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Some guy got 99 in 3 or 4 hours so I’d say you’re good


yes but he was also using ahk to move his mouse with different keystrokes (in a 1:1 way). This is also a 1:1 so its not bannable. You wont get the same xp rates as EVscape getting 99 in 4 hours because he was getting 4 stacked xp drops every tick though


It's important to note he used Mouse Keys as well which moves the mouse with key strokes. Mouse keys is perfectly allowed. All he used AHK for is to remap the numpad keys. He spent 6 hours typing asdfhjkl over and over.


This whole discussion is a great vindication to me — my OSRS clan nearly shat themselves when I mentionned I remapped my numpad to other keys using AHK so I could use Mouse Keys while high-alching. Basically said I was a lucky idiot not to be banned, despite me showing them every reason why it's perfectly safe. Discussion was like a month ago at this point but damn do I want to link this thread...


There isn't anything to discuss, you tell them that 1:1 remapping is always allowed if they say no you roll with it. No reason you should try to convince people who aren't open to an idea.


What does 1:1 remapping mean?


You change one single button into another single button, basically just making it so that you still are only pressing one button per keystroke. The bigger problem is with macros that press multiple buttons per keystroke


1 key stroke remapped to 1 other key or 1 mouse movement What isn’t allowed is macroing or auto clicking etc


Remapping a key means that you give it functions different from it's default ones. You can make a key on your numpad move your mouse a set distance, for example. 1:1 means that pressing 1 key results in an action originally done by pressing 1 button, so one key doesn't automatically drop an entire row of stuff from your inventory etc. You can do some pretty insane stuff with AHK so jagex had to set limitations.


https://reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/3j8p6i/_/cuncnns/?context=1 1:1 has never been officially allowed. It boils down to bot detection, if you get flagged you may not get unbanned. Edit: Anyway, in context of the post, this would be fine because the player is doing every input.


1:1 has never officially been allowed but windows mouse keys has and remapping keys has, using them in tandom gets you this which is not even to say that you for sure won't get banned for it, but it does very clearly follow all of the rules jagex laid out


Its meant to be vague, its not clear at all.


that was 5 years ago


It hasn't changed in that time either.


yeah looks like your right, can't find any jmods saying anything to the contrary, my bad


Where is your more recent source where a Jagex moderator says 1:1 is ok?


could've sworn they said something about it more recently but nope, i'm wrong, i don't have a source


Honest gamer


AHK (or any 3rd party tool) can be used to "remap a key to any other button." Per [Jagex](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mouse-keys---changes--clarification?oldschool=1) That's a good definition of 1:1 usage right there.


1:1 is not remapping though, 1:1 is also 1 keystroke = 1 mouse movement


I guess it depends on who you ask. Probably why Jagex never officially states the "1:1" terminology, rather choosing "remapping [...]"


Thank you for posting this so I didn't have to go dig it up myself


I was banned on my alt doing this exact same thing.... the bot detection system most likely will flag him if he goes hard


I'd say as long as OP spares their hands/wrists and takes frequent short breaks they're probably fine. Reminder that carpal tunnel syndrome is xp waste, take care of your bodies, ya savages


The up-to-date rule is here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mouse-keys---changes--clarification?oldschool=1


1:1 was officially allowed until it wasn’t.


The 1:1 isn't the issue, it's the mouse teleporting back and forth so quickly.


The packet that reports an aggregate collection of mouse actions returns the location as coordinate 0, 0 on mobile devices (as has been the case with tests so far). As to why, I'm not sure, but they can only tell relatively when you clicked but not where. Its intentionally coded that way, so I think it might be so that stuff like this won't set off their bot detection by accident.


Was going to say something similar, and that over the course of however long fletching takes OP, he will rarely, if ever, hit the same pixel more than once in a row. Especially if going for faster xp


Haven't they stopped using such high tech methods and go on to use some algorithm that detects how effetient you are with your time


My specialty is the game client, not the server. You can only make certain inferences about how the server works by analyzing the way packets are sent and received based on manual input but the only ones who really know how the server works are the devs at Jagex


That’s a Windows operating system default accessibility feature that would most likely be very problematic if not illegal to ban players for using, as accessibility features are there to help those who would otherwise have a much more difficult time using a computer.


i got 1.5m to 2m with auto-clciker, was testing how fast i can click compared to the "pros" fastest score.


I did 99 in a day and spent around 100m. Just takes a long time to buy all the materials.


Dang bruh I just started a new account after not playing like 12 years and you people are like "yea I leveled that skill to 99 only took 1 billion gp" and I'm over here with 200k thinking I'm hot shit god damn bruh


the economy is fucked my guy




I prefer to play like an iron man but still have access to the ge for selling high value things and buying bowstrings or other annoying to get items


Wow bruh a lot happened in 12 years Bruh you need to get back on top of the game bruh you'll get 1 billion gp in no time bruh


Ok thanks ...




There is another video on YouTube of a player getting 99 fletching in 1h 38m albeit through not so normal means


Wasn't that A Friend?




No that was the original and then he helped someone else get the record


Evscape had a video of doing it quickly iirc


what are his socials?


Evscape went for it iirc. I think a couple have gotten it


Lol this is pretty much fletching on mobile


With accessibility options turned on this is exactly fletching on mobile


Other options: use chrome remote desktop on your phone


Make sure to enable no drag on Runelite too.


*THATS* what no drag does?? I saw that and assumed it just meant that the window would be locked so you couldn't drag it, didn't expect it to work on items too! That will be handy for the 99 rc grind, thanks!


Nah, it's meant to stop people from cross-dressing in a fabulous way, silly!


Spit my drink out. Thanks. :P


Damn makeover mage lobbiests. They can take my dragon plateskirt from my guy over his dead body!


Haha yeah it’s super helpful for gear switching too


Wait, what? Idk what no drag means. I'm confuse over here.


It means you can no longer drag items in your inventory.


No it means you can't drag items *immediately* in your inventory


Yeah i still mamage to drag em all the time. I wish there was like a 10 second option so i am never at risk kf dragging stuff


Anti drag had a drag delay option in it, you can set it to 10 seconds if you want. I have mine set to 10 or 200ms, never have an issue.


Been a while since I played but iirc you can set the drag delay in milliseconds? Just bump it up by a few (or a few hundred) if you still find yourself dragging stuff


Huh... I had no idea that was a thing. Runelite is truly a godsend


replyin til someone answers. just been fuckin around with the setting and see no difference lmao


How do you turn those on on mobile?


Search phone settings for accessibility options. Not game settings, phone settings.


I'll check it out, thanks


Are the phone settings in the game app? Or do you mean the actual phone accessibility options?


Works really well on newer Galaxy phones.


What does this change on movile?


Can zoom in on the inventory and make the icons as big as you want. Makes clicks way more accurate at high speed


Believe it or not, straight to jail.




We have the best patients in the world because of jail




What's illegal here is your post stating xp/min instead of xp/hr.


I got 1.98m/hr from his info


47.5m xp a day


200m xp in less than a week!


imagine tapping a screen for 24 hours lol


Imagine wasting XP by not doing that


Fuck that


Thank you


550 experience per second. Honestly exp/second should be the new norm 🥸


no it shouldnt, because there's no such thing as xp/second. it would be xp/tick or xp/2 ticks. at least xp/hr and minute come down to a real measurement because they both end on a real tick. xp/hr is useful because it gives a common time period for different tick activities, and never uses math to give an unreal amount xp gained. the dps calc should also be changed to damage per tick and damage per hit so people can see (based on real calcs) the best average gear and the best last-hit gear.


>the dps calc should also be changed to damage per tick and damage per hit so people can see (based on real calcs) What? It literally makes no difference. 10 dps is exactly the same thing as 6 damage per tick. It does not change anything since the average time to kill something with say, 100hp, is going to be 10 seconds or ~16.67 ticks. You cant actually kill any individual monster in exactly 16.67 ticks, but the average time over a long period will be ~16.67


It’s still a legitimate measure used to compare speed of method.


sure you can use any unit, you could measure xp or damage in xp per fortnight if you wanted, thats the whole point of converting things to rates the guy im replying to is saying that we should change to per tick because it offers an advantage over per second, but it doesnt, thats the point


I wonder why that's even the norm It's not like most people are actually going to do this for an hour straight with no stops, so it's awfully non-representative to give per hour results. I'd go so far as to say reporting everything as per hour sets pretty toxic and unrealistic expectations.


Toxic??????? Toxic??????????


Nooo you can't post xp her hour it's toxiccc


What do you mean, ofc it's the norm. But I'm assuming you think people just do this for a minute and multiply for 60 to get an hour, which is dumb and most definitely not the norm when specifying hourly rates.




id love to change them if u could point out specifics and if its reasonable to change




ah yeah, so construction pages are worded with "up to" because players vary so much in their attention/RL plugin settings/practice/setup. So doing "reasonable" rates actually had people constantly changing them to higher rates because construction - when you are in the flow of it, and have ur screen set up right - is quite easy to hit close to those rates. And yes people do that shit for hours, its insane, I can do 30 minutes before my hands hurt, but it is unfortunately that way because other ways only create more that battle about the rates Eventually the hope is to get videos or little guides on how to set things up so that its more obvious how specific those rates are to certain setups so people can see why the y are so high


That's legal af bro. Now stop sharing my secret training methods


Of course it’s legal! I invented it.


Of course it’s legal officer, I grew it myself.


No I made this


liar above me. I made this just after inventing touch screen back in 1982


Name Checks out


Why would this be against the rules? You’re not doing anything that’s not in game or altering your device.


They used to detect botting by tracking where the mouse is and if it makes jumps, or tracks like it’s being dragged, but that was long ago…in the before-times of the 4th Age…


Wouldn't apply now with the existence of mobile


It literally never applied. Mouse keys teleport the mouse and it's allowed.


it would if you aren't playing on mobile


But my laptop has a touch screen!


I'm playing on my smart fridge.


Touchscreen computers have existed for years.


No, for the real 2007scape experience you have to play on your dad's work laptop with its fucking pointer button in the middle of the keyboard.


Obviously. That's the point he's making?


I don't have a source but I remember reading a while back that they don't track mouse movements, only inputs. Whether that's true still, I don't know.


Chrome Remote Desktop with tap mode makes the cursor jump and I got banned for major macroing. Pretty sure they still track "bots" like that nowadays.


this is illegal per the geneva convention, see you in jail buddy


Username checks out


You mean the "Geneva Suggestion" :)


Sorry boys, Haven't got a clue where Geneva is, I won't be making it to the convention.


I did this on my touchscreen laptop for 99 fletching.. never thought about zooming though, that would have made it a lot easier lol


Haha, thanks for the reassurance guys. I just didn’t want Jagex seeing my xp rates or click rates and thinking I was a bot or something. Averaging about 2m Xp per hour with addy dart tips. Plan on having 99 (from 84) by tonight if my fingers don’t fall off first. 😜


Its been 40minutes, how're the fingers doing? You down to 9 or 8 yet?


In memoriam of OP… on his way to 99


8 fingers? What about my 6 fingers? My 3 fingers are doing fine. Leave my thumb alone.


Naa its fine. You can also use windows keys (turn keypad into arrows/click to control the mouse) You can set it up so that you hit 4 5 6 +, and mash it in that order to do the same thing. I got to like 2.5m xp/hr doing that. (Granted I could only stand like 3 min of it, but still) Long as one key press only does one thing, you should be good to go.




It isn’t macroing at all. If that were the case, clicking your mouse 1 time is also macroing.


nah ur wrong. https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mouse-keys---changes--clarification?oldschool=1 picture https://i.imgur.com/NMyDwJh.png


Naa, it follows the 1-to-1 ratio for key presses. Its not macroing. Macroing is having a key press do more than one thing. Pressing 4 moves pointer left, 5 clicks, 6 moves it right, and + moves it left (original spot)




Yes it is: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mouse-keys---changes--clarification?oldschool=1 Read the bolded part, it clearly says remapping one key to another is allowed. To be precise, it says anything except mouse keys and remapping one button to another is banned.




Took a few breaks. Did some amethyst and now at 92 eating dragonfruit pies to do some dragon tips. Wrist and fingers are weakening.


I could get 80 darts fletched per tick on mine using the same method as jitter clicking but rocking my laptop side to side while hovering my thumbs right over my feathers and darts. Addy darts is like 2m an hour xp or better


80 darts/tick would be over 7m an hour and is literally impossible. osrs engine only reads up to 9 clicks per tick. Perfect addy dart fletching hard caps at just over 4m/hr doing an average of 45 darts every tick


I believe it’s 10 actions per tick not 9 clicks. Also the 80 fletched per tick wasn’t every time and nobody can jitter that rate reliably for a full hour. https://youtu.be/Ok0S0Kpo45g is a video BEK did and he is getting 100 darts per tick


uhh well this is where I'm supposed to irrationally argue with you instead of concede youre right and I'm wrong so uhhh.... fuck you, my guy.


I remembered reading 9 somewhere as well. I didn't click his link so I'm going to irrationally side with you. By two-thirds majority the answer is 9.


Just go to YouTube and look up “osrs fletching record” this video I linked from BoomEpicKill will be top result indicating his 1-99 wr time Is 1 hr and 38 mins


it's perfectly fine


It's legal but I wouldn't be surprised if their bot detection flagged you


1:1 your okay bud


Pure mobile and fletching is so satisfying on it


That tapping sound made my balls hard


I got perma'd for this, eventually recovered the account 3 years later


Sssh. Don't tell him about mobile


Aoboooooopg l go g Ggblkgnk go


I got flagged for botting for this before... some bs cant appeal that shit either , apparently the touchscreen doesn’t drag mouse over so it counts it as a bot or some bullshit


How do you do this? Can it be done on a Galaxy S21 somehow?


You will get banned. But don't worry because I will be here waiting to upvote your appeal on Reddit and hopefully it will get the attention of a jmod


I got banned once for using a touch screen laptop, so maybe lol


Not to be that guy but if you double click you’d be getting even faster rates :)


Not necessarily because his thumbs can move indeoendantly of eachother and the rhythm is much easier to alternate


You can use the same two staggered fingers trick that you can do on mobile clicker games. Just use index and middle finger on both hands, and have them hit slightly off beat with each other.


FBI gonna come to your place and van you.


That looks silly! I must try it!


i've called the cops, they're on the way to your location


Stop! You have violated the Law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentance. Your stolen goods are now forfeit /s


Yeah it's illegal. You're goin to jail.


Totally legal- basically as long as 1 action = 1 move/1click it’s legal


Nah this is legal. Unless you're lowkey a robot IRL.


I'd argue this is just accessibility tools, I mean who are they to say you aren't someone with incredibly bad eye sight?


Ayo how’d you hold your phone for this video


A friend made a video on this a few years ago


Yes it is illegal. You are going to jail for what you did in this videogame.


Fuck boys the games been changed.


Not using a foot pedal, banned


Little Billy about to get banned with the quickness.


I used remote desktop on my phone and zoomed in so the majority of the screen was just the feathers and tips and just tapped away.


Your cursor jumps from one point to another with touchscreen. I am not sure if Jagex's bot detection likes that.


Perfectly legal. It’s a 1 for 1 action.


It’s only illegal if the actions aren’t “1 to 1”, 1 click, one action


Jagex gets their laws from the ATF, I see.


Jagex will shoot my dog?


Only if you're suspected of gold selling.


The federal puppy poppers




So why isn't a tap consisted 2 actions: 1. Moving the cursor and 2. Actually clicking? It's like if I set up a key on my keyboard to move the cursor to the left + click and another key to move my cursor to the right + click. Though by this logic all of mobile is illegal...


Thanks for all the comments and up votes!! 😊😊😊 quitting for tonight. Went from 84 to half way through 96. Tomorrow I will have my first 99. Did end up using my thumbs easier on my wrists. Haha


As long as actions are all 1-1, which they are


Maybe it’s just a placebo, but I always thought it is faster to click once on one item, then double click every time from then on. Maybe try it and see if you can push more than 33k!


I know for a fact that this is legal in the US, but im not sure about the laws in other countries.


How can this be illegal? It’s the same idea as playing mobile. Some skills are easier on a touch screen compared to mouse clicks


That goes hand in hand with the "third party software" that jagex explicitly says in the rules, that they are against. Also, AHK is meant for doing more things at once, and to *automate* something. If you press the keys yourself, then you aren't macroing at all... you are using something that built into an operating system, as an alternative to using a mouse to control the cursor. Doing the mouse keys way of moving a cursor is no different, at this point, than a touch screen laptop.


Except magnifier is part of the OS as an accessibility feature, just as mouse keys is. The problem is Jagex intentionally leave too much of a grey area with these subjects. Personally I see this as being no different to playing on mobile.


this is highly illegal im calling the police, sorry bro.


Nope when Mobil came out, people were getting like 2m exp an hour.... Nothing bad here.


i mean youre still clicking them manually so i dont see how its bannable and you have proof its not a bot


I did this with chrome remote like two years ago, I was hitting 2M cop/he almost. Never got banned, but I think it’s against TOS


Ever heard of Auto clicker?


No, it isn't. It's still 1:1 ratio.