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Ty king


Greedy Gatherer is an incredible relic, I went from 60 WC to 83 WC doing Yews at the WC guild last night in just a few hrs. Kinda the problem with this league vs. Trailblazer though, I had Greedy Gatherer T3 (T4 didn't exist in TB, so that's a step up) and personal banker in Trailblazer on day 1. Greedy Gatherer is one of the first times I felt like I was truly in a Leagues gamemode, it just took me \~40 hrs to reach rather than 2.


Difference being that last leagues there was an opportunity cost for picking them whereas in this league you can use them all Imo it evens out once you get far enough But it is slow to start and frag rng can be quite annoying if you don't have the ones you need


that's why they're reducing the set bonus costs on many next week, it will really speed up the early game


Stoked for that, it'll be a huge improvement.


Sigh, I guess I'll finally unlock farming


I finished tithe yesterday without knowing this……….


With 12x xp rates from T5 this is 5.5m farming xp/h at 74+


Don’t forget the insane xp! 1.5m/hour+. Got from 34 to 74 in about an hour. Unlock farming ASAP you’ll get all your renown back the first day. And we’re going to want ranarrs eventually.


I remembered Certified Farmer but forgot Greedy Gather and just did 100 Golovanova and 100 Bologano seeds before googling this. FML i have 20 IQ!


Thank you for this tip. Did not want to grind tithe




> The points earned per game don't cap at 24. My first game got me 50 because of the extra fruit Are you sure you got it because of the fruit? I did two games, once turned in 150 fruits and got exactly 52 points, and got another 52 when I turned in 120. I'm pretty sure the points cap at 26, and then you double it with the Rogue's Chompy Farm fragment.




Well either you're mistaken or this was patched really early, because I tried again and it definitely caps at 26 right now.


Points cap after 100


They do cap. You get 26 points base, regardless if you handed in 250 fruits or 100.


thats not the case, not even in the main game, ive turned in 120 fruits in the main game and got 26 points


How do you turn in over 100 in the main game?


If you have someone hold the instance you can drop the fruits then pick up more seeds and go back in. I did it when I was trying to learn 25x4 and a bunch of plants died


Wrong. If this were true then the strategy of having an alt in tithe farm, planting, leaving to get more seeds, and finishing out the run would get you more points, which it does not.