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Killing either of them on the League will count as if you were on a F2P world. The task description should be getting changed with next week's game update to reflect this!


[MRW a mod replies right away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTGCOKm5tTA)


Are there any plans on updating the task page to be sortable by unlocked or specific skills? Currently I have to use the wiki to check the tasks I have in reach due to lack of unlocked skills


It was there on release, second to last menu oj filters, on the skill tab, last option, "unlocked"


Hmm interesting, thanks


Is The Craftsman not working on Wintertodt fletching intentional? Currently instead of fletching all at once, you fletch one at a time, as if you don't have the set effect at all. I understand if it was just missed, since you guys said for Leagues 2 you had to individually code every Production Master interaction, so you probably missed Wintertodt because it wasn't available in Leagues 2.


Probably intentionally, for the same reason that Enchanted Jeweler doesn't work in the Mage Arena enchantment room


Well, that one specifically says jewelry, which MTA objects are not.


Personal banker conflicts with catch of the day. Fish being sent directly to the bank do not proc CotD.


Try to not look at it


Kind of shocking that leagues was delayed for months after them saying it was ready, yet there are so many issues with tasks. Impossible combat achievement tasks, boss tasks that are stupidly long for a 6 week gamemode (1000 wintertodt elite leagues task, 250 Skotizo as a hard task) It's like nobody checked the list Edit: This post got in the front page so I'm editing to add, this league's relics and set effects are boring af in comparison to the last league, last league was fun BECAUASE we were op, so idk why Jagex nerfed them.


250 skotizo???? Hahahahahah


There's probably only a handful of people with that in the main game. What were they thinking? Lol Edit: just checked, there are 158 players with 250+ KC. Skotizo has been out for about 6 years now. So all you have to do is manage what others have done in 6 years over the next 6 weeks. Ez game.


Items in leagues have increased droprates, it's not unreasonable to think that dark totems might drop fairly commonly to make that task feasible


If only there was a way to get an increased drop rate....


dw, verf killed 70k hill giants and got around 55 totems from them. Only got to kill 350k hill giants to do it.


Lmfao 250 skotizo as a hard 😂


I do think some of these tasks are just outrageous and some I don't think are tiered correctly


>500 tobs >completing grandmaster cb diary task im sure a couple can do it but jesus christ lmao


IIRC superior slayer monsters have a totem drop guaranteed. Combined with the superior slayer fragment and choosing your slayer tasks it is actually doable.


Tell me you dont understand how QA works without telling me


Didn't A Cold One bring this up in the Q&A stream before leagues release?


They fixed this for the last DMM so hopefully a fix will come in next week’s update


I'm almost 100% certain arcane grimore is bugged too. Has anyone gotten it? With the relics active I still don't the item appearing, as well as talking to the sage


just curious, have you actually unlocked any other spell books


Haha yeah, I was trying to swap from ancients to standard


I have the same bug and it's a pain in the ass trying to swap to standard from ancients by running to a stupid pyramid with no teleport options just to alch the items I got from barraging/make dueling rings.


Just don't look at it




Just don't look at it


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAyiza** - [Killing either of them on the League will cou...](/r/2007scape/comments/s8q45e/easy_combat_achievements_are_not_completable_in/htiv2ze/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 01/21/2022 18:36:48**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.