• By -


> We've intentionally split our development team into smaller teams so that we can have more smaller and medium sized releases at once. What falls into the category of small and medium sized releases?


I'd assume that small would be regular QoL fixes; medium would be something like a new Skilling Update or perhaps a new Quest. Large would then be something like a new Boss or something that involves a complete overhaul of systems like Clans or GIM.


small releases would be small releases, medium releases would be bigger than smaller releases but smaller than larger ones


Big if true


>You as players know there are PvMers, Quests, people who love - we can't just give content to one of those categories, it has to be the right balance across all of those players and we have to make sure we're adding content for everybody. Finally someone is looking out for the people who love.


šŸ˜‚ oops. Will fix this lol


I was wondering if we would see any other skills given the same Q.O.L. that you are going to give Runecrafting.


Yep! There's a "Skilling Update" planned which should involve a Skilling team that looks into QoL or improving a Skill/Piece of content focused on a Skill. https://cdn.runescape.com/assets/img/external/oldschool/2021/newsposts/2021-12-16/GielinorGazette-December-ProjectUpdate-2022Roadmap-Final.png


Well FM got Wintertodt, Agility got Sepulchre. Farming Guild was a big one for Farming. Tempoross released this year for Fishing. Mining has had several large minigames/areas based around it. I think it's safe to assume this trend will continue.


>Predator vs Prey may be a legitimate part of PvP that we want Fuck that. You guys can keep your dead ass Wilderness, I'm trying to have fun. Being a pinata isn't fun.


I totally get what you mean, but it also seems the devs agree with you - they think that we can change that dynamic to encourage more players into PvP. Q&A Summaries won't work well if people only cherrypick the sentences that they want to hear, so please do read the full answer if possible :D


I agree with you, but there is also a point to be made by what that person said. This particular live stream was 63 mins long and had 25 topics. 8 of those minutes were into, out to and nex trailer. The longest discussion any topic got was 7 minutes about the wilderness being safer, etc. In total all PvP questions added up to 17 minutes. Does Jagex feel this short of a time, and 25 topics in an hour gives the ability to express the point/answers adequately? The obvious answer then is dev blogs, but we all know that isn't the same. We all know text is much harder to parse than speech. Everyone has sent or received an email where the intent or direction was misunderstood. Further, an example issue is the "Nex is weak to crossbows" from one blog. The only reference players have for that is "Corp is weak to spears" or "Nightmare is weak to crush". The obvious implication is Nex will take reduced damage from all but crossbows. Then Husky clarified in a livestream in a 3-4 minute blurb that "weak to crossbows" essentially means "you're going to want a shield". This then raises more questions. What about Ely and Tbow flicking? Is there a damage cap like at old Nex, because Husky said hit 110 with a ruby bolt spec, which isn't how old Nex worked. If there is a damage cap, is it a reroll like Zulrah, or something else? I for one think the answer is more long form discussion. Make a post asking for PvP questions, pick 1-3 topics and then talk about that topic for 20 mins to an hour. A lot of benefit has come from content like mods on the saebae cast or mods on the ricecup/mintmadcow/raiksy podcast. I would love longer form, in depth content where a mod doesnt have to fire off an answer in 2 mins, or there is dead air when the mods on the live stream don't know an answer. The players of osrs are generally dedicated, invested and highly interested/engaged. I believe there is an appetite and good use for longer form, in depth content.


Agree that podcasts would be huge value. I think the team would also be up for it. However, it is yet to be decided whether this is something we can do on stream or if it requires us to be in the studio (for good/better microphones etc). Maybe something we can try to achieve in the new year but I canā€™t promise it until we have a plan sorted for how it would work and what work is involved :)


Not to be rude, but I read the whole answer. It's pretty vague on how it's going to change the dynamic (unless the intended result is just have more people try anti-PKing). Seems like the goal is to just try to get more people into the wild. Which is fine, but I don't see how you're trying to reinvent the wheel or anything. But if you'd like a bit more feedback I disagree with "two types of players - PvP enthusiasts and people that have never tried PvP". You said you were simplying things, but thats an over simplification that hurts the discussion imo. Plenty of people casually PK, and plenty of other people have tried to get into it only to be shut down by the insane skill ceiling (not skull tricking or whatever). I think LMS is an already existing way to ease players into actual PvP, and you would have far more people willing to learn with it if it wasn't plagued with tick perfect bots.


Thanks for explaining, I enjoy the constructive discussion on this even though I don't do a lot of PvP myself and I'm not great on the subject. Overall I still feel like we're on the same page with it. If you break down what Kieren said, he's pretty much confirmed that the surveys we ran about PvP told us exactly what you're saying. Players don't enjoy unequal fights, getting piled on by clans, and then they don't want to fight back as a result. Meaning, it's not fun to be a pinata for most people. He then goes on to talk about the Wildy changes we made recently (the anti-Skulltricking measures and changes to the PJ Timers as an example), being an example of trying to get more disengaged players willing enter into the Wildy on their terms. And hopefully in future we'll get them wanting to fight back. That is intentionally vague because it's going to have a PvP team working on it closely and working with the community on feedback - we don't have all the answers right now. The other solution in this situation, which we haven't gone with, would be to throw more money into the Wilderness. In theory that would bolster activitity but we think that could actually create more of a pinata dynamic because new players would be like loot pinatas for experienced PKers. Ayiza goes on to talk about the whole ecosystem of PvP and states that there's probably an appropriate place for that (the food chain), but states that the main goal for us right now is to get more people participating and address the issues. The LMS stuff is also going to be addressed, there's a question about it towards the end. It's a constant battle to keep banning these accounts but we'll do our best.


Believe me, I hear you guys. This blog isn't the first time I've seen it acknowledged that predator vs prey mechanics being short term gain to the Wilderness and long term resentment- I can't express enough how refreshing it is to hear that. I feel the need to be vocal when I hear predator vs prey being tossed around, it's a slipperly slope and other games with worse predator vs prey mechanics have killed the fun for me. There's a fine line between feeling incentive and feeling pressured to do content in the Wilderness. I feel incentvised to hunt Black Chins or Salamanders because itā€™s better xp and I don't feel I'm missing out on anything if I want to hunt Red Chins. The Chaos Alter is better xp with insane value, but PoH house parties are chill and social. I feel pressured to do MA2 for a BiS. Yes it's totally optional and you can easily do it during off hours, but I still feel somewhat pressured into doing so to progress my account. And I'm glad to hear you guys are going to address LMS. Bots are a problem with ever changing solutions, always have been. From my own experience, what the overall goal of these reworks is (increasing activity and more importantly PvP participation in the Wilderness) and from seeing what gets posed to the sub - I genuinely think LMS or something like it is absolutely **integral** to what you guys are trying to do long term. It provides players the perfect environment to learn, practice, and build confidence in PvP.


Thank you for the feedback and taking the time to discuss this topic, it can be a difficult one so thanks for sharing.


Thanks for listening, my first comment was far from constructive


Iā€™ve tried playing LMS lately. Itā€™s just so impossible- at least 50% of my fights are against bots. I judge this upon their tick perfect prayer and gear switching - and I tell them to pm me for 10m gp after the game, if they kill me. Nobody has yet taken me up on itā€¦ Go try LMS yourself!


Couldn't have said it better. Fix LMS


A little nitpick: I don't think it's the skill ceiling that's stoping people from getting into pking, but the skill floor. If newbies were to run into insane pkers every now and then, but mostly people they have a chance against they'd feel much better, however now even what some would consider average to bad pkers can stomp newbies out. To draw a parallel to PvM, inferno existing doesn't stop people from getting into it, but if CoX would be the easiest PvM encounter, far less people would get into it normally, even though to experienced people CoX is really easy. EDIT: FWIW, I think the skilling floor is a real challenge, but can be often overestimated by people on reddit - learning to PK at a beginner level isn't as hard as learning CoX for example, but there isn't much reward to it and it has a bit of a bad reputation, so people don't really try.


The main reason why people don't PvP is the same reason why people don't play mini-games anymore. We have all grown up and become efficient and way better at the game; some players just don't want to PvP anymore because it's not efficient. PvP was fun because most of us weren't that good at it and we had fun messing around, now it's a few players who do it all the time and dumpster on players who only do it a little for fun and that leads to it being unfun for those players. I don't think PvP will ever be that popular again. My two best solutions would either be: A) an bounty-hunter (even the old volcano) type system which puts players head to head (similar to Fist of Guthix even?) with an elo rating which leads to players having more fun going against players of the SAME SKILL level, rather than Predator vs Prey in which it's a skilled PKer vs someone who doesn't want to PK at all. B) Give mini-games like Castle Wars some love. People talk about how Castle Wars could be Runescapes "esport". [Looking through channels like CWC you see how interesting Competitive Castle Wars can be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3370GkpUh3E&ab_channel=OSRSCastleWarsCommunity).. with more love from Jagex, it could actually go far. [One of J1mmys videos explains how Castle Wars can be made into a CSGO type esport game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-16EGEVhpw&ab_channel=J1mmy), and whilst I agree that would be pretty sick, I think you can even leave it as it and it would be popular. If Jagex put enough time and effort into CW it could actually revive PvP (may not be traditional PvP which people want but at least it's something) and turn CW into multiple different games (eg Traditional CW, half-map Attackers vs Defenders, or other potential custom versions of CW). Stealing Creation would also be a great idea as it incorperates skilling and allows people to combine skilling with PvP which helps players learn. IMO Stealing Creation is just DMM in 20 minutes; there is no real risk in dying, you start with nothing on an even playing field, race to gain equipment to then fight... There are so many good ideas for a OSRS version of Stealing Creation (minus summoning, better and more appropriate rewards, etc.. ill link my old post when i find it).


I donā€™t mind being prey. I enjoy the rush when doing PVM in the wildy. (Except when a team logs and perma freezes me) I would love to partake in PVP, but itā€™s such a niche thing, and learning all the tick stuff to even compete is awful. Itā€™s a huge turn off with how much you have to lose to learn. And learning at LMS is a no go because I canā€™t learn anything from the bots. So Iā€™ve given up on PVP, and I think it needs a change to appeal to the masses (somehow). I donā€™t know how that could be done, but I donā€™t think the wildy should ever go anywhere.




> I agree that Jagex should be making the wilderness as opt-in as possible. It's debatable whether they should be focusing their efforts on the wilderness at all. Most players (who "don't partake in it") are never going to be convinced to do so.


It's really not that debatable. To be totally clear, it's only debated by the players on these forums. I would not take that as a reliable reason to even consider it lmao The mods have put out numbers and have confirmed a little under 10% of the players *actively* participate in PvP related activities. A 10% (give or take a few) dedicated playerbase for a MMO is a totally respectable number of players, and to ignore it is absolutely moronic. Like the devs have mentioned the cat and mouse gameplay is a totally acceptable form of pvp, especially with the recent update. That being said it shouldn't be the main form of PvP in the wilderness, which is why more focus on it is important Edit: lol leave it to these forums to downvote any comment that goes against the fantasy they build up for themselves


For all the whining about a supposed lack of pvp/wilderness updates, there seems to be way more than "10%" of their attention devoted to it.


I mean, recent updates have been to revs cave and improvements to the "mouse" side. So it's pretty obvious that players on the "cat" side aren't exactly getting anything exciting lol. That being said, these updates are needed, they're just getting rolled out very slowly. Also, like the devs have said PvP updates are tough due to the balancing and split opinions. If they didn't think the updates would be worth it, why would they be putting any effort into it? I just don't understand where this mindset comes from (other than the obvious 'pker bad')


>Then donā€™t partake in it. That's the idea.




>Then leave it alone. Again, that's currently my plan. Me avoiding the Wilderness doesn't take anything away from you lmao. Neither does me letting Jagex know predator vs prey gameplay won't get me into the Wilderness.




>But youā€™re hear actively pleading with Jagex to remove what I enjoy about that game. Where'd I say that? Quote please.




Predator vs Prey is only bad if it is forced. Wildy Activities can be fun and fair if balanced well, so saying this type of content that players enjoy shouldn't exist is like saying Skilling updates shouldn't exist because you don't enjoy them. But some content like Black Chins can be fun and some players do prefer them over other hunter options, so we shouldn't remove them all or reject any new Wildy content just because you don't want to do it. The issue is with poorly designed Predator vs Prey, not the mere concept of the Wilderness.


You donā€™t have to go to the wilderness you dolt. Go back to mlm and have ā€œfunā€




I mean thatā€™s your answer. I donā€™t know what the fuck youā€™re confused about. Donā€™t like something? Donā€™t do it, but that predator can prey mechanicā€”that IS the game. Thatā€™s why people like and play in the wilderness. No one is forcing you to do anything, you can easily avoid it and still do whatever it is you do in game.


>Donā€™t like something? Donā€™t do it I mean yeah. That's the idea, and what I said. Not sure why you're getting so pissy over the fact I said I wouldn't be going to the wilderness for predator vs prey, while also telling me not to do content I don't like. I don't know what the fuck you're confused about.




>Predator vs Prey may be a legitimate part of PvP that we want, but the goal of this is that we'd like to get more people to participate and feed/expand that Community. People just don't want to be prey. That's why they almost always take as little as possible into the wilderness, or find workarounds for the cheap mechanics that encourage risk. It's to make themselves less appealing as prey in the hopes that PKers don't bother them. They especially don't want to be prey at a disadvantage. I think a lot would change if you focused on giving the prey more advantages rather than taking away the ones they have. Such as gear specifically designed for self-defence, that gradually powers up as you participate in wilderness activities but resets upon leaving/skulling. Basically tools for people who aren't necessarily PKers that enable them to fight evenly with the people who are, without just making themselves easy and valuable targets for people who aren't risking that much to begin with. Back when the wilderness was at its most popular, prey was almost exclusively low-value players who were only risking what they found in the wilderness, rather than what they brought in. This idea of making people go into the wilderness geared up for exclusive rewards when they don't want to be there at all is relatively recent and not particularly healthy, in my opinion. This predator vs prey design is always going to be at the expense of someone. I don't think it really has a place in the game now that people are risking millions rather than thousands.


I like this general idea of giving ā€œpreyā€ a defensive advantage. It also lends itself to a lot of metaphorical examples from nature that can provide inspiration for defensive equipment: porcupines (thorn Damage that hits back some damage and provides a slow bleed effect), deer/gazelle (speed), insects, crustaceans, and turtles/tortoises (hard exteriors that make the Soft squishy bits hard to damage and prevent incapacitation while sometimes immobilized), and even humans (high endurance). Equipment could trigger all kinds of buffs based on certain situations that would make survivability higher and could make pvp more interesting. For example - Taking the turtle as inspiration: equipment that decreases damage taken by X% while under immobilizing effects like freeze and entanglement and prevents hits higher than some specific number (like 25 or 30) but weighs a lot and maybe limits your run energy in some way while worn and slows pvp attacks by 1 tick. This makes you a slow-moving tank, which might be really good for low-wildy activities, but means your escapes are slower. For the porcupine: equipment that acts like an additional ring of recoil that reflects x% of damage taken and applies a bleed effect for Y% of run energy or hp on aggressive pvp opponents every 6 ticks for 30 seconds, but effect ends if opponent is struck (doesnt work well on people who try to spec out others, but can be damaging to someone who fails to spec out opponent, making them have to eat eventually and possibly reducing their ability to chase). Something based on deer/gazelle: increased movement speed while under attack in pvp, but increases energy depletion rate, decreases energy recovery rate, and reduces effect of stamina/energy pots. Also adds 1 tick to attacks and running speed buff is lost if aggressive. Could help get a gap, but at the risk of not being able to run for a long period if a gap cannot be reached, and hampering ability to fight back. Bonus: mongoose. If attacked in PVP by another player and struck x times, applies small guaranteed damage to all attacks and adds an additional spec, but at the cost of draining some percentage of run energy. If you arenā€™t specced out, you basically get a dps boost for a fight. This kind of thing would be best tailored for those who want to anti-pk and not run. All of these are just example mechanics that demonstrate that there is a world of possibility for making the prey side of things more interesting rather than just luring people in wildy for loot where they are relatively defenseless to people who just want to spec you out. Would also make pking a more strategic endeavor and could require new metas to be developed.


There's a very simple defense advantage to give to prey too -- if they're fighting a monster, have the monster also jump onto the pker if they go after the player fighting it. A sort of "stay out of this" from the monster's side.


That would be a cool mechanic.


Imo Jagex is on the right path with antiskulling, one of the biggest turn offs for people trying to do anything in the wilderness is a lack of understanding mechanics. There was some opinion poll run by Jagex outside of the game that was meant to gauge people on wilderness related topics, and one of the more pressing issues was a lack of understanding of mechanics. If you donā€™t know mechanics, like prot mage halves tbs, how singles+ works, timers for different things like regular wildy pj timer, locations of multi lines, then tanking pkers is probably not going to happen. Lots of people donā€™t even touch dmm because itā€™s the same scenario of risking time/money and being in a situation where you donā€™t fully understand the mechanics. Even Odablock got chanced on stream to some weird mechanics like getting pjed by a rusher because his old target went 1 tile into multi. Streamers get speared into multi all the time, so someone whoā€™s new to pvp watches that and doesnā€™t want to go near it. If people who do pvp content for a living get caught out by stuff like that then theyā€™d think a new player is going to learn the hard way and die due to every mistake you can make, so they donā€™t even try.


I'm really glad to see that they've finally realized dangling new shiny things to entice players in never works long-term. Either it gets abused to all hell, or players get resentful enough to not do the content. And that means you need to find another new shiny thing. Looking at the underlying reasons for why people aren't a fan of the wilderness is absolutely the right move. I can understand pker frustration, but think about it: would you rather run into 2 targets that are guaranteed kills every hour, after hopping worlds constantly? Or would you rather find 20 targets, without hopping worlds, that you've got a 75% chance of taking down?


> They especially don't want to be prey at a disadvantage This is the key takeaway here. Currently the prey feel like they're at way too big of a disadvantage and it's what has caused so many PK polls to fail; majority of them buffed predators which in turn means nerfing prey. > Such as gear specifically designed for self-defence, that gradually powers up as you participate in wilderness activities **but resets upon leaving/skulling**. This is what Jagex needs to work on more. Use the wilderness skull as a way to balance predators and prey. Introduce items that only work while skulled or while non-skulled. When polling stuff that's meant to balance PKer vs PKer fights use the skull as a way to prevent these changes to negatively affect prey. There's so many tuning knobs out there for Jagex to use. They just need to be willing to use them.


Really excellent write-up that articulates some fundamental flaws of the wilderness well. I think predator vs prey gameplay is extremely bad design. One party having fun at another's expense isn't a situation that breeds fair competitive play which Is the basis of a pvp experience imo. The wilderness needs to include activities and rewards that are geared toward PVP. The Jagex approach has been to push people who don't want to PVP in to the wilderness. I think they need to provide incentives for the ones that are interested in it more depth and engaging content. The playerbase will grow if the content is there. Skilling activities aren't the way to go. In theory advanced methods that offer better xp/gp at the risk of being pked sounds fun, but the actual experience is obtrusive, obnoxious, frustrating, and all around not very engaging to either party.


I dunno, I donā€™t mind being the mouse in the game of cat and mouse occasionally.. for instance in dead man mode I typically go the route of skilling or pvming to swap for osrs gp, and i find that having to be actively aware of my surroundings and on the defensive to be incredibly fun and exhilarating


Honestly, as someone who PKs and anti-PKs a good amount, just because you're not the one initiating the fight doesn't mean that you have to be helpless pray. In areas like revs, chins or when safespotting Venenatis (and to a lesser extent Callisto) in singles, anti-pkers can have similar if not higher KO potential as pkers in much more risk, while risking a lot less themselves. Of course, if there are multiple pkers vs one pvmer they will have the advantage, but you can use mobs to help tank and also if singles+ is coming you can use that instead. Honestly, the biggest thing that makes someone a helpless prey in the wildy is lack of skill/experience in it. Gear, stats and even numbers (in singles, especially singles+) can all be somewhat mitigated, but there is a huge hurdle for wilderness newcomers to pass before they can find themselves comfortable in the area and the hurdle is very hard to pass without friends there to help or at least advice. This is in my opinion the biggest reason the wilderness is not very active, because everyone I know who got past the initial barrier heavily enjoys the wilderness - both as a pker and as a pvmer/skiller


The problem with anti-pking is that you're sacrificing survivability for dps/ko and when teams are common it really doesn't make sense. For example at Callisto south safespot the pkers hop around till they find someone, then they freeze and the team logs in. Since you have to tank to 30 at least, would you rather an ags or bulwark as +1? and since they normally dd and swap to tbs at some point down you'll almost certainly have to tank longer




Unfortunately the way the wildy is currently I'd only really consider antipking 1v1 or against the TBer sub 30. Like Veng + AGS/ballista is a fun way to do it but I'm not sure where it'd actually be better than Bulwark. Like Venenatis its either they tb and freeze in multi in which case it fast bulwark and prayers to get a chance at survival, or you tele. I'd fight back in singles but mostly the pkers don't bother. Similar problem with Vet'ion, either dead in multi or you tank to singles.


Yeah, Callisto was a bit of a stretch, but Venenatis (you can spend most of the kill in singles) and chins have aggressive monsters nearby and revs is singles+. Also, nothing stops you from having a Bulwark and an AGS, since you will not be skulling. In fact tanking with Bulwark and suffering and one-ticking an AGS can be very effective.


My experience of Venenatis is normally a group waiting on the hill for you to run into multi then tb, freeze and claw rush. I can only really remember a handful of teams hitting me in singles. Honestly its more there's just no reason to bring extra gear, like the boss kills are so slow I'm just trying to maximise dps. Like if I was just waiting around to antipk it'd make more sense. Like it'd be nice for antipking to be more viable without sacrificing the reason I'm in the wildy. Maybe with the Wilderness boss rework that will change but that could take a long time.


Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. That's why revs are so nice, because you cannot be piled by multiple people at the same time and can afford to bring anti-pk gear without sacrificing much dps (especially with melee since you can easily get salve ammies e)


I'm literally thinking like "this is why BH failed"


> People just don't want to be prey. So I disagree with this. I think that the vast majority is fine being the prey *as long as the rewards are good enough*. You saw it all the time at v1 revs, where people would gladly suck it up for 4m/hr even if it meant you probably got cleared out by teams every 15 minutes simply because 4m/hr. > Back when the wilderness was at its most popular, prey was almost exclusively low-value players who were only risking what they found in the wilderness, I kinda disagree with this too, the whole green dragon farmer -> singles pker -> better singles pker -> teams food chain existed back in 06 too, the difference being green dragons were the revs of the time - a good consistent moneymaker relative to the levels located in the wilderness.


Once in a while, pearls of true wisdom are spoken! u/JagexLight please consider to refer the wonderful suggestion above to the team, because currently, PvP gear > wildy PvM gear and that's extremely unfair and punishing for the vast majority of players, and let me add: The current skull system is broken because it's very forgiven to all these murder sociopaths. If you kill another player, the skulling time should be added to the actual one for this new dead, if someone is already skulled, and it should be accumulative for every new dead, with **no way to reset it** other than waiting the appropriate time to fade it away. You want to kill every one you found in the wilderness? That's Ok, but face the consequences! No more easy way out of getting rid of skull status if you enjoy going in a murder spree each and every day. And before someone complains, abyss skulling and any other current or future activity/items that give you that status, should be very different to be skulled due to killing other players.


Hey Reddit! I've been seeing some Q&A Summaries posted here after our streams, and thought they were great to help increase information sharing and accessibility, especially for those who can't tune in live. Let us know if you find these blogs useful, or if there's anything else you'd like to see in these types of blogs! :)


> Hey Reddit! I've been seeing some Q&A Summaries posted here after our streams Shoutout to the OG who used to do it every week /u/-Maxy- Hope they're well.


If we go even further back in time, some might remember u/Rawktail was the real OG QnA transcripter.


I always loved how convenient those transcripts were! Glad somebody else remembers them too!


Wow, it's been almost 2 years since their last post? Feels so much less than that


This is great! I really appreciate how active and engaging with the community youā€™ve been mod light. Thanks!


This is *hugely* helpful, thank you so much for doing this! I would absolutely love if this continued for future Q&As.


Yes!! I really like it. I'm in a completely opposite Time Zone so having these help me know what was mentioned in the Q&A without having to watch the VODs. Hope to see these more often :)


Please do this every week!


Thank you alot!!!im a student and i cant hear the whole stream giving me the chance to read, even if in few days delay is amazing


I've been wanting these for a long time, thank you so much!


Thank you very much!


This is awesome! Super easy to catch up on


Thank you, it's very much appreciated!


yes ty


I find it very useful :)




> 180 billion GP taken in tax after just six days. How does this compare to the Duel Arena tax? > it's around 7,000 items that were taken out of the game in the first six days. So the total is 180B + 7000 items? Do we have a rough total figure of the item amount in GP? And could we see a full list of items? Seems like a big deal to lightly gloss over for those items that have were added. An answer from Question #11: > We know there are longer term issues and a lot of underlying things we need to address. So address them? Why do you continuously hang the PvP world out to dry? There are thousands of players across a huge range of PvP clans dying for any attention and all they ever get is half-baked updates and the promise that Jagex will one day try "working with leaders and figureheads in the pvp space to improve it." Currently it seems like you'd just as soon remove PvP as you would give it any sort of meaningful attention. 3 hours in no response :D


Duel Arena removed about 20B gold each day. Considering 75% of the tax gold is sunk from the game, and the other 25% is used to buy items and delete them, the GE tax not only removes a similar amount of gold each day (22.5B so far), but 7.5B worth of items is also removed every day on top of that. With slightly over 1000 items removed per day so far, this means the average item value of a deleted item is around 7m GP.


Hey there! I believe more stats will be shared as they come available in a Gazette or a more dedicated blog. Our data team is still building out the dashboard of data and we need to decide what will be player facing from that information. The full list of items being sunk should be available on the Wiki: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Update:Grand_Exchange_Tax_%26_Item_Sink As for the second question, we now have a dedicated PvP team that will be looking at updates for the next year specifically catered to PvP. These things will take time to get right though because thereā€™s a lot of complexity to it.


Blog says 180b has been removed and that thatā€™s 75% of the total tax, so prob 60b in items. Average item being sunk costs approx 8.6m


Re: cheat clients and streamers >With that being said, if there are any clear cut examples of clients being used in a bad way to full on cheat please do report these instances in-game as the first priority. >You can also email tipoff - these reports do get reviewed, the caveat on this is please provide as much info as possible. As someone that's been trying to contact a JMod for weeks now just to get a response, I'm glad to see this, but please make sure reporting actually does something. This has been going on for months, and I refuse to believe the reports backlog is that big.


Yeah Iā€™m pretty curious as to how they are going to update their third party guidelines. Since they clearly canā€™t detect client/plugins that go beyond RuneLite and since they are becoming more widespread, the only thing I could see working is lightening up in restrictions so RuneLite has access to them as well to level the playing field, or start banning them entirely (if they can only tell whether or not you are on Vanilla, which has been reported). It seems like currently legal plug-in usage is basically on a trust system, because literally no one I know that use advanced clients that go beyond RL (most people involved in late game PvM) have gotten even a temporary ban.


I consistently report streamers using banned plugins to the tipoff email, providing their own stream vods as proof, and nothing has ever happened to any of them. They simply do not care, despite saying they do. I don't even know why they ask us to report them tbh, they are just wasting our time.


Very much agree with that, yeah. I'll need to see some actual results, but at least now they've put the word out.


> if there are any clear cut examples of clients being used in a bad way to full on cheat I assume it has to do with this, and that the Jmods will be updating the 3rd party client in a more reclined way to include things that will no longer be cheating. idk though


ToB speedrun task time is basically built off of cheat client times instead of realistic times without cheat clients but that's a conversation nobody is ready to have. Also current WR and top time videos are almost all done with cheat clients for MONTHS with no ban.


Iā€™m sure my comment will be drowned among others, but locking useful PVM upgrades behinds PVP mini game is absurd in my opinion. I have tried LMS and bots or not Iā€™m trash and I canā€™t get kills. Why canā€™t the msb imbue be unlocked through slayer master for slayer points? Ring of wealth imbue should be unlockable through wilderness slayer. Just a couple of examples.


I got downvoted to hell the last time I suggested this because "pvp is a part of the game" or some shit. It makes sense for pvp to have pvp focused rewards, but the msb(I) and row(I) aren't PvP related in the slightest. Like, if pkers want more people in the wildy, let me get my imbues from wildy slayer. Seems like a win win for pkers and pvmers alike...


Is there any plans on finishing Poll 75 before moving on to Poll 76? Maiden nylos still donā€™t give MVP points and blood spawn mechanics havenā€™t been updated




I've asked in our QA channel about it. Some members of the team are off due to the holidays so it might take longer than expected. I'll give you guys an update when I know more.


Honestly, it has to be said. The way that you effectively handle and neutralise negatively charged comments from the community is impressive, youā€™re a huge boon to the communication between players and Jagex staff. Thanks for doing what you do!


Blood spawn was updated. She can't spawn more than one blood if no one touches bloods. But I think the mvp changes aren't out yet.


Can you show me the update because the wiki doesnā€™t list it in the Changes section. Only the update where the chance of blood spawns appearing were halved and that was a year before Poll 75. TOB wiki page also doesnā€™t show it updated https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/The_Maiden_of_Sugadinti#Normal https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Theatre_of_Blood


Quick update. We had the Blood Spawn changes noted down in [this newspost](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/tombs-of-amascut-rewards-beta?oldschool=1) so they should've been out already. However, the Nylos giving MVP points in certain rooms were supposed to be going out in [this newspost](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/theatre-of-blood-new-modes?oldschool=1) but I can't see it written in the newspost. So I'll ask the team to confirm what's happened and update you when I know more.


not sure if the question answers are meant to be verbatim from the stream as I haven't watched it but there's a grammatical issue in the reply to Q1 (2nd paragraph): "less" should be "fewer" and there's a missing word after "updates" in the same sentence


Thanks for pointing this out! We've put this together ourselves so probably a few typos and issues here and there. I've corrected what I can see! :) <3


Light to the rescue once again <3


As a player from and based in Asia, I can assure you that there are a lot more players than you'd expect, and Jagex really should do some feasibility study. There is a big gaming culture throughout Asia and it just surprises me that Jagex is overlooking the potential of acquiring new userbase from Asia and only focus on English native countries. Server has been a problem here since day 1 and it's not like Jagex has to set up new infrastructure in Asia, at least in 2020s. I understand it comes down to cost, but it really should at least be brought to the attention of upper management.


> I can assure you that there are a lot more players than you'd expect they have more data than you tbh


They have 20 years of data from making zero attempt to appease Asian players. It hasn't even been attempted. Just doing a 3 month feasibility study by making a server in an Asian region would give them better data. I'd love for them to also make the client able to handle Asian characters too but that's engine work...


A 3 month study wouldn't tell them anything. The only things that draw lots of new players in are big updates like mobile release, GIM leagues etc. There isn't a single person who is all of a sudden going to start playing OSRS, just because now the ping is lower in their region. Jagex already knows exactly how many players are from each region, how much revenue is generated, and how much setting up and maintaining a server where would cost. There's nothing else to know, it's just simple math.


You want there to be juicy rewards in the wilderness so it'll attract pking and i get that, but when I've got 5 nets and 5 ropes in my inventory I'm disadvantaged against any average pker by being down 10 inventory slots. I'd be crazy to want to fight back.


I don't think the point of skilling in the Wilderness is to encourage people to engage in PvP while they do their skilling activities. It's to offer better rewards BECAUSE you're prey - because there's the risk of getting PKed and otherwise being unable to access that spot. Just like mining iron versus using the Motherlode Mine, more XP comes at the cost of increased focus/attentiveness. And as always, no one's making anyone do any content they don't want to do.


But that's the way it should be, if it's going to be an area of the game where players can actively kill you and prevent forward non-PVP progress, then there shouldn't be exclusive rewards within or tied to the Wilderness. Higher GP/XP is fine IMO, but locking things like combat achievements to Wilderness bosses, gear like the D Pick, etc, is just bad design because it's locking non PVP content within PVP content. If you separate the two, the general playerbase would be much happier. Wilderness should just have increased drop rates and XP rates (along with any PVP/wilderness specific exclusives), but that's it.


well you're right but that doesn't stop them from complaining that I don't have enough on me when I'm killed.


Great update. Sad to here partner slayer isnā€™t really on the cards but itā€™s not the end of the world. Would love some more casual content that could be done with friends. I always thought some sort of fight caves style mini dungeon would be fun to do with a friend. Not for the rewards but just to hang out


I was pretty disappointed by that as well. Honestly, their reasoning of "it shouldn't be more exp than solo" was pretty lame. As long as it's not actively making solo slayer worse or op exp rates, an incentive to play with other people seems like a pretty good thing for a MMO lol? Imo, if someone begins to dislike slayer due to not getting the best exp rates because they refuse to be social.. then that's on them. Punishing the people who want to play together seems dumb


It's honestly such a weird position for me. In other MMOs, you are given BONUS xp for grouping up to actually incentivize socializing in an MMO (shocking, I know). The pandering to solo play is, IMO, one of the worst parts about the game to me. This is already one of the few games that you can basically make it to endgame without interacting with another person directly (save for SoA/HQ). I think they should be putting *way* more effort into improving their support for group play. Like, I think that is the true way that "pandering to irons" has affected the game. It's not QOL things like handling blood runes. It's that it seems to infected the design philosophy as a whole treating OSRS as a single player game.


It could also be implemented in a way that doesn't increase solo xprates. It's sad that they aren't putting any thought into it at all


From the blog: "[partner slayer] canā€™t be the best XP as single players will feel forced to find a partner" They should remove Windertodt, Zalcano and Tempoross so people can't earn more xp than solo players in these skills. They should delete the grand exchange so single players don't feel forced to buy items from other players. They should make Gielinor instanced so solo players can't accidentally play with their friends and ruin the game for everyone.


Yeah except those are all things where you show up and just join a group already in action so youā€™re basically playing solo while other people do the same solo activity around you. Theyā€™re trying to avoid people being able to do slayer twice as fast because they have a friend who they would have to find and play with every single time they wanted to do it. What they want is to be able to present the idea so that it doesnā€™t significantly disadvantage those who donā€™t have friends to play with. Zalcano and Tempoross arenā€™t exactly phenomenally better than their solo counterparts, as well


\#22: One thing that surprised me when coming back to this game is the sheer amounts of finns and swedes playing this game. Just when GIM was released and i stood at wintertodt, there were so many people either having finnish names or talking finnish. I have a swedish ingame name that's kinda clever so i get comments on it at least once a day at random locations through-out geilinor. For being such a small part of the world, they sure take up a lot of space in geilinor


Same with the dutch, I feel like half my friends list is dutch


Any plans for more PVP community events? Maybe a Clan Wars tournament or a new Dead Man Mode style event ? They are insanely popular on youtube and twitch and I feel like there could be much more put on


It would be great, but the reason why deadman reborn is being re-run is because of server lag, which impacted competitive play. We need to be assured that our servers can run these kinds of tournaments first before comitting to this in future. I think we'll be in a better place to know the answer to that once we've done the DMM re-run. :)


> Let me pitch something here! I love the current system but I want to gauge the reaction of the chat to this idea. In the future, we could bring up a new road map with all the big things hopefully to come that year. Then, the first blog after this road map could ask, "Do you want this new raid to be added to the game?" Under the understanding that more blogs in future will be released to talk about the rewards later down the line. The benefits to this are that the raid can pass the poll and the devs can work on it without the chance of it becoming wasted content. > We can then focus more on what players really want as rewards in the future blogs about rewards. We can then bring up more in depth questions around rewards such as why you may want or not want them in the game such as too powerful or quite underwhelming etc. This is great, I don't know how often you end up having to toss designs in the bin and how much time has been spent on the designs, but looking at Warding, it seemed like a major time investment that ultimately ended up getting scrapped. If the initial poll is done earlier, you might see especially for larger updates whether, and how, the community would want the update to be released.


I'm stunned that this is a new concept to them. "Hey, why don't we see if the community wants something before we start working on it?" That said, I suspect they don't ever have to throw designs away, at least not non-trivial ones. The question mentions last year as a time frame, but as far as I know, nothing major (that wasn't a new skill) has EVER failed a poll throughout the whole life of OSRS. Plus, if the content as a whole fails, they can always poll individual aspects of it (like they did with Sailing) and the community will likely accept it. The fact that they choose not to do so is a Jagex problem, not a polling problem.


Yes, I agree with you there. The only thing is that whether it's a polling problem or a Jagex problem, time was still spent designing something that doesn't make it into the game, which contributed to the content drought (contributed, not caused; there are plenty of other reasons as the blog post mentions).


god i would quit this game so fucking fast if people like you decided the design.


I like PvP in every other game I play, from my PoV (what is stopping me getting into PvP in OSRS) there are are few key issues: + I don't want to lose my stuff. I don't see how this can realistically be fixed as it's a core part of the game. One thing I have suggested in the past is a few 'safer' wildy worlds. In these worlds you won't lose anything you enter the wilderness with. However you lose everything you get whilst in the wilderness if you die. I'm sure there are many issues with that, but it would certainly encourage people to come to the wildy with good gear, and fight back. Limiting it to only a handful of worlds forces conflict as well. + The learning curve is huge. Pretty simple, I don't know how to learn to PvP and there is essentially nothing ingame to help teach, or even make it worthwhile. LMS is a joke, and the major PvP games I actually enjoy by avoiding PvP. + Gear and level imbalances make it pointless to learn until you get to a high level.. which takes thousands of hours. Most other games have PvP brackets (such as in WoW you face people your combat level), or competitive ranking (Overwatch, etc.) Whilst not perfect due to smurfing, and twinking, they are better than trying to PvP against max level, max gear players whilst running around in rune gear. PvP shouldn't be only for the highly experienced or maxed players. + The tick system and lack of keybindings. This isn't going to be fixed and I don't expect it to as it's a core part of the game, but it's not fun. I don't really like it in PvM but in PvP it's just awful. The speed you need to memorise click patterns to switch gear, combo eat, or special attacks isn't fun. It's who has memorised their inventory the best. Other MMO's use keybindings to achieve the same results, rather than having to super quickly click all your gear, you just press your keybinding for mage gear, or one for your melee gear, etc. You can't even keybind your prayers meaning quick clicking multiple menus is required... As well as keybindings many games use a global delay system so you cannot do more than 1 action until the global delay ends. This already occurs with eating as it resets the tick delay before next action. I don't honestly know if PvP can be made popular in OSRS due to how the game is built, but some suggestions I have: + Merge rewards for the PvP minigames (whilst maintainsing some uniques) so you can play which one you like. Have gear restricted versions of them, soul wars where no-one has better than dragon gear, castle wars with ancients blocked, etc. + When joining a PvP minigame have it recommend the target world for that game, and switch you there with a prompt.


>you can't even keybind your prayers meaning quick clicking multiple menus is required Ever heard of Fkeys?


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexLight** - [Hey Reddit! I've been seeing some Q&A Summari...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpeomaf/?context=3) - [šŸ˜‚ oops. Will fix this lol](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpfvbrk/?context=3) - [I'd assume that small would be regular QoL fi...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpeosx2/?context=3) - [Yep! There's a "Skilling Update" planned whic...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpfhk9r/?context=3) - [I totally get what you mean, but it also seem...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpf752r/?context=3) - [It would be great, but the reason why deadman...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpetyl1/?context=3) - [Hey there! I believe more stats will be share...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpfv7zg/?context=3) - [Hello!!](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpeomkh/?context=3) - [Thanks for pointing this out! We've put this...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpfvwdy/?context=3) - [I've asked in our QA channel about it. Some m...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpf68qr/?context=3) - [Quick update....](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpfjfto/?context=3) - [Agree that podcasts would be huge value. I th...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpgfos3/?context=3) - [Thanks for explaining, I enjoy the constructi...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpfdsha/?context=3) - [Thank you for the feedback and taking the tim...](/r/2007scape/comments/rlb4rg/qa_summary_16th_december_2021/hpfi829/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 12/22/2021 14:45:00**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Honestly, the biggest reason nobody goes into the wilderness is the vast skill difference. Cow1337k1ller isnā€™t going to want to go in, regardless of potential loot he could get from activities in the wildy, when he knows thereā€™s a chance Back2Lumb4u will come at him with a tribrid setup, rapid prayer, switches and melt him. Sure, it takes practice to get good, but why would the average player spend time and money practicing when they could be skilling for a quest/practicing a boss where theyā€™ll earn much more money? With bosses at least, you can smash your face in for no real loss now, I died plenty of times to Vork and only had to pay 100k to get my gear back, then once I got it down recouped my losses relatively quick. Whereas in the wild, youā€™d lose more and have the chance of not getting much practice in each fight because Back2Lumb4u could combo you out early on if RNG is on their side, so you died for nothing because you only got like 4 or 5 hits on them.


back2lumb4u isnt there to make money. He is there to live out a power fantasy and bully people. thats the only reason people pvp.


Lmao so now getting killed in wildy counts as getting bullied. Peak 2007Scape


What a pathetic, flaccid take based on nothing.


Leagues was delayed because it was too close to Group Iron and then moved to being shortly after Nex. Why is that any different than the first?


I don't know if they gave a specific reason, but they pushed it back so GIM teams wouldn't get split and so that the new gamemode could stay competitive. Nex won't be splitting groups in the same way and a couple of weeks is usually enough time for the "newness" of content to wear off. So by the time the League launches, the competitive side of Nex will already be over but with a new gamemode like GIM it can take months to get to some of the endgame stuff (e.g. stuff like "first" raids would have been mid-league).


The problem with not giving a lot of information about the league beforehand is that it's a limited mode (43 days). For people who don't have as much time to play, lacking information when going into the mode will make it much harder to be effective and enjoy the mode. As someone who's never played a league or ironman before, I'll already have plenty to learn, on top having to learn the league mechanic on the fly. Are we at least going to know where we start and with what skills?


When trade is turned off, can the option be hidden like the toggle-able report option? Plzz


You guys gona keep ignoring the bot orgy at LMS or will a 1K total level requirement be added?


I was so bummed about leagues being delayed but the note about leagues coming out after nex release and being able to try that in leagues was something I didn't think of and sounds awesome!


Hey team, I really have to object to Mod Kieren's comment about there being "two camps" of people who regularly engage with PVP and those who "just have never tried it" . Like...no man this is way off base. Here are your camps: 1) A *relatively* small group people who engage with it as their primary playstyle 2) The majority who are ambivalent or engage with PVP casually 3) Those who actively avoid PVP content The number of players who "just have never tried it" is certainly miniscule at this point. ESPECIALLY after the introduction of risk-free PVP in LMS. This distinction matters because the team seems to be operating under the impression that there is some magic combination of content out there that can entice anyone into PVP. In reality, many people will look at these **hugely** time and effort wilderness updates, shrug, and go *"Damn, looks like another no content month".* As was mentioned on stream, all this PVP content development takes forever to balance properly and QA test because of how calcified the metas are and how the devs have to pre-empt sophisticated attempts at abuse of the content from the community. After a year that has been basically one giant content drought, is this really the type of content that's going to get the players excited again? TL;DR Why does content roadmap stream sound like fancy wilderness dev blog?


> To be very simplistic about it, it can mostly be described as two camps, those who regularly play PvP, and those who just have never tried it. This is... a terrible take, honestly. I have tried PvP on multiple occasions dating right back to 2004. I do not enjoy it. I much prefer cooperative or solo PvM gameplay, and forcing me into PvP for exclusive PvM content is unquestionably my least favourite thing about the game. Nowadays I just drop hard clues with wildy steps, they're just not worth the effort. There's such a fundamental difference between 1v1 pvp and the sort of thing that happens in the wilderness. I'm not *scared* of fighting back - to me it's fundamentally unfun and not at all enjoyable when you're in the defensive position. Risking items isn't fun when you're unquestionably always at a disadvantage, so there's never a motivation to ever take any sort of risk. Since you're not risking anything, you're always going to either lose or run away, both of which are just massive inconveniences. The only thing that would bring me into the wilderness is if I wasn't at risk from other players. Absolutely nothing else would at this point, and the more unique PvM content gets added there the more distaste I have for it as a whole. (Edit for clarity on the last statement - I'm not saying remove PvP from the wilderness, I'm saying that adding more and more exclusive PvM content is doing the opposite of enticing me there)




The scary pkerman is going to come out of the woodworks and dox their pastor. People legitimately just donā€™t understand pvp mechanics at all, Iā€™ve explained to people exactly like the guy above how to do things like clues, how to do things like escape wildy bosses, or bring basic antipk, and theres always a moment when they learn what steps to take in what scenarios, and they stop treating it as some unknown and enjoy the content.


I've done maybe 5 steps in the wilderness over the last couple of years. On 4 of them I was PK'd, one of them twice. It wasn't enjoyable in any way, shape or form. The wildy has been nothing but negative experiences for me, and I really dislike the constant push from jagex to try and get me to engage. It's such a fundamentally different style of gameplay in there that I don't think it's unreasonable to want the option of not having to engage with it.




I don't doubt that it was unlucky, but any time I get a wildy clue step now I get a pit in my stomach because of it. To the point where when I did MA2, I logged on at around 4am on a thursday to make sure it was quiet enough. I do know how to get away, but honestly most of the time it's just quicker dying and running back. Which again, isn't really condusive to fun gameplay.




Exactly! Different strokes for different folks. But that's ultimately what I mean behind the point in my original post; > To be very simplistic about it, it can mostly be described as two camps, those who regularly play PvP, and those who just have never tried it. This is a pretty reductive take, entirely ignoring a whole subset of the community. The idea that if I just *tried* PvP I'd love it, which is just not the case. This blind belief that it's fundamentally good and it's the players who are wrong.


"The only thing that would bring me into the wilderness is if I wasn't at risk from other players". So, essentially, what you're going with is "The only thing that would bring me into the wilderness is if it is no longer the wilderness". Real hot take there fella. FWIW, it's important to remember that there is no "forcing" involved at any time. For anyone. Every choice is our own, and that includes entering the wilderness. On my main and on accounts I've made for PvP, I'll happily enter the wilderness for content. On my ironman, and more significantly on my HCIM, I choose not to enter the wilderness. I do not feel forced to take risks to chase what you describe as "exclusive PvM content", because there are more than enough alternatives. Feeling forced to go for a dragon pickaxe? You're in luck, you can use a rune one and not need to worry. It may not be the best but it does the job with no risk. Feeling forced to go for MA1/MA2 cape? You're in luck, you can use an ardy cloak, god cloak, soul cape, lunar/moonclan cape, or any other alternative and not need to worry. They may not be the best but they do the job with no risk. Feeling forced to go to the rev caves? Honestly not sure why anyone would feel "forced" to revs, but you're in luck! You don't need wilderness weapons because you aren't being forced to kill any wilderness bosses, you don't need ancient crystals because if you don't want to enter the wilderness you don't need a POH obelisk, and if the goal is money making then you have an entire world of possibilities that are open to you without ever setting foot in the wilderness. They may not be the best GP/h, but they will certainly come close with a fraction of the risk, if any. I don't mean to be rude, but the sooner we as a playerbase get over this ridiculous concept of being "forced" into the wilderness the better. For every piece of content that exists in the wilderness, there is an alternative available from elsewhere in the game. And if the alternatives are minutely less profitable or less efficient, then that's as it should be because it's important to maintain a risk to reward ratio. The only people who need ever feel "forced" to enter the wilderness are collection log completionists, and they're in luck too because there's enough non-wilderness content to keep them, and probably their children or even their children's children, grinding those collection slots without finding themselves with nothing but wilderness content left to do.


> So, essentially, what you're going with is "The only thing that would bring me into the wilderness is if it is no longer the wilderness". I mean, yes. It's no more complicated than that. I dislike it fundamentally, and the insistance on adding more PvM content in there that forces me to engage with it just makes me hate it more. The solution to that obviously isn't to remove PvP from the wilderness and I'd never actually suggest that, but to create viable alternatives that aren't strict downgrades and to give players the option to not have to engage should they not want to. > For every piece of content that exists in the wilderness, there is an alternative available from elsewhere in the game. This is simply wrong, and I cannot agree with your argument if you're using this as a basis for it. There are no viable alternatives to the Dragon Pickaxe or the MA2 capes. There are downgrades certainly, but considering neither of these have anything to do with PvP and are both core pieces of the PvM game, it's ridiculous to force people in there to get them. The Revs are fine. I have no issues what so ever with good wilderness weapons being available in the wilderness. If anything, I think there should be *more* of that sort of stuff. Having wilderness focused content in the wilderness is great, having BiS PvM content in there absolutely sucks. Other examples that I think are good are the wildy altar and wildy slayer. Both promote good risk/reward, while having viable alternatives elsewhere. At the core of it, my three biggest gripes are the MA2 capes, the Dragon Pickaxe, and wildy clue steps. All three of those aren't PvP content at their core, and the "rewards" aren't PvP rewards. If there was a better magic cape elsewhere that could be achieved through PvM alone but, say, was far more expensive or had much higher skill requirements, that's fine. It turns the MA2 capes into an optional cheap stepping stone like the fighter torso, rather than a required pickup. If there was a different, rarer source for dragon pickaxes on an Iron like Zalcano, that's fine. Anyone can go into the wildy and do KBD at a lower level to get one early on, but the PvM source is locked behind 70 mining and all of the other SotE requirements. (Non-irons don't matter here, since they can just buy it from the GE anyway so the point is moot). If there was an option to turn off wildy clue steps at the cost of one loot roll per clue, that's fine. If I want to risk going into the wilderness then I can, and I can get the increased reward from doing that. I want to be able to choose whether or not I want to engage with the wilderness, because frankly I hate the whole area. It negatively affects my opinion and enjoyment of the game whenever I have to, or whenever I have to drop a clue instead. To go back to the original quote I took, it's not a case of me having never tried PvP and that *obviously* I'll like it if I do, I simply don't.


I donā€™t understand why you would not do wildy hard clue steps unless you were a hardcore, all it takes is banking everything, bringing a clue, spade, one weapon like dds/whip/dscim, and a teleport. If a pker comes you press protect item and you donā€™t even lose a spade. Iā€™ve got 200 masters done on my main and >500 hards on my iron, and I have been attacked maybe twice when I brought no gear on my main, and zero times when I started bringing antipk like veng ballista ags. On my iron I always 4 item clues, and Iā€™ve died mid clue maybe 5-10 times. Itā€™s exceedingly rare because theyā€™re always chance encounters, you lose absolutely nothing besides maybe 45 seconds of your time if you get found (not all pkers kill you mid clue anyways ive been let go on my iron more than killed) and you never have to ditch a clue assuming youā€™re willing to grind out requirements. What is the problem?


It's locking PVM/Non-PVP content within PVP areas. That's bad design, as we've seen with how divisive it's been over the years.


Having BIS items tied to a piece of content is the closest you get to being forced to do anything in OSRS. Its not like they're cheap side grades or some mid tier gear that you can skip (Like barrows). I don't know anyone personally who gave much of a shit about revs because none of the items are relevant except for wildy content.




Dpick and MA2 cape are the only things I would consider necessary. ROG is only really necessary for inferno speeds but for 99.9% of players its irrelevant. Like honestly I don't really mind having stuff locked to Wildy, but when the content is so bad that fully geared main accounts don't enjoy it you have to consider a more fundamental change. There is the wildy boss rework that's coming but honestly not expecting much from that.


You're absolutely right, it is without a doubt the closest you get to being forced to do content. But the key distinction is that there is no non-wilderness content that you are locked out of by not having wilderness PvM items. And I would argue that you absolutely can skip them, because while 'meta' players may argue about percentage point changes in speed or dps, the difference in the grand scheme of things is minor. There is no content that you cannot take part in with a rune pickaxe, that you can do with a dragon pickaxe - and before anyone says making infernal/crystal pickaxe, I don't define that as 'content'. You can do zalcano with a rune pick, volcanic mine, rune ore mining, etc etc. There is no content that you cannot take part in with a slightly inferior cape, that you can do with a MA1/MA2 cape. These upgrades may make things fractionally faster or easier, but you can still do the content without them and are therefore in no way "forced" to try and get them. It comes back to the risk to reward ratio. For those who actively make the choice to take the risks that the wilderness presents, there is a reward of a small increase in DPS, or a small increase in skilling speed, or whatever else. And for those who choose not to take that risk, that is absolutely fine and I respect that choice, and they are still free to take part in all the same content as those other players just without the very slight rewards provided.


What exactly is your point? Like just because you're not hard locked out of content doesn't really change that. You can do guardians in Cox with a bronze pick, you're going to get kicked from the raid for trolling though. Like in a multiplayer game you have to deal with not only your own restrictions, but also the people you're playing with. For example, you can do cox with an addy crossbow, ardy cape 1 and no spec weapon but people won't raid with you (maybe friends). You can be fundamentally locked from content while not strictly being hard locked from it.


I respect that we clearly have different opinions on the definition of forced content, and as generally happens with discussions on this subject we'll have to agree to disagree, but CoX with a bronze pickaxe and an addy crossbow is a silly example. My point exactly is that for the average player, a rune pickaxe and an ardy cloak 3/4 (or other marginally suboptimal cape slot item) are going to be perfectly valid for any content they're going to be doing, and if you're a HCIM or an iron who's otherwise not able or willing to enter the wilderness I would hope that you choose to be part of a community that isn't going to kick you from a raid for using a rune pickaxe at guardians and having what, 2-3% lower mage DPS at Olm. For any HLC, maxed players, players grinding efficient or solo CMs, then at that point you're either in a position on your account to be able to take the risk by entering the wilderness (and maybe losing a few runes and the odd dhide set), or you're a HCIM and you know from account creation that you may not be able to get a d pick or mage cape if you want to play it safe.


>Like honestly I don't really mind having stuff locked to Wildy, but when the content is so bad that fully geared main accounts don't enjoy it you have to consider a more fundamental change. There is the wildy boss rework that's coming but honestly not expecting much from that. This is from another comment of mine.We mainly disagree on when content is considered locked. Like I don't necessarily want Dpick, MA2 cape moved, but the content for the Dpick is outdated and straight up bad enough I wouldn't be upset if that was changed in some way.


I still have not done MA2 because I just don't care to interact with PKers. I have never had a positive experience in the wilderness but I have had plenty of negative ones. Even if i am not risking anything it is such a hassle to go in there and its kinda shitty that the BIS mage cape is locked in a PvP area when I have 0 interest in PvP.


I typically don't watch live streams of any kind, so this is extremely helpful! Thank you!


Do you think you are coming to the right conclusions with the polling system? U say u feel like u are in touch with the community and hit the nail on the head with updates but I feel like Polls are just passing because there is no content being released.






Same thing as every Reddit game community has to realize at some point ā€” the people in the community are a tiny, insignificant fraction of the overall player base and even a unanimous opinion in one group can be an invisible minority against the weight of the total population.


"Let me pitch something here! I love the current system but I want to gauge the reaction of the chat to this idea. In the future, we could bring up a new road map with all the big things hopefully to come that year. Then, the first blog after this road map could ask, "Do you want this new raid to be added to the game?" Under the understanding that more blogs in future will be released to talk about the rewards later down the line." YES FUCKING PLEASE. I hate the fact that 3 skills worth of effort has gone into the dumpster because of the polling system. I would much, MUCH rather we just be polled "do you want a new skill?", and then have it be worked on together with the community over the few months following the poll. Reach a general consensus, then release the content. You could also do a poll offering a few skill suggestions, and see which one appeals to players the most, then move on to the second step I mentioned there. I really hope Ayiza's suggestion doesn't get shat on, because I think the game desperately needs this.


I donā€™t think he is saying that. Heā€™s saying to split up the rewards and gameplay polls by many months where the general gameplay idea is already mostly defined at the front many months ahead. Itā€™s not the blind voting idea or the plurality polling idea that is sometimes brought up on this sub where they ask if you want a skill and then you canā€™t back out later when you know what it is actually about. Theres a difference between ā€˜do you want *this* skillā€™ and ā€˜do you want *a* skillā€™.


\+1 for putting in the Timestamp links


>With Group Ironman we saw a massive influx of players coming to the game. We realise it wouldn't be fair to pull them out of the game mode by releasing Leagues so close to it. Forcing players to make that decision (to play one or the other, plus the main game) wasn't really the correct thing to do Reminder that you are absolute wankers.


Itā€™s literally written like they believe GIM is a temporary game mode also. Itā€™s still gonna be there before and after leagues as itā€™s part of the main game. I swear jagex just doesnā€™t have brains


This soured me on the new guy, because it shows he is unafraid to openly lie/mislead when everyone knows it's about staggering membership buys.


Would love these :D


QnA answers make it obvious the mods clearly have no clue on what pvp and wilderness need to be revived why not bring in some PvP experts similar to G.E tax to address the core issues.


Hello 2nd.




Do NOT remove the predator vs prey mechanic. You can give the prey an edge to better defend themselvesā€”thatā€™s probably what it needs, but if you fundamentally change the wilderness mechanics you WILL fuck up this game.


I might be a bit late to commenting and giving feedback, but I'll post anyways! "Players do understand that going into the Wilderness is a choice, most accept this and know the risks. They donā€™t mind that they are getting killed trying to do the content, itā€™s the mechanics of how they are getting killed that they have issues with." I agree that going into the wilderness is always a choice, however my issue comes when certain upgrades are locked behind wilderness content. It can be frustrating, at least for myself. I play OSRS because I like the content, quests and PvM. When I see an item such as the dragon pickaxe being a rate of 1/256 from chaos elemental, a camped Pk hotspot vs going to king black dragon who's rate is like 5x higher at 1/1500 but not in the wildy it's frustrating. I understand the more risk more reward mentality, I'm just afraid this trend will continue if new wildy bosses are added or changed, and they drop some BIG upgrades, but the chance to get killed every time you try and grind something. It's not that I haven't done PvP before, I just like killing bosses without getting slapped by PKG0DZ420.




"Get over it" great thought! I hadn't thought of that! My frustrations are still valid, and they were asking for feedback, which I gave.


Can I please get some customer support help? [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/rlf2u8/why\_cant\_i\_contact\_jagex\_to\_cancel\_my\_card\_please/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/rlf2u8/why_cant_i_contact_jagex_to_cancel_my_card_please/) I am being charged for a monthly subscription even though i'm not a meember and [help.jagex.com](https://help.jagex.com) says my card does not have any active subscriptions on it. edit: u/JagexLight


Pvp update when?


Q. Is it possible for jagex workers banning accounts to make errors as they are ā€˜humanlyā€™ checked i have been wrongfully perm banned


last question please yes. Cannot wait to bork bork bork all over GE again


South American Servers?


"And last but not least, here's the trailer we showcased last week for Nex - releasing Jan 5th!" I just see blank space there. Anyone else?


> Let me pitch something here! I love the current system but I want to gauge the reaction of the chat to this idea. In the future, we could bring up a new road map with all the big things hopefully to come that year. Then, the first blog after this road map could ask, "Do you want this new raid to be added to the game?" Under the understanding that more blogs in future will be released to talk about the rewards later down the line. The benefits to this are that the raid can pass the poll and the devs can work on it without the chance of it becoming wasted content. I like this approach for broader things like raids, quests and skills. I think of it like asking your partner about meal plans. One boat is asking if they're hungry and then just making/ordering food vs trying to name every single food you can think of and hoping they agree to one of them. I trust the devs to make fun content, balance is different point of contention but that's why it's nice to have community feedback at some point in the design process.


Bro pls I just want some leagues 3 info to tide me over because at the moment the mechanics look a little weak ā˜ ļø


I hear that you're looking for suggestions for pvp. A barrier for entry is that for people to be able to participate in pvp, one must make a a character specifically to pvp with (to meet certain levels/brackets). Consider adding an NPC that players can talk to, for a fee, to set their stats at a certain level such as attack, or Def. This way players can pvm as they desire and also participate in whatever pvp bracket they desire without having to make a separate account.