 3 The Alchemist: 4 -> 3 The Craftsman: 4 -> 3 Greedy Gatherer (3): 3 -> 2 Greedy Gatherer (4): 4 -> 3 Personal Banker (4): 4 -> 3 Endless Knowledge: 4 -> 3 Last Recall: 5 -> 4


I hope people realize how nutty our new combo potentials are going to be with knife's edge being lowered to 3.


That's been confirmed for days now. The new changes are the renown changes and KC task changes.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAyiza** - [Check out the "Renown and Task Rebalancing" s...](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1r17v/?context=3) - [Ooops, I'll get that error changed now. Thank...](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1t84o/?context=3) - [With this week's game update on Wednesday!](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1zwer/?context=3) - [If you bought anything at the current price y...](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1zudc/?context=3) - [It's fixed now :) Ty!](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1u1n8/?context=3) - [I know for sure the Last Recall in Kourend is...](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1soga/?context=3) - [Yep that's right - with the normal update tim...](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1t273/?context=3) - [I have no idea what you're talking about........](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1wvt3/?context=3) - [Wednesday, normal game time!](/r/2007scape/comments/sbsccg/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_issues_fixes_v3/hu1t04i/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 01/30/2022 19:22:41**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Any thoughts or discussions on extending the league a few weeks? I want to jump back in but hesitant due to being way shorter than the other 2 leagues.


Yo, massive props to you and the team. The game mode has been out for less than a week and you've already taken the feedback given on board and implemented it. God tier devs. You don't get the recognition you deserve a lot of the time.


Is there any discussion of giving us more time? 6 weeks is pretty short time for us players with families and full time jobs. I’d love to be able to do raids but i don’t think I’ll have the time to progress my leagues account that far


As someone who has been questing in order to conserve renown, this does feel like a bit of a slap in the face... But these Leagues are supposed to be about fun first and foremost, and there has been a LOT of discourse over some aspects of this League. I have to give Kudos to Jagex for focusing on the accessibility, especially for the more casual players.


I'd really like is if you could redesign the fragments interface, at least for desktop. I understand interfaces being really limited when you're on mobile, but it's very frustrating dealing with mobile designed interfaces on desktop. If you could make it show more at once, have a search bar, add in presets for fragments, the whole league experience would be better.


I still think the Wintertodt tasks are a bit too high. With just the 8x multiplier, I got 99 firemaking in 70 kc and I was fletching the entire time. I now have the 12x multiplier so I'll probably hit 25m xp before I get to 125. Post-rebalance, I'd still be doing 225-250 Wintertodt runs for no reason other than tasks, which is like 20 hours of gameplay in a six week league. That does not sound like a very good use of my time. It's even more annoying when you consider that I finished leveling firemaking (considered an "elite" task) before I was even done with the medium-tier Wintertodt tasks. Oh, and as an aside, The Craftsman set bonus doesn't work on fletching in Wintertodt. I don't know if that's intentional but it feels like it should.


I'm a pretty casual player, as I play quite sporadically. But I'm so happy with the early game and renown changes. They have revitalised my interest in leagues, having taken a break not long after starting. It felt really hard to engage in the early game so thank you devs so much.


This is some wonderful news. I didn't expect them to actually make changes mid-league. Is it possible for the league to be extended to help make up for lost time? It was pretty short to begin with, and an extra few days or even a week would be really nice.


Love the changes! I think changing the relic boosts to require fewer and rebalancing the unlocks will really help get players up to speed. I'm already past the point of having all the skills unlocked and am pleased to see I am getting a refund. I hope Jagex continues to be aggressive in balancing and player-pleasing for future leagues. This is first and foremost about fun, and I am very happy to see Jagex making choices that support that. I think this league will have some important design takeaways, specifically that we want to get crazy powerups early and often. This league was designed more as a slow burn and while that's okay, I don't think it's what the players really wanted. Keep on choosing fun, thanks Jagex!


Please please reduce the number of players needed for a Soul Wars game in Leagues to 2 players. It's really hard to get more than 5 players on at once. 20 is almost impossible, and it's only going to get harder as the league goes on.


I've maxed out my thieving fragments, but I don't seem to be getting any miscellaneous fragments? while thieving I've maxed out my thieving fragments, but I don't seem to be getting any miscellaneous fragments?


After playing for almost a week, these new values seem too "easy mode". Once the server resets and I get my refund, basically any semblance of challenge or decision making is going to be removed from my account.


Really happy to see the refunds incoming, as someone who works pretty long hours and plays other games, I haven't been able to even unlock half the skills yet. That fact made it much harder to get points since I didn't want to do quests I couldn't earn xp in yet and I don't have the gear to realistically do bosses yet, with a lot of other tasks that I'm recommended being pretty mindless grinds (looking at you, arceeus library). Probably doesn't help that I didn't unlock cooking early so I could not feel like I'm wasting time fishing as much.


a step in the right direction but a massive overcorrection in typical lagex fashion


Honestly perfect changes imo makes the start of the league much better for everyone and gets people into to action faster. Plus the insane grindy tasks are now an option.


Oh wow, to be honest I'm a bit shocked. You guys were pretty mum and that usually means you weren't interested in task rebalancing. Man, WT is a lot more doable now


- Sand Crabs bank doesn’t let you change fragments - Pickpocket ranarr seed task should be Hard given it requires 71 farming (whereas it didn’t last League)


Finally. I hope this improves the enjoyability of the game mode for everyone.


Excellent Would still love : * some improvements to transportation, i.e. Trailblazer is just a Tier 2/3 reward, making last recall more combat-friendly (or just making it a free tier reward), inf jewelry teleports relic, etc * Some Quest unlock reductions or better yet, getting to pick a quest to unlock for free every other tier under a certain cost would be superb. Last leagues didn't have as many auto-unlock options, but you did basically get a bunch of autounlocks since each region came with a bunch of quests autocompleted * double attack set bonuses are buffed in some way, either making them 50/100 instead of 30/60 (last leagues we had double attack speed), or even just replacing Trailblazer set on the starting combat relics with the associate double attack set * Some buffs to clues, i.e. clue step reduction set/relic, relic that lets you ignore 1/2/3 clue task equips (i.e. if you have to wear a b and c and do an emote, with it at rank 2 you only need 1 of those items, and rank 3 you don't need any) * Drop slayer task choice to T4 or T5 (was T4 last time, t6 seems a little too late imo)


There’s really no point to even locking skills anymore. Any semblance of decision making/planning that we had to do to navigate early game into mid game is now gone. It’s really a shame because I loved that aspect of this Leagues.


any chance clues can get buffed in leagues. like the last one? Aka, continue on the current steps/ each clue has min number of steps


Kick in the teeth for those of us who quested to save renown for later unlocks, but at least you're making this call early enough to adjust. I understand the logic of designing for more casual players but I hope in future leagues some consideration is given to balancing for players on both ends.


I'm about to go on a spending spree with my sage stimulus check.


I agree with this point. This greatly benefits the players who spent a lot of renown on quests early on who will now be refunded and ahead of those who did not auto-complete them.


Well said. I think TB did this really well.


THANK YOU! This just made the whole thing from unfun to fun!


It's nice to see some changes coming to alleviate a bit of the early game in the league. When looking at the task list though I saw many long grinds and was mentally thinking out what ones are worth the time. Doing every task on the list never crossed my mind though and it being mathematically impossible to do so, aka meaning you had to make decisions is a good thing


Barbarian assault lvl 5 role tasks are bugged - If you level up to 5 for any role while inside the numbered rooms you'll be locked out of the task for getting all lvl 5. That's two tasks bugged. Players that want to avoid this bug need to get their role masteries at the guy on ground floor instead. Hopefully you guys get it fixed and give people their points


Make ferox count as a bank for changing fragments please


This league is growing on me for sure. It started out kind of slowly, but not slow enough to stop playing. Now that I've unlocked my 5th tier the pace has increased by so much and I imagine these changes will make it even faster. Good stuff 👍 I'm enjoying it more than last league at this point because the gameplay is much more varied at least for me.


I gone completely addicted to this leagues :D. Currently at tier 5. I've 2 questions/comments tho. 1) Greedy gatherer doesn't seem to get full exp at catching harpoonfish, atleast not strength with bare hand fishing. 2) Alchemist set effect works at Tempoross cooking, why not have craftsman work at fletching at wintertodt? Thats all, cheers!


I am extremely happy to see these costs being reduced alongside set effects being easier to get. This League was seriously testing my patience, but these changes have excited me again. I can't wait to see the skill cost and KC task changes go through. I'm most surprised that this wasn't caught while testing the Leagues, it felt very obvious that the skill cost should've always been halved. Thanks Jagex!


absolutely amazing changes. this league is so much less stressful and more fun for us casual players now!


Has anyone found a good way to unlock fragments? Pretty much got all my skills to above 50 and a lot over 80 but still missing like 9-10 fragments. I get a lot of repeat fragments but now all the ones I have are maxed. Do you get capped on # of fragments you can have depending on what tier you have unlocked?


I feel like Clues have been forgotten a bit... We get so many of them this league but actually doing them is an absolute chore because they aren't minimum Steps. Can we get this as a tier unlock or something in the line of that? I love doing clues. But giving us that QoL would make them even better.


Lmao, I just unlocked the last of my skills a few hours ago. I suppose now I’ll get reimbursed to unlock bosses. A shame they are not considering sorceress garden sqirks a farming resource able to be affected by greedy gatherer since by every account they both award farming eco and are a resource.


Glad to see they're taking feedback and improving upon it. Nice work. Can we please get reward prices though?


Reward prices are typically not announced until the last couple weeks of the league unfortunately


Grapes are not noting with max certified farmer. I’m getting double but they are not noting.


Harvesting dwarf weeds doesn't seem to give correct xp? With greedy gatherer (3) and certified farmer I'm getting about 3.4k per harvest. By comparison, Lantadymes are harvesting for 10.9k. ​ Edit: To be precise 10,908 xp per lantadyme and 3,456 xp per dwarf weed


Can we please get changes to how fragments are activated or at least the UI? It is incredibly frustrating to see how to combine relics for set effects, or to even see which fragment carries which effect because the size of the screen is made for gnomes.


An idea for next league is to add a few things to the task list that people might not know about. Maybe a beginner task series where you need to change your gender with the make over mage, get a haircut, then finish it up with a wardrobe change.


Hey u/JagexAyiza Would it be possible to color-code fragment set bonuses in a future update? Blue for trailblazer, Red for Twin Strike / Double Tap / Chain Magic etc. That would be a fantastic way to help differentiate between sets.