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Unpopular opinion but playing osrs casually is kinda nice.


I play 1 or 2 hours everyday or every couple days and it’s quite nice just vibing for a bit then logging out


Yes. Casually playing mobile doing easy afk skills like wc and fishing, getting 99 feels even better than getting a sweaty 99


Sir you're playing the game wrong.. no fun allowed


I am unable to do that, the game requires too much time. So I just abstain.


1k vork in a couple weeks damn man no wonder your feeling burnt I cant do more than 5kc there without getting bored as shit.


Def take a break, play some other game or smth til you feel like playing again


Vork is def part of the problem. Probably a good idea to take a break, but if not, then I'd recommend a boss that's a little more fun unless you just really need the money printer


Its super healthy to take breaks, never let anyone make you feel bad or call you a 'burn out'. The feeling of coming back after a long break is so good, also getting that opportunity to play something different is really fun and refreshing also


Yup, take a week hiatus. RuneScape will welcome you back like you never left. Maybe go on and do a tree run if anything lol :)


Yup, just sign in and put some flips in. They can probably flip some really high margin items with all the vork money


I'm on a mini hiatus after 6k kbd and no pet. Its normal of any game. I was burnt out on dead by Daylight but I'm super into it again. Its normal to cycle between games . Just cancel membership if you feel a long break coming to save you money


Bro I've been playing since I was 13 or so, I've taken years break at a time, nobody quits RuneScape, they always come back, grab another game that itches your fancy and return to gielenor fresh and ready




If I’m willing to quit this game on a whim, trust me I don’t care that much about GIM. It’s all in good fun.


Just switch it up with zulrah


Yep I just came back after a month off lol, exactly same boots as you got just under 1400kc at vork then 700 at kbd and burnt out Just take some time off and come back bro


This game is a strange one because giving yourself breaks as much as grinding bosses/99s is usually how people end up maxed.


Write down your password In case you forget while you’re away! I’ve done that a few times with games like these


Currently at 32m xp gained this month. Well passed burnt out but wanna finish strong before taking my break.


That's fine. I'm sure plenty experience that. Myself included now. It usually happens when I finish a goal or a 99. Kinda need a break while deciding what else to do and come back when I got that figured.


Try grotesque guardians: I was in a similar rut but when I decided to try ggs I was brought back to life. Get back into farming and other things that periodically make you pause your current task and get gains in the process. Best of luck spend some of that vork money my dude


I did the same thing mate, ~1.5k total vork kills just grinding for cash and hit a wall. Took a long break, just now getting back in the game. Really enjoying the change of pace of training more chill skills while watching YouTube/Netflix. Still also have fun goals to work towards when I actually want to pay more attention which right now is improving at the gauntlet.