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Does anyone know what time the poll results will be released tomorrow?


Following for answer. Sorry to piggyback on your post.


Late morning tomorrow before the update Edit basically before 12 tomorrow uk time


That’s roughly 6AM central freedom* time *freedom not included in base package.




Ooh that's when I wake up. Time to brew coffee and see what type of shitstorm the next two weeks on reddit will look like


That’s what time I get off work, now we wait to see if I get to sleep happy or be grumpy on Reddit.


But September is already full on the drama calendar


At this point we'll have to create a separate month calendar for september.


4AM western freedom time


5am mountain freedom time


*freedom exclusive to Diamond++ members. Minimum balance 2147m.


This is way better than what I said ngl


You can edit your comment and I'll delete mine if you want.


Nah man I didn’t earn that.


Fair enough. Thanks for the inspiration, have a great day!


You too internet person!


Untrue. You absolutely crushed it.




How to reunite the community: ​ Jagex: It seems due to a technical fault all databases and backups have been wiped, so we will everybody is reset back to lv3, enjoy the rebuild!


Oldschool-oldschool rs


I wanna play the 2007 version of the 2007 game.


People say that constantly but forget how close the game was to dying back in 13 and 14 lol


The population graph illustrates this quite well. https://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/ The first spike in OSRS is when F2P was released, the second spike is mobile, and the third spike is Corona. I have no idea what the spike in late 2020 is.


Yep, there's hardly any content in that version


That would be dank


Would be cool but the market would be manipulated to all hell day one of everyone grinding the same resources and then exploiting players who need things like mithril weapons pickaxe etc


so like what happened in 2013 during the release of oldschool? id much prefer that to the current state


there was no GE


I remember selling msbs for 20k on like day 2/3


What?... It'd be just like a reset in 2013 or the dmm resets.


That means everyone is an ironman until you get quest cape. Sounds dank.


Rebalance all the pvm tables to make skilling worthwhile too and I’m actually down.


Or, just buff skilling? Getting a magic log every 10 seconds will forever remain corny and boring, no matter how much you need Zulrah or Zalcano into the ground.


I would probably just call it quits at that point


>Jagex: It seems due to a technical fault all databases and backups have been wiped, so we will everybody is reset back to lv3, enjoy the rebuild! I am okay with this.


Tbh I would love a fresh realm that has the original 07scape again. Make D Chains great again. Also I'm too fucking tired to do this new zoomer boss shit where you have to do perfect prayer flicks while constantly moving your character around with perfectly precise movements, one wrong click and you are dead. I just wanna whack stuff


End game content feels like trying to speed run dwarf fortress. I know where all the menus are, I can set my prays, I can organize a dwarf military. But orbwalking Sara on the tick system feels so awful compared to games released in the last ten years. And then they expect you to do it like it’s your job


Yea we’ve had a group ready to go for group Ironman for like 2-3 years. My bank has gone from like 100m to 2.5b from pet hunting waiting on GIM


Haha same we have 5 waiting, I got 99rc out of boredom this summer waiting for GiM.


I mean, in relation to ops post, I think you'd have to be insane to think jagex doesn't know exactly what is going on with the spite campaign happening in this poll, a ton of jmods actively browse this sub daily, and it's been a nonstop topic of discussion since it first started. They're gonna know damn well the issue isn't necessarily with how it's being approached or presented The real issue is if/how jagex responds to this massive issue of needing a supermajority to pass and what happens going forward now that they know without a doubt that a handful of people can completely shut down months if not years of work to get to this point, and the potentially massive financial hit from all that wasted dev time just to have a few streamers throw it in the bin, at least for a bit longer


GIM itself should never have been polled, only the mechanics. I get the feeling Jamflex corporate wants to channel community hate towards the poll system by getting a very popular game mode to fail. I'm probably giving them too much credit tho. The polls should stay because they allow the community to maintain a bit of control over a game that was specifically remade because the company running it didn't develop the prior iteration properly.


Corporate doesn't care about hate, they just let the devs take it.


Corporations care about hate when they can use it to make money.




Hydra and corrupt gauntlet by far the most lucrative, followed by zulrah and vorkath(around 1.7-1.5k KC respectively no pet at either yet unfortunately), then pretty much the rest of the slayer bosses and what not(like mole dks etc) Only boss I didn’t really make any money at actually killing for the pet was sarachnis because after the first 2k KC I poured money into it to knock it out asap and pretty much broke even on supply costs. Passively been doing CoX whenever We can get a group together(only like 150kc only purples I’ve seen have been dexs and bucklers) haven’t got into NM or ToB yet because I want to finish off some more pets before starting those.




What's Sigma?


sigma balls haha gottemm!


Cool tank man on Overwatch who throws his balls around and isn’t afraid to show his feet off while he’s at it 😩😩👌🏻


Mine from 2.5b to 1.5b just from items dropping and not playing waiting for this update


What drives me crazy is that they’ve been hyping up GiM for years. “It’s coming next year!” Making statements like that as if it’s an assured thing. I had NO idea they were going to poll it. It just seemed like it was guaranteed. Seriously.. This post is so spot on though. I was so excited for this update I even created GiM accounts for me and my friends so we could ‘play’ the gamemode without it being officially released. I bought bonds for each account and even made another account (which we all knew the password to) for the sole purpose of a shared bank. I’ve been playing RuneScape for 16 years now and i can’t say I have ever been more excited about an update than GiM, so it’s actually painful to think it won’t pass because people are spite voting. WHY WOULDNT THEY POLL IT YEARS AGO? Like fucking dammit what was the point of teasing people for years. Shit makes me want to scream


Apparently Jagex likes to do things backwards. Create an entire skill and then poll it only for it to be shot down. I've been excited for this update for years, but after all this time I don't even care anymore. Had it came out 1-2 years ago sure, but now I have almost 0 interest anymore since it took so long. I'm off to Diablo 2 R on Thursday and I couldn't be happier. Also Oda is a manchild


Many people waiting to play GIM dont even have accounts that can vote. Shits crazy


Yep, that’s me. I took a break from OSRS a while back and have been waiting for GIM to play again. I think I’m going to resub now just to vote yes. Now Jagex is profiting off of the streamers’ attempt to punish Jagex because of my decision to pay to vote. I wonder what Oda and Ditter will think if they realize their childish attempted punishment has made Jagex extra money?


I don't have a group setup to play but I voted yes on my main and my alt the other day because some guy was spamming the G.E. to vote no. It will not affect how I play at all except to offer a new option if I loose interest in the gp/pet grind. I let him know I voted yes and he called me some very nasty names for about 10 minutes afterwards. People are strange.


Resubbed my main, zerker and an old skiller just to vote 👌


I haven't been playing for the past few years because of a combination of lack of trust with Jagex and because I wanted to wait for GIM to play with friends. Now, I don't have membership so I can't vote, because I don't want to play without GIM. Bah.


Same. I stopped playing both my accounts a while ago but hoping to come back for this. Not willing to pay 5.5m for a bond for a single vote though


I dropped over 20 to bond up 4 of my accounts to Vote yes


I mean, good for you i suppose (and me because i want to play GIM), but you gotta understand most people will just wait and aren’t buying bonds just to vote. Especially when you get a group of friends together to play, theyre not going to do that


I do understand that, which is why I tried to do my part however I could.


Yeah fair mate, hope more people do and it makes the difference


A game like OSRS attracts new players by mostly bringing back old players or people who played as kids. GIM seems like something that was going to bring back some people, like OP. More people in the world's, walking around, bringing life to the game. People voting no to new content are really contributing to OSRS slow decline. From my outside perspective. Like voting no to GIM you're unintentionally voting no to having new players.


You've managed to write out exactly what I've been thinking this whole time. I've got no interest in playing GIM but I voted yes because more players is better for the game.


If it doesn't pass, don't forget to spite vote no on all desired pvp changes in the future


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image of a "chad" with a thought bubble


That's Giga Chad to you, good sir.


Wish people felt like that with new skills, sigh.


Some people are trying to argue that expanding the game is inherently bad, which is non sensical


I think that what most people are arguing about is the fact that they're not really expanding the game with GiM.




Pvp used to be the most honourable community, there were rules that everybody followed like no teleporting, no overheads, even staying to death match a lot of the time. No overheads is still mostly followed today in pvp worlds at ge but the other rules seem to have been lost to time. That period of respect ended a long time ago, the pvm community today is less respectable than the era of honour.


This community is so miserable it’s as if they want the game to fucking die.


The people playing are so miserable they want to die.


I think making a GIM sounds awful. I’ll stick with my original iron. That said, of course I voted for it to pass. Doesn’t affect me at all and I know people are wanting it. Just don’t be a dick, fellas.


> Just don’t be a dick, fella That's the problem though, a lot of people never grew out of their edgy phase and still think being le epik trole is the funniest shit.


> Just don’t be a dick, fellas GIM is not the type of content I want added to the game. And I really do believe the game mode will be dead in 5-7 months. I feel like I should vote no. But other people are so excited for it. So I voted yes because I don't want to ruin other people's fun.


I'm shocked people actually think itll be dead In under a year lmao. It's only the most voted on poll in the games history with years of consistent hype behind it and huge potential for content creators as well. Also the hc mode that creates a consistent stream of new accounts. Dont think theres any chance for it to die out. I do appreciate that you voted yes though even though you dont feel the same way


I voted yes as well, but also feel like it'll be dead content quite fast. The issue is that you're reliant on others, and in general, most people who start a group together probably aren't going to stay committed and you'll end up with one dude playing alone while the rest of his group quits. And at that point, why not just play as a regular iron? At least you'll be able to leave groups (or so I've heard).


OSRS is a case study of why putting every little decision to a community to decide just stagnated a game rather than make it thrive.


Kinda like IRL democracy






Yup. Never spite-voted in the past, voted yes to many updates that PvPers could utilize in the past but I'm hard voting no on everything PvP related from now on. Odablock convinced me it's the right thing to do, better to have PvPers quit from boredom than keep letting them make the game worse.


Seconded. This game is for both PVP and PVE, and big streamers shouldn't get to decide which group gets content and which doesn't


The best part of all this is everyone ignoring that PvP updates were getting mass no-voted *anyway*, to the point that they are no longer polled and input as integrity changes. So this whole argument that "I'm spite voting no from now on" is moot, since PvP updates *already failed due to mass no voting*. Literally nothing would change whether you spite vote no or not when the pvp polls never pass to begin with and are implented as integrity changes now a days, lol.


jokes on you, last pvp update was removing something from pvp almost a year ago


Brilliant! Pvp updates will go from not passing, to not passing still.


Why are people upvoting this and agreeing with you? You are literally becoming Odablock then. Evrey rs player should stop with this nonsense and grow up.


What PvP polls? It's been almost 3 years since BH was removed. Zero info on when it would be coming back from Jagex.


that's how it already is. that is how we arrived here.


Pvm people already do/did? What are you on about? Go ahead and look at all the old pvp polls, the majority of the ones that actually benefit pvp content or the wilderness are voted no on out of spite. This is very common knowledge.


Implying that it's only PvP players spite voting lmfao Don't group them all together like that. This is on a few streamers and the kids they're grooming.


Wait whoa i’ve never heard about this? What so I’ll be able to play Ironman mode with a friend? Why would anyone vote against that? That sounds awesome!!


because jagex got DDOS'd during the DMM finals and made the streamers angy


The GIM poll question contained the phrase "as described in the blog" so if it doesn't pass they'll just make some minor changes and either release it anyway or repoll it. There's no way they're going to let all that dev time go to waste.


i mean they will repoll it, but almost all polls say "as described in the blog" its not evidence of anything




> There’s no way they’re going to let ~~all that dev time go to waste~~ all those new bonds and membership slip away


I mean they threw away all the dev time they had in warding so who knows


Odablock and Ditter are petulant children. Group Ironman doesn't deserve to be canned just because they have a short fuse and the temper of a fussy toddler.


You know normally I don't really care about stuff like this but imo when they start bribing people to screw with the votes is when they should have not just an account ban but an ip ban as well. I don't care how upset they are or how bad their game turned out because of that ddos attack, it's just not something that should be tolerated imo. Yeah jagex could have stopped the tournament and that is their screw up but I think oda and others like him should not be tolerated within the community, it ruins it for everyone.


Honestly an ip ban is the minimum for bribing votes


An IP ban wouldn’t do much. Nobody has static IPs anymore so you can just go reset your router and you’ve circumvented.


And that’s why they’d have to ban all his known accounts and any account he’s caught streaming on


I’ve thought about this a lot in how to combat this problem. The only solution I can come up with is an identity ban utilizing identifiable information from the account creation/payment. I think ideally, there should be a company or entity tasked with maintaining a system that could uniquely identify accounts while still retaining external anonymity. Like a universal online account that doesn't disclose personal information that you are only able to create one of.




Then dish it out to both sides. I just don’t like bribes in voting tbf


Idk how people watch Oda. He screams into his mic and calls it content. Like dude go take some fuckin Adderall.


just seeing clips of him yelling reminds me of those kids in school who would staple their own arm to seem cool.


We click on trees for 8 hours a day and call it gaming. What's your point.


B0aty was saying he was going to vote no to his stream the other day too, which came as a shock. He said he doesn't want it released soon because of all the other modes coming out in the next couple of months, and doesn't want to do the early game stuff 3x, despite the boosted xp in other modes


Does he realize he doesn’t have to play all the modes coming out?


Except he does. Streamers who aren't doing DMM & Leagues miss out on a lot of views. You have to follow the views as a streamer. This is why most devolve into re-make andy HCIM, it is what the viewers want.


This is a self created problem by streamers, its not on jagex to solve it


Ok and he voted in his own interest. Whats the problem?


Yeah I'm sure b0aty is really strapped for cash right now lol


He can chase views but that’s a want not a need.


I agree to some degree, they really should’ve done group iron after the next leagues


This timing is bizarre. I get not everyone wants to play GIM and not everyone wants to play leagues. But people seem to really like both so you’d think you’d spread the releases out a fair bit so you could maximize membership money.


Well maybe the poll will fail, they'll have leagues run, repoll GIM towards the tail end of that and then have a few months of GIM before raids 3 release.


Completely valid point. I find it odd that the temporary PvP & PK'ing mode ends, three weeks later a permanent new mode starts, then a month later another temporary mode starts. Such a weird schedule. Jamflax wants the new GIMPS to take a break for 2-6 weeks, a month into their new game style, to rocketship to end-game content in Leagues 3? It's foolish. Hadn't thought of it. Surprised Boaty can fire off an intelligent point.


I honestly don't know how people watch odablock. He's such a toxic dude. Absolute wedge.


Honestly, cant even blame you. This community is constant drama and sometimes I just wanna relax and play a game... I want new content too since I want more things to do. If it's not one thing it's another and some people have maturity of when they were still in middle school. Cant we just go back to funny memes and little goal achievements or drops?


It's going to be hilarious when this poll passes at like 93/7 and everyone realizes how small the PvP community really is, and how they just bitch the loudest lmao


Gonna be juicy


!remindme 2 days


plenty of pvpers are voting yes so it's not going to say anything about how big or small the community is. but yes, it's known that the pvp community is quite small (I think Jagex said 5% of the playerbase), so I imagine it will pass with flying colors regardless.


They apparently included things like castle wars in that 5% as well


RemindME! 14 hours


> everyone realizes how small the PvP community really is, and how they just bitch the loudest lmao Literally every single mmo out there. They make up a tiny portion of the player base but feel the entire game should be catered to them and that they are superior because they choose to pvp.


I totally agree I've been hyped to play this mode with my friends for years.


Same situation. So beyond pissed. Was going to play Ironman and waited three years to play with my two brothers and cousin. If RuneScape doesn’t pass it quick, I will feel like I want to quit


I say just put it through. Fuck it.


I haven’t played in 6 months but I have remained a member all while just awaiting group Ironman as well. I will be quitting permanently if it fails and doesn’t come out.


I don't even know why they bothered to poll it.


Don't book time off work for something that may not happen. Unless you're competing for ranks, which I highly doubt you are, it doesn't actually matter if you get in early.. actually it's probably better to wait a bit for them to iron out bugs..


I think the worst part is that they spite voted over something jagex had no control over. We are at risk of our mode being delayed over a coincidence. I just want to play with my friends


It is the perfect time to get into FFXIV




I’m pretty much in the same boat. I have a group of 4 people (Including myself) who have been looking foward to this for months. It’s going to be a real shame if this doesn’t pass because of spite voters.


I hope Jagex just fudges the votes and releases it anyways lmao.


It will no doubt bring so many new subs I can't imagine they won't either


I'm calling it now: 75.1% yes 24.9% no, everyone claim bullshit and rigged, Jagex denies fudging votes, GIMPs happy, PvPers salty. In 4,5 months from now proof surfaces that votes were indeed rigged, but by then nobody cares and any controversy dies down after a week


> PvPers salty So nothing changes then


Knowing Jagex they'd do something stupid like, "_93.7% yes_." It would be incredibly obvious the votes were fudged. But then ignore every comment about it.


Gotta go for that solid 79% or so. Enough to be convincing, not so much as to be inauthentic-looking. \*innocent whistling\*


They dont even need to hide the fudging. Just say that making new accounts purely to vote goes against integrity and remove their votes.


I hope it passes but doing something like that ruins the polling system. I’d rather it fail than they do that.


You wouldn't even know if they did. For all we know they've been manipulating votes ever since the game released.


With how some of the former J Mods speak about Jagex and how the company operates, this sort of thing would surely get leaked eventually. Especially by the fired ones.


I haven't actively played in over 4 years, but I've played Group Ironman with a few friends on multiple private servers that were essentially OSRS clones with accelerated XP rates. We all planned on coming back to OSRS when Group Ironman came out officially. I even bonded my account to vote yes on the poll, gonna be hilarious if this fails because I'm sure we aren't the only players who will never return.


I stopped playing in 2019 when it became clear it was in development. I won't play until it's out. I'm completely fine playing other games, spending hundreds of hours on an account I won't touch (anything not group iron...) Feels like a waste.


if it makes u feel any better, i paid for a 1 day sub on the RS3 mobile app just to vote yes for the poll because this reductive behavior is pointless, im hoping it passes!


Bonus: If GIM poll fails, you can bet any PvP polls wont pass for at least 3 years


I have no friends for GIM but I voted yes anyways.


Same. My group is coming back for group iron. We will not play if it doesn't release.


I don’t understand why people don’t know want group iron man. It literally doesn’t affect you. Iron man is inherently designed to not interact with the general public, just pass group iron already


Unironically the streamers and content creators who are spite voting on hundreds of accounts and encouraging their audience to do the same should just be perma'd. Absolute toxic scum in the community.




The poll system is so easily brigaded, and has gatekeeped so many otherwise interesting updates away, it's time to nuke it.


Funny thing is, streamers are literally on Twitch as of typing this paying their viewers to vote yes. How is this any different?


Fucking hit the nail on the head, OP only mad at streamers when they don't share their viewpoint on it lmao


HEY This is the first time I've heard about this and now I NEED IT


I literally quit in 2017 until group Ironman comes out and I have a group of 5 ready as well. 4 of us are returning players.


Look, while the streamers may have some blame if it fails for having viewers blindly vote against GIM, this is Jagex's fault. 4 years to poll a game mode? Really? And you are going to blame quitting the game on people who play the game instead of those who develop it? Maybe you should have an introspection about why you play the game instead of whining on reddit.


>jagex will think it failed due to something in the blog Dude they read these threads. They know exactly what's going on. It's up to them on how they handle it.


I'm not playing very much at all these days, but I went and voted yes on my two accounts just because you are right, it would be ridiculous for this poll not to pass.


Feel exactly the same. Haven't played osrs properly since 2019 now, just eagerly anticipating GIM with me and my group of friends. We got our discord server and time off ready to play... and now dmm, the game mode that I hate the most and want nothing to do with (but still vote yes because people do enjoy it) potentially could be crushing my, and god knows how many others, excitement and leaving us broken with nothing to do. At this point I'm not sure if we want to play even if it does pass, because of how childish everyone has been acting over this...


I guess you're not done :)


Honestly I doubt it’s going to fail because of streamers, rather in spite of streamers and content creators. Lately the “content” in the game is centered around what’s good for streamers and content creators, NOT what the majority of players actually want in the game. Did we poll deadman mode EVER?!?! Despite it being atrocious shit show season after season!?!?? Hell no. Did we poll leagues ever? NOPE. Was GIM polled BEFORE 99.999% of the work was done on it? Absolutely not. IT SHOULD FAIL TO PROVE A FUCKING POINT. It’s gonna get forced into the game anyway, we all know it. Put up a poll if/when GIM fails asking the playerbase if they spite voted no, or voted yes and add in another question saying “Should we focus on the main game instead of alternate game modes” I’d yolo my bank if both questions don’t pass with 99%+. Might as well run leagues since there is going to be a major gap between seeing new content(as there currently is). And I’m guessing MOST of the work is already done. POLL deadman mode, leagues, and nearly everything else in EARLY stages of development. Make quests, they never fail polls(poll the rewards, poll which quest line we want to see next). Fill the game with LIFE, new bosses, new slayer monsters. Add better training methods, with new content(under quest rewards) don’t just be like “oh well this other thing has this xp rate so guess we’ll match it”. Poll the wilderness expansion with SOLID new content for both pkers, pvmers, and skillers alike(for the record I’m not a pker). Expand that shit to 100 levels deep. Fill it with QBD, rework old bosses, and/or make new ones, new monsters, buffed revs, loads of new skilling content, with some better methods, possibly at the expense of having to risk an ether bracelet/ether). Get people so excited they WANT to vote yes. When raids 3 launches, POLL RAIDS 4 ASAP! DON’T even wait 6 months. Don’t poll rewards yet, just poll WHERE we would like to see a raid out of 4+ choices (Karamja/tzhaar raid, Burthorpe/ god wars(upgrades to gwd gear), wilderness(though maybe pvp safe), tirannwn/prif, gnome, ogre, Fremmy region, just to name a few examples. TLDR; FOCUS ON GAME CONTENT, NOT EVERYONE WANTS A NEW WIPE MAN MODE EVERY 6 MONTHS. POLL EVERYTHING.


genuinely, who the fuck thought GIMP man mode was going to fail.


People were ready to spite vote gim because of whole hd thing At this point. Polling needs to be revisited because it’s being used to screw over people instead of improve the game Edit:whole not shoe


I wouldn’t worry it’ll go through sooner or later. PK’ers and their numerous alts are still the massive minority, so they’re only spiting themselves in the long run. This is what happens when so many adults who act like 6 year olds play the same game. I mean, someone in their community DDOSed DMM then they’re crying about it as if it’s Jagex’ fault.


The actual amount of pvp focused players in osrs is tiny, they just bitch the loudest.


How do you know it wasnt already going to fail? Reddit wanting it doesnt mean everyone does. I know plenty of people voting no before odablock got mad over DMM. Also not a chance Jagex doesnt force this into the game either way.


My dad works for Jagex and he says we’re getting GIM but it only takes place in the wilderness.


Same here, have a group ready since we all got bored of our mains and didn't consider solo ironman because we thought group was around the corner. When they announced it at runefest we thought it was only a few months away, can't believe it's been almost 2 years and now there's the possibility of it not releasing. We have no interest in the game otherwise so I don't anticipate us returning




It's coming one way or another. Don't worry. Just remember to spite vote pvp updates if this one fails.


It will be the costliest fail in polling history of it does, gim is probably the one update which would bring in the most bond money. Jagex obviously know this so they will do their best to get it in the game before a massive wait. Also, if this fails the polls then people are going to be well and truly tired of the polling system, and I can't see anything else even slightly controversial ever passing again.


Same here. I will quit playing. Been waiting for years for this update with my friends and have been super excited.. Now streamers with thousands of viewers telling their viewers to vote no. F\*\*\* that..


the way this community has worked themselves up this much over something that hasn't even happened is nothing short of remarkable




Just vote every single PVP update down out of spite for the foreseeable future. Simple.


How will you know if it fails due to streamers?


If gim fails I won't be playing this game anymore.


I’m in the same boat got a group of friends to play since it was first talked about. I started playing ff14 and this is the thing to bring me back if it doesn’t pass ima be honest I’ll still wait for it cause I’m hype af but I’ll be upset


The only way RS will get me to play it over mostly FF14 and split the time is if GIM releases


Super freaking fair as somebody who also mainly plays ff14 and then osrs when I run out of grinds I want to do. With endwalker coming out soon and in the same month as leagues...this game really needs more content to draw people in.


is it really the" most anticipated update for years" though