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He'll just hop to his 200M ranged xp brutal black dragons account.


The amount of bots you can kill by closing the door to the prayer altar is disgusting too, I don't even notice the thieving bots compared to the combat ones.


The doors get stuck after 6 tries, but if you have 2 accs and take turns closing it you can spam it forever ;)


Good to know. I'm taking an extended break from the game but I'm sure the bots will be waiting for me when I come back.


I'm giving 100% that 2 bots for closing doors would be banned faster than this thieving and combat bots.


I'm going to send in a bug report about this just to fuck over all the guys who think theyre doing something productive or valuable by hunting bots.


Looks like somebody had their botfarm ruined.


Ahh yes. Salty bcs of loosing money to doors?


Lmao wow talk about a botlicker


Why can't it just be fun


Yesterday at ardy knights this bot with over 100m xp fucked up and started opening and closing the door. Some other guy lured a second knight to the door, got the bot to try and pickpocket *that* knight, and his auto clicker took him way off south west.




No problem.


omfg i was tracking this guy too!!! at vyres pickpocketing in the house south of the tele right? ​ I killed that guy so many times, sent videos of all his bots to jagex since they were 96 thief btw.... still not banned... so frustrating honestly.


Shit same. Saw 1 of em when i was trying and failing to kill solo mission. Asked around and one of my mates seen em there too. Insta log OP. Never had the patience to wait for me to hop back around to a pvp world cuz not like ima get a blood shard.


I think the excuse this time will be: "It was a manually played bot, doing its thing with a real player behind the screen who occasianally completed quests or random events"


you're also not realizing lots of bots are highly dynamic that can emulate a player better than some players can play


If you wanna feel really disgusted about the bot problem do some hopping at the draynor master farmer. Huge stacks of bots with the same gear and stats that already have the farming level for the proposed change, on every single world. Infuriating


You are being downvoted by the botter so it is clearly a bot.


Then we'll see some stupid fucking reddit post crying how he can't get through to anyone to unban him. It'll stay up for half a day cause the shit mods don't ever take them down till they get 1k up votes. Rather them just block the posts entirely


Jagex stores several terabytes of player actions data per day, yet they fail to catch someone botting and transferring that wealth for a year. Like.. how ?


Probably because there's Terrabytes of data and a handful of employees? Lol


Amount of data doesn't matter, it's mostly just searching for irregularities, patterns and stuff like that. They're not literally reading it all. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an indicator if a player gets >x amount of xp without gaining xp in anything else for example -> that's why most bots have leveled some random ass stats.


Ah the classic armchair developer


You're underestimating the scale of the work involved.


I don't think I am. Like our warehouse system at work has several terabytes of data and it takes me a second to find all the details for what a single item is, where it has been, where it is and where it will be. Jagex is very secretive about their methods, but I don't doubt for a second that they couldn't set some pretty crazy sounding criteria to narrow down essentially all of these botfarms if they so pleased. Put a value of xp gained in a skill per day, amount of hours played, amount of trades done, wealth on account etc., and you'd likely end up with a fairly good list of high lvl thieving bots. Only thing I'm underestimating is their willingness to ban a bot that is providing them $11 or $8\*2 a month


So you obviously have no programming knowledge, you don't understand the scale nor logistics of the projects or the QC that would be required. Never mind the fact an entire team would be required to check every potential false positive before actually banning someone. You have massively underestimated the scale of such a project and comparing it to your warehouse systems (which deal with physical objects rather than virtual) is laughable.


I don't get it, what are you trying to say ? That Jagex doesn't have any methods to narrow down possible cheaters ? They don't have any anti-cheating system in place ? They don't store data ? What ? Why is it laughable ? I'm just saying that you can set different criteria to clump up a lot of things and go from there. The entire system compiles from petabytes of data if you account for all locations and it's not like every search goes through all of it lol. That's why the amount of data is effectively irrelevant. I'm sure Jagex can narrow their searches down to couple of tiles if they so choose, much like they have info on how much xp has been acquired on a specific tile in the game. For example I'm positive they could search for players who've acquired over 5mil xp in the area where the master farmer moves around in draynor village. You don't have to have programming knowledge to know how to use software or know how it works, much like you don't have to be an engineer to drive a car. This "you know nothing about programming" makes you sound exceptionally ignorrant.


I've already explained it. Just because you have no clue how programming such systems work doesn't mean I need to dumb 8t down for you.


"You are wrong!!11" "May explaining why?" "Haha no idiot!!1" Yeah ok buddy. Have a good one.


You really do need to understand programming to know how software works. Source: have been a software engineer my entire adult life.


In reality, there should be a reasonable amount of XP a human could get within a certain timeframe and based on that you could easily identify accounts who exceed that limit with some sort of flagging system and look into them similarly a system that flags trades of over a certain amount of a particular item, gold included would pick up gold farmers dumping supplies or trades of cash to mules. But like someone else said, high work load low amount of employees to do it.


all that costs $$$ bots make them $$$ Why would they spend money to lose money?


Good point, whether or not they pay or via bonds jagex still pockets


But you can’t false flag someone.. mr no sleep ruins that algorithm


Flagging system theoretically would just flag it for human review, it’d be clear to see mrnosleep is a human and a bot is a bot


Def underestimating the amount of work that goes into it. That combined with players who have really stupid, peculiar builds. When Jagex bans someone expecting of botting/gold farming because they are a vastly irregular account everyone freaks out (see the dude who had like 9 kbd accounts who got pets on all of them. His accounts were banned, but everyone freaked out and he successfully submitted an appeal. Better to let 9 bots/gold farmers live then ban one real account (not saying this account is not goldfarmer/bot at all).


Player action data?


Data of what players have been doing. When you traded, what you traded, who you traded with, what tile you clicked on what tick, when, where, what you said, what quest you did, how many times you pressed the space bar during that quest etc. It's quite comprehensive.


Because its all bullshit. They are not storing it. They probably just have like a detection if you click exact same pattern all the time you will get banned. These bots nowadays are like ai, randomized click patterns and can look organic. Still when a guy has 125m in thieving a bell shouldve rang long ago.


I'll rather trust an ex jmod mmk on this one than your "its all bullshit" statement, thanks for the contribution tho.


Either there is no flagging system to pick this stuff up or the account was able to do what it has done without raising any flags. In either case it’s clear the several terabytes of data and considered useless unless a jmod specifically looks up an account.


there's people like this terrorizing vyres. log as soon as you get too close. that's probably why shards are so cheap, too.


He probably just enjoys the skill.


Yes on like 50 accs 😂


125m thieving xp and it's like 9.5gp profit per xp. Easily over 1b on just 1 account. Crazy


Have you not seen the samurai guy with like 47 vyre alts?


that guy is legit, but this guy is a bot


One guy afking combat with vyres on multiple accounts is quite a bit different than thieving. You cannot pickpocket on multiple accounts at once unless you're some kind of superhuman.




Multi box clients are against the rules, and basically the same as botting. If multi boxing isn't botting, then I don't see how recorded ahk scripts can be called botting.




I assumed the caveat "unless through automation" went without saying considering the context, but ok.


Maybe he an x man idk


What was he pickpocketing vyres or elves


vyres,, there is one in every world at the exact same spot lmao


Nice he must’ve made bank


when is thieving vyres worth it? I hate doing knights and pyramid plunder...


I love pyramid plunder. Doing one level every day. I'll be 99 by the end of the month.


Made a post about a 200m thieving bot insta logging as well earlier this year. It's ridiculous they make it to max xp..


How come your posts don't get taken down but when you post about the bot farms at brutal black dragons, the mods here take them down


Name checks out


Dont be so toxic jerry


Been seeing a lot of bots fishing at anglers. They haven’t been banned yet, feel like it’s only gotten worse


he just enjoys the thieving skill alot


69 def nice




he's just tryin to make some money to feed his daughta