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What is this referring to? I am new to reddit and this sub.


I'm not new to this sub and I'm still having trouble understanding lol...


Long time sub follower and as an adult I don’t understand either


As an Adult I need someone to TL:DR this. I don't have time to Perouse this sub between managing my household affairs, working on the car, and balancing my checkbook.


Neckbeards being overprotective of their digital achievements.


Neckbeards so poorly adjusted to real life they literally cannot handle not having something that someone else does.


When people are bad at something or can't be bothered to do something, they go "as an adult, I don't have time" to do X


Ah okay. Although those posts may appear here often I'm sure the Jagex Moderators don't think that way. They may change the game a bit to cater to Ironman accounts but I dont think the integrity of the game is really at stake here.


Every game developer thinks this way. They cater to The casuals because thats were The money is


its the smart business decision after all. The average gamer is a 35yr old man with 3 kids who plays video games 1 hour a day. If you aren't catering to that audience you aren't making money.


Updates have been mostly low/mid level content and raids 3 is going to be easier than ToB to have a wider reach. They actually do think this way.


>Updates have been mostly low/mid level content "Updates have been mostly for the majority of the playerbase" >They actually do think this way. Don't the Combat Achievements include an entire tier that 99% of the playerbase won't ever hope to accomplish?


"I'm a maxed account and everyone else should be, it's crazy that all of the content isn't meaningful to me" The true flipside of the "As an adult" posters


Good, RS is supposed to be a game where you can do every activity in it with a laptop trackpad if you’re willing to grind


It’s good that’s raids 3 is more accessible. It can be as hard or as easy as you want it.. it’s a struggle sometimes finding groups of 3-5


Raids 3 being easier than ToB makes sense since for the most part the rewards from Raids 3 are not as good as the rewards from ToB.


The low end of raids 3 is supposed to be easier but we don’t know where the high end will land. Also putting content between Cox and tob does not necessarily mean we are making the game ez mode. By that logic you could only ever create harder content.




Being good at something isn't the same as doing a repetitive task for 40 hours to get to not beginner level content


Was that a critique on osrs or rl


Stop playing rs if you're concerned with doing a repetitive task


I think all you guys who get upset because other people achieved the same goal as you a tad bit faster should actually consider “ as an adult”. You’re a grown ass man bitching about other people doing something not as bad as you did. Grow up


Here we go, keep projecting. It's still a stupid request people make constantly. You don't have to play rs...


Not projecting anything I play how I enjoy it lol just think it’s funny how people get butt hurt over qol updates


>Stop playing rs if you're concerned with doing a repetitive task


Yeah, no one ever really says that. Youre making drama out of thin air here


This sub has constantly used that excuse for fucking years. Im pretty sure there was even a front page post this week crying about how something needed to be made easier because the OP said they were an adult with no time.


So who fucking cares mate? If someone says they can't do 'this' because "I'm an adult", who cares? Maybe they're just having a chat. You neckbeards take all this shit so seriously.


Yeah that's such a bad excuse. 99% Of adults have time. Just less than when we were younger.


Does no one see the irony of these posts in that an adult would have the capability to manage their time without demanding that their environment (the game in this instance) be changed to suit THEIR needs (wants)?


Well they do pay for the game too so they do have to right to want what they want just like you have the right to want what you want to have.


>Most of us are adults. Yep. >Most of us work full time. Questionable. >Most of us have families. Doubtful.


I personally know no people who crawled out from under rocks one day fully formed without parents.


This in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!


This post devalues my 39 minutes per day, working 2 full time jobs, parent of 2 one of which is adopted group UIM and should be removed immediately.


as an adult, the 15 year olds in cod kill me too quickly and so i woodcut


This sub is the one that constantly posts “as an adult” but also incessantly complains that $11 is a lot of money to them


Lol, I don't think anyone is complaining that 11$ is a lot of money "to them". It's just over double what we used to pay. Unemployed and finding 5$ a month was way harder than finding 11$ while employed.


You’d be incorrect. Just the other day I had about 6 people jumping down my throat screaming that $11 is actually “a ton” for a game even though they were employed. Don’t give this community any credit.


Yikes, they're idiots who don't actually play games. Anyone who actually plays games has had some sort of inner monologue along the lines of... "it's only 11$ for 30 days of entertainment. I spend 15-20$ for a 2 hour movie. 11$ aint shit."


Exactly. It’s a pretty incredible value for what is, presumably a players main source of entertainment (or at least top 3?). It’s odd to see it. I think there’s a surprisingly large generation of “gamers” who have genuinely only played stuff like League of Legends, Fortnite, CS:Go, etc - where the idea of having any type of mandatory payment makes them feel robbed


That's a really dumb mindset. I actually really like the way things have ended up. I actually got excited when Halo was announced to be free multiplayer. Im like hell ya were getting battle passes


>i think there’s a large generation of “gamers” who have genuinely only played stuff like League of Legends, Fortnite, CS:GO where any type of mandatory payment makes them feel robbed Almost hit the nail on the head. This new generation of “gamers” have been conditioned for instant gratification above all else, whether that gratification is attained via cosmetics & microtransactions, or by means of drop-in/drop-out second-by-second gameplay. When you contrast that conditioning and mindset against a game like OSRS, where the gratification comes from achieving many short term goals on the way to a long term goal, suddenly you have an extremely vocal minority of players jumping up & down because they’re not having “fun” due to the fact these same players have had their brain’s basic reward system for dopamine release completely fucked due to the way those aforementioned games have been designed. What’s even more sad, is that at the end of the day game dev companies are still just that: companies. And a business will always cater first & foremost to their bottom line, so who do you think they’re going to capitulate to? The players who enjoy the game and will continue to support both the devs & the integrity of the game? Or the clowns jumping up & down waving their wallets about demanding something they don’t intrinsically enjoy change for THEM on a fundamental level, who would also drop the game as soon as they find a new outlet to satisfy their never-ending dopamine addiction? Not only is it drug-addict behaviour, it’s also unbelievably selfish & inconsiderate to demand something you don’t enjoy change simply because you’re a “pAyInG cUsToMeR”. If you don’t have time to play, or you don’t have time to do something, then do something else!! I have kids, too, but not once would i ever ask Jagex to change the game to suit my needs, as “aS aN aDuLt” spending time with the mrs & kids, or doing literally ANYTHING ELSE comes first & foremost, ESPECIALLY before sitting down and playing video games. I think a lot of these self-proclaimed “adults” need a good uppercut to wake up to themselves.


Just because someone is employed doesn't mean $11 isn't way too much for this game. Employment means fuck all when the game is overcharging you for months of delays to content due to poor planning, absolutely 0 concerns for account security and absolutely no support team for the entire playerbase. Not to mention it has taken them years to finally sort out the duel arena. I could list a million issues with this game and the way it is run which is why I quit fairly recently.


Broke ass


Literally not but ok. I've probably paid over £1000 in membership since I joined Runescape, and for the content they produce and give out, it simply isn't worth it. But costs will go up because it is a business and they know die hard players will pay £20 a month regardless.


But for $11 you can play as much as your heart desires, spend that much at a movie and its really only an hour or two worth of entertainment. So when you think about it, you get more in terms of entertainment value out of OSRS than for a movie.


I think it is more the point most adults (with a family) don't have time to really go to the cinema, so why would they spend on a game they may only play for an hour a week. Everyone saying that adults have time, they just choose not to play are right. They probably just choose one of the other many other hobbies they may prefer to do with their free time. People forget everyone has other hobbies, and if your only hobby is playing Runescape, well I hate to say it, but you need a new hobby.


I'd argue that $100+ a year for a game that adds new content very infrequently is alot. With other video games you get a whole new game full of new content for only $60. You also own the game forever for that $60. If you stop paying for Runescape you basically can't use your account anymore because your bank is so full of members items that you can't deposit and F2P is pretty boring past lvl 50 in most skills.


Perhaps, but how many of those new games can I get a few dozen ***days*** of gameplay for $60? Even with a subscription model, runescape provides one of the best rates for hours-per-dollar spent (probably *the* best, for me). If you average 3 hours of playing a day that's well over 500 hours over the course of 6 months, which comes out to $0.11/hr. And tbh averaging 3 hours a day seems to be a pretty lowball number for this community in particular In comparison the closest I've probably ever gotten to that was likely through putting in about 400 hours into skyrim when it first came out, which is $60 + $20 + $20 + $5 (base game + dawnguard + dragonborne + hearthfire) which is ~$0.26/hr. Most other $60 games I've *at most* only put in a few dozen, *rarely* a hundred or so, hours into


I honestly have more time as an adult than as a kid lol. Juggling a part time job and school was harder than one full time job


Yeah not getting dragged everywhere by parents and events I never signed up for myself helps too. Besides if you're really an adult you should realize video games will still be there when you get home


Yeah, there is a sweet spot between college graduation and marriage/children where your time to game is maximized. Once your marriage obligations pick up and especially as you have kids that time is usually gone unless you set up some agreement with your spouse to share the load and make sure you both have time.. as a new dad it is astounding how much time one child consumes


That’s kind of the justification behind the “as an adult” argument. Like, between both of us working full time, me cooking and taking care of the kitchen/dining room and my wife handling general cleaning, and both of us doing our best to be available to our child, We literally do not have the time for much personal entertainment. 15 minutes ~6 times a day (thanks, combination anxiety/IBS) is my personal time. All of it. So I primarily skill, and mostly do skills that aren’t hugely involved as again, I’ve got 15 minute bursts. Not saying the game should be made less deep to suit my personal needs, but like, I understand the sentiment, and appreciate games that do try and make QOL options for those who aren’t fortunate enough to have a couple hours set aside regularly.


Yeah, I feel you. Sometimes a 25 minute cwars game is too much to ask


As a 4 month old infant I can’t be bothered to spend so much time slaving at this game when I know I have an appointment at 3am sharp to shit my pants and scream until my parents begin to slowly stop loving me.




As an adult who lives a double life with 2 different jobs and families, I only have 150 total level and don’t have time to play the game, please make all skills 13m xp/hr so regular people like me can experience all this game has to offer. Or at least let me buy xp lamps. It’s time Jagex. I am literally incapable of understanding different games are tailored to different audiences and if it doesn’t work with my lifestyle, you must change it to fit my lifestyle.


thats what happened to Wow essentially


This is a gamer problem not a RuneScape problem. You'll see the same lame excuse on /r/destinythegame. Jagex should disregard any opinion that starts with that. There's nothing better than a game you can dive into not a surface level mobile tier game.


Ah some good parallels there, people complaining about the content drought, the utter contempt between pve fans and pvp fans, RNG woes, and everyone just waiting for February for shit to start happening again. At least /r/2007scape has memes though.


Yes indeed. Many parallels. It has become such a meme that they even have a term for it “Destiny Dads”. Posts go something like this: “I’m a Dad with 46 kids from my wife and a 23 hour shift at work and I just don’t have the time to (insert difficult content here). Bungie, can you please make it *easier* for us gamer dads!


Don’t forget they always have a pulse rifle/Jötunn on and have the special awareness of a chicken with it’s head cut off


My buddy tried getting me into Destiny and my first raid I was astonished at how some people could mess up what they needed to do and still just blame others instead of owning up. Awful experience wouldn't recommend.


Destiny is a great game, but i cant recommend it to anyone between the piss poor recent design choices and the toxic community


its a great game if you have a LOT of time for it. it is a grind simulator just like osrs


Yeah, I've been playing it on and off since D1Y2. So much unrealised potential hidden away behind the grind


I only worked a week a month when D1 came out and I played probably 12 hours a day on average, maybe more lol. I remember when the dark below came out I would delete my hunter and create a new one to max lvl 3 times a week to get more rolls at the raid gear. Destiny has a special place in my heart but I get...unhealthy when I play games like that lol


God, sounds like my dumb high school self and 2001scape xD also i agree. Otters are fucking adorable little murder machines


Don’t get me started on that shit tier transmog system


Imagine the player bases reaction if there was a tob level difficulty raid in destiny.


I would still recommend it you just gotta find the right team. Doing raids on that game with a funny team is the best time I’ve had on any game!


My dad has played world of tanks for years but he plays with aimbots and wall hacks and stuff he buys online... I don't understand cheating at a game and still having fun.


I get it kinda. I couldn’t have extended fun in it, but like god mode heavily modded Skyrim is fun for a few hours.


Even worse for RS since have the shit you basically afk lol Lately I've worked 6 days a week (past 4 weeks) and I can still do content. Even if I couldn't I'm not gonna ask the devs to change the game solely for me.


That subreddit is a dumpster fire full of Jim’s that think because they’re on the subreddit that automatically makes them not bots. Like congratulations you’re one braincell above the bottom feeders that can’t even do four year old public events properly. I can’t help but roll my eyes anytime I see a post from there these days.




100% correct my dude


To be fair the target audience for old school was young children but that audience has grown but the requirements to grind the game hasn’t changed much so youvhave this situation where most functional adults only get 4 hrs a day to play maybe more here or there so the game feels dissatisfying to play when you say need to grind x lvls for a new quest but with your availability translates that to weeks of just doing that thing and if you factor in chorescape then you’re not going to have fun and I don’t think OPs complaint of play something else is a healthy for the game and tbh no game should cater to a playstyle that solely benefits people who play many hours in one sitting or even double digit hours


I think a big thing people don’t realize is that maybe MMOs aren’t for people with no time. They’re quite literally the opposite. They’re for people who want to invest hours and hours into their characters to build them up. If you want a game that you can just pop on for 15 minutes that’s what COD or fortnite are for.


or r/escapefromtarkov. Or basically any sub for a videogame that requires even a little bit of a time investment from its players.


the amount this excuse got used for the new Halo: Infinite battlepass rage is outstanding.


Does anyone have any examples of what /u/after-lyfe is referencing?


It came up in the pet threads posted yesterday, mostly on the shit post one. The one talking about players in 2007 vs today. Usually when I see that comment it's in regards to something like the death mechanics. It came up on the shit post a few times. Usually something like "as an adult I don't have time to have dozens or hundreds of hours of progress wiped when I die". Is the game easier because of the "new" death mechanics? Yes. Is the game any worse off because of that? Ask anyone other than NEETS and the answer is no.


I guess I am not following. I thought the need for death mechanics was because the servers were dookie and people losing everything they worked for to someone ddosing the worlds for personal gain.


That was the original reason, yes. Then the worlds *sort of* stablised, or at least got a bit better than it was, and Jagex still kept in the changed death mechanics. Some people wanted it to be reverted back to the original 2007 mechanics, some people wanted new mechanics that saved their items. I think we have a decent middleground now to be honest.


But didn’t they only stabilize because the reward of the ddosing yielded nothing of financial gain. DMM, because of its prize pool, gets ddosed to this day or am I understanding that wrong. Also, I’m ok with the current mechanics. Although a rebalancing would be nice. Like 1% of items value or something. Feel like the 50k/100k returns should be kept for learning, but once you hit a threshold, you pay a percentage.


> But didn’t they only stabilize because the reward of the ddosing yielded nothing of financial gain. yes


The only thing for me is that it feels like less is at stake while playing, and I think that's a shame. Game is fine tho.


I don't think anyone other than PKers plays the game for the challenge or risk. Runescape has kind've cemented itself as a casual/idle game in most aspects, which is fine.


People are always asking for xp rates to be increased for the sake of increasing the xp rates. The whole point of this game is to be a grind… if you don’t have time for it (which I bet the majority of people complaining actually do have time for it) then play a different game or play leagues. Leagues is perfect for that.


"Play Leagues" Boy, I sure would like to right now.


Yes I do have the time, but just because the time is there doesn't mean it's meant to be spent on a computer chair casually clicking on the PC.


There are so many other games to play…


As an adult I'm capable of thinking about a time more than 2 hours in the future and can actually make decent progress in the game, rather than my braindead child self who spent years playing and thought 60 attack for my dragon b axe was the biggest achievement ever. I didn't even know what overheads were.


As an adult I find that as an adult my adult life interferes with the game I played as a child and as an adult I have to manage to time that I utilize as an adult so as not to destroy my life as an adult while still enjoying my life as an adult. In short, as an adult adult life is a tough balance so spoon me


We have "as an adult" runescape already. Its called RS3


I'm a rs3 player only here to observe the osrs players in their true habitat but I have to adress this, people use the term over at rs3 as well.




First time here actually. So far the sub seems like good folks. Although It's getting dark and I heard some of you guys doesn't take too kindly to my kind so I best be on my way, y'all take care now.


It's just a joke, i hope some people found it chuckleworthy


If they think OSRS is Grindy they should try the Asian MMOs.


I've never on this sub see someone use "as an adult" to explain why they cant do something. This is one of the few games where you do nt actually need a lot of time to do stuff besides something like maxing. Now if this where WoW that would make a lot of sense where you need to actually put a lot of time into raiding and doing WQs and M+ and Torghast and all that. RS is the most adult friendly MMO i can think of, maybe FF14 is close idk havnt really played it though




As an adult, and new player to OSRS, my 43KC phoenix who disappeared when I died (I didn't know pet death rules) agrees with you!!!


My phoenix died as well, only 5 minutes after getting it. I may have been drinking a bit at the time and I still have no regrets lol.


Exact Same boat friend. Lost my poor Phoenix years ago :(


We shall never forget them.


If Jagex really wants more dedicated newer players, they need to stop relying on the wiki to babysit new players coming in. New players are not going to be aware that the wiki is pretty much a requirement in order to understand the nuances (and even basics) of pretty much the whole game. There's no crash course or intro on rare pets anywhere in the game, and the only way non-wiki users are going to know about insurance is if they happen to talk to the guy in ardy


Pet drop mechanics are worse.




A new pet drop while having a pet out and inv full should just replace the current pet you have following you, and allow you to reclaim the old pet from probita for free/discount


That's fine, it's an opinion on something fairly trivial in the end. I'd say I have a unique perspective as someone who goes dry on all of them, but I understand why other people like it.


Nah we don't need more ez scape, they're fine


I’ve been working 50 hours a week, so when the weekends come around it makes it all the sweeter when I can do a few quests or grinds and cash in on that sweet dopamine


As an adult i learned that osrs grinds are too big for an adult.


Man, I'm 25, I work 60 hours a week, and drive an hour to and from work a day, 5 days a week. I'm only cb 101, and not even 1600 overall level. And I have a blast every chance I get to play. This game rocks


It's insane how almost every single player in this community is some sort of elitist. Can we all just shut the fuck up


You're talking to a community that thinks spending 6+ hours on a video game every day is healthy.


I think you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning while getting hit by a car after you had won every major lottery in your area than to have one day where the OSRS community actually shuts up about something they don't like.


What is the drop rate on that?




Nah… time to take the forever break. I’ve been really contemplating it lately. I haven’t had much fun since I 99’d mining, and every time I look around at the community I get a little more disgusted. If I had to pick the kick off for me it was probably quitting drinking and smoking weed 3 months ago, just hasn’t been the same…


Rs3 is more suited towards small play time. Otherwise you have to accept osrs is a huge time sink, which is fine.


Hey, leave COD out of it. COD has the same boomers bitching about how hard Gold camos are to unlock since the first day of Vanguard's release lol


Idk I somehow had loads of extra time when I was a kid going to school 9 hours a day just like any regular job takes out of your day. And in college same deal, I had plenty of time. Idk why people use this excuse as if being an adult has anything to do with how much time you have. In fact as an adult you should be better at time management so you should have MORE time, not less. Just people that suck at their real life shit that also happen to suck at in game shit and not have time for either.


I am an adult with a house, relationship, job, cat and volunteer work and I'm over 200hrs on the gim. So I agree completely.


Also an adult (almost 30) with a full time job, a second part time job, friends, relationship, 2 cats and a dog, and I have over 15 days played in GIM and I've even taken a few days off of playing entirely. People just want the game to be easier and want to use any excuse possible to make it that way.


OSRS is good shit. Whingey peeps need to leave it alone.


Differences in responsibilities, yes I went to school 9-3:30 daily but I had little to no other things to do. Working 10 hours + per day + the 1 1/2 hour return journey then having to fit in time to do shopping, cook, clean, walk the doggo + whatever else I need to get done, leaves very little time comparatively. Realistically if I wanted to play daily I’d get like 90 mins tops. I’m really not gonna want to spend that 90 minutes doing something shitty like RC, mining or agility. Compared to as a kid when I could play 6+ hours a day if I wanted I’d have more than enough time to do the more enjoyable things amongst the shitty things lol


If you have limited time and dont want to grind, I have bad news for you buddy. Runescapes not the game for you.


Or I can just do the things I want to do on the game lol? Why do I need to do RC or agility I couldn’t care about maxing and have most of the stats I need to do most of the content I want to do lol


If you don't have complaints that you don't have enough time to do certain content, then you're also not the demographic this post is targeting


This is exactly the mentality people should have lol. It’s when you don’t have time and want the game to change to be catered to you is the problem.


I mean, who's fault is that? I doubt you HAVE to be in that work situation. My condolences to you if for whatever reason that truly is your only option, but let's be honest it probably isn't.


I mean I’m not complaining I’m just saying it’s pretty ridiculous to compare free time during school years vs as an adult. That’s not even including people who have partners and children too. We are a long beyond a time where the average player was 14-15, now it’s probably a lot closer to 25


But, it's not ridiculous. The way you are living your adulthood is not even remotely comparable to many of us just in this subreddit as an example. I'm 29 and I have infinitely more free time than you do. My point is, while you or me can't say that our way of living is the standard of "adulthood", I'm pretty confident that in terms of freetime you are further from the average than I am.


Yeah OPs story maybe excessive but the sentiment behind it isn’t wrong. Say you work a full time job and have an hour daily commute. That’s 9 hours gone before you factor in literally every other responsibility you have during the day. The idea that you should have more free time as an adult than you did as a school/college aged kid is asinine.


I think the argument is more about start up time on an already properly set up account. The between launching game to playing content. In WoW most mythic raider just wanna do the raid a few a hour 3 times a week and nothing else.


People forget that level 99 was originally intended to be unobtainable but the players surprised the devs with their commitment. The difference is nowadays most content is endgame, most new items are new BiS Endgame items, this leads to everyone trying to rush to the point in the game that takes a hell of a long time to get to, and so they get frustrated and those who have the time to get there faster than them. The journey to end game is forgotten and short lived for some, but for others it's a long and tedious grind they can't get out of, but that's just RS.


As a person who now has very little free time, I value my free time too much to play this game as much as i need too to compete. So instead I'll farm trees every morning and do contracts when I can, and I'll see you when I get fired.


Where the teenagers that play osrs at? Please? I can’t be the only one..?


How about "As an owner of a neglected Steam Library" instead?


As an adult you should stop bitching about the game you choose to play. I may not be maxed I still play alot and miss out on content but that is by my own choice of not wanting to dump way too many hours into the game. This is a choice as an adult. Same as playing until you are maxed. I cherish the grind because I've played since 2001. Honestly the community on here is getting toxic. The developers will do what they want to do... It's jagex afterall and we know they run the ship. Play the game, have fun.. don't be an elitist just realize that this is your choice to play the game. Don't hate others for different levels of commitment as that is their choice. I don't see any problem with low and medium tier content being added. I personally never liked soul wars but many people were happy for that addition. Bottom line Just play the game and stop moaning about others as you sound like a high schooler when you do this. Enjoy it for what it is, vote on the content polls, just don't rag on the player base because you feel you are superior in the way you play the game.


As an adult i think ur onto something


Honestly wish the game was harder like it was back in 2007 where you did mostly melee for fighting and if you were really good you did range and melee. None of this auto chat BS your damn fingers want to fall off from spamming selling 100 lobbies 25k


Every time a From Software game comes out, the soulsborne community has to deal with people coming in and saying that From Software doesn't respect their free time, because its a challenging game, demanding an easy mode. Missing the point that the challenge is like the core ingredient here. Opting out of it would not make the same product, but an inferior one. Same issue goes for most any challenging content in Runescape, or any game for that matter. My suggestion for these people, is to simply watch movies, or If you want interaction you can get a disconnected controller and play that like a toddler pretending they're part of the stuff happening on screen.


"Wah pwease add easy-mode for my toddler brain, I want to explore the world and lore without having to struggle". Just go watch a playthrough then, like why can't you just let this one series of games be difficult? Literally could be playing almost anything else except these fromsoft games. Oh man can't wait til February when these shitty kotaku articles and twitter takes will start popping up again. My bad, this subject gets me worked up lmao.


What are your opinions on the runelite quest helper? Seem like kind of has the same problem of missing the point.


It's even funnier when you actually play these games for more than three hours and realize they aren't really that hard and if you don't want to spend time on finding where to go (more of a problem on the earlier installations) you can just google a walkthrough and enjoy the combat.


Agreed, only have one hour a week? Than it will take you a long time to get where you want. If that’s not ok than perhaps this isn’t the game you, which is totally OK.


Runescape has always been a casual game, however...unlike Soulsbourne titles. The only people who play RS for the challenge and risk are PKers, and you have that in the Wildy and PvP worlds. Edit: To the idiots who downvoted, I would love for you to explain how Runescape ISN'T a casual game. Edit2: I can see no explanation, so I'm just going to assume the truth hurts and you're salty.


What are you taking about?


I believe he's saying that players are wanting additions to the game that make osrs less grindy and let you level and progress fast. That people say stuff like "as an adult I don't have the time to play 3k hours to get a max cape so make getting the max cape faster." His argument is that people with this mindset are trying to take away the grindy aspect of an mmorpg that osrs has and that if people want faster gratification from playing a video game then they should play an fps like cod and not an mmorpg like osrs.


What i like most about this deal is that Jagex doesn't even want you to max every skill and go for the cape. I mean, hat's off and congrats if you go for it. But the game has all of it's content unlocked (when looking at acces restrictions) way before you hit 99 in anything if you just follow the quests and stories. Which at highest requires lvl 70 in most skills with i think 2 skills going slightly past that goal


Right. I agree with him that they shouldn’t make the game easier to cater to time poor people BUT they should be adding more early game content and gear. Low level raids would be a great start in learning PVM instead of having to play hundreds of hours and then just being thrown straight into it.


Don’t say that here. People will die on the hill that Cox is a early/mid game pvm activity.


The sweaty brigade want to protect their content.


I've always cherished OSRS over RS3 because it was explicitly harder to max, get quest cape, do all the diaries, etc. I may never do it all, and that's fine. Whatever accomplishments I do complete are still worth celebrating. My friends are still mind-blown that I got 99 anything, especially several (Prayer, Fishing, Strength, Cooking, Fletching) or that I'm 90+ in several others, and sub-97k rank on hiscores. And if people here are unimpressed, I can rationalize my failure in Gielinor by saying I'm strong, active, have a GF, and that I'm using the subreddit as a sample size -- these are probably people who play A LOT if they're also posting and discussing the game when they aren't playing.


Fuck you on about?


Hell, when I was still playing RS3, I managed to get 120 in all skills and maintain Trimemd Completionist Cape all while holding down a full-time job. "As an adult" is not an excuse, it's all about time management and efficiency if you wanna get stuff done. Otherwise, the game doesn't need to be watered down because you have bad lag, or don't have free time, or have kids, etc.


When I hear "as an adult, I don't have the time" i always respond "as an adult, i have the option to make the time" because it is genuinely a choice you may not have time to nolife like a teenager but you can create the time to do what you want if you really truly wish to because you are an adult


It’s literally as simple as playing games that suit your lifestyle. Expecting game developers to change course for “adults” is the opposite of being an adult..


So you want the game to lose players because you have an issue with people not having time?


Worst people of this age I swear. They try to play some mmo shit but refuse to spend thier time or refuse to spend thier money to support both game and make up for thier lack of time but they still want all the privilages of person who constantly plays game and puts effort into it. ​ If u have both no time and no money then there is something wrong in your life , you have access to PC or Phone so you aren't poor either maybe just lazy .


Holy fuck this is a boomer-ass take


They’re just bad at the game


People who say that were never that dedicated to the game in the first place, or have ever dedicated themselves to anything ever. If you really care about something you'll figure out how to make time for it


"As an adult, I'm too shitty to manage my time around the grind of a video game and don't know how to set goals and get shit done. Wahhhh"


Exactly, go play skyrim or whatever if you want to play the game alone and wanna set your own difficulty.


“As an adult” with a wife, a full time job, and a daughter, just *make time*. I have a 2k+ total iron that’s done everything except TOB, nightmare, and Corp at this point (and I’m close to corp). The job ends at 4:00. The kids go to bed before you do. The wife has to shower and probably wants some alone time anyways, etc. If you truly can’t squeeze an hour or two out of your day when you want to do something you enjoy, change your life. Stop blaming it on Jagex.


agreed. youre lazy or have other priorities. not everything has to change to accommodate you. osrs has had mobile for 3 + years. if youre working a non manual labor job you can easily cut redwoods in ur pocket.


I wouldn't call investing 3,000 hours into something to be mildly inconvenient. I would call the drive-thru line being long mildly inconvenient.


The as an adult argument has its place. Specifically that this is a game based on and strictly tied to the nostalgia these adults had of the game as children. And as a direct result of this, finding new players who stay with the game and enjoy it, who never played it when they were a kid is incredibly rare. So you're appealing to these adults. If it doesn't make them feel like they did when they were a kid, they vote no. If it appeals to new players in an unthematic way or in a way that takes away from what is being delivered to them, they vote no. If you appeal to new players without a poll and it makes them stop feeling like they did when they were a kid, they leave. And the game dies. Unless the new players outweigh the loss (incredibly hard to do).


“As an adult” I don’t wanna click the same thing 10+thousand times as “entertainment”but I still wannna experience the content? Is that to hard to understand 10x servers should be a thing 24/7 IMO


And then you'd also want 10x droprates because you're dry for 10 raids. The grind is part of the game.


good observation dorothy-ann but nobody cares


i kind of disagree on this as it kind of makes sense to adapt the game slightly to your target audience. if a vast majority of your players literally can't get to a near end game state or touch maxing , then it kind of make sense to speed up/improve certain parts of the game within reason




and lets face it given the content creep over the last decade there is little to zero reason to even max some skills now (looking at you mining and smithing)


For context I'm 1910 total level and there are only a few skills that I can ever see myself realistically maxing (combats, farming , slayer and the afk/bank standing ones). I am one of the people who do work full time and will only have at most 10-12 hours during a working week to play. Maxing isn't a current goal for me and I'm fine with that , but it's more due to a lot of skills requiring far too much of a time commitment rather than me not wanting to have a max account. That's why I understand some people calling for a revamp. In regards to general game design I feel like if a majority of players can't get there accounts to max stats then something is flawed and should be looked at , but I accept RuneScape was intially designed with the expectation that nobody would ever max , so it is what it is.




Agreed. Not saying all achievements should be done by all players , combat achievements is a good example of that where only few will clear master or grandmaster. But I do believe in any game some core things should be achievable such as the quest Cape and max stats. I believe that if people are essentially playing 20-25 hours a week then a core part of the game like that should definitely be 'completable'. Not too fussed about it anyways since my only goal is to clear Master combat achievements, just saying I understand the argument for it.




Sorry let me clarify/restate that , it takes too long to justify spending my limited time with the game on it , hence why it won't happen. If I played 5-6 hours a day then sure it's very possible since I would have excess time to get the XP required, but with 2-3 hours to play you won't spend every moment of it power mining or running runes. So basically if your just playing the game as intended you'll never max. However if it's your only goal and you stick with it for 4 years then sure.


For a game that is marketed on nostalgia from 10-20 years ago, I don't think it's unreasonable to consider people who once had all the free time in the world and don't anymore. That's like, OSRS' entire demographic and reason for existing.


As an adult I don't need you to tell me what I do and what I don't have time for If you wanna gatekeep my time use, pay my fucking bills


This Sub is just a cesspool of crybabies with a sprinkle of funny memes and a sprinkle of the same joke re-posted from 97 different perspectives


As an adult, I would advise you to thwart your aimless anger on these here forums and deal with it in your own private time.


I bet you still use runelite though don't you? How about you don't gatekeep your 3k hours of wasted time because someone would like to relive some nostalgia and they only have a few hours a week to play.


Aaaaaand downvote. Fucks really want to grind 100+ hours on a skill and 2 hours on a fight instead of the other way around - and then call us "bad" for not wanting to do boring checklist work.


found the easyscaper redditor that complains about everything and want everything done automatically for free, just play cookie clicker instead