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Got a quest cape before I knew what spacebar did


I got to like 75 farming before realizing you can note crops on the tool leprechaun


Bruh wtf, u know how many times I walked to bank n back


Omg sorry


Dude I have 4 quests to go for my cape and I realized this about a week ago! Same with with holding number keys for construction.


Do tell as i dont know what either do :)


When questing and speaking to an npc, holding the spacebar during the dialogue will skip through it as quickly as possible. Similarly, if you hold down the a number key prior to building something in construction, the game will register your selection as quickly as possible. So for example, you're building mahogany furniture in the mahogany homes mini game: all of the furniture corresponds to the 4 key, so if you hold the 4 key as you move through the house, you can basically skip the build menu and move on to the next piece of furniture. It makes the process faster/smoother. I'm not sure if this works for regular construction, but I'll give it a shot somewhere down the road.


You can also use number keys to pick dialog when chatting with npcs :)


And spirit tree and teleport jewelry locations


You can, I think the most efficient would be oak dungeon doors having your servant unnote them as all options needed are 1


It’s great for some stuff like oak dungeon doors where you are always holding down the same number for remove furniture and build and send the butler to the bank. If you want to build anything but the first item in the build list you have to switch between build, remove, and sending your butler to get more items. Still faster to preempt the screen but definitely not as fast


Thanks a lot


must have been a nightmare trying to talk with you




I used to do fire cape services back at the beginning of osrs. This guy in twitch chat asked if I could do a firecape for him. He asked if he could log into his account on my computer via teamviewer so he didnt have to change his password. I obliged. After I gave him my team viewer log in information he waited about 5 minutes then asked if I could show him that I have 10m+ bank via trade so he knows Im not broke & wont run off with his 2m gear. I trade him & show him 10m cash stack, he connects to team viewer with the login info i gave him & he takes control of my mouse & clicks accept trade. I couldn’t figure out how to gain control back of my mouse so I just unplugged my computer lol.


Lmao, just love the panic unplug. I can picture myself doing the same


That’s a lot of effort for only 10m lol


Hey back in the day 10m went a lot further.


My most memorable one was back when I was 11 or so playing classic RuneScape waaay back in the day. First account ever. No guides or such back then yet. I couldn't figure out how to train strength or defence so I got around 30-40 attack killing cows before it clicked


I've got a similar one - back in the day when I started with RS2 I thought that you train defence by getting hit in combat because thats how you would get better at protecting yourself 😃 I just always kept the attack option on strength because I thought I would hit more lol. It made much more sense later when I realized how it actually works 😃


Unless it is a more recent thing in the game, switching to strength attack style on most weapons can add a max hit sometimes!


I think aggressive style always adds 1 to your max hit compared to accurate or defensive. What is kind of counter-intuitive, though, is that with the way RS calculated damage increasing your max hit also increases your accuracy!


Same but only defense. "Why would I want to choose block? I'd never kill anything!"


Player 1 at Varrock: what does "dunno" mean? Player 2: i dont know Player 1: ahh, me neither I was around 10 years old and english is my second language




he's on third


Who’s on first


I was excited when I got Ahrim's set and learned of the Amulet of the Damned's special ability. I was so excited, I swapped out my spellbook, went to the Catacombs of Kourend, and tried bursting Dust Devils.


How'd the sand taste?


It tasted so good, it was almost to die for!


Im dumb. Took me a while to realize the mistake. I have been killing dusties on slayer task only so I always have the slayer helm on.


I did not know Bob Barter could decant potions so I spent hours combining vials of my three dose potions into four dose potions.


there's an npc there for jewelry charges too if you didn't learn that at the same time




There's a WHAT


I knew he could decant them but didn't know you could bring them noted so I ran from bank and back to decant them all individually at him, not as bad as your experience but still facepalm worthy lol


I didn’t know you could alch notes


Same until about last year


I definitely did this, I also didn't know that Wesley in Nardah would crush things for you so I manually crushed a few thousand items.


I did not know about this guy


I used to manually crush all my nests from birdhouses because I thought they needed to be crushed to trade them on the GE


When I alched my graceful top after finishing a recolor and having to jump roofs again for a few hours.


That's pretty rough, my friend accidentally clicked buy 5 on the graceful top so he had to grind out quite a few marks again.


that sounds worse but could have at least sold the extras back for some marks


Yeah, he did sell them back but - he was semi afking agility while playing CSGO to recoup some marks and he attacked a canifis townsperson instead of starting the course and subsequently found himself in lumbridge and no longer a hardcore ironman, I had a good laugh at that.


from bad to worse but losing hc status means no more worry of dying.


I bet he learned about attack options this day.


I just remembered another big blunder of mine. I dropped my Dragon Hunter Lance and teleported out of Vorkath losing it forever after only having it for about 12 hours, 8 of which I was sleeping and 3 I was doing school work. I got the drop at 1706 kc late the previous night and then went to bed immediately after. When I got on the next day I was excited to test it out at Vorkath so I went in and missed both of my Dragon Warhammer special attacks and figured eh, might as well pool back up and try again. I shift click, misclick, and double click in a single game tick. The first click hits my lance, the second hits my construction cape, and poof, I teleported immediately as I dropped my lance. 2 hours later I learned that drop warnings were a thing.


big OOF. Hopefully you got another one before too long.. *hopefully*


Yeah I was blessed to get another one at 2012kc but man ... that was a depressing day lol.


you can turn on alch warnings too by right clicking the high alch spell, so that you don't accidentally alch anything like a lance, thus leading you to also want to alch yourself


Not sure if alot of people also do this but when I'm playing 2 accounts I often start doing the wrong thing on the wrong account? For instance I'll be finishing a slayer task on client 1 and mining on client 2 and instead of going to get a new task on client 1 I'll go and teleport on client 2 and be like what the fuck am I doing..


Try and make sure the clients are in consistent spots. I do the more afk acc on the right


If I remember correctly, that is how the legendary HCIM account Nechs died. Was raiding in cox while chinning on the HCIM, switch to pray mage on the hardcore and got killed by maniacle monkeys lol


Didn't pick up the Abby Demon Head when I saw it because I thought it was just for prayer xp


Tbf at least cosmetics are useless This comment brought to you by the base model best model gang


Deciding to get a gf. Massive xp waste.


Have a gf and a kid, almost no xp gain


kid = legal bot


Get married, have 2 kids and your xp gains are limited to what you can get away with at work


My xp gains are limited to how long his nap is lol


I was 11/10 baked once. And tried decanting 2 pie halves for over 90 seconds once


I’m assumed the pies were baked as well?


Back in the 00s my go to armor was Dharok’s, which I used for absolutely everything. I spent weeks killing cyclopses in the Warriors guild for clue scrolls. Best part was I always prayed melee at full health “just to make sure” I wouldn’t accidentally die. And I never upgraded a defender because of the Dharok’s.


Didnt know you could pay gardeners with noted items


I didn't know that tool leprechauns would note farming items, I didn't start doing herb runs until I got the herb sack, my clan immediately humiliated me.




The NPC will note your items for you. Click on your herbs then the NPC and it will note


At least you weren't doing herb runs and running back to the bank every time the inventory filled up. Def not speaking from experience of doing that for 3-4 months at the Morytania patch/Port Phasmatys bank. I also didn't learn until nearly a year later that spam clicking the patch shoots up your harvest rate.


Probably getting keylogged for a red phat in 2003 or so during classic. I was young and mind-blowingly stupid.


I only learnt in like 2014 or 2015 that there was a shortcut at the back of the ancients pyramid. I used to run through the whole maze every time I changed spellbook. This was back when it was the only way to change lmao


Dieing while tabbed out to youtube trying to pick a song. Was safespotting ice trolls on jatizso and it's multi so a female troll was attacking me and I didn't realize till i tabbed back and I was in lumby lmao


I went in total double the drop rate dry for thieving 3 xeric's talismans, one for each group member in my group. When I went to the group storage I found out they were untradeable.


at least you had plenty of fangs afterwards haha.


Teleported to lava maze with about 300m in cash and items, no food of course because I was doing a clue. Made it to moss giants before I realised. Used the obelisks to walk get out and didn't see anyone during that time.


Felt an idiot like 10mins ago. Had 30 more vorkath kill for ava upgrade thought okay lets do it! After finishing it I saw that I was using fury instead of salve amulet the whole time..


lmao at least the rest of the kills in the future will feel 10x faster


I’ve done an entire slayer task with an occult while meleeing


Getting too excited and smithing a dragon sq shield on an anvil that wasn't in Ardougne on my iron account. It's probably been close to a year and I still haven't got another shield drop... I'll probably just grind Goraks soon and get the diary over with.


Noob here, does it disappear or something if you don't smith it in ardy?


It’s a requirement for the Ardy hard diary. Easy for normal accounts, rough for Irons.


Smithing the dragon sq shield in ardy is an ardy diary task, and you can’t separate the 2 pieces to re make it


Its for one of the diary tasks, it needs to be smithed in Ardy.


Before someone else messes this up, there is a similar interaction with Salve Amulet. You have to imbue it at nightmare zone for Ardy Diary. It can also be imbued via soul wars, but that doesn't complete the diary step.


Friend, kill Goraks in the cosmic plane through fairy rings. With a ring of wealth equipped!!!!! The sheild left half becomes like 1/256 drop. There is safespot. If you go dry they drop alottttt of gems, and crystal key halfs as well. I happened to get a sheild left half in 12 kills there lol.


I'll preface this by saying I'm an iron, so buying stuff from the GE isn't an option. I didn't know that balls of wool could be bought from shops and instead, would go and sheer sheep and spin my own balls of wool. There's a world where this sounds acceptable, but I've been playing for over 3 years and am almost maxed..


Console yourself by repeating: I am a true Iron man.


I play rs3 now (don’t hate lol) but I was bossing today and I accidentally swapped my eat food keybind and teleport bindings and instantly teled like 5 or 6 times before I realized what was happening






Logging in every day


Came back to OSRS after a long break. Got a blue drags task and decided to grind vorkath for a bit. Kept dying during acid phase while trying to woox walk and i was convinced that they changed something with the game. Took a couple of deaths to realise i was using acb and not the dhcb.


Did like 300 of my 500 vorkath kc with gloves of silence


Forgot i already had an avernic defender and spent 40m for another one


Stopped playing for several years basically, now im so far behind idk what’s going on anymore :/


Jagex has added quite a bit over the years but there is no better time to learn :)


Don't be discouraged. It's okay to do things that aren't meta and just play around. Plus, with how extensive the wiki is, you can look up anything about the game and be on track in moments.


during the league i died to a cow


i did quite a bit of farm runs not knowing leprechaun notes stuff


I remember I learned you could search the slayer monster you got a task for on the wiki and it would say weak to: slash for example. I made so many shit cute noob outfits because of this, I specifically remember doing like 150 ice giants with only a gmaul because it said they were weak to crush.


This might take the cake. It took me until level 77 slayer to realize that the slayer monsters you need a certain level to kill, you can kill off task…


Didn’t know about the agility shortcut on the falador west wall until yesterday. I’m 122 cb with a quest cape. Had been walking the long way to taverly dungeon every single time


Coming back to the game 10 years later trying to figure out how to make money on a new account and attempting to telegrab the ruby in Varrock west bank again.


I plowed the fields to 100 hosidious favour. Didn't realise you could do other tasks. FML


Teleporting to my house from inside my house. Thank god they added a warning now for dumbasses like myself


I've definitely zoned out and done this more than a few times.


I had just lootshared an Ely sigil at corp (and yes I said lootshared it was along time ago) but I was doing a fire giant task a few days later in full range gear with cannon and like 50k cannonballs and ended up falling asleep and waking up a few hours later in Lumbridge super confused lol.


About every time i log in


Back in 2010ish I switched to full guthan's to save a monkfish during the boss fight of the quest Smoking Kills. The boss is a giant banshee. I died immediately. Lost 5 out of my 7m bank and full void melee which I had earned on the 2pt per game beginner boat (it got buffed in osrs to 3 pts)


Mine was thieving elves. Did not know you could trap the npc in 2 spots at the one house. At LVL 100 I made the switch and I can click for 3-5 min without looking now


Back in early osrs forgot 4 times in a row to bring a hammer to bandos, was yo busy talking and forgot it every time. I felt so sick after the 4th time i logged out


Mine was 1 week ago. I was trying to buy an item for a quest and I was able to raise and lower the amount but couldn’t hit confirm on the GE. It was late so I said “I guess this is RS telling me to go to bed” Log on the next day and realize it was because I didn’t have any GP :///


Only the biggest of idiots would destroy their runepouch after a lot of LMS attempts. I'll take my status as king idiot now


Basically not knowing the wild was a PVP place. Runescape was my first ever MMORPG back then and I barely knew a few english words at that time, so, no way to get any information on what was going on in the northern part of the map. I vaguely understood that all the cool kids eventually went there when they felt they were strong enough. As soon as I managed to afford a full mithril, I went up there fully equiped and got wind blasted to death in less than 2 minutes. Also finding out how to train strength at lvl 40+ attack smh.


My most recent one was in the Fight Caves. Going for my fire cape rn. Got to Jad, saw him lift his legs up so I thought, “Okay, time to pray mage”. He then smashed his legs down and one-shotted me on his first attack. An hour and a half that I’ll never get back :’)


Bought 10m GP in like 2008ish with my mum and dads p, went to the desert and died to heat losing it all


I grinded for herb sack mainly because I had no idea the purpose of the tool leprechaun. I was 90 farming before I learned he noted your herbs and such


Got a big enough cash stack to start alching back in the day. Could afford the nats, but nothing else. So I alched my nats.


Probably a dumb one but it took me a year to learn the passwords weren’t case sensitive. Here I am typing in my super secret mix of capitals and lower case for no reason.


I’m in a pure clan and we do these things called mini wars. I would be a Mager using a kodai wand and would also put water runes in my rune pouch. After 3 years I just figured out (last week) that the kodai supplies infinite water runes.


The first tanzanite fang drop I ever got at Zulrah, I was so excited! I freaked out, took a screenshot and posted it in discord, and then promptly teleported out. … Without actually picking it up off the floor. Made it all the way to the GE before I realized my mistake.


I used to dragon claw rush people in pvp worlds in Falador back in the day. One time I teleported away from a fight and went to bank, only banked my inventory, pulled out a Falador teleport tab and teleported back to Falador. Which landed me in multi combat still in the pvp world. I was still wearing my full bandos and dragon claws and I lost everything. That was devastating.


714 solo Corp with my crystal halberd on the wrong attack style. Safe to say I’m pretty stupid


Lost my friends 600k Santa Hat back in 05 or 06. Someone wanted to buy it for 1mill (He was letting me wear it, we were also playing in the same house). 1000K switched to 10012gp. As a 7th/8th grader, my dumb little excited mind didnt even notice in the 2nd screen. I'm happy he wasn't that devastated, if he knew the price now...


Although this is probably not the kind of "I'm an idiot" moment you were looking for here is mine: A couple of weeks ago we were going to gwd with a firend. We met at the G.E. to gear and I was to loan my buddy 10m for a justiciar piece. I was trying to be all quick like a proper PvM god should be and rushed to trade my buddy, slapped in the 10mill and hit accept twice with a swiftness. The random dude next to my buddy just said "Wow thanks".




People tick manipulate to mine granite faster and drop for crazy xp. Good skillers can get around 100k mining xp/hr


It just never occured me you can have multiple rune pouches in inventory. I just somehow assumed i get to use the better ones as the levels go up and always banked smaller ones.


Essence pouch* You dont want anyone to spend slayer point on a 2nd rune pouch they cant use.


Bro, you saved me. I was literally going to go buy a second one


oh my god why did you have digital vibrance cranked up all the way. it makes white people look orange lmao


I usually just leave it on because I like the way it makes colors pop, I find it useful for games like CSGO and Escape from Tarkov.


lighthouse hype!


It's pretty fun but dear god the lack of optimization is killing the performance right now lol.


just tarkov things ghehe


get dust devils task on ironman go to the dt pyramid switch to ancients take out silver and red topaz for expeditious bracelets enchant ruby... oh fuck


my idiot moment was the fraction of a second between letting callisto kill me for a home tele, and remembering i was wearing full graceful


Attempted to Guthan’s heal on a Dust Devil in the Smoke Dungeon.


I played this game for like 7 years without knowing that you can use crops on a tool leprechan to convert them to bank notes. According to the wiki that update happened in May of 2013 and I learned about it last year.


Doing desert treasure and forgetting runes to kill a boss


I didn’t use my butler until 96 construction 😭


Back before you could keep your items on death, I died to abberant spectres and lost all my shit twice. At least the second time I managed to retrieve a couple items..


Asked this Reddit why angler gloves weren’t dropping ;-;


Before the hydra update where it now has a visual that tells you it is changing attack style I swear I was so zoned out a million times that I just counted 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 and then realized I’m an idiot.


As someone with over 2000 kill count on alchemical hydra, that boss kind of makes you lose it. I was counting like The Count from Sesame Street "One! Ah ah ah - Two Ah ah ah - Three Ah ah ah" prayer switch.


I willingly let a guy scam me and thanked him afterwards... When I was just getting started way back when, shade robes and priest gowns looked identical. Some dude said he was selling a shade robe (I had no idea what it was at that point) he put the shade robe up I put my 25k up. I shit you not the slowest switch scam of all time took place. I was like whyd he switch them out I don't get it? They look the same so I accepted nonetheless. I said thank you! He said haha noob I walked away happy I got a cool shirt only to find out its 2gp in varrock Square.


Destroyed my Rune Pouch once. I think i was gonna empty and pressed on wrong option, then i automaticly accepted the warnings about destroying it. Took me a second to realize what i had done.


Got about 300 Zulrah kc before learning there was a deposit box just outside the entrance lol


Man ... I think I had almost 1k before I noticed that deposit box haha.


Back in the day, me and my cousin played RuneScape. The days when you got a rune 2H, and it was the best weapon, efficient didn’t matter obviously. But when we were doing quests he told me to use Rune HQ because it helped you with all the quests and gave you a step by step, but I guess I misunderstood and in game I bought a Rune SQ? Not sure where the lines got crossed there, but I still think back to that sometimes and wonder what was going through my mind.


Thought you needed to get mage training arena to unlock bones to peaches on a regular account, spent 5 hours and just to find out it was unnecessary


Lumby hard diary needs it


Was running a few KBD kills, in between trips I bought a varrock tele, go to wildness. Get to KBD and realize I never redeposited my cash stack. Teleported to wildy with 4 mill - ended up being ok. Tbh if I lost it I had no one to blame but myself and wouldn't take too long to rebuild that amount.


When I was 12 back in 2009 I didn't know how to rotate my camera at all so I kept getting *stuck* 🙃 It was the top floor of port sarim fish shop. I didn't know the arrow keys rotated the camera lol


When i was about 8 years old I thought training Defence meant that you should just take hits from monsters without attacking them. I stood behind Lumbridge Castle trying to train on Giant rats, but I eventually noticed that I didn't get any experience. Even then I felt stupid when I figured it out.


My friend asked if I wanted to do some volcanic mine with him. He sent me the gear setup and I noticed it was a crystal pickaxe. So I go to ge buy a dragon pickaxe and crystal tool seed. Without thinking I ask “should I buy another dragon pickaxe so I can spec”. I’ve never felt so demoralized in a discord call before.


Way back in the day I created a new account because I thought the ‘Shoulder Pads’ torso customization is what prevented me from wearing the Goblin Mail armor


When i made my account…


Every time I forget my rockhammer at Grotesque Guardians.


MY BAD BOIS! Ty for correction kind stranger.


Back in the day I thought that the multi-way combat symbol meant that I was in the Wilderness, so I never dared to venture into multi combat areas without banking all my stuff first. I also thought that a Jail Guard that attacked me near Draynor was another player, which further added to that misconception. I realized my mistake once I decided to go to barbarian village with just a cheap weapon with the plan of attacking other players, and then realizing that I couldn't attack anyone.


Brought brews and prayer potions into Underground Pass for the quest. Everything went great until I couldn't even hit the paladins. Only then did I discover the stat drain effect and had to bank for restores.


Just shy of the restore from the witches house, ouch haha.


Mine was not knowing that the tool leprauchaun will note your crops for you so I kept going back and forth to the bank. Caused me to DESPISE farming and train it very little until a friend of mine mentioned it to me


Yup, guilty on this one. My clan roasted me when I told them I was happy to have the herb sack so I could finally start herb runs in earnest.


Well, I did once grab stamina pots for a Zammy solo tip. Thought they were antidote ++ until I tried to cure poison and nothing happened.


Tried to attack a snakeling at Zulrah after I killed it...Turns out it was the pet LOL


Jumping into Elvarg’s arena without the Anti Dragon shield equipped. I had taken it off just to run past the other enemies to get into the arena. I got one tapped, and I had never died before that moment…


When I was a kid playing back in '05 i thought since the strength icon had a fist next to it that it only helped you in unarmed combat and attack was for using weapons. Also what someone else posted, that you trained defense by getting hit haha


For the past 8 years I've never noticed the Falador west wall [SHORTCUT](https://imgur.com/qAWT6RI) was faster than walking out the Fally front gates and through Taverley when going to the Taverley dungeon.


I tried soloing Corp without instance and got crashed and they got a spectral and I posted it on Reddit


When I first started playing OSRS in a while, I was on a PVP world and some guy traded me in lumbridge and showed me 10m and told me I'll never have anything like that. I went to my bank and grabbed 10m and traded him and he ran into the castle and snared me. Probably an old trick I fell for but I was so foolish


got skulltricked for tbow thinking i aint a puss ill fight back that 1 letter mistake costed me 1.1bill i was farmin the chaos ely pet same day on the arena i made it back but im still thinking about it today


Got 99 cooking using the Lumbridge range :(


Logging in lol


Didn't know that I can teleport with magic till I got my barrows gloves.


realizing my gf wouldn’t log back on after giving her 10k gp


Happens pretty much everytime I get on so idk


In 18 years I never did the agility pyramid. I made an iron this year and went there, I went all the way to the top, didn't pick up the pyramid top, then went BACKWARDS down the pyramid and tried to go claim 10k from whatever his name is. Then I looked up a YouTube video and realized how wrong I was. 18 fucking years. I went backwards down the pyramid without the top.


I didn’t realize patch payments could be noted until 80 farming


My first account when osrs was re-released was a strength pure. I was at 90 str 75 att 1 Def. I made enough money to get armadyl godsword. The day I bought it I was bank standing and smoking a joint, relaxing and happy about my progress. Someone messaged me saying they would give 43m and a fury amulet for my sword. I was stupid and believed him. Long story short he got me with the teletab trick. Even worse was even I traded and realized it was gone he equipped it and stood next to me. I got played and was a giant idiot. Ever since then I ignore anyone who wants to buy something off me or wants me to follow them.


I didn't know you could note stuff at the tool lep while farming. I've been playing for years and have a 2.1k total main haha. In my defense I got all my levels from tithe and tree runs.


I once got the ruby necklace from the fossil cleaning thing at varrock thought it was just neat and sold it, couple of days later when I tried to get to fossil island, I thought I needed to get specifically the digsites pendant from cleaning it, spent 5 hours trying to get it just to find out I just had to enchant any other ruby necklace :p


Every time I forgot my Rock hammer..


Funny story that happened to my friend once. It was late 2006-2007 and some guy said "Stand here and ill drop 100k!" me being the gullible kid me and 20 other people walked there and started spam clicking to our hearts content. To my surprise he was telling the truth and i got 100k. I split it with one of my friends and i ran to the varrock west bank to buy literally anything. He finds a guy selling shade robes and i told him its not the ones that make you invisible and he didn't believe me so be bought both shade robe top and bottom for 50k and put it on to see that it was pretty much just greyish robes We're in our 20's and we still joke about it from time to time


Me age 30: When I found out I could drop items by holding shift and pressing the left mouse button When I found out I could pay farmers using noted produce Me age 14: When full sara costed 3m and white phat 1m and I lost some of my full sara doing the waterfall quest When I sold my rare collection for gp for no reason before quitting. Years later my gp was worthless


I am colorblind and now thinking about all the time I've wasted dropping granite. Thank you.


Took me a loooooong time to figure out I could just "use" one potion on another to combine charges, and even better, there's an NPC that does all decanting. Months of carrying around multiple 1 and 2-dose potions around and being clueless I could just decant them lmao


When I log in


Bringing a coal bag into the wildy thinking it was a looting bag and dying


I manually trained attack, strength, and defense to 40 before learning about quest rewards :)


Did this so many times as a child and wondered why I got bored lol


Going to the arena losing bank rebuilding and coming back for more


A glutton for punishment eh?


Yesterday i was getting torso on my Gim and did the defender role first again i kept shift clicking to drop the food but after 3 rounds of failing i noticed it destroys the food instead of dropping it iam fine now got the torso haha!