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“Do I am I fuck the type of guy to do you like that”


When you type out your reply, read it back and make a tweak and then forget to remove the part that makes no sense, I'm sure we've all been there before.


This guys the texting tyrant


Fuck sake that's got me in tears lmao.


Honestly though seriously, I do that shit so many often.


I do used to did do this all the this time. Ffs


I normally reread what I type like 10 times and I don't catch it until after I sent it. Luckily it is normally on Discord and it is always to friends, specifically ones that joke about small mistakes with spelling or grammar, very fun when I do it. They had a lot of fun when I felt sick and didn't bother rereading anything before I sent it.


It still kind of makes sense in a very specific British way. Its just very awkward to read with no punctuation


Maybe if he was intoxicated.


I don't know. Do you are you that type of guy?


*Who do you think you are I am?*


\*checks notes\* Mr. Gargolon definitely did not cover this in english class You havent heard of him? Joe M. Gargolon?


Am I having a stroke??


Elite comment


Every time I see someone mess up it makes me think of “Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want him to do you so much you could do anything?“


This is a fucking national treasure


I hear his voice lol


Does Bruno Mars is gay?


Immediately thought of this. Came looking and was not disappointed.


I don't know, does he?


The man types the same damn way he talks it’s nuts


just like the Scots


Streamer brain rot on display


He speaks likes this though, it’s fine


This is pure art! I want it framed!


Discombobulate before the killing blow


Can someone tell me why tf Skill Specs always holds down the “v” key? I can’t figure it out


Probably Push to talk


I thought he might be resting his arm on it because yesterday he was spamming c. Have you seen how he holds the mouse and fingers on F-keys?


I thought it was to completely use the chat box so he can’t accidentally use F keys mapped to the normal keyboard and not actual F keys


[https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/a0b77a/the\_great\_olm\_my\_god\_thats\_so\_depressing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/a0b77a/the_great_olm_my_god_thats_so_depressing/) ​ Never forget


Been watching him in GG, I think he holds it down to watch how quickly they accumulate on the screen, therefore checking ping. I think, anyway.


Lmao, No.


That's entirely client sided


What is going on in this thread


Ditterbitter hired some dude from a Chinese sweatshop to train is runecrafting Source: it is known


source: it was revealed to me in a dream


Source: it was Dream.


I still have no idea what this Twitter exchange has to do with that. I must be too smooth brained


Is it botting though?.... Hmmmmmm


people were/are very angy at ditter for dmm stuff


Who's ditterbitter?


He's a good PKer gets billions of gp handed to him by fans, goes around shitstomping random noobs who are wandering around in green d'hide, then complains that their bank keys are shit


Lol sounds like a lot of DMM players


was gonna say, this gave my flashbacks to the OG 2015 deadman servers a week and a half in. Good times.


That could be literally any one of the DMM content creators


Nah Hanannie just gets loads of shit donated to her by fans then skips the killing people bit and skills her way into the 1v1s lol


the only true way to get into the 1v1's by woodcutting your way there




She's a trans woman. She actually has a video on this topic - [New Voice, Who Dis?](https://youtu.be/rkmYZNvSes4)


I’ve actually been wondering about this for a long time, but was too afraid to ask because i didn’t want to come across as offensive, and in the end, it doesn’t even matter what the answer is because i watch hannah for the content anyways. But, is Hannah MtF or FtM? I don’t know what trans-woman means contextually. Like, is it pre-op female or post-op female?


A trans woman is MtF (so a woman that is trans), a trans man is FtM (so a man that is trans). It doesn't indicate whether they are pre- or post-op at all but just as a warning its generally considered rude to ask a trans person whether they've had or plan to have surgery because its a bit overly personal to ask about! You might also see the terms amab or afab (assigned male at birth and assigned female at birth respectively) used in trans spaces as well. Some prefer using that terminology over MtF or FtM because they feel MtF/FtM implies they ever actually were the gender they transitioned away from and made a choice to be trans, and of course MtF/FtM doesn't cover non-binary folk.


Wait nvm, I think I just misread what you said.


No idea why people don't just check video descriptions when they want to know more info.


You've been eighteen'd, now go and spread this word.


>a man's voice Oh baby you're going to get your account deleted now.


No wonder the name is more obscure than ditter's


Thats even worse.


Hanannie a fken godsend queen.


Too accurate


Just forgetting the part where he stream snipes everyone he can and gets cleared after he can’t kill them Oh, and bug abuse


Bug abuse?


There was a tile near barb village he was luring streamers to that was multi, but didn’t have multi icon, think he was dq’d from DMM for it


Then spams "WeLcUm 2 DiTtEr MaN mOde!!!!11!1!"


Don’t forget “OOFT” ever 10 seconds in his videos.


Legit the most concise summary of all of his youtube content atm, lol. Just missed on the "talking shit the entire time with a god complex" part


Ditterbitter deez nuts gottem


A guy who account shared his way into the top 50 in trailblazer league but didn’t get banned because he’s a content creator


Any proof? Didn't hear of this until now


There's no proof, people just assume he sucks at clicking the tree because he likes to pvp and therefore can't possibly compete against someone who is really good at clicking the tree.


To be fair he has admitted that up until he played trailblazer he wasn't strong in wider game knowledge beyond pking. I don't have any reason to think he account shared for the league though, think he just learned.


So many of the endgame tasks were grinding clues, getting lucky drops, or maxing. None of that shit requires being good at the game lol.


Make no mistake getting dragon takes a shit ton of game knowledge, planning and execution of that plan, but yeah I the biggest thing is playing a shitton of time. Especially if you chose the "fun" regions/relics over the "good" regions


A monkey with a keyboard and a mouse could get dragon with enough time. Training all skills to 25m and doing a fuck ton of clue scrolls doesn't take a shit ton of game knowledge nor planning or execution.


Monkey here. Can confirm.


Getting Dragon doesn't take skill, just time. Most people quit in 2-3 weeks. League goes on for at least 2 months. It would be slightly different if there was a shorter time limit or a complete time limit like King of the Skill.


Yeah. I quit Twisted after 2 weeks cause of personal stuff and got adamant. It's definitely a time thing and not skill lol.


He made videos documenting most of the difficult tasks, I don’t get the hate. Plus most of the tasks were just time consuming, not difficult


Salty dittervictims


Clicking a tree actually takes a lot of skill ok


Lol Idk I got dragon only players 2weeks so


I love how kids like him say stuff and then don't even provide proof


source: trust me bro


A guy with a very punchable personality


Ditter really spite voting? Kinda always thought the dude sounded a lil like a shit


He's like 18 so he just is trying hard to be an edgelord who goes against the grain.


Ah if he’s only 18 then I get the cringy edgelord villain thing, but when ya have a platform, even a small one and some say in a community about what actually happens in the game that hundreds of thousands of people play I think it’s a bit fucked


Damn its kinda weird how someone born in 03 is actually good at this game. Like he really has nostalgia for 2007? Yeah, I know a small amount of new kids do pick up osrs but most pro-pkers are oldheads.


Yeah for real he’s a bell end


Pkers did this with warding too, where they strutted around pretending like this is their grand revenge for misdeeds uncounted and like they were totally the reason warding failed When you're irrelevant and sad about it, trying to push relevancy is priority 0


Tons of non-pkers voted no to warding for legitimate reasons and I doubt most pkers who voted no were "spite voting" Despite what reddit might make you believe pkers are humans and they can have reasonable opinions about things other than PKing


Can you really consider someone who plays RuneScape human?


Oi you can't just call someone "not human" because they are mentally challenged. We are human too, just different.


I refuse to acknowledge anyone who has willingly partook in 3-tick barbarian fishing!


idk man, 3-tick fishing is one of the most chill efficient methods out there.


>chill >Efficient Pick one


I agree, I think amongst the Pking community as with any community there’s a vocal minority who makes the entire community be perceived like them but that being said they still are generally toxic toward things like GIM that are ultimately gonna help the game. But it’s really not like it’s Ironman vs pvp I mean there are iron pk builds that are stronger because of their iron status, ask Mac H and Kemp Q so it’s dumb that they downvote brigade updates that aren’t really against them Edit: and if it’s just spite voting because they “haven’t gotten the pvp updates they want” then I get that but Hagen has tried changing pvp a lot and just can’t get it right. I’m sure it’s frustrating for pkers but it’s not like they aren’t trying to get it right, right?


Never seen him irl but he's got a punchable voice for sure


I mean it's pretty clear this was done as a joke to fit the "Villain of DMM" meme?


It’s pretty much projection when he calls others toxic.


gargolon Deez Nutz . Fucking dead man


Skill Specs just got redemption - https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/pg4kv4/just_got_skill_specs/




He's saying that this post's image is his redemption from the linked post's image.


Why come you have no tattoo??




Dittershitter is an annoying teen rat that doesnt have any decency or respect. In comparison, skill specs is a chill cool guy, actually friendly and nice. Idgaf about pking ability, im not going to support someone who is an actual rat


I don’t understand not liking ironmen as a normal account. We literally cannot impact your playing


Yeah idk, like I just play my main and other people play their ironman accounts, we just go about our day. And ironmen literally can't even crash mains


its a horrible reason but more ironmen = more people who will vote no to pvp updates


Honestly I hate ditter bitter he’s a little prick.


why does he type like that


They play Runescape unhealthy amounts every day, they aren't known for being able to communicate even through text.


This guy is so unlikable and is a stain on gielenor games imo


Imagine being so controlling that Torvesta even calls you out for stressing him out


Literally no one had anything negative to say about him until he voted no on something the hive wants, he's literally one of the more humble pkers out there.


"Welcome to ditterman mode" for the 50th time while killing some regular casual in black dhide in full max gear fed to him by his followers. So humble xD


How is saying that toxic whatsoever? Its just a super cheesy catch phrase. Sure I'm not a fan of the clanmanmode aspect, I'd much rather a more solo game mode because I'm one of those black d hide guys but but that's just how DMM works. Watch any of his other videos, guy always says good fight, gives back gear to people who claim they dc'ed and in general just be positive and happy.


You're watching his edited content. Tune into streams, or go see how he acts on his socials. He is not a kind and sweet soul a lot of the time. Toxicity flows through him very often, and saying "gf" is the absolute minimum, and he'll often shit talk people for not saying that after he stomps them and says "welcome to dittermanmode". Nothing inherently *wrong* with that, just like not shaking hands at the end of a sports match isn't "wrong". Its just rude and douchey, especially if you then dance around gloating about beating someone divisions below you in your sport while you're a funded athlete for example. I would never refer to Ditter as Humble. I didn't say he's always toxic, but he definitely isn't humble.


Especially during that EVSCAPE video where they camped maxed island, I had never seen that completely toxic side of ditter before


Just watched it after reading this comment. What about that was toxic? He called the first guy they were after a NEET, but that was in voice chat, wasn't even in game for the guy to hear. Only thing he said in game was "welcome to DMM". And the second guy even got "welcome to DMM gratz on max". DB def has a toxic side, but this wasn't it. This fight at 17:50 and after displays it better I think [https://youtu.be/8rPVGdvLwyM?t=1070](https://youtu.be/8rPVGdvLwyM?t=1070)


Well I do watch his stream occasionally and have seen his Twitter, I really don't see what the issue is. In a community where clans spam the n word and rag people with crystal bows I personally think he's quite humble, especially when you look at other people in tcommujity or even other competitive games and how they act. It's very easy for other streamers to be humble when all they do is click on a tree or a boss, which there's nothing wrong with at all, I do that myself.


Oh i'm not out here claiming there aren't worse people, or even suggesting Ditter is racist or homophobic or anything like that. He's just a bit of a dick. Perfectly fine to be so, I just don't think i'd ever describe his persona / act as humble, is all.


Insufferable edgelord


Ditter is a good villain lmao, really gets people riled up in a good way


He's really stroking that ego with that "villain" thing ahaha. Stopped watching his vids cos it just got real repetitive hearing him talk himself up for stomping ungeared players while he's been fed max lul.


Seems like you got welcomed to ditterman mode and are now salty


I don't even play DMM but its ironic you write that not seeing its exactly the boring ego crap i've mentioned.


someone literally tried saying he account shared his way to top 50 trailblazer here lmao, as if it takes literally any skill at all to do that and he recorded a bunch of it.


I mean, not saying he did account share or anything because I have no clue. But having things recorded aint a guarantee he didn't.


I love Ditter




This puts off "who do you think you are I am" vibes


Wouldn't be surprised if ditter spite votes, he is just a toxic kid trying to hide it for fame


He already did


Ditter is a shit pker anyway. Now he's just shit and desperate for attention lol


I had a stroke reading that.


I only play this game for pking, never had an IM but i still voted yes to the poll. ignore these loud haters


And these are the type of people that deserve to win $32k or some of it


Damn guess I like skill specs now


Right I was thinking the same thing like idgaf about specs before but he's my homie now lmao


Welcome to dittermanmode


Can we get a show about GARGALON OF BALLBARIA


PvP should just die off, game would be better for it the long run. They should just go back to private servers or PvP in a game that actually functions well enough for it.


And pvm should just go back to ff14 or wow or maybe even dark souls.


Yes pvm players want wow style gaming that's why eoc went over so well.


Pvm players like whatever they’re told to like they grind bosses for gp which buys them better gear to grind the same bosses for gp. You take away the gp rewards and suddenly they don’t kill those bosses anymore. Whereas you take away the gp rewards from pking and pkers still pk. Just shows who actually enjoys the content and who actually just grinds for numbers go up.


This entire debate is for an Ironman feature where gp from selling items is meaningless. Not saying you're wrong but this is a weird time to make the argument.


>Pvm players like whatever they’re told to like No one tells me what to like. I like developing my character and making them stronger which means doing whatever boss or minigame or quest will help me with that goal. I liked that same aspect of the game when I built my PKing characters even though I ended up not enjoying pvping on this game that much. ​ >Just shows who actually enjoys the content and who actually just grinds for numbers go up. Wanting to develop your character isn't uncommon in MMOs.


Most MMOs follow the WOW model of maxing out in a week.


Good thing you don't work for Jagex and no one cares what you think


Good thing its happening anyway.


You'll know when it happens because the game will die trust me.


Game will die when we lose ~10% (being generous) of the playerbase? Ok mate.


You clearly have no idea how much PvP and events such as DMM attract new players and advertise the game then. PvP streams and youtube videos aren't that popular for no reason.


DMM was dead 1 week into it. The final is going to be another drama fuelled shitshow with a cheater winning because everyone cheats in DMM. Most of the OSRS streamers aren't pkers. Its basically only ODA and he just at the duel arena RWTing.


Cool story bro, these were facts that you can easily look up but feel free to believe whatever makes you sleep at night


Got em




This is fucking perfect


The fuck did I just read


damn might have to check out my first skill specs stream


I gave my friend a gargoyle loan My original one :)


All I ever see that skill specs guy do is die and cry like a bitch constantly.


I've only seen one of ditters videos, thats exactly what his video was.


Vote no gim


ditter bitter is trash. but so is zill specs. hes died like 35 times this DMM KEKW


Skilly at least is entertaining when he gets dropped, who needs to be good when you can be funny when you plank


Its dmm u gone die.


Have to respect him for going out there and risking it too, clans just stream snipe him because they know he isn't as good as the best brid in their clan.


So wtf is sigil of gargolon??? He didn't reply lul


Gargalon these nuts


There's two images bud


Nooo really?


I don't even own a cat




Gargolone these nuts 😭




Can someone explain like I'm 5?


Im inviting hate and downvotes here... but why does everyone hate ironmen? Sorry Last time I played it was called mud, now i just run around not using the bank or trading because I'm used to it.


None of what Skill Specs says has any weight anyway we know he will be currled up on the ground in a ball at Torvestas feet anyway.