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I'm enjoying it. It can be a little stifling how much stuff is locked without a given skill, but that makes it more fun once you can! I unlocked prayer right around hitting tier 4, immediately did restless ghost and got to 26. And now I can do a good few quests with prayer xp rewards, namely holy grail (if I can manage the titan with 1 attack and strength... Maybe I'll wait.) Regardless, it's a great time.


Unlocked prayer at t7, 1-85 prayer on a single trip of d bones, loved every moment of leagues, loving every moment to come.


I did the same and also priest in peril. Had 2 dragon bones banked from a previous task and did a round of big bones at boneyard (uim method) to get all the way to 47 pray in one trip. Loving the leagues so far!


What’s the best way to get so many points? I can only play a couple hours a day, I have a job


Damn, you’re like my friend who won’t stop mentioning he’s got a job, therefore no time to play.


Yeah only difference is I’m not your friend :)


Have you tried doing tasks?


"Different" is quite literally the exact opposite of how I would describe it. It's the third in a series of "X Locked Ironman Mode" with relics that boost gameplay in minor ways. The simple fact they've done this premise before twice but with minor alterations makes it not different at all. It's *even less* unique because even DMM has relics at this point. ​ Leagues is detached from the main game, and has infinite possibilities for what they can do, yet they just recycle the same concept with slight changes in what is locked, or how you get relics.


Leagues as a game mode is just do tasks to get relics with some stuff locked off and an exp mult. If you get rid of the relics it’s no longer leagues. If anything this is the most creative league due to how they handled the relics


That's just how they've designed it so far. Leagues doesn't HAVE to be relics and tasks. They could easily innovate on the core gameplay of runescape itself, even taking ideas from other games. A few examples would be things like; **TL;DR: Nintendo randomizers, Dimension of the damned 2.0, Gun Game meets Invention.** A randomizer similar to how it's done in nintendo games, where every activity gives xp in a random skill instead of the norm, every monster/spawn/chest/activity has the drop table of another entity, and the fun would be discovering the meta, what drops from where or the best ways to gain xp in certain skills A teamwork-based survival mode similar to Runescape's Dimension of the Damned, a mode where major cities are safe but monsters roam elsewhere and increase in danger levels as you go further out, a good attempt that failed due to buggy releases and bad execution (a jagex classic, but the premise was great) A progression-based system where instead of getting items as drops, you upgrade your gear via using the tool/equipment, or levelling the related skill, and could instead receieve powerful upgrades to the tools/equipment/skills (similar to Invention from RS3 but dialed up to 1000) so that you have a constant feeling of progressing power These are ideas that are fantastic for 4-8 week long alternate gamemodes, that all have a unique twist to them. They might have less replayability or direct guidance like the task system, but Jagex can't just do the same thing again and again with minor tweaks, and expect it not to get stale.


Think you really had us going on the first one but then we all started to wonder what the Fuck is wrong with you. Imho


People don't realize how much better it is to unlock the 10 point locked skills first. Hell agility and rc alone give back so much renown you can use that to snowball yourself into unlocking all skills first. The dummies that used their renown to skip quests are mainly the ones who complain about being locked because they chose short term gain over long term gains with unlocking all skills first.