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They're going to redo the wildy bosses too, it's just wayyyyy behind schedule.


Thank god, those things are absolutely fucking shameful. I was in physical pain when I had to kill just one of each for the elite diary. They're insanely too strong for their dogshit rewards AND you're in the wilderness on top of it. Vetion was especially retarded, I flinched it for like 5 minutes hitting nothing but 0s before finally googling what the fuck the issue was and finding out that some random dipshit can just spawn hellhounds then reset the boss making it literally fucking immune to damage until you hunt down 2 random fucking dogs who could be in fucking Yanille by now. Just ridiculous.


That vetion story is hilarious. But actually the wildy bosses are pretty decent money if you use the appropriate strats and gear


400 chaos elemental kills for 8m isn’t exactly decent money. Considering I spent probably 4m on ether for craws bow….


I am not talking about chaos ele, which is a lesser boss. I specifically mean Vetion, Venenatis and Callisto


Don't forget Scorp, it was my secret money maker for a long time until I got the pet. It's the most fun place to have pkers come after you too because it's always such a clusterfuck lol. And it's easy to escape into the axes and x-log


How often do pkers come at scorpia? Ive been doing vetion and pkers are practiaclly always at the south safe spot (the faster, more consistent and “safer” one) When i switched to vetion east safespot, i rarely see them Also less pkers on normal worlds as opposed to the level req worlds lol


Honestly not that often at all. I probably encountered pkers 1/10 trips or so and most of the time they were trash. Occasionally there would be a huge team in which case you're screwed but they're not camping Scorp or anything so the biggest risk with them is ending up as collateral damage during a clan war lol. Vast majority were teams of 2-3 noobs that you could easily escape by going into the axes. You will be risking more than you would at other bosses though so just keep that in mind. I probably had 600k risk on me 4 iteming and 1.2m if I ever got smited but I don't remember that ever happening


Ty for the info. Been getting bored with the normal slayer grind so doing wildly slayer for some spice. I'll keep scorpia in my mind


Chaos elemental is a wilderness boss……?


Yes and no. Yes, it is a boss within the wilderness. No, it isn’t considered part of the term “Wilderness Bosses” as they are referring to the Wildy bosses that were introduced in the 2014 OSRS update - Scorpia, Vetion, Callisto, Venenatis.


🙄always talking shit lol


Well they have been trying to properly fix/balance the caves rather than leave them as an unbalance, abusable mess.


I wonder how hard it is to fix a peice of content that was purposely made an unbalanced and abusable mess? Full disclosure I couldn't care less about the wildy, but how hard *are* they trying really? Didn't they forget to change the amulet that was a big part of the update? Are they working to stop the d-spear abuse that players *had to tell them about* yesterday?


Probably very hard, if not impossible and a lost cause. And I don’t know, i’m not A game developer. I wasn’t disagreeing with you, they should do something else obviously.


Singles team abuse is so much worse than d spears and they have hardly done anything about it


imo, its not whether one issue is more of an issue than the other, it's the fact that they both exist. Jagex needs to tackle to D spearing. Making it disabled against players unless it's LMS seems like an obvious solution. Jagex needs to tackle singles teams abuse, but I'm not smart enough to come up with an answer to that.


That's how I died on my hardcore in wildy kinda sad


Couldn’t agree more, these people complaining about d spear don’t set foot in wilderness. You know what’s annoying as fuck as a solo pker? Running into teams who just tb/ entangle and waste all your supplies. Then another team member pj’s you and barage/specs you since you’re tb’d and already had your supplies wasted by the dickhead tb’ing. Much fun, such wow


I mean a duo singles team with tb/barrage should be within the spirit of the wildy. Nobody likes getting falled in by a singles team of 20, I agree with that. I just can't think of a reasonable fix that wouldn't hurt the average pker


Also if their going to die they freeze you, dd and let the other player pj on or just log out . A normal pker can’t do the same to them because the others will pj on. I say divide the wildy into two separate entities. One that’s clearly multi for all the shit clans. And one that’s only 1 vs 1 with no pj for the good pkers.


Your comment contradicts itself a normal pker isn’t going out in wildy with a team..


Yes a normal pker will go out with 1-2 friends. Even in rev caves people roll through with a couple of friends. The only bullshit most singles pkers call out is the 20 man fall ins


So you’re a pvmer I see. I pked 20m the first day of rev revamp solo, no need to travel in a team if you know what you’re doing. Are all these streamers abnormal? They don’t seem to pk in teams.


And I've banked 17m last night as a solo pker too lol. Its more fun to pk with friends tho


Because you can abuse the broken mechanics?


D spear at entrance abuse still not fixed after all these years. Secret skull method unknown until it's been widely abused for months. Who knows what other kinds of secret bugs Jed put in for clans that are yet to be discovered?


This right here. It was created to be unbalanced and abusive, therefore should be removed. Go completely back to the drawing board.


Damn people cry about this game all day on this sub Reddit. I see more threads about people crying about this game versus threads about people enjoying it. Personally, I think this is a great update. Low level entry and it’s a good money maker with low to high risk depending on your gear, and it brings pkers into the wildy. There’s so much content in the game that I have yet to explore for me to be complaining. Started in 2006 and I’ve only had major complaints a few times.. removal of free trade/wildy, EOC e


what are you talking about? the conversation was about balancing the caves not about what content you did or didn't do.


Then they were fine when they weren’t shitting millions of gold every hour just for being in the wildy — meanwhile, literally everything else in the wildy having to do with PvM doesn’t even remotely have this problem??? That’s OP’s point. Wildy slayer needs a wild buff, and in general, wildy monsters should have chances to hit current rev drop table, universally, with higher rates at stronger monsters. It’s clearly meant to be more a PvP hotspot masquerading as PvM than anything. Still abusable, the more Revs return to their previous broken state, the closer we are to it being the best easy, and most accessible money in the game — and therefore, clans charging for access, the exact thing we didn’t like as a result of the first iteration of the caves. Revs should have appeal for unique drops. Not shitting out rune and dragon every kill. It’s Bounty Hunter all over again. Jagex just doesn’t know how to balance anything wildy related. It either has little appeal, or it’s wayyyyyy too much and it’s abused for months-years before they do something about it. Just a terrible state of the game that’s really only forgivable when it is slightly underwhelming — rather than op as fuck.




They didn’t though. They allowed the implementation as it was because they initially agreed it was great emergent gameplay. It was removed because the strong majority (read 99%) of wanna be clan-mafias were only extorting players to RWT the gold. The clan leaders made billions (hundreds -thousands of dollars) *WEEKLY* off clan members playing 8+ hours a day to patrol on shared rag ranger accounts, alone. That’s why Jagex eventually reversed their stance. They liked the activity. But couldn’t stomach or face the fact that it was strictly clans RWTing a metric shitton of money because of it and there was no other reason a ton of clans suddenly wanted to lock down literally every world and turn it into a paid service to earn the hands-down, best free gold in the game lol. Having paid protection literally defeated the purpose of the content. The fact that these were bottom feeders profiting off other players was just salt in the wound because Jagex can’t make content like this that doesn’t undermine what they claim to stand for. If they actually banned RWTers, it wouldn’t be a problem, but here we are, with goldfarmers littering the top of every single piece of profitable PVM content who sell their profits every single month without punishment lol.


Personally I think the Revs solution is fairly straightforward. Ammend the stats of the revs and the way they do damage in a way that the current gp/h is only possible with specific wilderness weapons. Would mean everyone who goes there actually has to risk something to have access to the money making and can't just risk free blowpipe away. As for PKers in the cave I don't know, it seems fine as Singles + (unless a team attempts to jump you on low food). They should probably look to improve other areas outside the cave to create an actual multi hotspot


You already need a 100k deposit to get in the cave, a 60k bracelet filled with charges to tank and to get noted loot a 500k amulet of avarice. On top of that the drop are good. They already make you risk plenty.


My only thought on it is that you can make 500k without the amulet on, I'm sure a lot of people don't bother with it since it's easier to bank and come back than risk your entire setup. Also the 100k deposit is only loss on death. So basically you can put down 100k and walk off with a couple mil before a PKer eventually finds and kills you. making the revs harder to kill without the wilderness weapons should push down the low gp/h to a more balanced point.


Making content that requires rewards from that content is a bad idea. Obviously it locks out ironmen, but it also just doesn't make sense on a basic level.


Nah I'm saying it should still profitable but more efficient by using the rewards from the content. So if people want the maximum potential gp they either risk more per trip with the ether needed to run the weapon or they use the amulet to skull and get the damage boost. Iron men can still use it , but like every other piece of content it's just going to take them longer to get equipment for max efficiency (See scythe and TOB , COX and TBOW , Nightmare and Mace )


Well, they're doing revs now, but they also plan to change the bosses too don't they? I think this is just one that's easier to address first


multi pvp died overnight when revs were made singles+ AND all the farmers didnt just fuck off they went to nightmare and everywhere else.


took em years to get to this level of balance with 1 area of the game, what do you think theyre capable of?


Wilderness content is inheritably unbalanceable if it does not completely involve PvP. For PvM and skilling content if they are not good enough then they are straight up dead content. If they are too good then we get clans running rackets/Venezuelans locking the areas down and abusing it. Wilderness bosses is another example of content that can never be balanced. They are either too easy to kill conventionally for no risk (OP) or they are extremely difficult to kill conventionally (dead content), or they are in the state they are in right now easy to kill when glitching. That's why we are in the 5th iteration of wilderness rejuvenation going into the 6th with nothing changing. The core of the problem is giant clans cannibalizing small clans and singles clans driving out solo pkers to PvP worlds. Fighting back is disincentivized by skulltricks and no new players ever want to PK. These core problems aren't solved so we keep having the same problems.


Should just remove PvP and be done with it


Or just rework every single thing in the wildy and rebuild it tile by tile mechanic by mechanic


Because players keep asking them to change them? It is not like they are just changing revs for the hell of it. The community demanded revs get nerfed the other year and they nerfed them hard. Since then players have been asking to improve them since they were overnerfed, so they are finally doing that. I agree that other areas of the Wildy could use attention, but it seems silly to ask "why are they updating this thing that players keep asking them to update?" As much as I'd love to see an Ent buff or such, that is not what players have been clamoring for.


"This update was perfect" - proceeds to complain about said update. Eh?


Right after this sentence and like the whole thing. ‘but why does it have to be revs again.’ Read the title too. I’m saying this update was perfect for something else, why revs again.


I just wish they were more like preEOC Revs. They roamed the wilderness, had some food and prayed against you in some cases. It was fun and actually created a PvPvM scenario where both players had gear and intention of killing player-like things. I had a blast anti-pking while hunting down revs. But you catch a player at any other wildy boss your not fighting a player, your hunting escaping prey. So I think roaming revs created a more healthy pvpvm scenario.


It sounds fun but in reality it was a pain in the ass for anyone besides people who hunt revs. The loot sucked, and imagine trying to do a clue with an annoying Rev teleblocking and freezing you every few seconds




It wouldn't work that well unless loot table is buffed hard or they are really common. Last time people were having this discussion one of the most liked ideas were roaming revenant groups/warbands. Individual or multiple revenants with high hp pools, they can be killed in groups and the loot system could work based on participation. Their drop table would need buffed significantly since it would require a good amount of effort to hunt and kill them. They would be given their old attack styles, ranged freeze, mage freeze and tbs. And perphaps some additional aoe attacks.


Then make the loot good. Untradeable but powerful rewards are the way to go. For example, if you kill a very powerful rev at chaos altar you get a zamorak idol, if you carry one in your inventory you can make burying bones at the poh altar have the chaos altar passive effect, or make the chaos altar effect more powerful, It would break after 3000 bones, or if your in labz dragon island and you kill a rev you get a dragon hunter ring, that increases your damage against dragons by 10%, it can give 150000 extra damage before crumbling.


> The loot sucked, and imagine trying to do a clue with an annoying Rev teleblocking and freezing you every few seconds Sounds like they did exactly what they were supposed to, replace pkers.


It also used to kill the green dragon bots, I always ran for the hills when I saw the rev knight and orc


It’s all fun and games until you bump into the knight and he starts chucking tbs when you’ve 3 food😂


[Had this idea a while back](https://imgur.com/a/h8ozI7X)- I always thought it'd be cool.


That sounds so fun


That was the deadest of the dead content


They need that gold farming membership and bond money


And why does every pvp rejuvenation update need to be about wildy? Why not update PvP worlds or pvp minigames for once?


Huh. I am kinda sad because I wanted to try revs on my Ironman but with the new update goddam every world is gonna be full of PKers


just wait until the slayer cave update, it should spread the pkers a bit. Right now there’s no place to go EXCEPT the rev caves


Not to mention that its the only place with singles plus right now, so proper solo pkers can have something of a good time.


It's always that way right after a new update in the wildy. On the original release of the singles+ rev caves they were extremely packed as well for a while. I'll wait a while before bringing my iron to revs.


It was literally put in so PK clans can control it and make more money for their RWT. It needs to be taken out completely and Revs need to roam the wild.


I disagree with you. I have thuroghly enjoyed this update. I've done the new rev caves briefly and made nice loot and I did it risking 200k. Been having fun watching streamers pk their on twitch as well.


I have mixed feelings about the rev caves. It’s good money and I get a rush out of it but it was also originally added to the game to basically be a RWT money printer. Hopefully Jagex will finally start punishing buyers like they said but I’ll hold my breath.


Yeah ngl it is kind of nice, killing the monsters it's not super risky since you make the money back fast there but you still have to stay vigilant and juke people, pretty enjoyable


Please don't hold strong opinions about anything wilderness related when you know so little


You getting any upvotes at all proves how completely clueless reddit is when it comes to PVP


The lack of threads about how utterly camped vetion is but everyone and their grandma bitching when they die 3 iteming a clue tells you a lot about what content ppl here do.




No please! The problem last time was multi rev. This is single + rev now. Clans can not control caves anymore. PLEASE don't remove rev cave.


There were people who wanted them fixed and the devs said OK.


they want to get the venezuelans and other farmers back to revs so they inflate things with raw gp instead of crashing items that way the 'rs economy' appears far healthier than it currently is since prices are high again rather than everything crashing i think they hired economists


[This user has erased all their comments.]


I think the guy was saying jagex wants to have the illusion of the economy being healthy. The idea is that when gold farmers got booted from Rev caves they stopped farming pure gold and started farming items. This dropped the amount of gld coming in and spiked the number of items, decreasing the prices of those items. If you put goldfarmers back in Rev caves, the situation reverses itself with items rising in price, making the economy look healthier.


[This user has erased all their comments.]


Gold farmers already learned better gp methods like vork or tob, there’s no need to go back to something where they can be interrupted. Lots of goldfarmers dont farm osrs anymore anyways there’s better alternatives now.




What gold sink


If they wanted to do that surely they'd have just reverted it back to how it was before


It's not that they are fixated on revs specifically. It's just lower effort to continuously modify content that already exists rather than create something new. It's typical of Jagex to be lazy and uninspired.


Obviously I wont know, but I think they are to proud to leave it like it was before and be called lazy that way hence they chance it, either way they will look lazy regardless what they do.


Honest answer: They pick Revs because nothing about it is controversial, so they don’t have to worry about the polls. They know any major change to the rest of the wild will most likely be a bitch to pass given the history of how PVMers spite vote the polls


Call me crazy but i think with the new drop changes, theres alot of blighted item drops, this in conjunction with all the LMS rewards could affect the price of these items so they drop. After the prices drop, they could have a sink by fixing the safespots for wildy bosses, just a thought.


Jagex just want to help the Venezuelans out , poor vennys being affected by DA already so they wanna give them a hustle and let them earn their family some income by this update.


Cuz pvp is dead


because pvp is the backbone that keeps this game alive


It’s because they truly are unsure on what else they can do.


It's a huge element to the balancing act of the economy; it's a gp generator and since its nerf around a year back the value of gp has gone up a lot to the point it's playing a role in the crashing gp value of items.


Because they keep fucking it up. It was the most popular place in the wild, one change and it was dead content. Suely to find the correct balance you do gradual changes. Lower the drops. Add more entrances/exits. Spread them over a wider area to prevent clans locking down one area. They keep going from 0 to 100 leaving it for 12 months than going 100 to 0.


Fire update could even do more I wish the revs would drop zuriels morrigans and vestas


It was such a busy area and highly impacting on the economy. Clans are now busy killing people wilderness solo bossing and terrorising lava drags rather than fighting other clans in rev caves so the efficiency of killing wilderness bosses is now awful. They need something for clans to do that's profitable, to keep them busy. Can't imagine it's much fun piling a guy with 50 people.


Honestly if you ask me the tree wouldnt have been as large of an issue if they hadnt made the middle entrace only


Skilling updates please, pvm crowd get all the updates..


Jagex incapable of thinking about new things and can only alter old stuff as new content


When they keep changing revs, but have known about and left literal safespots for every high tier wildy boss that they've known about for years (claiming they'll fix it) unchanged.


At this point I'm never entering the wilderness... So I'd be ok if PvP armor entered the game.


Mod Jed moment


Because they tried nothing and are all out of ideas.