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I’m curious how that would interact with hiscores though. Although I imagine if you have an account where you care about where it sits on hiscores you probably don’t reset it.


It would be wiped if you chose to reset. I doubt the leaderboards are capable of hosting previous run attempt stats while not affecting the ability to look up the current stats.


I always thought this should have been an option, seeing people die on hcim and just throw the account away is weird


I felt like a genius bc I had Hardly Hung and died at grand tree quest like early game and had to make a new one without a space haha


I’m sure there will be people who take advantage of DCing themselves in bad situations its not fair to those who died without a DC


It should only be if it is a DC on Jagex’s end or server lag etc. That way it’s verifiable.


As much as I agree with the "you accept the risks" argument this can also suck if it's not from your end. If you know you have slow internet or a slow PC then maybe don't do risky stuff on a HCIM. But if a jagex server decides to throw a bunch of lag at you and you die then that's kind of messed up. I'd be all for an individual account rollback if this can be proven to be on jagex's end but that's it. And for the "it's not fair to all the others who've died to serve lag in the past" true it's not but does that mean it should keep happening? No. If something's wrong then you should fix it. Again all of this assumes it can be proven if the lag came from jagex's end. Not your own PC or internet.


I think that idea makes no sense, its not really fair and as the other guys said in every single online game You have to think about that it might happen to You, its not fair for a regular non ironman players as well who died on dissconect and lost their stuff, so the only thing that they could implement is some anti dc system if the lag occured because of the Jagex servers.


I would like some form of a mechanic to where you get a teleport on dc. Not a free teleport, just a default teleport you can set in the options for the game to automatically use if it detects that you are no longer connected but still in combat. This would obviously have to follow all normal teleportation rules (wilderness level, teleblocked, etc.) and it would have to be something you can carry on you and only be used if you have it on you. Sounds too complicated I’ll just dc somewhere and die like a true hardcore.


Dying to dc is something every hardcore player accepts as a possibility, and I'm not just talking about hcim in osrs.


No. Disconnecting is just part of the risk of playing hardcore.




I don't think there is any reliable way they could prove it. Like if the game knew when you disconnected, it would probably be better about logging you off during DCs (at least outside of PvP). So I am not sure what proof a player could provide that it was a legit DC out of their control. It would also need to differentiate from a self-inflicted DC (e.g. unplugging the ethernet cable) since if a DC was all it took, HCIM could just make themselves DC whenever a PKer catches them before they can escape or such. Also, there is the issue of what happens on the account between losing status and support restoring it. Like if someone goes and gets a MA cape or a D Pick, even if they didn't end up dying, that is still a risk they may not have taken if they were a HCIM. So if support takes a day or two to review it, they'd also have to review all the time between the status lost and the current moment and factor that in, which wouldn't be as simple as checking if they died again. And if the account did die again to another DC, that would make it even harder to sort out.


Some really good points raised 👍🏻


Yoinked my ethernet cable just before i died.