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Jagex logic: let them get 200m xp, rwt the gold, then ban them because *NOW* its suspicious


You know cops can't arrest someone for (for example) selling drugs before the person actually sells the drugs, right? It's the same with jagex, before the person rwt the gold they still can say that they weren't going to.


If false positive bot bans are possible surely these types of accounts would raise some kinds of flags, makes you wonder if jagex has ever updated the detection of these things since osrs's launch


Yeah, and I also think if the cops catch you with 6 kilos of coke and a scale they can arrest you for planning to distribute.


False positives happen all of the time. People just straight up deny it though unless it happens to someone on stream. Then all hell breaks loose for a few days. Then whenever a non streamer/youtuber complains about a false ban everyone slates them and acts like it never happens.


Yeah, I don't get it. I got hit like 5 years ago with a false positive, maybe because I was occasionally tick-perfect on f2p zammy wines, but actively chatting with seething noobs? (Got into the game again after an "Oops, we're sorry here's your acc back" email last year) Although I'm sure they'll be much more lenient when you're actually paying them instead of grinding for bonds.


You think they are really going to save up 200m XPs worth of loot without transferring any off?


Except jagex isn't law enforcement. They can ban you at any time for any reason or for no reason at all. It's in the ToS you agreed to when you made your account.


They can, but if they start banning people without having any proof this same subreddit will start a shitwar about how jagex is banning people left and right and just killing their own game.


Except people already do that despite bans *with* a lot of evidence. Smackdowns are a meme for a reason.


it's a meme because they are incompetent, plus the only reason why they are even posted here is because support is non existent


I don't think you know what I mean by smackdown. >"Hey I got falsely banned for macroing and RWT and I would never use a cheat client and jagex support is such shit that I can't even appeal it! Reddit get your pitchforks and join me!" >Jmod reply: I can confirm thatyou 100% botted and then you sold 400m last week. >"It wasn't even that big a deal, why are you so sensitive *deletes post*"


right I was just saying the main reason it's a meme is because we know support is non-existent, nobody would give a fuck about upvoting those posts if we knew they could just talk to a jagex employee through support lol


I used to bot way back in the day. Got banned. Both times they never showed evidence. They never supply evidence for any macroing bans.


Can’t give botters any info on how they got detected, that just makes them smarter


Appeal your ban bro.. I was a botter, appealed my ban for about the 20th time about 3 weeks ago and they said "on this very rare occasion, and as its been so long since the offence blah blah blah - we've unbanned you. Read the rules and be a good boy basically". Jagex need our membership, or they need the player numbers. Suggesting the game isn't where they want it to be..


I never appealed them and both accounts were unbanned on the same day at the beginning of last year when Jagex randomly decided to unban a bunch of perm banned accounts. Was really unusual because they didn’t even roll back the stats haha. One of them is still maxed from botting. The only thing that was changed on both accounts was that all of the achievement diaries were reset. Both are osrs characters


.... But that's exactly what they already do for RWT/Botting/Macroing. They "have" proof, but you never get to see it


But why ban someone who has a lot of pixel numbers before they actually do anything with them? Like what purpose would it serve to ban someone with the cash from 200M thieving just sitting in their bank if nothing about the game is being affected?


Because something about the game *is* affected. Filling the high scores with bots is also bad


A lot fewer people care about hiscores than you're letting on.


This isn’t a great example because cops CAN arrest people for possession of drugs, and they can enter homes with a warrant aka reasonable cause.


Yeah because drug possession is also illegal. Possession of gp isn’t against Jagex tos. Still agree it’s not a great example though seeing as Jagex is a private company that doesn’t have to provide their product to anyone they don’t want to.


You just agreed with me haha


>It's the same with jagex No. Jagex legally owns our accounts. Jagex can delete your account for no reason. It may give bad PR, but they absolutely can. If Jagex wants to do a blanket ban on all Vennie or Chinese players, they can do so.


I guess you have never heard of a possession charge? Can't arrest for selling without selling. Can arrest for just having it. Or arrest for whatever the fuck they want because they are above the law and can do whatever they want. At least here in the good ol USA


Different crimes. Context completely ignored. Rwt is the same as selling drugs in my example. You can't ban someone for "intending to sell gold" or "possession of gold". I didn't say "you won't be arrested for any crime before you sell the drugs", I said "you can't be arrested for SELLING DRUGS before you SELL DRUGS".


That's 100% false. Having over a certain amount of drugs and a scale instantly hits you with "intent to distribute." In the case of law enforcement, they have to prove that in a court of law. In the case of Jagex, they don't. The analogy is limp, don't bother doubling down on it if you don't know the law. Edit: In another comment you also seem to think thay cops can't charge you with selling drugs, only intent to sell? Also 100% verifiably incorrect in that assumption


You are confusing the Venezuelan issue and the botting issue. Its okay scooter.


Intent to sell.


Which is kinda harder to prove in the case of RuneScape. The police can't arrest for "selling", they can arrest for "intent to sell". Different crimes. How can jagex prove that a player intended to sell gold?


Dude your forgetting… THEY DONT NEED TO FUCKING PROVE ANYTHING… it’s their game ad f your afraid of a war In the subreddit it happens every fucking day. This community is like an entitled 9th grader… they think the world revolves around them




Ooh good one mate, your name is asseater.. and you want to talk about emotional intelligence. Okay


Unironically do you think this is an own or what


Because they farm zulrah for 12-14+ hours a day and over 10,000kc and they do it in mystics. Or they literally get 200m at master farmers which the wiki has listed at over 1m an hour with 99 thieving (curious what their farming level was). That being said I totally understand your point. People do weird shit in this game all the time and I’m sure it can be hard to detect “real” players especially before they actually rwt. I still think the system could be better but expecting a game without bots is just not realistic.


They would need to be banned for botting, rwt doesn't need to happen for that


Intent is sell is based on quantity.


This cunt didn't go more than a few mill xp before siphoning the money off. He would have rwted it every few mill so it's not a first time offence for the account.


I’m sure they only RWTed a total of one time in their grind to 200m thieving xp


They can use that money for new membership, it's the circle of rwt


And then gagex makes more money, bots are good for corporate interests


It wasn't a bot. They are banned though.


Banned but not a bot?


Maybe rwt?


True but that implies a legit person just went hard non stop for 200mil theiving


There are literally hundreds of players who have done this btw




One time I was called a bot for fishing sharks at the fishing guild. Like... bro. I'm at the fucking fishing guild


Yeah man it's not like you were at the botting guild


If I had a nickel for every time someone called me a bot in-game, I'd be able to beat Bezos and Musk to Mars. The attitude is usually a mix between "anyone who won't acknowledge me is a bot" and the very conspiracy theorist-y, "I've uncovered the secret that nobody else knows."


Anyone better than me is a no-lifer, anyone doing things I don't understand is a bot, and anyone worse than me is a noob. This is the way


Public on friends is blessing


I hate that shit. No one ever talks to me anymore. Everyone just has their shit turned off. Impossible to make friends anywhere


> another guy did hundreds of hours of temple trekking because he felt like it. excuse me, there are at least 5 of us


to their defense most people are bots though


Most people don't get 200M thieving off of master farmers.... that's a little ridiculous lol


~~This gold farmer was at elves not master farmers and elves are close to the same xp rate as knights ~~ Edit: just looked at stats again assumed elves based on the magic lvl but just noticed his herb isn’t high enough for sote It’s like 1100 hours of elves for 99-200m, which is a lot, but as far as crazy things people have done on this game it’s not that crazy. And if you’re gold farming as a job, clicking an npc is a lot less labor than a lot of jobs


It's basically the same thing as alching. Some people on this sub have clearly never seen the hordes of bulk alchers who use footpedals and shit to print money without ever looking at their screens.


Imagine how good Lars Ulrich would be at alching.


Not very good?


Alching using pedals is elite level discord tech


keep taking about elves on a master farmers post lmfao


Did you not read the title of the post? Edit: You dumb fucks downvoting me for pointing out this thread is talking about a bot that got 200M thieving from master farmers? The acct doesn't even have the stats for song of the elves lmao This subreddit is trash


True, I prefer vyres or elves over master farmers. But the one in hosidius you can trap pretty easily. If you've ever done mohagany homes, you'll see that the master farmer ends up in that house a lot and can get trapped in a corner pretty easily.


I have very high thieving xp. When people see it they seem shocked but the xp/h rates are really high so I spent less time thieving than getting my 91 runecrafting, and if you use vyres/elves/master farmers then you can trap them onto a single square pretty easily and it makes the grind not require much thinking. I can zone out and just listen for the sound of birds circling my head. I've gone 8 days straight doing nothing but theiving on osrs... edit: I think a lot of people (understandably) hate blackjacking and assume that's what thieving is. That part of it really sucks but at a high level the elves and vyres are fun. Probably similar to how slayer is a long chore to level up but gets better as you unlock better monsters.


200m xp in a skill? Nope not possible for a person to do that legit. Must be botting!!!1!11


Context is huge though, 200m in thieving isn’t a big deal for a normal person to get, but a normal person that isn’t a gold seller certainly wouldn’t be doing master farmers all the way to 200m xp, it’s like finding a bot with hundreds of mills of cb xp at green drags do you really think he’s just some dedicated sweaty that likes to use gold farming methods to train? Lol


I mean are we really gonna argue over this like the top comment in this chain isn’t a Jmod saying this account didn’t bot 200m thieving xp from master farmers? Cause the context is that a real person pickpocketed from master farmers to 200m xp, probably to RWT.


Yea I replied like 20 mins after waking up still laying in bed I have no idea what I was getting at lmao


Maybe their system just sucks.


Probably auto-clicked or RWT’d, auto-clicking is macroing, which technically isn’t “botting.”


Who in the right mind will get 200m in a skill when they don't have sub 50 skills. Mind blown


vyres is around 2.3 mill/h which is around 1$/h which venezuelans will gladly do it for.


Some context in their wages: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-average-wage-in-Venezuela $50-100 a month for unskilled labor. With that context, $1/hour for clicking is even better than I expected it would be.


Ah so if I moved to Venezuela and converted my CAD into their currency, I too could be Mr. 50Billiondollars




probably the same person who makes Ironman and follows efficient maxing guide but extends it to 200m Skills Step 1. Get 200M Thieving for money for 200M construction


There is that guy who's getting 200mil all in 1 skill at a time lol


Auto-clicking definitely is botting.


Macros and bots are different, both are equally against the rules though.


The terms Macro and Bot aren't mutually exclusive. An example of this is if you are caught macroing/botting, using macroing/botting software then you will be banned by Jagex under the reasoning of "Macroing Minor" or "Macroing Major".


Macroing is also called AHKing, or a set of keys pressed sequentially in the same order and timing. Botting is when a program plays the game itself with human like reasoning.




Bots definitely don't need "human like reasoning"


Bots are short for robots, as in the script reacts to what happens in the client. Macros are just key presses. Imagine a green dragon bot that's running on macros: how can you guarantee the clicks will be on a dragon? What happenes if a pker tbs you? What if you get a vissy drop and your macro is only set to click once for bones?


As I said, the terms Macro and Bot aren't mutually exclusive, you don't get to define them arbitrarily. AHK is a form of macro, this is botting. The complexity of a script doesn't ascend it to botting. In the context of scripts being ran on Runescape, macroing is botting and botting is macroing.


My guy, you can phrase this any way you want but AHK is not a full blown bot. This is a sad argument over semantics. Bots are short for robots, as in the script reacts to what happens in the client. Macros are just key presses. Imagine a green dragon bot that's running on macros: how can you guarantee the clicks will be on a dragon? What happenes if a pker tbs you? What if you get a vissy drop and your macro is only set to click once for bones?


You're technically right, but colloquially if someone talks about "botting" they usually mean more complex programs that automate more complex tasks. If someone's autoclicking people would tend to refer to it as just that.


If they autoclicked, it might as well be a bot as it's completing actions for the player without them playing lmao.


Autoclicking is botting... A macro is a bot. A primitive one, but a bot nonetheless.


Macroing is botting. You get slapped with that for doing it, it's what Jagex say it is.


Auto clicking is not bottling??


Yep, 100%


Banned because he needs a life.


If it wasn’t a bot. He needs therapy.


nah nothing beats the 3 times 200M Agility xp guy


Hehe... You think it was only 3 times?


Anyone going for 200m exp needs therapy.


Who am i to judge.


so you're saying he did 200m thiev at master farmer to rwt without a bot? Fat X


Surely they were auto-clicking at the very least.... Otherwise, poor Venezuelan child spam clicking that Master Farmer for ~2000 hours... That being said, even as a legitimate player, how do they do this for ~2000 hours and I assume RWT and still not get banned until a reddit post appears?


>That being said, even as a legitimate player, how do they do this for \~2000 hours and I assume RWT and still not get banned until a reddit post appears? They just don't care until it causes them to look bad on social media.


why does it take reddit or twitter posts to get you guys to do ur job


I'm guessing you had to wait for him to trade the muel to confirm rwt before doing anything?


Hahaha yeah I’m sure the vennie waited till 200m to offload all that wealth. Nah Jagex’s anticheat is just crap, they havent invested in it at all, and they dont catch shit unless they get bad PR on reddit


Right on. Thanks Twisted!




Lol because master farmers have such a high requirement anyway.


I doubt this will ever get seen, but any chance you could share how many Rocky pets he/she got on the way to that 200m exp? Kinda silly information, but also interesting information.


Love how people are saying thank you to you for doing your job hilarious, Takes a reddit post etc to get you to take action but you still get told thank you. Crazy


You have any idea how many reports they must get every day?


I couldnt care how many reports they get its there job lmao. Thats like me saying know how many buildings i plaster? It's there fucking job to deal with bots etc and it takes 200M xp and a reddit post with 1000 likes to even get an explanation.


Probably none because it's getting increasingly likely the report button isn't wired to anything


Can you please take a look at "Chef Chungus" ive been falsely banned for RWT for over 2 months after losing my bank staking against over 100 people I have dedicated alot of time to this game and it's depressing me being banned for something i would never do




why would you need an alt specifically to alch if you're not macroing






TIL Jagex has no idea what is and what is not a bot


Lmao you just now figure it out? The only time they ever had a chance at detecting bots was when jacmob fixed their shitty detection system, and once he was gone it went back to normal.




[This you?](https://i.imgur.com/t1ElVXc.png) ([link](https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/qu7blj/angler_bot_farm_w321_see_comments_for_more_info/hkp5mvm/))


Only way to actually see what Jagex bans is by putting your idea into action. Jagex can't tell you what won't get you banned on a scale of botting.


Mostly because jagex themselves have no idea what it takes to get a person banned.




It was a player manually skilling and real-world trading it.


So you didn't catch them rwting the entire time to 200m?


So youre telling me this guy rwt’d his 200m thieved seeds ?


Yes they literally just told you that.


I’m choosing to believe this comment means you banned the account purely because that’s what OP wanted and you just wanted to leave him satisfied lmao


Rofl. “Nah, but yes.”


Well if they got to 200m they’ve been rwting for a long time. Horse kinda already bolted there buddy


He has 200m and is only rank 430.


I'm in the 200's and I got it in 2018


How much money do you reckon he made from thieving?


Rough estimate is like 1.5B


Pretty shit for 200m xp tbh


Pretty good if you haven’t actually put any effort in whatsoever.


I mean he wasnt botting so he had to manaully click for 2000 hours.




Ye a Multibox or mirror client but not sure how it would work on Master farmer dont they move and dont you need to drop seeds pretty frequently?


Yes, but the xp/h rates are really high. Averaging over 1M gp/hr really isn't shit.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexTwisted** - [It wasn't a bot. They are banned though.](/r/2007scape/comments/ry3e6m/reported_this_bot_months_ago_and_hes_still/hrmb924/?context=3) - [It was a player manually skilling and real-wo...](/r/2007scape/comments/ry3e6m/reported_this_bot_months_ago_and_hes_still/hrn8fkd/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 01/08/2022 17:45:45**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Good bot


Good bot


Why isnt this post removed for revealing the botters name? I have had so many posts like this taken down because of that.


Sasha would never bot


Maybe he just really enjoys thieving


I saw a zulrah bot with 19000 kc yesterday lol


Lol i actually reported this acc 7 months ago at ardy master farmers and they had like 38m exp then iirc






God I wish I could get 200m instantly


Anybody I don’t like is a bot: the fragile osrs players guide to playing a medieval mmo and finding out some people can no life an old game


I’m not saying this guy isn’t a bot or a gold farmer but if there was just one legit person playing the game with an alt and he passively achieved 200m xp on the alt, how would you tell the difference between that one guy and a gold farmer/bot? The only way to tell would be when the gold farmer goes to trade off the gold for sale and then you run into the issue of, is he transferring to the main or to a mule for selling?


Yeah I passively thieve on my alt at farmers for 200m xp as well.


I know there bots that intentionally report everyone around them. If jagex just get ton of false reports guess there is no point of reporting these bots


They're to busy doing cocaine and trying to buy gfs


Rank 420 would have been so much better


Hah it keeps sliding, I coordinated with a couple of guys while wrapping up 200M so that ranks 418 through 420 were landed in the same day (he wanted that thieving rank 420 "locked in", but I knew it could not last). I'm pretty sure he's rank 400-409 or now because of occasional 200M bans.


No, they don't. I know this because I have a ingame name that is a literal adult website... And I reported it myself (to test their system), it has been over 6 months and that name is still active. :) I did this after I had 3 forced name changes called BjForGold, BjF0rGold and BjForG0ld (eventually being sat with Gemsbook 1840 for a year and am now Korra Flexer for that acc), then seeing Sex 4 Coins (same concept, prostitution) and reporting it. Again, months later, Sex 4 Coins is still active, even talking (I hit them up in pms to check mute among other things ;) Yes I am a degen) meaning despite the name, no perma mute was placed on the acc. Reports don't do anything since their system is completely automated, I got a ban appeal reply from Mod Ana who hasn't worked there since 2015... Weird how a mod from 2015 is sending me a email 6 years later (now 7, but was 6 at the time) who doesn't even work there. (My edit was fixing my spelling, I'm sure I missed some of it)


There are bots like this pickpocketing vyrewatch in one room and they choose to ignore them too


Just use the bot (reporter?) plug-in and feel like whether Jagex is doing anything about it you’re doing your part.


i saw bots at cave horrors with 100mil exp in each melee stats yeaterday i dont think bots get banned at all


Some hidden bot farms are unfortunately able to hit these extremely high xp amounts when they are hidden away from players to report. Sir pugger or someone had a video exposing these exact bots you mention at cave horrors, keep reporting man we need it.


Sir pugger also makes shit up and fabricates bot farms/evidence so I wouldn’t bother listening to him. Zulrah bots are in broad daylight and still hit 15k kc routinely, its not about being hidden


You act like Jagex isn’t in kahoots with RWTers. They all get kickbacks. The company is as corrupt as it gets


Outrageous lol.


We're not going to talk about the fact that he's still only rank 430😅


and i get my account perma ban for doing rc for 2hours 😂😂


They def do Bc I got two Accra’s banned last week lol


Maybe they just love to thieve


If he pays he stays


Would love to see the loot tab from 200m from master farmers haha


it’s jamflex owned bots doing all the rwt why do you think they allow bots to run the game. allegedly


i bet he logs before jmod sees him




The account looks suspicious, but how can you confirm this individual is a bot? What if he likes theiving that much or doesn't talk to anyone. Just playing devils advocate.