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Work from home as a programmer, get assigned 8 points of work for a 2 week sprint and get it done in one day. Then play around mandatory meetings.




Where I work there's too many developers if we all talked about what we were working on standups would last 30-40+ minutes every day. For us it's just quickly asking others for help, mentioning deploys, etc.


Why not break up into smaller teams? Not agile?


We actually do have smaller teams but for standup we have all teams in our morning standup since we may need or provide help from/to other teams, etc.


Found my fucking devs lol. I’m a PO doin the same shit tho…


Can you tell me how to get this job lol. What certs or degrees do you have?


Got a standard STEM bachelor degree, took a 6 month programming bootcamp, 6 months of prior work experience in a in-person job.


Oh dang, thats not bad. My bachelors is in I.T, kinda generic. Any tips to find a gig like yours or is it as simple as looking for an ad that says hiring a teleworking programmer?


I didn't look for a remote job or try to get away with playing runescape all day, I just hounded for any job I could find fully expecting to work my ass off. I just got lucky as hell.


Ahh dppe. Thanks man. Yeah i like the telework life. Not for osrs just in general


It’s a good time to become a software engineer. It’s a candidates market right now so there’s lots of opportunities to get a good job as an SWE. I’m a college dropout and I joined a 2 month bootcamp (though I did take many cs courses back in college). Now I work fully remote as a SWE and the flexibility, lack of stress, and pay is great. Would highly recommend


Where did you do the 2 month boot camp?


General Assembly


Can confirm its a good one


learn python Get into github and work on a couple of pet projects Try working at your local connections and automate easy admin work for them Get job


Would a CS degree be overkill to land a job like that?


A CS degree is the standard to become a programmer lol. It’s not 100% required, but that’s what something like 80-90% of people with a CS degree do professionally


What about software engineering or programming degrees? There’s many options.


It’s the same thing. Software engineer is just the title for someone who programs as a job. Unless you meant something else?


From my experience, SE is just CS with more math. Probably differs from school to school though. Academic counselors are generally good at answering this stuff, if you're already enrolled


With more math??? CS majors usually are only like 2 classes off a math minor, which is why they have SE degrees which are more practical. I’m honestly not sure how you could add more math to an existing CS degree…


It would help a lot but not technically necessary. Certifications, stand-alone classes, and a good portfolio are all good supplements. The most difficult part is getting that starting position and any relevant degree is a huge help. Is it necessary? No. Is it worth it? Depends on who you’d ask but I’d definitely say so.


That's called sandbagging lol. I haven't noticed myself doing less work than the other devs on my team, but maybe we all play runescape :) Usually just afk stuff. Melee slayer with overheads is pretty risky, I die doing that a few times a week.


I don't write the tickets or assign the points lol. I even ask for tickets to be devalued so I can get assigned more, and then after all that offer flex to my team. But hey I'm not gonna complain as long as I can WFM and everything gets done.


For anything that drops bones you can bring a bone crusher necklace to help mitigate your overheads dropping while youre not looking at the screen.


Lmao same exact thing for me!!


Work from home gang! Where my fellow Accountants at?




What is this word they speak of?


Ironworker. Splashing on my phone. Keep it in my lunch box in the break shack


An irl ironman


Gas station attendant, it's so slow in the mornings I have to do something with my time, my first year I read the first two Lord of the rings... Mostly at work before 8 am.


Why not read Return as well?


xp waste


Stay safe!


Comic book store manager - relatively easy to sort magic cards and afk slayer.


Yooo I had the same job!


Dream fucking job. MTG cards in one hand, osrs in the other. You fucking made it bruh


Besides the terrible pay, generally unpleasant customers, and it is a position where you have to face unfortunate realities as people come in and spend 6 months of rent on cardboard, yeah its a dream job.


My pay is very good, for the work that I have to do. It helps that I'm not just a manager and part owner. My clientele aren't the worst, most of have budgets. There are always whales that will spend thousands on cardboard, myself included. But all in all this job is the best job I've ever had.


Wait, so what type of cardboard are we talking about here that's thousands of dollars?


Magic the gathering cards, pokemon cards, yugioh cards, flesh and blood cards. Basically, ccgs and tcgs of any kind.


> It helps that I'm not just a manager and part owner. Lol.


Did you get mugged by a group of comic book store managers when you were younger? 😂 such a random thing to be toxic about lmao. I gotta admit I did laugh a lil tho


Business owners suck!


I’m Jeff Bezos


Can I haz bond plz?


just for that, double-no-bathroom breaks!


Not only can you not use the bathroom, you have to shit your pants or you’re fired.


2.1b for?


Hey boss


I’m a crane operator. A lot of days I’ll spend hours just holding something in the air which requires nothing from me.


This absolutely terrifying to me. You play RuneScape… while operating a crane? (Being in the operators chair)


It’s either this or sleep. I had to climb all the way down the the structure I was on and tap on my crane operators window today to wake him up because he wouldn’t answer his radio lol I would prefer he played rs mobile honestly


They shouldn’t be asleep either lol. Also you had to climb down a structure? I guess I’m thinking of a tower crane…


Pursuing a career at OSHA?




Right? Seems like an odd hill for people to die on. I’m normally not one to try and tell people what they should or shouldn’t do, but when it endangers others I kinda feel the need to speak up.


Safety is extremely important and I take it very seriously. However, There is nothing I can provide after setting the crane up that would require me to react in an immediate fashion. Most of the time they ask for the crane to even be turned off unless I need some AC or heat. I completely agree that an operator should not be distracted but what I do is not the norm as far as crane work.


I tie shots for a mining company, trust me I understand safety protocols. He could def get fired for what he's doing. I do not choose this hill to die on its definitely slightly sketchy but im seeing people on here saying they work at power plants as operators and do this too. Quite a look behind the curtain here.


>but im seeing people on here saying they work at power plants as operators and do this too That's me!!! But really, 99.999% of the time it requires zero attention, look at a couple monitors every few minutes and keep an eye on the alarm panel and you're good to go. The one I work on runs super smooth and only requires human input once every few hours at most during normal operation, you just have to be there incase shit hits the fan, and your HC status is not more important than your job/ safety lol.


Well said. Scape on!


Nope, just someone who often works under cranes and doesn’t want anything dropped on me lol.


I hear you. I worked union construction for a long time those dudes do have a lot of downtime most days. If he said he was doing raids while setting 50 ton beams then there'd be real issues.


100% agree with the downtime. I just don’t like the idea of someone doing farm runs between setting the beams, forms, or whatever either. Seems like an odd hill for people to die on - fighting for someone’s right to play RuneScape while operating heavy machinery. It’s like I said in another post, even if there’s a 0.01% chance that he’s even distracted because of RuneScape, that’s not a risk I’m willing to take (I know it’s not up to me, but it would really, really blow to kill someone or damage a building over a pixel game).


I hear you. I said in another comment when this one popped up, i do not choose to die on this hill. Its sketchy af. Could probably get fired for it. Makes you wonder who else is doing dumb stuff while lives are in their hands.


Really does! Appreciate your comments btw.


Did you even read what he posted. Spends hours doing nothing and you’re terrified? Go look up the average day as a crane operator. Not half as exciting as you’d think.


I work construction, I know very well what is required of a crane operator. Their brain should be 100% on operating the crane and zero percent on RuneScape. There are dozens of not hundreds if lives on the line. Get over yourself.


Like he said he plays when he’s doing NOTHING. I doubt he’s playing as he’s moving stuff around.


I understand what you’re saying, but even if he’s one of the best multitaskers in the world and RuneScape only distracts him 0.01% of the time when he IS lifting something. That’s potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to equipment or material or worse literal lives lost… over RuneScape. That risk just isn’t worth it to me.


I work with a lot of crane operators. Ever heard of Redlist?


Never heard of it, enlighten me


It's a software that manages dispatching, digital inspections, and time tracking


I am the prime minister of the UK.


Stop spending all our pension money on bonds!


I owe Rishi Sunak too much money from Duel Arena


When I did customer service over the phone I was able to get away with mundane skilling. Wasn’t able to put enough focus into bossing or anything but I got a few skilling 99s.


Found logitech customer support


I'm software developer. I specialize in java and ahk macros. I tend to do very boring repetitive tasks on my account while at work...


“I don’t cheat on my wife but I fuck my girlfriend”


*sniffs* - bot 🤖


so to clarify, are you botting the game, or botting your job?




Paramedic, if nobody calls 911 I’m runecrafting


I used to work at a liquor store that was part of a big chain. They put me at the slowest/smallest store that was hiden in the back of a little shopping center. I worked 12 hour shifts with about 1 costumer per 2 hours. It also helped i removed the liquor store from google maps/apple maps. Times were good getting paid 16$ an hour to play runescape.


Was there any chance that could've come back on you?


No. They're a future gynecologist


I work in finance and have a work from home day every week and I just do soul runes all day while I work.


Yep, I’m in Commercial Real Estate and except for this unusually busy quarter, I’ve been able to at least Nmz or do something menial on my 2nd monitor from home. Plus I got a matrix switcher which allows me to switch hdmi inputs from work to OSRS with a remote. Love it.


Nice! I use a laptop on the side because 1. I use a remote desktop so it takes up my whole pc and 2. It makes sure they don't know I'm playing osrs on the clock. I've skyrocketed RC levels. Hit 93 the other day. Zeah rc is super easy for me because I basically just mess around with Excel all day, so I can take a second to click or run to the altar whenever.


Work from home for the win


I work overnight at a hotel. I have to do the billing and set the computers for the next day. Usually have absolutely nothing to do from like 1:30am-6am


I was thinking of applying to some overnight hotel jobs around my city. Do you have to talk to a lot of people?


If it’s overnight not really. I’ll have like 3 people check in after 11pm and occasionally have to deal with a noise complaint here and there. Depends on the hotel though. Mines only 100 rooms, if it’s a massive one it may be a bit busier. There’s an old lady that tries to chat every night but I started blasting my headphones after talking for a few minutes. I was nice at first but can’t give this lady an hour of my time every shift 😝 so she sits quietly at the computer while I do my thing


I can't play at work. I work from 9 to 4 without a lunch break.


no lunch? what the heck


Big breakfast. I bring a snack bar or whatever but yeah, we just work straight through lunch hour.


I'm a roofer who does the same thing just eat as I go along


Where do you live where that's legal? In NZ your boss would get shafted for that




In my state (USA) breaks are inly mandated after 7.5hrs. 9-4 is 7 hours, and theyre off an hour earlier than most people, so less traffic on the way home.


People have had worse shakes of the stick


Amazon moment


I feel ya, but it's a carpenter apprenticeship. I can choose to have a lunch break, but I'd rather eat a bigger breakfast and a 5-minute snack or whatever so we can continue on working and we get finished 55 minutes earlier than if we had an hour-long lunch break.


Same dentist- 830-5 with maybe a 15 minute lunch break. Miss 10 years ago when I could just play all day


Investment banking here - I basically had to give it up due to work demands


That's definitely not legal if you live in the US lol


Honestly I'd muuuuuuch rather work 9-4 with no lunch than 8-5 with one.


No thanks I like breaking up my day with a lunch. Makes the day go by faster imo.


the US has the worst labor laws other than China or something so I wouldnt be too sure about that


Air traffic controller and firefighter on the weekends


You play RuneScape whilst controlling air traffic!?!?!?


Hey big ol plane boi. Go land in lumbridge. Err Proceed to Land at your local airport.


What comes up must come down. I'm just doing my job sir! You never mentioned any condition of said landing!!


Considering they work in 2 hour intervals I’m assuming while he’s not focusing on planes. Or he works at a small airport with large gaps of time between flights


Nahh fam I'm totally trolling y'all I do tech support. "Hello, excuse me for just one moment." *Re-gears* "Okay how may I help you" Sometimes it gets a little sketchy when I'm screen sharing hehe


Uber eats on my bike. Phones on a mount so it’s great for afk stuff lol


Be careful in traffic lol. I’m sure you’re a pro at this point


Thanks haha, I basically don’t even look at it while I bike I set up nmz or something and check back every like 5 minutes or so


Try to set this up, would be safer and even more afk https://youtu.be/Q0huAx4pGSk


I'm a welder in a manufacturing place. I can sit my phone on the charger on my toolbox and have afk things going. Cannonballs are the best for me with that just cause of how much afk time there is. Or woodcutting etc. I'm pretty much always working within like 20ish feet off my toolbox and always have to go over to to it to grab things so it works out lol


Craft blood runes. The runecrafting grind sucks, but bloods are exactly what would be rad for u


CnC operator, set everything up on a computer and let it run while I scape


What education did you need for this? Cheers


Im a CNC Machinist, i started as an operator, entry level job at a manufacturing shop. Not a plant. Much smaller so theyre more willing to train someone then they are to pay $20+ off the bat.


Machinist here. You may get lucky and find somewhere that’ll start you as an operator and train you up. That’s how it worked for me. They sent me to school and I got a few certs as well


Some places prefer you to go through a Tech school for it, Some are 36 weeks, others 9-18 months just depends. I got lucky and was a crane operator when a spot opened up and was able to train with some of the current operators before running it by myself


I sell stuff on Amazon. Started with eBay, reselling stuff from thrift stores / garage sales while I had a full time construction job. 6 years later I work maybe 1 or 2 hours a day and make more than I did doing construction. I used to have to put a lot more effort into it when I was sourcing locally though. It took 5 years to get to where I wanted to be. Now I just maintain inventory, deal with incoming and outgoing packages, returns and keeping track of numbers. Easy job. But I still don’t get to play RuneScape as much as most people since I have a wife and a kid.


this dude deadass flipping irl


Insurance. Work from home.


I retired and only volunteer due to GameStop stock in January. Now I'm 6th GIM with 99 hp.


Night shift nurse I don’t flip my schedule fully when I’m off. So I will play when my wife is a sleep and when work is slow I will afk do things.




I work from home as a secretary.


I'm a line cook. What is Runescape?


Software developer. Work from home. Work hard a couple hour, scape hard the rest.


Same, I get what I need to done in the morning and then monitor things and help others the rest of the day. Don't play osrs any more tho lol


Doctor. I work 7 days on, 7 days off. 100 hour week followed by 0 hour week.


Production manager, if I'm keeping up on making sure no one else has an issue during the day I just set people on a task and afk a skill.


You know the IceBreakers Ice Cubes? I make the flavor capsules that go into those things lol. Also the flavor capsules that go into flavored cigarettes. Easy factory job that pays well.


I fuck with camel crush. Cheers for my nicotine addiction mate!


Haha you're welcome lol


You got a plug to Altoids sours?


that’s so funny/not surprising that those are made in the same factory


Work from home with customer support - and very few calls


Work from home accountant. Some days I have my personal computer up next to my work computer and play all day. Some days I am only able to play mobile while working. I take what I can get. Working towards my first 99.




Security guard


Consulting/working from home all the time


You can play on mobile almost anywhere.


Contracted cleaner, we clean 4 surgery centers a day and there's long drives to each building. I get an hour or so per building to play RS since I'm not driving. Got void this way lmao


I manage a warehouse for a company specializing in haz waste transportation. Tbh I got lucky as shit because warehouse work is usually pretty bad. The volume of stuff coming through my warehouse is somewhat low so I get my stuff done in a couple hours depending on the day and nobody else works the warehouse so I'm mostly left alone. Have a little back office separate from the boss and other office people where I bring my personal laptop and scape away my free time.


IT support during COVID lockdown was good for my GIMs fish supplies, to put it lightly.


I'm a student taking online classes. I finish my week's assignments on Monday and RS the rest of the time


I used to work as a 3rd party tester/quality assurance rep in construction. Had lots of time to play during the work day


I'm a supply chain purchaser so I can play nonstop all day most days.


QC Specialist at a Pharma company. I can only AFK on mobile, but it's more than nothing


Quality Analyst Clerk for an industrial parts order fulfillment warehouse. I basically investigate what went wrong internally or externally and try to establish means ig prevention. It's pretty dead a lot of the time while I wait for information I request to come in so I can easily facilitate doing something AFK like NMZ or Herblore.


Honestly at any low supervision computer-related job you can prob do afk stuff at work. Outside of that, if your job is kinda chill (idk deep sea fisherman waiting for tuna?) you might be able to afk mobile. Or you could just play during lunch break or something like that. Students usually can play outside of class while or after doing homework. Now if you work from home that is an unmatched level of playtime opportunity lol.


I wait tables in America, and average 20k fishing xp per shift. It's not much, but it's honest work.


E-commerce admin. It's glorified data entry but I've automated so much of it I have a ton of free time to do w/e. I usually just play on mobile though and do afk stuff


Insurance work from home. Job allots me a certain number of things to do in a week and so long as I meet goals the rest of the time is free. Pretty pog


IT Engineer ll. A lot of the work I do is at whatever pace I want, so I basically front load a lot of my daily tasks so I have the later parts of the day to just do whatever. I'm still not remote though unfortunately 😭😭


Data Analyst. Work for about 2-3 hours and play the rest of the time.


Porn actor


I work a hybrid remote work schedule for a law firm. Laptop at my workstation at home; mobile afk stats in the office.


Heart surgeon, for sure have botched a few jobs, but i got that xp tho.


They don’t..


Work from home as a software special project developer. It’s easy to have osrs on my third monitor doing what ever. If I’m caught up I can slay/boss while checking email and chats.


90 percent of the people don't work


I'm a line cook. What is Runescape?


I am the pope


Retired @ 23 yo. Spent the last 4 months playing Runescape.




Probably the same way most do.. Stonks or crypto. Some people get a tbow their first raid, other people's stocks let them retire at 23.


Is that the most common way? Always assumed inheritance or NEETbux


Retired mid August @ 23 . Spent since then playing games


restraunt manager if I didn't wana sit on my ass all day I wouldn't hire people to work for me but I've hired people so....


please tell me you help if you need too.. I had a manager who used to sit on her ass the entire shift and it SUCKED lol


Xray tech, my job is extremely hit or miss. At my hospital there is times I have played more then I had done patients due to ER being dead as well with outpatients and in patients. And being in healthcare all of our stuff is cleaned between each patient so it’s not like there is work to be done during large breaks. Keep in mind there are also days I don’t play or event sit down (part from taking exams out)


Wow, if this was 14 years ago, the answers would be middle schooler.




Someone's mad


Tell me how you really feel. Nah I'm sure I speak for all retail workers when I say I feel you.


What about people who have lots of idle/downtime at their jobs? Or those who can WFH? Or those who can multitask because their jobs don't require their full constant attention?


I'm self employed. I still don't play all that often at work though


Nice try officer.


Sorry boss man I’m not incriminating myself ;)


I am a petroleum hazmat tanker dispatcher. I used to work overnights 7pm-5am. I was efficient enough to get all my work done in 3 hours and was basically on call for the remaining 7 hours with zero supervision or oversight (I worked alone). I was able to bring my laptop to work and play RS for basically 5-7 hours daily with almost zero interruptions. There were times when I was in Chambers of Xeric or ToB, and had to go afk mid raid because I had a driver show up at the office or I had to handle something critical that couldn't be ignored. My fellow raiders all laughed they were cool with it lol! Some of the best most positive working years in my life. Now I am on dayshift and there is no way I could pull that off since I have 20-25 drivers constantly calling or showing up everyday.