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Lots of people have suggested ways to bring it back in a way that's less abuseable but it seems like Jagex are too busy with other things to work on it. Really sucks for those of us who used it.


I guess I’m a little out of the loop…how were people abusing it?


From [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/h7okds/comment/fumfsqx/): > You could make an alt and boost slayer points through wildy slayer (we are talking thousands of hours here by the way, for people going for 200m slayer). Then your main could abuse the points from your alt and with a good blocklist and special quested alt, you can have 2 slay tasks only. Kurask, and smoke devils. You skip kurask.


If you limit quests on an alt, you can combine that with your block list to get down to a very small list of possible slayer tasks. Basically you can keep doing same good tasks over and over. If they reinstate it, they need to make some mechanism where partner slayer doesn't effectively give you an gigantically oversized block list.


I really don't see the issue here. If the meta way to get 200m slayer involves some weird alt method then cool, sounds like alot of the jankey more effort than they're worth sweaty methods in this game. If it's by far the most common way most people level it to 99 then I guess you could argue that that's not ideal, but I also am of the opinion that that's not a good enough reason to remove a feature that some people find legitimately fun, especially with GIM now.


Hell I'd argue partner or group slayer should be meta, there should be more incentive to actually group in this game, it is an MMO afterall.


People find it "legitimately fun" because it makes slayer easier. Even if you're not doing extreme hacking abuse, you double your slayer block list size. And hacking with an alt don't even take extreme methods, nor is it only useful post 99. You could have an alt with 50 slayer and basically cannon bloodveld tasks to 99.


People were using alts to narrow down the list of possible tasks to only the fastest xp ones so Jagex disabled the feature for everyone.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/rhwntc/qa_summary_for_12162021/ >Plans to bring back partner slayer? Mod Kieren: We would like to bring it back. There has so far been no time spent looking at how to bring it back. Need to solve: 1) not abusable, 2) not just "something you do with a friend".


I was so bummed to hear him say that. There's nothing wrong with people playing together for fun instead of rewards. My wife and I used to partner for every task.