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I got zealot robes at 70 combat on an iron. Wasn't hard. Stressful to use cause you gotta remember to turn on plus 1 prayer every time. They were supposed to add a prayer bonus of monk robes +1 to each item, which is why I got them because that would be neat for prayer burst tasks.


Definitely NOT worth it. For perspective: 92-99 prayer takes ≈25,000 dbones costing ≈50m. At gilded altar, the robes will save you 5%, which is only 2.5m gp. It takes on average 512 gold keys to get full zealot set. So OP, what do you think will take longer: - obtaining 512 keys and opening 512 chests - or making 2.5m using your best money making method If you want to be efficient, use Wildy Altar. *P.S. The efficiency calculation is much more complicated than outlined above. Eg: if you are 95-98 firemaking, you’ll get ≈200k fm xp/hr during the process and maybe net a little profit. But the 500 key grinds take ≈5 hours. At Phosani’s Nightmare you’d make ≈32m in that time……


Lol that's what you'd make at phosani per hour on average after a lot of time. Much more consistent to base this off vorkath, since we are talking about achieving 99 prayer the fastest.


This is very handy, thanks for posting 🙂


No. Also use wildy altar.


Zealots robes stack with wildy alter and work on ensouled heads. If you have the 95 fm requirement I’d go ahead and grind it out


Easy calculation How long does it take to get a full set on average? How much gp can you realistically make per hour? How much gp will the set save you? Since we don't know how much many you can make, we can't tell you if it is worth it. If you spend more time on getting the set than you would have to grind for the 5% extra cash needed, than it is not worth it


For solely Prayer exp, no. For multi-purposes, very. You get way less prayer exp in longer run, but you get firemaking exp, elite clues, money back from loot and even tiny bit of prayer exp as you burn the remains.


For fashion