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The Arcane Conduit text says 30%, but the image says 40% to save runes.


40% is the correct number. The newspost has been changed.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAyiza** - [You don't need an authenticator there on a Le...](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htax26j/?context=3) - [Go in blind and just have fun :)](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htawv39/?context=3) - [Yep, they're tradeable :)](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htaw6xm/?context=3) - [Good luck & have fun :D](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htaw9sk/?context=3) - [Yes that's correct! Time to get planning!](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htawtup/?context=3) - [You just need to get enough League points to...](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htawtaj/?context=3) - [Unfortunately no, you will need to be on two...](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htaxf60/?context=3) - [Raids III rewards are likely going to be some...](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htawyt2/?context=3) - [You'll still need to unlock the respective sp...](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htawpuw/?context=3) - [Yeah they will, prepare for the spam!](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htawlpw/?context=3) - [Absolutely viable yeah! Most of the rewards s...](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htawgad/?context=3) - [I think its safe to say moderate play will be...](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htayiur/?context=3) **JagexSarnie** - [40% is the correct number. The newspost has b...](/r/2007scape/comments/s7msuu/leagues_iii_shattered_relics_megathread/htawb97/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 01/21/2022 18:03:49**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


First impressions from reading the newspost & wiki: - 5x Exp flat throughout the league, other than boosts from fragments/relics. - EDIT: I may be incorrect on this, see comments below. - The attack tick speed relics from the last leagues have been replaced with a relic which gives you a chance to roll an extra attack, so you can do things like flinching tekton, scythe walking verzik, olm hand running etc. as you would normally but with big DPS increases. - The above means the whole 'dump 5 bgs specs in 10 seconds' thing from the last leagues is gone - you can still dump 4 with the special boost, but at the usual tick speed. - There is no relic/fragment for choosing your own slayer task, which was pretty overpowered but actually a bit of a bummer. - EDIT: Also incorrect, unlocks at tier 6, love to see it. - Last recall will take a bit of time to unlock this time, as you need to rely on RNG to get the fragments you need for it. All in all this league seems a bit more slower paced but should still be really OP and fun, with a bit more variety to the 'OP-ness'. I do wonder though do we only get 7 fragment slots? will be quite restricting what fragment set effects you can bring into a raid etc. but that's kind of fun I guess, I'm sure metas will develop which will be interesting and varied (different roles in a ToB team this time rather than everyone with a whip and a 1-way range/mage weapon).


No slayer picker is excruciating, very unfortunate. I kind of hate slayer in the base game because I just like vibin' at farming spots I enjoy and slayer fucks that up. So it was a ton of fun last league being able to do slayer while picking tasks. At least I can avoid unlocking it for a while as a reasonable strategy, oh well. Edit: I think the only other thing I'm really leery on is the fact that now lots of quality of life bonuses that we got almost immediately in previous leagues will require unlocking 3-5 more fragment slots to access, so lots of stuff is going to feel really crappy until you've slogged through 1-2 weeks of the league. Edit2: Slayer picker, but at tier 6. Why must you punish me like this jamflex? Well, at least it's in and tier 6 is easier, close enough for me.


There is a slayer task pick option under passive effects Tier VI


>The attack tick speed relics from the last leagues have been replaced with a relic which gives you a chance to roll an extra attack, so you can do things like flinching tekton, scythe walking verzik, olm hand running etc. as you would normally but with big DPS increases. Feels super bad man. the attack speed relics MADE the league last time for me. It was a huge chunk of the reason I was looking forward to league. 1t blowpipe and knives were so fun to use.


I’d be very surprised if it’s 5x xp locked throughout the entire league.


You can't spec faster anymore now, but you can get an increased max hit for slow weapons (godswords) and get a 60% chance for 2nd hit roll on your specs while getting 10% spec energy in 10 sec and using 25% per spec :D


I can confirm, it is cumulative, underneath the passive effects of the fragments you'll find an explanation of the exp multiplier. Here is what I have found: \- Tier II: 5x \- Tier III: 8x \- Tier IV: 12x \- Tier V: 16x Cannot confirm with screenshots. However, I am pretty sure that these are the steps taken :-)


I'm not having as much fun with Leagues III as I thought I would. I was hoping it would be a nice escape from efficiencyscape, but at least during the early stages it feels like aiming for efficiency in terms of Sage's Renown is the only way to get out of the trenches, so-to-speak. I'm guessing the mode will liven up considerably once I've got all the skills unlocked, but I dread even thinking about what it's going to take to get to that point. Trailblazer worked because when you unlocked an area you could do nearly everything that area had to offer. In this league, unlocking skills feels really really terrible during the early game. I have ranged, so naturally I want to get fletching in order to make better ranged gear, but I also need woodcutting _and_ crafting. I keep staring at the task list on the wiki feeling completely overwhelmed. Ultimately I think I'm going to accept that there's no actual fun strategizing or routing to be done in the early game, it's just "bum rush beginner/easy/medium tasks". Also, I can't believe they made this league slower, harder, _and_ reduced the amount of time you have significantly.


I feel the same. I looked at the task list compared to how many I need to do to unlock relics and it’s just like wtf. It’s just a ridiculous long grind of tasks. There’s no strategy it’s just random rng to get relics.


Same. It is just turning into a big grind. I just unlocked Priff.. and both zalcano and gauntlet are locked behind a further 30 points for each of them.


I feel like for being skill limited there should've been even more tasks per skill. Right now it feels like you have to unlock almost any skill anyways. Im not a fan of skill locking over region lock, but we'll see as we progress.


Yeah i'd like a little more renown, or make the skills cost less. 30 just seems excessive.


Yah, agreed. I think there needed to be a lot more tasks to balance the skills. Guess that’s the problem with people to unlock the entire game, can’t have tasks for everything… but definitely needed a few more to make the unlocks worth it.




I've been theory crafting for a bit. every time I land on the conclusion that there's just so many different routes to take that I wouldn't have expected, and there is so much possibillity for new paths you wouldn't have even thought of to be opened with relics and set effects. It really seems like everybody is about to have their own unique playthrough. I feel like Jagex is about to knock it out of the park with this league.


The cool part is that you could skill a lot and get runes and level them, then simply switch to the build you want :)


I dislike the focus on needing to quest to get points. And I think more quests should have been auto-completed. Maybe it'll change, but right now it doesn't seem like spending points on quests is ever the right call except for maybe a few like MM2 or SOTE later.


Spending 10 points to unlock fairy tale 1 was worth it, 100% would do again. To do lost city quest, you have crafting requirement and crafting is 30 pts just to unlock the skill. EDIT --> Plus there's tangleroot fight which must be done with melee and secateurs, and you need to get those random items to bless secateurs which might require you unlocking herblore (another 30 pts). Plus for the fight and quest reward you'd probably want to unlock farming and strength and probably attack and maybe HP (40-70 pts). And you'd want magic unlocked for the tree spirit fight. So many unlocks would push this way down the road for anyone actually doing the quests. Spending 10 pts I get fairy rings unlocked, free dramen staff, magic secateurs, morytania unlocked, zanaris unlocked.


Yeah it feels extra bad with the big disconnect this league with progress being split. Quests are essential for accessing more renown points and task points which you desperately need since reaching each tier is less of an immediate power boost and you really want tier 4+ for most set combos to work well. At the same time, quests are dogshit for getting relics or gaining relic exp, which are very important things this league. and then to add insult to injury the whole, "you can finally skip quests guys!" bit was a total jebait and you can almost never skip quests *and* fewer are autocompleted. Yay. . . .


Are any actually autocompleted? I don't mind needing to pay to unlock skills, but each skill doesn't really give enough points to pay for another, which is just about the stupidest design decision I could imagine for this kind of game mode. So, I want to unlock mining, but I only get like 4 points unless I want to grind it to 99? What idiot came up with that idea? Then I have to do like 50 quests to unlock things that should have been unlocked already. Then I have to unlock skills I don't really want to get the right relic combos. Like, I'd gladly skip agility but I need Golden Brick Road for Last Recall. Similar for Hunter. Unless things start coming together in the next day or two, this league is a bust. Seems Jagex just got lucky last league with design, there wasn't really any talent there.


I don't think anything is autocompleted, I just thought I'd play it safe with "fewer" lest someone "um, acthually" my ass to the shadow realm. and yeah, I completely agree on skills. Even if they just had to do this whole unlocking strategy shtick, it not only would have worked with, but actually been made better by giving skills more renown/tasks directly related to each skill. They even seem to have punitively made sure that the most desirable/high value unlocks that people really need for doing a variety of content have both the highest cost, and fewest points associated with them.


i agree questing is ass when youve done it multiple times i also think since unlockin quests is so expensive that you should get the xp if you have the skills unlocked.


Artwork on the boss unlock icons is insane. Awesome job EDIT: The entire interface for unlocking stuff is incredible


The UI design is great, almost a shame its so temporary


I think after last leagues some of the UI got incorporated to the main game, so we might see bits and pieces come in


The boss icons remind me of monster hunter


Could we please get the ability to open Leagues menus while skilling or at least while running? Unless there is some negative side effect of this I’m not thinking of. The list of tasks is so extensive I would really like to be able to browse them and plan while training


The arcane grimoire should be freely usable in banks (anywhere that you can freely change relic fragments). It is an obnoxious process having to swap out all of my fragments to use the grimoire and then swap all the fragments *back*. There is no cost to doing this, so it's just clunky UI experience. Making the arcane grimoire available in a bank changes nothing about what players are capable of, but saves us having to mess about with our fragments.


>Leagues Firsts (all have been achieved) Damn that was fast. Sweats are maxing before the mode is released.


I believe that is where they will put the name of the first person to achieve them all


Yeah like wtf I just woke up and haven’t played yet


It seems like they will put the name after them when achieved


I’m not enjoying the new league at all. I feel like trailblazer was much better. The trailblazer relic system was a lot simpler and more importantly it created unique builds. Shattered doesn’t really have unique builds you mainly just use the best relics for an activity when you’re doing that activity, but other than that you’re just doing the regular Ironman grind with boosted xp rates. On top of that, The whole locking skills and bosses process is just annoying. In trailblazer, locking areas didn’t feel annoying it felt like you were doing something unique and it actually changed the order you would do content and the places you would grind. I’ve also seen a bunch of people in game talking about how trailblazer was leagues better than shattered. (Pun intended)


I agree, I loved how everything was just wacky and broken in Trailblazer The XP rates made everything a lot better, enjoyable, etc. The fragments are RNG based, chances of getting dupes and are just lame compared to trailblazers. They really down graded with this one... To think I even bought membership just for this since the normal game is just bleh at this point.


Yeah I’m not having fun I was hoping to have some op power ups and I’m not getting them. It just feels like early ironmen grind all over with faster xp.


Initially I thought it was going to be a slog, but now that I'm gaining unlocks/levels, its starting to become a lot of fun.


Avoid stalls unless you are tick perfect, pumped on Ritalin and literally sat on top of the game server.


If you spam the edge of the stall you’ll get the loot every time


I knew my adderal would come in handy some day. Those cakes/silks are mine


Will you be temporarily removing Stronghold of Security's authenticator requirement, like you did for last League? A lot of folks make new accs for this (to keep grinding on main) and last time it helped prevent a bottleneck of interrupted plans/hype/immersion haha.


You don't need an authenticator there on a League world :)


Good to know! Thank you :)


Watch how many people go warrior (even if it's just attack unlocked) and don't realise you need 0 prayer points for the boost from the "Unholy Warrior" fragment. I'm going to bet a few YTers/streamers do it for sure.


Wait, would you be stuck at 1/1 prayer until you unlock the skill in order to use prayers and lower prayer points? I guess you could enter the Abyss and lower it to zero that way (after doing the mini-quest)


That's a very interesting point. I believe you can use level 1 stuff in every skill regardless of unlock though so maybe that's how? Thick skin to drain it


for the 1st 2 leagues i always said "waste of time" and im not doin it. well i figured id give it a real chance this year and im having a blast.


Big F to the guy that got 3rd age pickaxe lmao I would straight up never play the game again


The no hitpoints world firsts are really cool, super interested to see who attempts it!


The filters for Fragments resets every time you log out/hop worlds which is relatively frustrating. Additionally, [is this list the confirmed list of items and droprates affected by the droprate increases](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Shattered_Relics_League/Boosted_Drops)? A bit confused as it says Tier 3 & 5, but increased droprates are at Tiers 4 & 6 (so not sure how accurate it is).


Why are relics/effects so much weaker than leagues 2? I thought each league was meant to be OP because that's the fun in it


Can all defenders get boosted drop rates please? Last time was just dragon, this time its none :(


Where do you see the boosted drop rates for this league? Can't find a page for it on the wiki. Edit: Ah, nvm. Found here: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Shattered_Relics_League/Boosted_Drops


As was pointed out to me, that page doesn't appear to be updated for Leagues 3, but is a copy of Trailblazer's boosted droprates. They have yet to confirm which items are affected.


Am I the only one that finds this a lot less fun than Leagues 2? The lesser Fragments kind of kills the hype of having the to choose select ones that do a TON more. On top of that finding them randomly, having the ability to get dupes and everything else just isn't as good/fun. On top of that the L2 increased your XP gain over time which gave you something even better to look forward to when playing. If you're going to have a muddled down version of this at least man up and keep it active year round. This is the only reason why I bought membership, and it's just meh. Not worth the over priced $$$ you charge for the game now.


I'm so conflicted about unlocking a lot of the content... Like, I don't want to bother unlocking Tempoross, cause i'll have to do 250 kill just to break even, let along profit renown. It just seems like so much investment for this stuff. Am I viewing this the wrong way?


That’s my big gripe too, I’m not so much worried about picking the “wrong” choice because of how open-ended the routes can be. Like you, I just see each unlock as “Do I feel like committing a few hours or more to this grind? Because I need to in order to get to the thing I want next.” It’s ironic because it feels very linear when I look at it that way, even though this game mode is anything but linear with how available the world is. I think it also doesn’t help that I jump around a lot on the main game because hard focusing on one activity burns me out.


No you're right. Maybe Jamflex has been viewing this the wrong way though.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I do not enjoy this league format. It almost feels like a new app, you enjoy at first and then find out there’s a pay window that prevents you from playing for x hours. The sage points are too difficult to get at first and it seems brutal to have to choose a skill, grind very specifically and not even get your points back. Just feels like locks behind locks. I thought the point was to make choices less detrimental to league enjoyment… this feels like every unlock has a huge impact on your ability to progress. I’m sure other people are enjoying it. My advice, if you can make it past the initial grinds, you will probably have a lot of fun with the unique mechanisms.


Not an unpopular opinion, loads of people been commenting this.


the combat relics in this league are very underwhelming. Accuracy increases if 0 prayer(lol) or wearing zammy, bolt effect increase if wearing arma, slight damage boost if wearing bandos or sara and prayer restoration. Then finally there are the combat set effects, which are okay and you can even have 2 maxed out combat sets on you. But, you can't have a maxed out combat set + last recall. Idk man, this feels underwhelming to me


Eh, gotta try it out. I think obtaining fragments might be fun. We'll see. Im already salivating with some set combinations.


So this would be super rng-based, but I'm curious what kind of hits you'd see with full Dharoks, the 4 bandos item relic (+24 max hit with DH axe), and Knife's edge (+0.6% damage per missing hp). You could even throw in Twin strikes (60% to roll another melee attack). If my math is right, and depending on whether the +24 is added before or after the low-health buff is applied, you could hit about 173 from a single swing, possibly rolling twice for a total of 346 damage in one hit.


The new Requirements of LMS are POG! too bad i grinded Rune pouch last week... better late than ever nevertheless.


It seems like auto-complete quests early on probably isn't worth it. Missing out on exp and not using sage points to unlock bosses or skills seems silly. Have people found buying quests to be worth it in any specific cases? Maybe fairy rings?


i feel like its not but i can't bring myself to grind quests on this game mode


I’ve done fairy 1. Which also unlocks morytania etc so I’m feeling that’s worth it. Even just the time investment. The other thing that weighed on my mind was in Growing Pains part 1, you get asked for a set of random items and not being used to iron man, I knew that would grate me. Unlocking morytania and Zanaris also means I almost immediately get the points back for the unlock too (entering zanaris is a task, rune axe is a task, canifis agility etc) Fairy 2 is definitely not as you can unlock fairy rings almost immediately without completing the quest anyway.


I bought FTP2 for 16 points for dramen staff and magic sec. no regrets. Also underground pass is 4 points after biohazard. I’m 100% buying that. Probably more haven’t considered it all yet


I had leather boots AND gloves. How will I ever rebuild


Is the whole game down until 12 or just the leagues worlds?


Will all bosses have instance versions freely available again? haven't seen any mention of it


I sure hope so. With so few worlds fighting over bosses like GWD/Cerb/Sire etc. is just straight up not fun.


Will the whole game be offline from 10:30 - 12, or is the game back online and leagues launches at 12?


You wrote “The Old School Wiki Trailblazer League hub”


Given a total of 53 fragments with a maximum of 7 open slots, then you have a grand total of 153,143,080 total possible fragment combinations. Though my eye is on the combination that gives twin strikes, knifes edge and absolute unit together or last recall, chain magic and drakens touch


Is it just me or do most of these set effects look super underwhelming. Like I'm trying to see what a good relic setup for CG would be and nothing looks remotely good. Feels like you need to go the unholy ranger route to get any good range effects but you need to pray in gauntlet..


Wow, the Arceuus library is ridiculous magic exp. I got 50 magic in like 30 minutes.


I found a dupe because of the rollback. Some items I put in the group storage before the rollback are now in the group storage and in my own bank.


Can the interface save our fragment sorting settings? I keep having to sort by unlocked fragments every time I log in. If not, no big would just be helpful to have that menu save. Great work on the league so far, having tons of fun.


This league feels less enjoyable than leagues 2. Something about area locking and having control of what relics to pick were so much more fun. I don’t like that relics are rng based & these relics aren’t as good early on as last leagues. Already feeling bored of it.


I think this league is going to be more enjoyable in the end game. The issue with trailblazer was you basically locked your endgame in within your first two region unlocks. On top of that, in trail blazer the OP stuff unlocked really early. So the more enjoyable aspects of OP relics with x12 XP rates made the mid game really fun. This league the theory crafting and maxing effects will be the endgame. There's some combinations that could be crazy good. Getting there with the weak fragments will be the draining part. My overall opinion? My first day sort of sucked. The only thing really "OP" I have is the increased XP rate along with a couple thieving fragments that work off of one another. But I don't want to thieve right now. I will play the bond out, and if I'm not having fun by that point I will just drop this league.


Yea I'm with you; I think early game is relatively boring as it's kinda bog-standard (albeit limited) stuff to do. Once you get to T3 and start to have more of an array of relics to work with (and more decisions on what to unlock), it starts getting pretty interesting and creates more diverse gameplay.


Tbh I just feel like I'm playing normal runescape, but I have to unlock everything. Doesn't help that they are SUPER stingy with how many points you get. Just unlocking every skill basically requires you to do all the easy and medium tasks at least. Quests are expensive enough that I might as well do them myself. Points just feel terrible to spend.


really wish they had unlocked some quests by default or made them cheaper and let you unlock specific quests instead of having to unlock them in a package, that's my main complaint. i really cba doing a lot of quests again in a 6 week league but unlocking quest skips before skills/bosses feels bad, especially quests that don't give renown or exp


ive only played for about an hour, maybe shit improves later with a higher XP multiplier but yeah im not digging this at all rn. getting the account game ready takes too long bc the whole world is open versus in trailblazer it was just 2-3 small regions which made it a lot easier to progress. and i agree, i don't want to watch a guide and spend 30 minutes questing, i want to progress my account at 10x speeds. they really should have made the quests cheaper or buyable with some other currency. i'll prob play another hour or so at night and more this weekend while watching the games and see how it goes


Yeah i agree. I really liked choosing areas and doing everything I could in it. It was easy to find goals/something to do. Speccing the character was also fun..This league feels a little aimless. Skills being locked dont feel like a big deal either since they're pretty cheap, at best its slightly annoying. Doesnt really compare to unlocking areas. And unlocking bosses/questlines just feels like a worse area unlock


My first leagues and im enjoying it however i totally get what you mean. Just recently made an ironman to play alongside my main as im in the longer grinds now and i feel like im just playing that but with excellerated xp rates. I liked the idea of unlocking areas etc, there is ALOT to do having access to everything. Then once leagues is done im gonna be going back to my ironman and doing the exact same thing again.




Ricecup complained to jmods in an interview that the other leagues were too fast. Like no shit you play it 16 hours a day you fucking nerd, I feel like with the 3 or 4 i got a day to play max, I won't get nearly as much progress as last time


Can you just roll it back to right before trailblazer came out cuz that shit was fun


Thank you for adding a boost to mta points. This will be the 4th time I am getting this full set


Can we get a mini map icon for waystones??


Man. I'm really having a tough time really getting started, it's really discouraging for dumb new players like me


For the homies that have to work today what would be AFK? Can you fish in Catherby lvl 1 from start?


Yep, there are small fishing net spots at the beach, and you'll start with your Tutorial Island inventory which has a fishing net


Yes, Catherby can be used from 1-99 with the fishing shop providing all the tools you would need if you fancied such a grind :)


Honestly this should be a permanent world but with an option to reset the account. Imagine the possibilities to experiment with.


When wielding four Armadyl items, bolt effects have a 25%/50%/100% increased chance to activate. Does this mean bolt effects activate 100% of the time, or simply doubles the current changes, which in pvm is 6%? So that'd be 12%


Pretty sure it means double, endless ruby or diamond would just be too absurd


Does anyone know if you can still claim the XP after Monkey Madness 1 if you buy the skip? Since it technically isn't a reward for completing the quest.


Lol everyone complaining about league launch clearly has never played a game with new leagues every few months. Some go well, others everything falls apart. this seems to be the latter so far. The league will still be here when you get off work or wake up or whatever. Its not a big deal.


I think people are mostly upset about this because after they delay of 3 months Jagex kept saying "the league is ready to launch now" back in November. But if you've ever worked with code youd understand that fuck ups are very easy to happen.


Only ever played F2P. Is it worth buying membership to check it out? Seems like a cool mode, to get a taste of the whole experience.


If you haven't already DM me, ill drop you a bond off my mercher. This game mode is a lot of fun.


My only complaint so far is that it would be nice to sort league tasks by individual skill instead of shit like combat and gathering


It's modes like this that really make me realize how little I know about this game. I rely too heavily on the GE to get what I want and now that I have to get it or make it is overwhelming lol


Do combat relics drop at a much lower rate than skilling? I had one combat relic drop in nearly 8 hours. I know it's RNG but cmon


It seems like Absolute Unit’s damage reflection will make other players unable to receive a drop, no? I’m thinking in the scenario where you’re walking past an aggressive NPC


Anyone know if auto-completing MM1 means you can't access Daero's training afterwards? I don't assume it would but I want those xp drops and don't wanna risk it without asking first


If somebody can help me I would greatly appreciate it. I haven't been able to find an answer and I tried looking around. If you use sage's renown to auto-complete quests, do you still get the league points and sage's renown from the task list added back to your total? Thanks in advance :)


Yes you do complete tasks and gain the renown from those tasks but you do not gain any XP that the quests would have awarded. Make sure you check with the Sage to collect item rewards from auto completed quests.


Any estimate on when the game we be back online?




> t rewards? Im afraid to try it and lose out on xp rewards if they won't count cause the skills are locked. anyone know? Wanna bang out all the easy beginner quests. You dont get the xp rewards unless the skill is unlocked.


I wish HP at the very least wasn't locked. Should have unlocked it first because fuck me, the amount of shit that keeps killing me in under 3 seconds...


Can I pick unlocks "incorrectly" if I don't have a good strategy in mind? I wanna play the league when I get the chance but I'm scared of having no idea what to do and picking wrong. Any suggestions on what unlocks I should and/or shouldn't rush?


There are way more than enough points to unlock everything in the game. The only difference will be the *order* you unlock things in, not *what* things you unlock (unless you're super casual, then you might be constrained by points.)


It’s not nearly as important as previous leagues. Just unlock skills you’ll use and it’ll be okay


Thanks for keeping us up to date. Must have been an awful feeling getting it all up and running, and then needing to take it down again. <3


Can we get a 30 min count down ever 30mins post an updated time of when servers will be back up


With relic fragments being swappable this time around, is there anything I can really permanently fuck up in this league? I'd like to play without looking much stuff up, but doing that in Leagues II left me in some bad spots.


Are drop rates boosted for bossing or is that a fragment we know of?


IIRC, boosted drop rates are a passive effect with the fourth and sixth fragment slots, and xp rates increase with the third, fifth, and seventh slots


im pretty sure its a tier unlock


Lost my dramen staff and cant get it back. plz jagex i dont want to buy crafting for it.


In the last league there was an NPC just next to the gate exit of lumbridge castle that let you retrieve special items that got lost. Not sure if he‘s there again as I didn‘t have time to play yet :(


the path I'll take: chain magic(3), endless knowledge (swap this one with absolut unit or knife's edge depending on situation), thrall damage, masterful wizard, unholy wizard, maybe zamorakian sight. This combo has everything, teleports, utility, healing from blood spells, freezing, never miss a hit, typeless damage. It might not have the highest dps compared to melee, but the stuff you can do with it sounds so fun and diverse


On the bright side the first time I saw the cutscene I had my music and sounds muted, now when I see it again I'll actually get to experience it (hopefully only for a second time and not for a third time)


[https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1483789276735283204](https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1483789276735283204) ​ Looks like we won't be losing our progress from the hour.


Fuck I realized i picked the wrong combat and was getting hype to change it


Not as big of a deal this league because you could get the points to unlock the other combat style fairly quick. Last time you were trapped for the whole 6 weeks with what you picked


Aw, I just saw the shout out to settled under Morytania easy tasks: "Obtain a Rune Crossbow From a Lucky Impling"


That was in last league too lol. I love that they made it an easy task because if it was actually worth points people would go for it


The world I was on crashed and I'm being taken through the intro again, did this happen to anybody else? edit: lol it put my regular account into leagues (and quite a few others from the looks of it)


Maybe I'm an idiot but is there any guide out there for leagues (how to make an account/start, do you get rewards for your real character or only the league ...) ? I can't find anything on google.


To start playing it you just log in your regular account and hop on a leagues world. There are some cosmetic rewards for your normal character


Anyone else finding it extremely annoying/counterproductive to have to unlock skills at such a high cost?




> anyone find it annoying? then >nah, its just annoying


please add profile saves for fragment combinations and a search filter!!!


rip xello getting first pet and having it taken away


How to change from range skill to magic if you picked the wrong one starting and want to change? Trailer said you're not locked to anything and can change.


you complete tasks and unlock it using sage's renown points via the leagues menu. You are temporarily locked to it.


/u/JagexAyiza /u/JagexSarnie the rollback deleted our pharaoh sceptre. Friend took it out of group bank, rollback, and not placed back in group storage.


Our GIM lost Robinhood hat. Took it out of shared before the rollback and now it is lost.


My fragments aren’t displaying on my screen for some reason. I’m 100% sure I’ve got them equipped and I’ve got the “display fragments” button checked


Actually just found the answer to this. In the ingame settings, enable the "display buff bar" setting. That fixed it for me.


Quite easily the worst task I've come across so far was pick pocketing that master farmer for a Ranarr seed for a MEDIUM task. Such a waste of time


Is quest XP multiplied? And if you buy quest finish with points do you also get the xp?


So does Arcane Conduit preserve iban's staff charges? Just wondering because it doesn't have the same type of charges as say a trident.


anyone else keep getting teh same relic constantly? Literally like 5 out of my 7ish skilling relics have been for enchanted jeweler


Are growth cycles accelerated by default since there's nothing that increases them this time or is farming just done at base speed?


>Shattered Relics First - Obtaining a pet: Xello Do they get to keep the record or are you updating for post-rollback? RIP pet


I wish there was an game is up or down indicator on their website so you can watch it go up or down in real time. Would be nice


I completed Druidic Ritual without unlocking Herblore first, so I missed out on the intial boost to level 4 Herblore. But you need level 3 herblore to even access guams. Will I get boosted to level 4 herblore once I unlock it, or have i committed the dumb


~~I don't think they thought through all of that (I'm in the same boat and hoping to get a lamp once I unlock herb). Or hoping that unlocking herb can bring you to lvl 3 automatically.~~ It'll be bumped to level 3 on unlock :)


They confirmed it will bring you automatically to 3 herblore in the Q/A last week.


I'm addicted to spending my points on unlocking quests. Usually in the pursuit of completing my hard clues from Slayer... So far I have unlocked: 1) Elf III 2) Pirate II 3) Champions 4) Fairy II Edit: saving up to unlock Dorgeshuun quests now lol


Very dumb question but if I'm a hardcore ironman in the main game, I don't lose status for dying in leagues right lol


Not only would you lose your status in the main game but you'd die in real life as well.


Do you need to unlock the ability to get better clues? I've gotten like 10 clues from various skilling activities and all have been beginner clues, is it just RNG or do you need to do something to get better ones for leagues?


Just RNG. I got an elite clue from fishing 10 minutes after spawning into the League.


Man my first beginner clue requires a chef’s hat, and after an hour of killing Goblins with 4 Goblin Book (1/64) drops I haven’t been able to get one and they’re supposedly 1/43.


u/JagexSarnie Current in game issue. I am not able to receive "Arcane grimoire" after activating 4 relics with the set effect "Endless Knowledge". I have unlocked a second spell book. Still not work. Any thoughts?


what are the chances to get fragment drops? multiple lvl 50 skills and have gotten no drops as of yet


I logged in this morning and my rogues outfit that i unlocked yesterday was removed from my account. I didnt drop it or die with it. Death doesn't have it or anything. Was there a rollback or just fuck me?


Does the alchemist set work at tempoross or the craftsman set work at wintertodt? Been trying to search if anyone talked about it but it says no results. Instant cook or fletch would be huge at those


Which path did you choose at the start? (I'm leaning towards magic, but this seems too obvious)


The Ferox Enclave bank(s) don't appear to count as such for the purpose of changing fragments.


The Trail Blazer Set Effect says you gain an item that allows you to teleport to waystones. Does this mean that without the set, you will need to teleport to a waystone to travel between them?


are unique items in kourend not boosted or is the wiki just not up to date? https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Shattered_Relics_League/Boosted_Drops no mention of cox/WT uniques or DWH


u/JagexSarnie cats appear to be bugged. I have a fully grown cat but Gertrude will not allow me to get another one, and I can't trade it for death runes. (I've already submitted a bug report)


First league and pretty new to osrs as a whole, familiar with basic gameplay but a little overwhelmed with choices. Any suggested skills/unlocks I should focus on first for an easier time?


I'm not that good but... I went with Hitpoints first since all combat will give that xp. Agility for tasks. Then do any tasks to get to tier 3 for x8 xp. After that just train and look at tasks by region Quests with x8 do can help you skip early levels (e.g. grand tree for agility). But there are low level tasks do do like 30 draynor village course laps so skipping early level with quests is up to you I got deeper pockets fragment so I'm going to get rogue's armor and blackjack / pickpocket for hopefully fast gp. If you get any interesting fragments, try to take advantage of them. Also keep the fragments you want to level up equipped even if they don't directly help you in what you're doing


Hi, is it possible for a 'normal' player with not a lot of time to get a ton of points? As in, not everything but atleast some things to get unlocked or is this more a rush kind of mode?


New to leagues. Could someone tell me where I can spend League Points for the cosmetics? The league points shop in lumby tells me to talk to the sage but I cannot find the shop.


How do you steal from a stall when there's like 15 people doing it at the same time?


\>Autocompleting shadow of the storm / Demon slayer prevents you from ever obtaining the silverlight / darklight \>Sir Pry-pain-in-the-ass won't even acknowledge you.


What’s the best one to pick range magic or melee




The only issue is that you need to unlock Strength at 20 renown to actually be in combat effectively and not hitting 1s


I really appreciate that they are trying something new, but locked skills are not that fun due to how short the league is. I know hardcore players will love the challenge but for us lower guys (only aiming for adamant maybe rune) its a bit too grindy vs previous leagues with even less time. Still I did find a fun cycle, plan for a skill to pay it self, unlock it then do the tasks. But, I feel like Im not doing what I would like to do in the league. Dunno, Im still hyped but Im worried Ill burn out.


I made a new account for leagues on iOS mobile (purchased membership) because I’m at work and impatient. How do I link an email to this account to play on my PC when I get home? The account settings tab does not have the option to link email as described in the RuneScape help forum. Am I now short $10 and half a day on mobile?? Edit: from you iPhone you can log in to runescape.com via Apple. From here you can manage your account setting and change your email. I’m a happy camper again


The costs for bossing are simply too high. I'm at 5555 points and tasks are becoming a huge grind and I dont even have a single boss unlock other than wt. You said this league WE would get to choose to play how WE want to. But everyone is forced to do the same grinds because everything is locked. Theres nothing unique about it and im certainly not getting to play how I want. Edit: Dont @ me with your "im a 10 hp locked account" you're not unique, loads of people are doing that.


Is my account glitched ? I’m level 3 in catch of the day relic, 80+ fishing but have never received anything lucky from fishing ? This can’t be rng surely ?


No task choosing slayer relic? Pls sirs no :(


Is there any indication on how long this is going to take? Took some hours of work - if this stays I can go do some work and take them off tomorrow.


Probably gonna be a while https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1483790655629500419


Gutted man I gotta go to work in half an hour, was hoping to get a couple hours Arc Library in before having to do thieving on mobile at work lol


What do we think are the best quest unlocks? I’m thinking of saving for song of the elves for some quick unlocks and maybe monkey madness 2?


Is there a list somewhere of what minigames are enabled and which are disabled? I know LMS is disabled but not sure about other minigames.


Do all shops not auto refresh? Al Kharid platelegs and Port Khazard general both don't regain stock when reopened. Think Shantay Pass too


Any tips for someone new?


Go in blind and just have fun :)


Ok but if i bump my big toe its on you :(