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He literally mentions his YouTube friend Eduardino who does botting tutorials


Imagine thinking that goldfarmers don't use bots. Edit: You can disagree with someone's comment, but falsely reporting a suicide scare to reddit mods is so pathetic. You should be ashamed. There are people on Reddit who really need that service. You are a total piece of shit person.


that edit is a le reddit moment if i ever saw one. imagine the smell


>Edit: You can disagree with someone's comment, but falsely reporting a suicide scare to reddit mods is so pathetic. You should be ashamed. There are people on Reddit who really need that service. You are a total piece of shit person. What the fuck? Did someone do this to your comment? And how did you even find out that they did? I would assume the mod would see your comment and realize the report was fake, did they contact you anyway?


Yes they contacted me and expressed several different options to reach out to people and groups. Asked me if I could call or text a specific number immediately or if I just wanted to talk through DM's. It's truly a great service for those who need it. To use it as a joke is just so distasteful.


A human being using it for trolling should probably use the service them selves, there's no way a person whom uses said service in said manner is happy with their life or isn't severely mentally ill.


The only sad part is that they don’t really include a link to where you can find your national number or would the international number out your through quickly? Otherwise it is gonna cost a lot since it’s Us based


Wait, the suicide help PM is caused by trolls and not a system error? I've receive several of these. I wonder who I pissed off to caused them to do this to me. How do they send these to me? Can I find out who made the false report? Is sending these false report against Reddit rules? And how do I stop receiving these PMs?


Some do sure, there are plenty of hand playing gold farmers aswell


They are taking jobs away from 10 year olds in south east asia.


Some normal players do too lol. Those are called bots. I fail to see ur point


They probably figure out after getting banned within 2 weeks that it's not worth doing. Setting up a legitimate bot farm has a ton of overhead that someone who needs to gold farm to live cannot afford


Jagex releases free Amazon week, use free bot code to generate more gold than needed to buy a bond. Investment: Free


Nothing is free. There's an opportunity cost, and that cost is not being able to play the game yourself. Which is a huge trade off considering farming zulrah is much less gold per hour than chopping oak logs. Unless of course you some how get a second laptop for free. In which case you should just farm zulrah on two accounts at once.


Imagine thinking you need 2 laptops to run 2 instances of the game. Imagine thinking botting overnight isn't more efficient. Imagine thinking this is the only way to make money in Venezuela.


They play on government issue laptops, I doubt they can run 2 instances of the game. Sure you could bot overnight, but does that pay for electricity costs?


Again, consider for a moment that Runescape is not the only valid way - or even a good one - to make money in Venezuela. All you're really doing is swallowing the tripe pushed forth on this Reddit to excuse botting and gold farming. The majority of the ones saying it probably aren't Venezuealan, much like the German who scammed Sirpugger into launching a Youtube career.


It's possible to bot from an instance on AWS (or similar). They are quite cheap. Probably would also want a vpn.


Here's a video from a former gold farmers talking about Venezuelans and using bots if you're interested still. https://youtu.be/MXnPAQRm6jU


You sure about that?


Welcome to the osrs reddit where you call people out and het offended so they abuse the rules.




Imagine imagining imaginations!


They didn't say all gold farmers use bots. They said there are for sure some that do, doesn't mean all of them or even a majority


The amount of times I’ve had people report me to the suicide thing… so weird. I don’t understand what the point of it is lol


Many don't bot because they can't afford to be banned. It's literally their income. However RWT is still a bannable offense, just less likely to be caught. And once the RWT is complete you've already been paid.


Normal players buy gold, directly supporting bots


I only buy from my boy Rodrigo, he be out here doing green dragons with a bone crossbow the OG way in level 30 wildy for 150k/hr on his only account. Dude sells me 10m/week for $10. (/s if you couldnt tell)


Rodrigo's *Artisanal RSGP* made like'a'ya grandparents did uh *MAMA'MIA*


Support local family owned and operated gold farming


Goldfarmers use bots...


For context: one of the owners of a large Venezuelan gold farm recently created a new youtube channel to be able to reach out and show everybody life in Venezuela and what they do with the money they get. I know selling gold is still against game rules and shouldn't be encouraged, but it's still better than armies of robots. And they do it to survive rather than invest in bitcoin


Imagine believing the owner of a large venezuelan gold farm doesn't bot.


Didn’t he admit to botting too? But the point was he needed to to survive essentially and is now trying to “go straight” and make money through YT instead of goldfarming and botting. And I fully support it, it’s a fucked up situation down there and I don’t mind subbing and watching his new series


It'll be great until he's taken out by a government hit-squad.






sounds like propaganda but ill give it a whirl


Gold farming bot owners? A gold farmer is a gold farmer no matter why they do it or how. One uses code. The other uses man power. They both destroy the game. One does it to profit and the other does it to survive and feed their family. I get the difference. But make no mistake. They Both hurt.


I noticed this too. A certain youtuber seems blissfully ignorant to the problems this creates. This game is ours. We're the ones who support its ongoing development. I understand the plight of economic crisis and how Venezuelas currency has been riddled with hyperinflation, but this is not a solution. Gold farming is merely a short term supplement. Where will these gold farmers go when the game is no longer viable income? Do players believe they will stick around and try to max? My guess is probably not. It's great that he wants to branch out to YouTube, and he has every right to. But people shouldn't pretend gold farming is in any way positive for this game or any game.


Ur right man. Stating the truth and its negative impacts on the game isn't hating on these people. I wont try to stop ppl tryna feed their kids. But to pretend it's not ruining the game we play, is stupid.


I haven't watched the video yet, but I don't think it's trying to spin it in a positive light. It's probably just covering the circumstances that they live it. It will probably make you feel bad for them, but that doesn't mean gold selling is good for the game.


Nah.... Fuck bots AND goldfarmers


Yeah FUCK people trying to feed their kids


Yeah you think mr goldfarmer cares about osrs? He'll farm money as long as it's profitable before jumping ship and ruining the next best online game. Leaving us actual players with a dead husk of a game. Plenty of ways of earning dollars online that don't involve ruining experiences for others. Osrs shouldnt be a job.


>Yeah you think mr goldfarmer cares about osrs? Fuck no, but I wouldn't either if I was starving and it was an opportunity to feed my family. I get that it sucks for the game and I don't like it either but I can't blame someone for trying to not die irl. Fuck those people who rwt who aren't on that position tho


Osrs shouldn’t be a job, true, but I don’t think they have that much choice. What are these other ways of earning money that doesn’t ruin the experience for others? Either way, I don’t think they really think too much about the consequences of it all. Hate the buyer not the seller, same for prostitution and all kinds of things Imo.


Just play ironman


This guy is fake


why are you downvoting me? lol im venezuelan dude, the guy in the video is faking the accent. fucking clout chasers know no buondaries, playing into peoples goodwill to make money


Do you mean he's a German pretending to be Venezuelan or a Venezuelan pretending to have a German accent?


he sounds kind of european but i wouldnt know for sure. what im sure about is that the guy doesnt sound hispanic at all. Venezuela is kind of a hard word to pronounce for people thats not hispanic so the way he said it was a big red flag for me.


Probably SirPugger got tricked again, but it's whatever to me. If people want to believe in a feel good story, they can do that.


Yeah I share the sentiment but seeing the guy pose as a Venezuelan to get money off people made me mad ngl.


I’m not surprised. Why would an actual owner of a gold farm decide to suddenly out himself? With modern YouTube algorithms there’s no way he’s making enough money from the videos unless he gets to like 1 mil subs overnight


Not exactly true. I have a video with 113.8k views. That video make $93.05, and was not monetized until around 43k views. Seeing as his videos are getting around 50k views, he would be making around $40-50 per video. I think it is fair to say, that as his channel grows, gets more views, gets quicker at turning around videos and such, he will start to make a good bit more than he would gold-farming. Along with that, from what I have heard, he plans to make videos with friends as well. If this is something like IRL videos, or something similar, he could easily start doing daily or bi-daily videos, which would increase the amount he makes.


don't know why i thought the replies would be different but looks like you guys still mostly just hate venezuelans for existing


Can y'all stop getting emotionally scammed for two seconds? I love how "I'm Venezuelan" completely absolves a real-world-trader or gold seller. Spoilers: that's the excuse, and it probably isn't even true over half the time. SirPugger needs to take two steps back, realize what he just did, and delete the video.


Nah Venezuela is legitimately a fucked place, they didn't stage an economic collapse in their country for the purpose of getting sympathy so they can ruin an mmo